


Display advertising is one where the advertising unlike the normal text advertisements would include many rich forms such as banners, rich media text images and more. In online advertising, display advertising will also include audio and video elements as well. Traditional newspapers and print media continue to have a positive impact when it comes to attracting display advertising more than other systems because the internet as an advertising medium has changed how display ads are being constructed. People who lack the experience in constructing display advertising end up cluttering the advertisement. They might make use of banner advertisements that are emblazoned all over the web pages or might end up cluttering the page with more advertisements. Several competing advertisements and more might be placed on the page and this might not appeal to the user. The advertisers are aware of the problem, too. Hence traditional print media houses attempt to present their print style of display advertising in their web pages as well and this hence appeals to display advertisers as well.

Newspapers such as the Financial Times and the London Times in UK rely on the paywall effects to increase their display advertising in newspapers. The paywall is usually the charge that has to be paid by a consumer in order to view the newspaper content. Now the paywalls come in different forms (The Economist, 2011). They are either watertight such as the London times where to even view any content, the user has to pay or subscribe or might be slightly porous. Now what the paywall does is restrict the number of users that can access the content freely online. So this restriction would motivate users to either subscribe or go in for the more economical edition of reading which the print media is. So this way, publishers are able to keep their print media in circulation and this also attracts display advertisers. However, this is not a very stable approach, considering not all news media are watertight with respect to the paywalls. Some newspaper Medias might be porous and hence there is the threat that readers of one newspaper might migrate to using another.

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