标签存档: 加拿大论文怎么写



Display advertising is one where the advertising unlike the normal text advertisements would include many rich forms such as banners, rich media text images and more. In online advertising, display advertising will also include audio and video elements as well. Traditional newspapers and print media continue to have a positive impact when it comes to attracting display advertising more than other systems because the internet as an advertising medium has changed how display ads are being constructed. People who lack the experience in constructing display advertising end up cluttering the advertisement. They might make use of banner advertisements that are emblazoned all over the web pages or might end up cluttering the page with more advertisements. Several competing advertisements and more might be placed on the page and this might not appeal to the user. The advertisers are aware of the problem, too. Hence traditional print media houses attempt to present their print style of display advertising in their web pages as well and this hence appeals to display advertisers as well.

Newspapers such as the Financial Times and the London Times in UK rely on the paywall effects to increase their display advertising in newspapers. The paywall is usually the charge that has to be paid by a consumer in order to view the newspaper content. Now the paywalls come in different forms (The Economist, 2011). They are either watertight such as the London times where to even view any content, the user has to pay or subscribe or might be slightly porous. Now what the paywall does is restrict the number of users that can access the content freely online. So this restriction would motivate users to either subscribe or go in for the more economical edition of reading which the print media is. So this way, publishers are able to keep their print media in circulation and this also attracts display advertisers. However, this is not a very stable approach, considering not all news media are watertight with respect to the paywalls. Some newspaper Medias might be porous and hence there is the threat that readers of one newspaper might migrate to using another.

论文范文论文代写被发现-显示广告的形式就为留学生分享到这里。中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供加拿大论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!




Analysis of gathered data also helps to get the outcome of the research project. The researcher also conducts a descriptive analysis of this specific research project. During analysis, researcher also uses these secondary data collected from different source such as journals, research papers, internets and books. Researcher also gathered the information with a view to identify the factors, and this helps to grow the trade relationship between Australia and Asia.
Researcher has to find the GDP growth rate of the countries of Asia and Australia. Growth rate of GDP also depends on the import and export of the goods from the market, so trade relationship between two countries or countries of different continents also help to grow the economy of the countries. Researcher also compared the GDPs of different countries to know the economic condition of the countries. Researcher also identified the role of fiscal policies in case of identification of the relationship between the continents. In this case, the researcher also has intended to recognize different data regarding recent exports and imports of Australia.

During the secondary data analysis, researcher also compared the GDP’s of different countries in Asia and Australia. Researcher also gathered information with a view to GDP of different countries since 2012 to 2016. In case of Australia, GDP rate fluctuates every year. In 2016, the rate of GDP increased 0.1%. Asia is the world’s largest growth leader, but in 2014, the growth slightly down. Some countries of Asia have better economic growth than Australia. In 2014, the growth rate of India is 1.5% and it is very huge, because India is an emerging country and also export huge amount of national products to the foreign market.
Australia also has emerging power and also can export different products in the foreign market and this also help to increase the GDP and make a good trade relationship with the foreign countries. Establishment of business relationship between the countries also helps to earn more profit. China, Japan, India are the most popular and enriched countries in Asia, so this making relationship with other countries also gives extra benefits to Australia. A chart is depicted below for identification of the current trade performances between Australia and Asia.

有关论文范文代写被发现-亚洲和澳大利亚的GDP增长率就为留学生分享到这里。加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



加拿大代写被抓-可持续的水质对莫顿湾的重要性。据多位专家和学者介绍,摩顿湾及其入海口都支持各种商业渔业和休闲渔业。与此同时,该地区的农业活动在很大程度上依赖于莫尔顿湾和与之相连的其他水路(Mackay, Arthington和James, 2014)。莫顿湾对休闲和商业渔业的支持实际上是许多人的就业来源,因为这些渔业为各种各样的人提供就业机会。直接与工业、商业、甚至与海鲜销售有关的人,都有机会在这方面得到工作。因此,为摩顿湾地区制定可持续的水质计划是很重要的。因此,可持续的水质对莫顿湾实际上意味着保护莫顿湾水不仅和各种种类的鱼类,还为各种各样的珊瑚和海豚,它是各种各样的鲸鱼,和最大的儒艮人口可能会发现在这个地方只有。除了这个特殊的原因之外,不应该忘记,在这个地区生活的许多人的生计依赖于摩顿湾和与这个特殊的海湾相连的水体。接下来论文范文加拿大代写被抓-可持续的水质对莫顿湾的重要性分享给留学生阅读。

