标签存档: 加拿大论文怎么写



















今天,人们普遍配备了在网络上记录和分享内容的工具,当新闻被制作或发布时,人们开始变得更加活跃。由此而来的大规模自通信网络的扩张。这进而导致大量信息以新闻和数据的形式通过网络传播和培育。这些信息来自《新闻法》中专业组织的外部(Salter, 2009)。那些没有被授予记者身份的公民(公民记者)以比以前更快更容易的方式搜索工具来记录和分享图片、视频、音频、文本和相关内容。手机中包含的数码相机应用程序允许用户以即时的方式向社交网络、博客和照片共享网站上传照片。Finalcutpro是一款用于编辑功能齐全的电影甚至youtube视频的软件。不仅价格下降了,某些新技术甚至存在与之相关的伦理问题。现在,道德和法律在新闻领域的重要性从两个方面显而易见。首先,新闻是一个以人为本的领域,在这里,个人可以自由地表达他们的想法、感受和感知。

然而,如果没有道德规范来管理这个领域,以人为本的领域就会变成一个不健康的环境,滋生彼此的污垢,唯一的目的就是让彼此失望。这种没有道德底线的不健康竞争变得扭曲(Rosen, 2006)。第二,在努力维持社区和平时,法律可以发挥重要作用。由于不同的个人视角受到他们的文化或地区的影响,很难形成一个关于某人所做或正在做的事情是否正确的个人概念。因此,法律有助于区分好与坏,特别是在新闻领域,整个行业都是由新闻、内容、信息和信息处理构成的。此外,随着这一领域技术进步的增长而出现的日益增加的伦理和法律问题不能被搁置一边。独立的本地新闻网站和专业的新闻渠道都允许并鼓励用户贡献图片、评论和报告(Robinson, 2011)。公民有能力贡献新闻相关内容的Web服务是多种多样的。这些服务在结构、目标、经济模式、特别是伦理原则方面各不相同。共享信息的平台通常没有更多的最低规则,比如要求用户输入密码和用户名。


Today, widely equipped with tools to record and share content over the web, people have started becoming more active when news is either produced or distributed. The consequent expansion of mass self-communicators network. This has in turn led towards a large amount of information in the form of news and data over the web to spread and foster. This information comes from external side of the walls of professional organizations within the journalism code (Salter, 2009). Those individual citizens which are not given the journalist status, (citizen journalists), search for tools they can access to record and share images, videos, audio’s, text and the related content in a quick and easy manner than they did previously. Digital camera applications contained in cell phones allow the users to upload their image in an instant manner towards social networking, blogging and sites for photo-sharing.Finalcutpro is one software utilized for editing films that are fully featured and even in videos on You Tube. Not only the price has gone down but certain newer technologies even have ethical issues related to them. Now, the importance of ethics and law in the field of journalism is evident from 2 perspectives. Firstly, journalism is a people based field where individuals are free to convey what they think, feel and perceive.

However, without ethics to govern the field, the people based field converts into an unhealthy environment that fosters dirt on one another with the sole purpose of letting each other down. Such unhealthy competition without the presence of ethical lines becomes distorted (Rosen, 2006). Secondly, law has an essential role to play when trying to maintain peace in the community. With individual perspectives of varied kinds influenced by their culture or region, it is difficult to formulate an individual notion on whether what someone has done or is doing is correct or not. Therefore, it is law that helps in differentiating the good from the bad especially in the journalism field where the entire industry is made up of news, content, information and processing of information to form matter. Furthermore, the rising ethical and legal issues with growth in the advancement of technology with regard to this field, cannot be side-lined. Both independent websites for local news and professional outlets of news permit and motivate users to contribute images, comments and reports (Robinson, 2011). Web services where citizens have the ability to contribute journalism related content are varied. These services vary in terms of structure, goals, model’s in the economy and particularly in their principles of ethics. Platforms where information is shared are often inclusive of no more minimum rules such as requiring users to put their password and username.






