标签存档: 加拿大论文怎么写



必须确定更高级别的任务。在这方面,正如Krashen(1982)提出的,有必要让成年学习者参与到这些活动的构建中来。因此,对成人学习者来说,真实和有用的材料识别是主要的手段。在给定的分析单元中,许多材料和活动确实针对的是略高于一般初学者的学习者。因此,以任务为基础的学习形式有助于确保学生建立有意义的联系,并将其转移到现实世界。一般应用单元中确定的方法的另一个问题是,这些活动几乎没有提供引入新的学习元素的空间(Li et al., 2012)。它认为,教师将能够评估和评估的基础上,只有任务或活动,正在处理的学生,学生不会提出新的单词或其他输入,可以作为一个补充,教师评估。然而,选择Williams(2010)的分析单元被认为可以克服这个缺点。例如,考虑第30页中提出的基于任务的方法。


The student activity here is to read the text, and answer questions on the text that focus on student understanding of organization of text, purpose, function, and characteristics of leadership. Student with such a learning activity will learn how to critically analyze and understand text in an organized way. It encourages disciplined learning and viewing the text from different perspectives. Students functionally breakdown the text so as to both infer the meaning of text critically and understand language representation meaningfully. Understanding language representation would be a strong point towards learning persuasion techniques later for the student. Real life skills hence are imparted to the student by task based learning in the unit work of Williams (2010). The cons of this methodology is that it would be quite challenging to find the right form of materials for use for adult learners. Adult learners are not be able to use these materials as it is too basic for them. Adult learners will already have beginner level language skills and must be critical learners. Finding tasks or activities that might be helpful for the adult learner and enables them to learn could be the main challenge here.
Higher level tasks have to be identified. In this context as Krashen (1982) presents it is necessary to involve the adult learner in the building of such activities. Authentic and useful material identification for the adult learner is hence the main con. In the given unit for analysis, much of the material and activities do target a learner that is slightly more than the average beginner. Thus the form of task based learning would be helpful in ensuring that students make meaningful connections which is transferrable onto the real world.Another problem with the methodology identified in the unit in general application is that the activities offer little scope for introduction of newer elements of learning (Li et al., 2012). It argues that teachers will be able to assess and evaluate based on only the task or activity that is being handled by the student and the student would not present newer words or other input that could be an add on for the instructor to assess. However, the unit of Williams (2010) chosen for analysis is seen to overcome this con. For instance, consider the task based methodology presented in page 30.



理想情况下,公允价值会计通过公允价值下股东资产负债表上的负债和资产的问责制,有助于满足股东报告的目标(Boyer, 2007)。然后损益表将重点报告财务报表中公允价值计算的变化,而没有收入概念将推动各自的财务状况。根据这些,损益表和资产负债表以公允价值提供的信息具有一定的属性(凯恩斯,2006)。这些属性适用于完全标记为负债或资产(如有价证券)子集或公允价值的财务报表。这些特征可以被理解为财务会计中使用公允价值的优势,如下:资产负债表是对价值的总体责任,因此,资产负债表的估值目标令人满意(Ramanna, 2008)。收入可以被看作是关于未来的收入和他们的价值无关的信息。收入可以被认为是发生在价值上的变化,因此,这些既不能帮助预测未来的变化,也不能帮助告知价值(Dechow, 2010)。
Hicksian(2009)认为公允价值会计有助于解决与收入计量相关的问题,而这又进一步要求资格。然而,损益表中缺乏信息不能被认为是引起关注的原因,因为资产负债表有助于提供对价值的全面责任。虽然收益无助于告知价值,但它涉及对估值的周期性冲击的测量,进一步告知风险(Gwilliam & Jackson, 2008)。虽然特定时期的特定报告有助于只产生与波动相关的单一实现,但与收入的时间序列相关的波动有助于指示与业务相关的风险。反对基于公允价值的会计导致引入波动性,因此没有充分的理由(Deegan, 2013)。在这种背景下,风险的披露可以被认为是公允价值会计的一个可取特征。盈余有助于报告管理的管理基础,为股东集团增加价值(Gwilliam & Jackson, 2008)。