Social Context: Water ways actually act as those areas, where people spend some of their leisure time, either by swimming, hiking or even by swimming. Other important benefits of the water ways include the fact that it is treated as the meeting place, or even as a hub, for the local community meetings. Thus, people associate the water ways with many of the precious memories of their lives. Hence, it cannot be denied that the waterways are important or rather they have their importance in their social context.
Economic Importance: The water ways in any region act as a foundation for that particular region, and is responsible for the growth of that particular region. According to various experts and the scholars, both Moreton Bay and its estuaries support various commercial fisheries along with the recreational fisheries. Along with it, the agricultural activities that are carried out in that region depend heavily on the Moreton Bay and the other water ways that are connected to it (Mackay, Arthington and James, 2014). The support that has been provided by the Moreton Bay to both the recreational and commercial fisheries has actually been the source of employment for many people, because these fisheries provide employment opportunity to various kinds of people (Narayan and Pandolfi, 2010). People, who are directly associated with the industry, business and even with the selling of the seafood, receive an opportunity of being employed in that particular. Therefore, it is important to have sustainable water quality plan for the Moreton Bay region (Mackay, Arthington and James, 2014). The picture below will show the water count of the Moreton Bay region.
Therefore, sustainable water quality for Moreton Bay actually means protecting the Moreton Bay water for not only various kinds and species of fishes but also for the various kinds of corals and the dolphins, and it is home to various kinds of whales, and the largest dugong population could be found at this particular place only (Brooking and Hunter, 2013). Apart from this particular reason, it should not be forgotten that the livelihoods of many people living in this region depend on the Moreton Bay and the water bodies that are connected with this particular Bay. According to Mackay, Arthington and James (2014), the Moreton Bay Region Council area is growing at a very fast rate. It is estimated that by the year 2031, the population of this particular area would be around 150,000 or to be precise there would be around 150,000 residents only, and this means that the population would be even more. It would create a pressure on the health of the water ways and the water resources (Ferguson and Eyre, 2010).

有关论文范文加拿大代写被抓-可持续的水质对莫顿湾的重要性就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的加拿大论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


代写文章-社交媒体的影响 ,当今时代的消费者由于各种不同的原因而使用技术,并且越来越多地被认为是局限于电子工艺。社交媒体传播速度更快。口碑传播从未像现在这样迅速,社交媒体也是如此。电子口碑营销不仅具有与传统口碑营销相同的考虑因素,还包括信息传播速度更快、可达性更好等因素(hennigi – thurau et al., 2010)。本研究具有重要的意义,因为网络购物的趋势是不断增长的,目前并没有呈现下降的趋势。社交媒体不仅鼓励现有卖家在网上向现有买家销售产品,还能创造潜在的新买家。新买家会阅读社交媒体上发布的信息,并能够分享他们的经验等,这反过来又创造了潜在的买家。接下来有关代写文章-社交媒体的影响分享给大家阅读。

The social media is proactively used for everything in the current times. Social media usages as identified in the case of user support spans multiple industries, from business, marketing, advertising, educational industry, service industry and more. This form of support extended means that users can interact only in social media to identify the information needed by them. As researchers point out, they would be able to collect information from business perspectives, and buyers would be able to interact directly with the social media, consumers would be able to identify with one another, and the social media becomes a large public space where the geographic of publics need not be considered. Discovery of both product, and information becomes flexible in the social media. The motivation of this research is hence to identify how the existence of such space and tools facilitate a positive impact on consumer decision making when it comes to the tourism industry.
Consumers in the current times are utilizing technology for different reasons and are seen to be confining themselves to electronic processes more and more. The social media spreads phenomenon’s faster. Word of mouth communication has never been faster and it is the case with social media. The electronic word of mouth not only has the same factors to be considered as in the case of the traditional word of mouth, but also includes such factors as faster transmission of messages, better reachability and more (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2010). The research is significant, as the trend of online shopping is increasing and does not seem to have a decline curve at present. Social media does not only encourage the current seller to sell their products online to existing buyers, but also is able to create potential newer buyers. Newer buyers read the messages posted on social media and are able to share their experiences and more, which in turn creates potential buyers. Identifying how an impact exists is necessary to advise businesses on the cons. Just like how a positive review would travel faster, it would so happen that a negative review would also reach out to consumers with just about the same speed. It is noticed that negative opinions could alternatively cause a buyer not to buy a product they had planned for earlier. A study was conducted in this form of a purchase behaviour by researchers Pookulanagara & Koesler (2011) and in this study it was identified that around 25 percent of most consumers spanning across different industries admitted to posting links on the products they buy online. They also believed in not only sharing retail information but also updates about their purchase process, their customer care service and more (Pookulangara and Koesler, 2011). This form of information sharing affects the decision making of consumers and hence analyzing for the impact of the social media on the consumer buying behaviour in tourism industry would be helpful for business organizations.