Trademark distinctiveness is a crucial concept in the law that governs service marks and trademarks. A trademark may have the eligibility of making a registration or can be registered, if there is a performance of essential function of trademark and a distinct character. The scope of registration, also known as registrability, can be considered as a continuum having marks that are inherently distinctive at one end, descriptive and generic marks having no single distinctive attribute on the other end. There are arbitrary and suggestive marks that lie between the two points. Descriptive marks should acquire distinctiveness by secondary meaning, and consumers have been recognizing the indicator of source for being protectable. There is use of generic terms for referring to the service or product itself, and this cannot be utilized in the form of trademarks. Trademarks are symbols, names, words and other items responsible for distinguishing and identifying the key sources of services or goods. There is no equal creation of every trademark. However, a distinctiveness of trademark impacts the level of protection received.

The distinctiveness of trademark is rewarded as it assists consumers in understanding which services and goods come from where, and it ensures that there is receiving of consistent quality by the consumer. In addition, if there was use of generic terms as trademarks, it ends up hampering the ability of the businesses and the public for using the terms in the identification of different categories of services and goods. Distinctive trademarks help in sharing three qualities. Firstly, these involve differences in comparison with other marks used for describing similar services and goods. Second, they were not mere description of the category of services or goods. Third, the recognition of trademark is done to identify the source of the service or the good. The mark of inherent distinctiveness is preferred to be marked on the basis of secondary meaning, due to a number of reasons. The rights attached for the marks of inherent distinctive is related to initial utilization, but the rights are attached in the mark of secondary meaning only acquiring distinctiveness.



Internet是指将人们连接起来的系统或联系的电子网络,以及通过数字设备使人们之间易于通信的巨大信息池。互联网对世界各地的媒体做出了不可思议的贡献,任何人都可以创造、获取和传播信息(查德威克和2003年5月)。今天,有超过20.8亿互联网用户,在不同的搜索引擎查找信息,推特在推特上,创建社会群体在MySpace和Facebook等社交网站(SNS),分享和观看视频、玩网络游戏,购物在各种电子商务平台,像亚马逊和eBay和访问当前新闻来自世界各地(吉尔伯特,Balestrini Littleboy,2004)。毫无疑问,互联网对生活的几乎每一个领域都产生了巨大的影响,特别是政治、商业和文化,它在社会以及政治中的重要性不断上升。互联网作为一种强大的和革命性的媒介,既是民主的福音也是民主的祸害(Gilbert, Balestrini, and little leboy, 2004)。

本文强调互联网在加强政治和公共领域的重要性,并探讨其作为一种加强民主的工具的潜力。在文章的后面部分,还分析了互联网如何导致民主衰落的各种因素。进一步地,根据文章中提出的陈述已经得出结论。许多学者认为,互联网极大地丰富了民主和公共领域。对于大多数研究者来说,互联网影响着民主进程的参与,即政治参与。万维网使任何能够上网的人都能很容易地看到各种政府文件,观察选民的行为,评估活动人士传播信息的方式,并分析各种政治运动的战略和内容。它允许一个消息灵通的选民群体,直接影响选民的决定,因为许多人现在已经开始转向社会网络的各种来源的互联网来讨论一些政治问题(Goniewicz, Lingas, and Hajek, 2013)。除此之外,互联网上的政治信息来源也是惊人的。许多学者认为,互联网对民主和政治沟通的各个过程有实质性的积极影响(Goniewicz, Lingas, and Hajek, 2013)。


Internet refers to the electronic web of the systems or linkages that connect people, as well as the vast pools of information through digital devices allowing easy communication among them. Internet has incredibly contributed to the media around the world, and anyone with access can create, gain and disseminate information (Chadwick and May, 2003). Today, there are more than 2.08 billion internet users, looking up information on various search engines, tweeting on Twitter, creating social groups over social networking sites (SNS) like MySpace and Facebook, sharing and watching videos, playing online games, shopping on various ecommerce platforms like Amazon and eBay, and accessing current news from across the world (Gilbert, Balestrini, and Littleboy, 2004). The internet, beyond a shadow of a doubt, has vast impact on almost each sphere of life, especially politics, business and culture and its importance in society, as well as in politics has continued to rise. The Internet, as a powerful and a revolutionary medium, is both a boon and a bane for democracy (Gilbert, Balestrini, and Littleboy, 2004).

