


作为2015年的数据,在美国教育部提供的记录146例由于种族骚扰在大学和学院,被从177减少为2014年(Hiraldo 7)。一直没有明显下降的季度过去这个世纪以来的上升趋势。一直保持稳定的一致性,所报告的事件有轻微的波动。根据我们法律对人际歧视的定义,有人指出,社会已成功地就反对故意和公然的种族主义达成了协商一致意见。因此,在处理法律补救办法方面已经有了相当大的进展,而对种族可以被认为是间质或结构性的可能性却一无所知。在这个意义上,它可以与伤害扎根,而不能追溯到一个具体的行动或意图(周和科尔,13)。人际歧视可以从它的微妙之处来理解。更常见的是,人际歧视不是一种故意或公开的种族主义行为。作为一个重要的例子,在一位教授根据弗吉尼亚法律通过的基于种族主义的言论事件中,关于种族主义的相互冲突和冲突的定义造成了裂痕。对于那些为教授的清白辩护的学生来说,种族主义被认为是一种涉及故意恶意的行为(Christina, 112)。
然而,当考虑到非裔美国学生的看法时,种族主义可能会扩大到几个方面,对整个教室环境产生有害的影响。因此,有必要指出的是,每天在教室和校园中发生的微妙的种族主义和从属关系的重复性,与公然的种族主义行为相比,可被视为产生压力、焦虑和疏离感的一个重要因素。除此之外,对种族主义的暴露和关注导致他们的精力从分散他们注意力的学术课程上转移,因此,与白人学生相比,他们的表现很差。最重要的发现之一是,尽管我们的学生普遍认为,校园尊重国际主义和多样性,但与来自不同种族和文化背景的同龄人进行实际互动的情况却很少见。除此之外,他们中的一些人表示,他们希望接触到与自己的文化背景或种族不同的学生,这一比例是中性的(Ejiofo, 22)。从矛盾的意义上说,我们这些来自社交网络平台的学生在文化上被认定为具有显著的同质性,而校园的氛围被认为是支持国际化和文化多样性的。


As of the data for the year 2015, the Department of Education in US presented a record of 146 cases due to racial harassment on university campuses and colleges, being reduced from 177 as of the year 2014 (Hiraldo, 7). There has been no apparent downward of upward trend since the quarter past this century. There has been a steady consistency, with minor fluctuations in the incidents being reported. In the way in which interpersonal discrimination has been defined under the law of US, it has been stated that the society has been successful in the development of a consensus against intentional and blatant racism. As a result, there has been a development of sizeable combination for addressing legal remedies, while there is ignorance to the possibility that race can be considered as interstitial or structural. Under this sense, it can be rooted with injury while it cannot be traced across a specific action or intention (Zhou and Cole, 13). Interpersonal discrimination can be referred to in terms of its subtlety. More often, interpersonal discrimination is not a deliberate or overt act of racism. As a significant example, in the incident of racism based remark passed by a professor under the law of Virginia, there had been a creation of rift by the conflicting and clashing definitions regarding racism. For students defending the innocence of professor, racism is referred to as the act where there is an involvement of intentional maliciousness (Christina, 112).
However, when considering the perception of African American students, there can be expansion of racism to several dynamics having detrimental effect upon the entire setting of the classroom. Due to this, it is important to mention that the repetitiveness for subtle racism and subordination daily across the setting of classroom and campus can be identified as a significant factor to produce stress, anxiety and alienation when compared with the event acting as per blatant racists. Apart from this, exposure of and paying to attention to racism results the diversion of energy from their academic courses that distracts them and hence, deliver poor performance in comparison with white students.One of the most significant findings is that while the students of US hold the general belief that internationalism and diversity is honored by the campus, actual interaction rated with the peers from any different ethnicity and cultural background is rare. In addition to this, a number of them have stated their desire for being exposed to student having cultural background or ethnicity different in comparison with their own, the rate of which is neutral (Ejiofo, 22). In the paradoxical sense, the students of US from the platforms of social network have been identified as significantly homogenous in terms of culture, while the climate of the campus is seen to be supporting internationalism and diversity of culture.