加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!


在多伦多大学论文代写-私有化与城市旅游的研究中发现,在旅游兴起的同时,也出现了一个相关的现象,称为城市公共空间的私有化。公共空间的民营化之所以发生,是因为旅游业及其固有的竞争力使旅游业成为了一种私有化的产品。这就结束了现有城市的公共空间(Gilbert, & Hancock, 2006)。公共空间或居住空间随着竞争性旅游的兴起而发生变化,这是城市旅游环境中尚未深入研究的一个关键方面。在这种私有化的空间中,公共空间的再开发导致了私营部门的产生。该部门将城市作为转型地点主要是为了旅游。接下来有关多伦多大学论文代写-私有化与城市旅游分享给大家阅读。

Researchers also observe that in the rise of tourism, there is also an associated phenomenon called the privatization of the public space in the city. The privatization of the public space occurs because tourism industry and its inherent competitiveness make tourism as a privatized product as such. This ends the public space existing cities (Gilbert, & Hancock, 2006). The Public space or residential space gets changes with the rise of competitive tourism. This is one key aspect in the context of urban tourism that has not been researched into much. Researchers such as Hall & Page (2006) state that in such privatized spaces, it so happens that the redevelopment of the public space results in the creation of a private sector. The sector treats the cities as sites of transformation mainly for the purpose of tourism. These forms of cities are not created with any other intention other than that of being places of entertainment. There is a confluence of media opportunities and different forms of employment as connected with the leisure and the tourism industry only (Leiper, 2008). A globalization effect is hence created, but one that is seen to be uneven (Bailey, 2008). The tourism benefits can be contested in many point based on the local context (Garreau, 1991). The perceived benefits might vary between locals and the tourists frequenting the place. This current research considers Macau, and Macau is one such transformed place as well that is focused on some aspects of tourism as the core elements to the point which is called the Las Vegas of Asia.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的加拿大论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、加拿大代写论文等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


加拿大论文代写-另类媒体和新媒体的作用。从历史上看,另类媒体被认为是反霸权的,简单地说,挑战文化价值观和信仰的主导组合(Curran et al. 2012)。替代媒体的定义,简单地与主流抗衡,一直被认为是有限的。然而,研究替代媒体的现代方法一直在探讨这些媒体的创建地点和方式,以及参与者与负责使用和创建这些媒体的媒体之间的动态关系。方法相关的学术研究在另类媒体把努力理解这些媒体的有意义的方式,每个奠定相关媒体强调不同的方面,包括社会运动所扮演的角色,参与社区公共领域,那里是一个创造的媒体。

Alternative media is referred to as the media that is different from dominant or established categories of media with respect to their content, how the distribution is done or how the production is done. Alternative media end up taking a number of different forms that is not inclusive of but not restricted to street art, internet, and video, audio and print. Some of the examples are inclusive of zones with counter culture in the years of 1960s, indigenous and ethnic media like the television network of First People in Canada, and since recent times, online open sites of publishing journalism like Independent Media Centre also known as Indymedia (Curran and Seaton 2009). On the other hand, mainstream mass media has been representing corporate interest and government, with the tendency of being non- commercial projects advocating the interests over the ones excluding from the mainstream such as GLBTQ identities, feminists, labour groups, and ethnic, political and poor minorities. These broadcasts of media tend to be ignoring or overlooking perceptions like the ones heard within Democracy Now, the progressive program of news, and creating communities over identity. Historically, alternative media have been identified as counter- hegemonic, in simple words, challenging the dominant combination of values and beliefs of culture (Curran et al. 2012). The definition of alternate media, simply countering with mainstream has been considered as limiting. However, modern approaches studying alternative media have been addressing where and how there is creation of these media, along with the dynamic relationship among the participants and the media responsible for using and creating them. A number of approaches related to academic study over alternative media puts in effort for understanding the ways by which there is significance of these media, each laying emphasis on a number of different aspects related to media that includes the role played by social movements, public sphere, and participating the communities where there is a creation of media (Lewes 2005). Ethics of digital media has been dealing with the distinct norms, practices and problems of ethics over digitalized news media. Digital media is inclusive of digital photojournalism, blogging, social media, citizen journalism and online journalism. It is inclusive of doubts regarding how this new media must be used by professional journalism for researching on and publishing stories, along with how there must utilization of images or texts as provided by the citizens. In the phase of revolution, there has been an emergence of new possibilities while there is a threat of old practices. As new technologies are embraced, professional media and journalism can be holding their role as an important lifeline of information, and continuously operating as a tool providing better scope of successful democracy. As the dawn of electronic journalism and information age has approached, the functions of journalists can be seen shifting from transmission of information to processing of information (Negrine 2008).