This essay stresses the importance of the Internet in the enhancement of politics and the public sphere and examines its potential as a tool to strengthen democracy. In later parts of the essay, various factors on how the Internet can contribute to the decline of democracy have also been analysed. Moving further, conclusions have been drawn as per the statements presented in the essay. Many scholars claim that the Internet contributes to the enrichment of democracy and the public sphere in a great way. As per a majority of researchers, the Internet influences participation in the democratic process i.e. political participation. The World Wide Web makes it easy for anyone with Internet access to view various government documents, observe the voters’ behaviour, assess the ways in which activists disseminate their messages, and analyse the strategies and content of various political campaigns. It allows for a well-informed voting population and directly impacts the voters’ decisions as scores of people have now started turning to social networking over various sources of the internet to discuss a number of political issues (Goniewicz, Lingas, and Hajek, 2013). In addition to this, the sources of political information available on the Internet are astounding. Many scholars argue that the Internet has a substantial positive effect on various processes of democratic and political communication (Goniewicz, Lingas, and Hajek, 2013).






Copyright law was purposely introduced in the legal framework of all countries to protect new inventions and creation of quality works which cannot be copied easily and has a large and loyal market along with a long shelf life. Copyright law was initiated to encourage people and entrepreneurs to be courageous and invent new things which are of immense value to the society and that offer something of value to them. The efforts of creators when protected for its legitimacy and original-ness, it provided an environment that is conducive to growth, along with creating more competitive and differentiating products that has immense value in the market place. The primacy beneficiary is the producer who gets a long term protection against copying the product by anyone which the country’s legal authorities and the courts are supposed to support. The products that are copyrighted protected provide a benchmark in the market for everyone to compete and in response make more productive and fruitful and durable products. The idea is basically generated to make the best products available at the best prices to consumers and make the organisations more competitive domestically and internationally.

The unauthorised use of the produced creation is restricted by the copyright law and the producer gets a breather to market the product as a differentiated one from competitors. Such an act has a significant impact on the profits, brand value, growth of the organisation, on competitors, pricing of the product, legal implications, and unauthorised use in the market which is to be protected. Thus, copyright law has become more of a debatable issue because its intent is encouragement of creativity and the uses are multiple including exploiting the law and abusing one’s dominant position in the market. The economic rationale for introducing copyright law is to enhance the production of creative works which is socially desirable, and to provide stimulation for consistent production of such quality works along with disseminating the work thus formed. When authors create books with reproducible rights at marginal costs, they are incentivised for the fruition of the content that is given to the market and supports the market as a whole.



Sports First brand计划在南布里斯托尔开设一家新健身房。健身房的设备和服务可以同时满足男性和女性的需求。可容纳40人进行心血管和体重训练。它还提供尊巴舞课程和瑜伽服务。因此,本文运用营销相关的学术理论,提出了数字化营销的建议。这个建议的明智目标是确保品牌对目标人群的认知度。从品牌知名度来看,至少应该有1万名Facebook和Twitter的健身房粉丝,以及至少10篇主要被阅读的博客文章。根据Mintel 2015年的报告,成本、地点和长期承诺是人们加入健身房的障碍。因此,根据健身房离阿什顿门体育馆的距离设计广告是很重要的。英国豪华健身房收费每月100多£。简单的取消政策应该是一个需要宣传的重要方面。