加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!


许多研究表明,DNA甲基化和组蛋白修饰参与了发育过程中的基因抑制(Cedar, and Bergman, 2009)。组蛋白甲基化参与异染色质的形成,是可逆的。另一方面,DNA甲基化被发现具有稳定的长期抑制作用(Ng, and Adrian, 1999)。很明显,DNA甲基化和组蛋白修饰途径是相互依赖的。这是由domanin组蛋白甲基转移酶和DNA甲基转移酶介导的。这种理解是必要的体细胞重编程和肿瘤发生的情况。在DNA甲基化的情况下,组蛋白修饰和染色质结构都是相互关联的。在正常健康细胞中,表观遗传控制机制使肿瘤相关基因沉默。然而,从最近的研究中发现,在睾丸癌的病例中,这些表观遗传调控因子的情况存在着深刻的差异。这导致了DNA甲基化和组蛋白修饰过程的异常行为。因此,需要对机制有一个全面和准确的理解来确定过程。这可以为将来控制睾丸癌细胞的肿瘤进展铺平道路。接下来有关加拿大商业论文代写-组蛋白修饰和DNA甲基化之间的联系分析如下:

Epigenetic control plays an important role in the production of germ cell development any deviation could to abnormal proliferation of the germ cells. It causes issues in the apoptosis process (Van Der Zwan et al., 2013). There is an imperative need to understand the exact mechanism of the process in order to devise a proper strategy to understand the actual mechanism (Grewal, and Moazed, 2003). This would lead to developing interventions for the tumour, fertility problems to name a few (Van Der Zwan et al., 2013).
DNA methylation and histone modification are one of the most significant forms of epigenetic modification (Cedar, and Bergman, 2009). Histone modification is considered to be a covalent post-translational modification to the histone proteins. It could be methylation, phosphorylation, acetylation, ubiquitylaton and sumoylation (Hunter, 2007). This research focuses on the methylation process. Histone methylation is the process by which methyl groups shifts and attaches itself to the amino acid of histone proteins of the chromosomes. It depends on the target site (Cedar, and Bergman, 2009). Methylation has the ability to transform histone to chromatin essentially to activity or deactivate the process. To elucidate further, it has been found that the histone trimethylation of the fourth lysine of histone H3 (H3K4me3) (Shi et al., 2006) and H3K9ac (Nishidaet al., 2006), leads to up regulation of the transcriptional activity. Transcriptional repression is again activated by the histones H3K27me3 (Berger, 2007), H3K9me2 (Riceet al., 2003) and H3K9me3 (Lachneret al., 2001).
5hmc and the members of the TET gene family are also involved in the DNA methylation process (Williams, Christensen, and Helin, 2012).
In the case of mouse fetal germ cell, many researches were undertaken to understand about the epigenetic programming of the DNA methylation and the histone modification process. Research indicates that DNA methylation process in germ cells has also been found to be integral for the meiotic progression in mice. Similarly human fetal germ cells also undergo changes. There is a lack of research in human fetal germ cells.
In this particular research there have been efforts taken to understand the epigenetic reprogramming in human germ cells. There are five histone marks that have been identified H3K9me2, H3K9me3, H3K27me3, H3K4me3, and H3K9ac. For this process an accurate time of DNA demthylation and DNA remethylation has been studies in this analysis. The relationship between DNA demethylation and human germ cell meiosis has been investigated in-vitro and Ex-vivo.

加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



作为2015年的数据,在美国教育部提供的记录146例由于种族骚扰在大学和学院,被从177减少为2014年(Hiraldo 7)。一直没有明显下降的季度过去这个世纪以来的上升趋势。一直保持稳定的一致性,所报告的事件有轻微的波动。根据我们法律对人际歧视的定义,有人指出,社会已成功地就反对故意和公然的种族主义达成了协商一致意见。因此,在处理法律补救办法方面已经有了相当大的进展,而对种族可以被认为是间质或结构性的可能性却一无所知。在这个意义上,它可以与伤害扎根,而不能追溯到一个具体的行动或意图(周和科尔,13)。人际歧视可以从它的微妙之处来理解。更常见的是,人际歧视不是一种故意或公开的种族主义行为。作为一个重要的例子,在一位教授根据弗吉尼亚法律通过的基于种族主义的言论事件中,关于种族主义的相互冲突和冲突的定义造成了裂痕。对于那些为教授的清白辩护的学生来说,种族主义被认为是一种涉及故意恶意的行为(Christina, 112)。
然而,当考虑到非裔美国学生的看法时,种族主义可能会扩大到几个方面,对整个教室环境产生有害的影响。因此,有必要指出的是,每天在教室和校园中发生的微妙的种族主义和从属关系的重复性,与公然的种族主义行为相比,可被视为产生压力、焦虑和疏离感的一个重要因素。除此之外,对种族主义的暴露和关注导致他们的精力从分散他们注意力的学术课程上转移,因此,与白人学生相比,他们的表现很差。最重要的发现之一是,尽管我们的学生普遍认为,校园尊重国际主义和多样性,但与来自不同种族和文化背景的同龄人进行实际互动的情况却很少见。除此之外,他们中的一些人表示,他们希望接触到与自己的文化背景或种族不同的学生,这一比例是中性的(Ejiofo, 22)。从矛盾的意义上说,我们这些来自社交网络平台的学生在文化上被认定为具有显著的同质性,而校园的氛围被认为是支持国际化和文化多样性的。


As of the data for the year 2015, the Department of Education in US presented a record of 146 cases due to racial harassment on university campuses and colleges, being reduced from 177 as of the year 2014 (Hiraldo, 7). There has been no apparent downward of upward trend since the quarter past this century. There has been a steady consistency, with minor fluctuations in the incidents being reported. In the way in which interpersonal discrimination has been defined under the law of US, it has been stated that the society has been successful in the development of a consensus against intentional and blatant racism. As a result, there has been a development of sizeable combination for addressing legal remedies, while there is ignorance to the possibility that race can be considered as interstitial or structural. Under this sense, it can be rooted with injury while it cannot be traced across a specific action or intention (Zhou and Cole, 13). Interpersonal discrimination can be referred to in terms of its subtlety. More often, interpersonal discrimination is not a deliberate or overt act of racism. As a significant example, in the incident of racism based remark passed by a professor under the law of Virginia, there had been a creation of rift by the conflicting and clashing definitions regarding racism. For students defending the innocence of professor, racism is referred to as the act where there is an involvement of intentional maliciousness (Christina, 112).
However, when considering the perception of African American students, there can be expansion of racism to several dynamics having detrimental effect upon the entire setting of the classroom. Due to this, it is important to mention that the repetitiveness for subtle racism and subordination daily across the setting of classroom and campus can be identified as a significant factor to produce stress, anxiety and alienation when compared with the event acting as per blatant racists. Apart from this, exposure of and paying to attention to racism results the diversion of energy from their academic courses that distracts them and hence, deliver poor performance in comparison with white students.One of the most significant findings is that while the students of US hold the general belief that internationalism and diversity is honored by the campus, actual interaction rated with the peers from any different ethnicity and cultural background is rare. In addition to this, a number of them have stated their desire for being exposed to student having cultural background or ethnicity different in comparison with their own, the rate of which is neutral (Ejiofo, 22). In the paradoxical sense, the students of US from the platforms of social network have been identified as significantly homogenous in terms of culture, while the climate of the campus is seen to be supporting internationalism and diversity of culture.



在中國,貧困被認為是基於農村或城市地區的貧困。中國政府在減少農村貧困方面取得了顯著進展。為了減少城市地區的貧困,勞動和社會保障部出台了政策,可以為城市地區的貧困人口提供培訓、就業和救濟。然而,這些政策並沒有針對在城市生活和工作的農民工。黃平(2004a)等學者認為,農村和城市地區的減貧政策存在差距(Lin, 2006)。儘管到目前為止已經取得了一些積極的成果,預期的成果還將繼續,但仍有各種嚴重的問題需要解決。它們的出現,尤其是由於結構性障礙而不是現行政策的結果。從上面的數據可以看出,農民工之間存在著工資差距。與城市工人相比,農民工的平均工資較低。