2015年,全英国的健身会员数量增长了44%。人们越来越意识到健康的重要性(Mintel, 2015)。近五分之四的英国成年人承诺照顾好自己的健康。人们的健康意识得到了更新,只有12%的人拥有会员(Mintel, 2015)。这表明,新的消费者开始使用健身服务是有潜力的。计划行为理论可以用来吸引目标消费者人口统计学去尝试适合度制度。关系营销是保持消费者对健身概念的参与和兴趣的一个不可或缺的元素。我们将利用当代数字媒体工具,向消费者提供优质服务和体验的长期战略提供例证。提出了一种基于游戏化、社会认知理论和计划行为理论的数字化营销策略,以创造意识并激励消费者与品牌产生关联。


Sports First brand is scheduling to open a new gym in South Bristol. Gym has equipments and services that will cater to both male and female population. It can accommodate 40 people for cardio vascular and weight training. It also offers Zumba lessons and yoga services. Digital Marketing proposal for the same is proposed below by using academic theories related to marketing. The SMART Objectives for this proposal is to ensure brand awareness to the target demography. From the brand awareness there should be at least 10,000 Facebook, and Twitter followers for the gym and at least 10 blog posts that are mostly read.According to Mintel report 2015, cost, location and long-term commitment are the barriers to people joining gym. Hence, it is important to devise advertising based on how close the gym is to Ashton Gate Stadium. Luxury gyms in UK charge more than 100 £ per month. Easy cancellation policy should be an important aspect that needs to be advertised.

In 2015, all around UK there has been 44% jump in the gym membership. There is growing awareness about the importance of health (Mintel, 2015). Nearly four fifth of UK adults promise to take care of their health. Renewed health consciousness exists among the people and only 12% have membership (Mintel, 2015). This shows that there is potential for new consumers to start using Gym services. Theory of the planned behavior can be used to entice the target consumer demography to try out the fitness regime. Relationship Marketing is an integral element to keep the consumers engaged and interested in the concept of fitness. Contemporary digital media tools will be used to exemplify the long-standing strategy of providing quality services and experiences to consumers. It is proposed that a digital marketing strategy of Gamification, social cognitive theory and theory of planned behavior to create awareness and motivate consumers to relate to the brand.




我最喜欢的是亲属制度,它允许“土著社会的每个人都可以根据彼此的关系来命名。”“这种文化的另一个迷人之处是‘法律母亲规则’,即不允许一个人直接与他们的法律母亲交谈(土著文化,2015)。”“Arrival and传教士”模块是我特别喜欢的模块,它帮助我对澳大利亚的各种领土条约进行了深入的研究,同时了解了传教士的主要动机(Doouge, 2004)。对邦吉拉卡和文化遗产中心的访问对我来说是一次很有教育意义的经历,因为我了解了他们各自的文化。此外,在本吉拉卡博物馆,我了解了澳大利亚第一民族的复杂性和多样性,特别关注维多利亚。此外,我还了解了维多利亚州多元的语言、不同的宗族团体,以及现今的生活文化。另一方面,在Koorie Heritage Trust,我接触到了支持、推广和庆祝澳大利亚东南部土著文化的独特服务和项目。主要的焦点是建立和新兴的土著艺术家,而侧重于现代Koorie艺术。


The main motive for my reflective journal is to document my personal progress, development and also to improve my personal awareness regarding this course. I would participate in various comprehending and reading exercise so as to achieve the same; some of these would include conducting desktop research, listening to experience of others, reading journals, effective communication, interacting more in class and comprehending important impact of culture. I would take into consideration various opinions and ideas from various individuals depending on their earlier experience; this would assist me in concluding a wider point of view on a narrower issue. This course intrigued me from the starting and rendered me an opportunity each and every day to understand something new; hence I always looked forward to attending all the lectures of this particular course.The weekly modules were both enlightening and helpful to my personal interest in this particular course. The module named ‘The Kulin’ kindled my interest further in the lives of Aboriginal people. This module rendered me a deep insight into the history of Aboriginal people. Another module named ‘Kinship and Totems: relationship to country’ was the one wherein I personally has a little bit difficulty in understanding the social organizations of the Aborigines; however, with some deep study and help from my peers, I was able to understand the intricacies of the entire culture.