Poverty in China is regarded as poverty based on rural or urban area. The Chinese government remarkably made progress in reducing rural poverty. In order to decrease poverty in the urban region, the Labor and social security ministry have policies issued that can provide training, employment as well as relief for the poor in urban regions. Such policies however do not address the rural migrant workers who live and work in the cities. Scholars such as Huang Ping, (2004a) have argued that there exists a policy gap between poverty reduction in rural and urban regions (Lin, 2006). Even though there are certain positive results acknowledged till now and the expected results will continue, however there are various serious issues that remain which require addressing. They are present especially as a consequence of structural barriers not present policies. As evident from the above figure, there existed a rural migrant workers wage gap. The migrant labor’s average salary is lesser in comparison to the urban workers.
The average migrant workers monthly wage was USD 100 in 2002 which was average wage of urban workers by 58 percent. Hourly wage differences are much larger. As a matter of fact, for compensating for the real wage declination, worker who were rural migrants accepted even long hours at work. According to Henan, a survey conducted on the provinces of Hunan and Sichuan depicted that rates at hourly wage for the migrant labors is one by 4 that of the urban workers from local urban regions. Mostly the migrant works are not educated and most of them have never taken part in programs for training for being employed in non-agricultural jobs. The Chinese central government has provided certain focus over this problem like the Sunshine project which allowed workers to work and learn in the year 2004 but the demand of migrants for these programs cannot be met in an easy way when more than 150 million rural workers are more to join in future as estimated.



重新定义问题:当任何用户或开发人员在使用或操作任何技术人工制品时发现任何问题或问题,就会导致当前人工制品的关闭。技术人工制品的设计可以随着用户或技术开发人员需求的变化,与其他问题一起重新定义。由于技术的高速发展,以前使用的技术可能会过时,并不能为用户提供优势(Watson, 2011)。这是关闭技术文物的主要原因。可以看出,技术封闭不是永久性的。然而,每一种技术产品都需要在使用上具有灵活性,并且应该具有足够的灵活性来吸引更多的用户。技术理论的社会建构,在取得各种技术成果的同时,也面临着来自社会各界的批评。对技术社会建设理论的最大批判是;人们指责科技产品或硬件是为特定的部分而制造的,而且产品缺乏标准化。技术社会建设理论关注的是技术的发展及其如何为社会提供优势。
这个理论没有考虑技术如何以消极的方式影响社会。因为技术发展在许多方面被视为成功的标准。在此基础上,归化理论得到了更大的重视。众所周知,当一个国家或开发商了解到自己所开发技术的不足之处时,他们会更有效率。因此,为了分析技术人工制品的效率和不足,需要对用户进行更多的反馈和访谈。这些反馈将为开发新的和改进的人工制品奠定基础。通过这种方式,驯化理论得到了应有的重视,因为它支持这样的过程(Hynes和Richardson, 2009)。许多开发人员已经注意到,如果当前的技术人工制品不影响更改,那么就其结果而言,更改将变得过时或效率更低。因此,需要定期更新或升级,以保持它的工作。


Following are some examples of closure reasons that can close technology artefacts:Redefinition of Problem: When any user or developer finds any issue or problem while using or operating any technology artefacts then it results in closure of current artefact. Design of technology artefact in question can be redefined with other problem with the change in requirement of user or developer of technology. Since technology has been developing at great speed therefore previously used technology can became outdated and does not provide advantage to its user (Watson, 2011). This is main reason of closure of technology artefacts.It can be observed that technology closure is not permanent. However what is required in every technology artefacts is flexibility in its use and it should be flexible enough to attract more users to it. Apart from achievement of various technology artefacts, social construction of technology theory has also faced and still faces some criticism from different sections of society. Biggest criticism of social construction of technology theory is that; people blame that technology artefacts or hardware are made for particular section and there is lacks of standardisation in artefacts. Social construction of technology theory focuses on development of technology and how it has provided advantage to society.
This theory does not consider how technology has impacted society in negative manner.Since technology development has been viewed as criteria of success in many ways. On the basis of this concept, domestication theory has gained greater importance. It is well known fact that country or developer will be more efficient when they know shortcomings in developed technology. Thus, to analyse efficiency and shortcomings of technology artefacts, more feedbacks and interviews of users should be taken. These feedbacks will form base for the development of new and improved artefact. In this manner, domestication theory has gained due importance as it supports such process (Hynes and Richardson, 2009). It has been observed by many developers that, if changes is not affected in current technology artefacts, then it will became obsolete or less efficient in terms of its results. Therefore, regular updating or up gradation is required to keep it working.