The best thing I liked was the kinship system wherein it allowed “each person in the Aboriginal society to be named in relation to one another.” Another fascinating thing about the culture was ‘The Mother in law rule’ wherein a person was not allowed to talk directly to their mother in law (Aboriginal Culture, 2015). The module named ‘Arrival and Missionaries’ was the one which I particularly loved as it helped me to conduct a deep research about various Australian territories Treaties and the same time learning about the main motive of the missionaries (Doouge, 2004). The visit to both Bunjilaka and Heritage Cultural Central was quite an educational experience for me as I got to know a lot about their respective cultures. Moreover, in the Bunjilaka Museum I learned about the complexity and diversity of the first peoples in Australia with a special focus on Victoria. In addition, I learnt about the diverse language and the clan groups of Victoria and the living culture which is practised today as well. On the other hand, at the Koorie Heritage Trust I was exposed to the unique range of services and programs to support, promote and celebrate the Aboriginal culture of South-Eastern Australia. The main focus was on the established and the emerging Aboriginal artist while focusing on the modern Koorie art.



2008年美国大选是美国人民乃至全世界最重要的事件之一。这项运动得到了社交媒体的大力支持。在奥巴马及其政党的竞选活动中,获得社交媒体的持续支持是最重要的部分之一。根据大众媒体和美国政治(Doris Graber, 2009)的说法,2008年大选中奥巴马和麦凯恩在投票上的主要区别在于社交媒体。据统计,奥巴马在Facebook上的粉丝约为200万,而麦凯恩只有60万。由此可见,奥巴马因为Facebook的影响力远高于麦凯恩。根据《纽约时报》的这篇新闻报道,2008年,人们讨论了奥巴马使用社交媒体的有效性(West, 2013)。另一项由Matthew James Kushin和Yamanoto进行的研究显示,与其他群体相比,30岁以下人群的洞察力使他们更倾向于政治信息,这是因为社交媒体。

哈佛政治学院的另一项研究也显示,大约27%的年轻人是因为社交媒体而被政治所吸引。这些结果清楚地反映了社会媒体如何改变了世界上的政治运动。这表明,由于社交媒体的存在,政治成为了年轻人生活的一部分。根据奥巴马的官方youtube页面,有很多视频显示了名人和其他人的支持。因此,从上述研究可以清楚地看出,社交媒体在过去曾被用于政治竞选(Effing et al, 2011)。2008年的美国大选是第一次社交媒体发挥重要作用的选举。此后,这一数字有所上升。皮尤研究中心(Pew Research reports)的研究报告显示,五分之一的成年人在选举期间通过互联网求助于社交媒体,以获得至关重要的选举。此外,每个月有1.7亿美国人使用社交媒体平台。


The 2008 election in USA was one of the most important occurrences for the people of USA and the entire world. This campaign was strongly supported by the use of social media. Getting the constant support from social media was one of the most important parts of the campaign which was conducted by Obama and his party. According to the Mass Media and American Politics (Doris Graber, 2009), it was stated that the major difference in the voting in the 2008 elections between Obama and McCain was because of social media. As per the stats, the Facebook followers of Obama were around 2 million while that of McCain were only 600000. Thus, it can be clearly observed that the reach of Obama because of Facebook was much higher as compared to McCain. According to the news article by New York Times, in 2008, the effectiveness of usage of social media by Obama was discussed (West, 2013). Another study conducted by Matthew James Kushin and Yamanoto revealed that the insight of the people under the age of 30 was able to incline them towards political information because of the social media, in comparison to any other group.

Another study conducted by the Harvard Institute of Politics also revealed that around 27 % of youth was attracted to politics because of social media. These, results clearly reflect how social media has changed the political campaigns in the world. This reveals that because of social media, politics was able to be the part of life of youths. According to the official You Tube page of Obama, there were a number of videos where the support of the celebrities and other people were revealed. Thus, from the above study it can be clearly revealed that social media has been used by for political campaigns in the past (Effing et al, 2011). The American elections of 2008 were the very first elections where social media played a major part. After this there was an increase in the same. The studies by Pew Research reports have revealed that one in five adults uses internet turned to social media during the elections in order to get vital elections. Also, more than 170 million who have been staying in USA have used social media platforms every month.



1977年塑料袋闯入超市。从那时起,塑料袋的使用正走向巨大的需求。以上每年塑料袋使用量的数据可以用另一种方式表示,即每人每4天半使用一个塑料袋,或每分钟使用100万个塑料袋。家庭垃圾的三分之一是塑料包装和塑料袋。由于程序困难和回收成本高,塑料袋通常不回收。因此,每分钟有100万个塑料袋被丢弃在垃圾填埋场或水中。在垃圾填埋场,塑料袋需要1000年才能分解。其次,研究表明,在海洋中,每平方英里漂浮着46,000个塑料碎片/袋子/包装(Roach, 2003)。这些塑料碎片在水中添加了有毒化学物质,对海洋生物是致命的(Perkins, 2010)。此外,大量的石油正被用于制造这些可用于其他建设性目的的塑料袋。塑料袋的制造过程释放有害气体,污染空气(Dincer, 1998)。因此,有必要设计一个有效的经济政策来控制塑料袋造成的环境污染。



Plastic bags intruded in super markets in 1977. Since then, the use of plastic bag is going towards massive demand. The above figure of plastic bags usage per year can be said in other way as every person uses one plastic bag in every 4 and a half days, or 1 million plastic bags used in a minute. The one third part of garbage of household contains plastic packaging and bags. The plastic bags are not usually recycled due to difficult procedure and high cost of recycling. Therefore, these 1 million plastic bags per minute are discarded at landfills or in water. At landfills, plastic bags take up to 1 thousand years to break down. Secondly, research has shown that in oceans, there are 46,000 plastic pieces/bags/packaging floating over every square mile (Roach, 2003). These plastic pieces adds toxic chemical in water, which are lethal to marine life (Perkins, 2010). Moreover, a generous amount of petroleum is being used for manufacturing of these plastic bags which could be used for other constructive purposes. The manufacturing process of plastic bags releases harmful gases and pollutes the air as well (Dincer, 1998). Therefore, it is necessary to devise an efficient economic policy to control environmental pollution created by plastic bags.

To avoid the above discussed consequences of excessive use of plastic bags within Australia, government of Australia is responsible of applying an economic policy to attain equilibrium in the market and sustainability of environment. This report suggests that there should be a tax on consumption of plastic bags. A person, whether he is producer, retailer or consumer who uses plastic bags must pay a positive amount for it.There are certain things which can be understood with the help of the above graph. The point marked with ‘b’ is the point of market equilibrium where suppluand demand graphs meet when no taxes are applied (present condition). At this point assume that the quantity of plastic bags is Qo (a straight line from b to quantity axis). Afterwards, if taxes are being applied on plastic bags, market equilibrium is lost and there is an upward shift in supply. It is evident that an upward shift in supply will lead to a decreased amount on quantity axis. Thus, reduction in quantities of plastic bags being used is achieved through imposition of tax on plastic bags. Another important factor which can be examined through above graph is the portion of added amount paid by producer and consumer. The above rectangle in the graph shows the portion of amount paid by customer and the lower box shows the amount paid by producer.



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文章里禁止用缩写,例如:can’t, don’t, didn’t, wouldn’t 应该写成cannot,do not,did not, would not。


避免用口语词汇和表达方法,例如:a little bit,well…I will talk about….




文章的INTRODUCTION要阐明自己的观点和立场,也就是你的THESIS STATEMENT,尽量不要在文章或段落的开头使用问句。





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