Ideally, fair value accounting helps in satisfying the objective of shareholder in reporting by the accountability of liabilities and assets in the balance sheet for the shareholders at fair value (Boyer, 2007). The income statement then focuses on reporting changes in the calculation of fair value in the financial statement, and no concept of income will then be driving the respective financial states. In accordance with these, the supply of information by income statements and balance sheets at fair value has certain property (Cairns, 2006). These attributes are applicable to the financial statement marked completely to a subset or fair value of liabilities or assets being marked such as marketable securities. These features can be perceived as advantages of using fair value in financial accounting and are as follows:The balance sheet is the overall accountability for value and hence, there is a satisfaction in the valuation objective of the balance sheet (Ramanna, 2008).Earning can be seen as uninformative regarding the earnings of future and related to their value. Earning can be considered as changes that take place in value and as such, these do not help in the prediction of changes in future, nor are the useful in informing about the value (Dechow, 2010).
It has been claimed by Hicksian (2009) that fair value accounting is useful in resolving issue related to the measurement of income further requiring qualification. However, this absence of information within the income statement cannot be considered as a cause of concern, because the balance sheet helps in providing the overall accountability for value. While the earnings do not help in informing value, it involves the measurement of periodic shocks for valuation, further informing about risk (Gwilliam & Jackson, 2008). While a specific report for a particular period helps in yielding only a single realization related to volatility, the volatility related to time series of income helps in indicating risk related to the business. The objection that accounting based on fair value results in the introduction of volatility, hence is not well founded (Deegan, 2013). In this context, revelation of risk can be considered as a desirable feature for the accounting of fair value. Earnings help in reporting the stewardship underlying management in the addition of value for the group of shareholders (Gwilliam & Jackson, 2008).

personal statement 怎么写:员工整体士气影响因素的调查

personal statement 怎么写:员工整体士气影响因素的调查

在英国获得学位的医生与亚洲特定地区的医生之间进行了一项研究(Oikelome, and Healy, 2007)。证明了员工奖励、工作量、自由度和员工整体士气的影响因素。在2004年对1715名工作人员和助理专科医生进行了一项定量研究。在缺乏自主权和士气低落的情况下,有资格的海外医生填补岗位空缺,以延长工作时间。尽管困难重重,他们还是继续工作。在英国工作的医生却不是这样。这项研究指出,不仅仅是钱的问题导致医生在特定的环境中工作。除了钱,当他们来自其他国家的时候,劳动力资源是次要的(Oikelome, and Healy, 2007)。在这些系统中也观察到了先天的种族主义和制度性的种族主义(Oikelome, and Healy, 2007)。尽管有这些不利因素,医生们还是继续在新制度下工作,而不顾他们明显不相称的方面。这种形式的系统只能表明,它最终会导致员工士气受到影响(Oikelome, and Healy, 2007)。
如果不解决系统中固有的差距,就会产生大规模的问题。全球化应该只对社会产生积极的影响。劳动力的灵活性和为不断增长的跨国公司工作的人数的增加都被认为是积极的因素(Bradley et al., 2000)。此外,还重视外国直接投资比率、经济地位、可支配收入和国内生产总值如何具有积极的属性。自由化意识形态受到了更高的重视,新自由化意识形态似乎已经表现为只允许社会中的人们发生积极的事情(Bradley et al., 2000)。技术进步、基础设施建设、产品交付体系不断完善,产品设计和质量全面提高。各个领域的人们一直只重视全球化的积极特性(Bradley et al., 2000)。他们没有考虑到一些明显的问题,而是选择把目光从全球化的问题上转移开。外包的重要性日益突出。在过去的几十年里,人们越来越重视外包的概念,关于这个概念的争论也越来越多(Taylor, and Bain, 2005)。

personal statement 怎么写:员工整体士气影响因素的调查

A research was undertaken between the doctors who had procured the degree in UK with the doctors in the Asia specific region (Oikelome, and Healy, 2007). The factors of employee rewards, workload, freedom and the overall morale of the employees were proved. A quantitative study of 1,715 Staff and Associate Specialist doctors was undertaken in the year 2004. Overseas qualified doctors were filling to work for more duration when they did not have much autonomy and a lower morale. They continued to work despite the odds. This was not the case with doctors who were working inside the UK. This study points out that it is not only the case of money that causes the doctors to work in a specific environment. Apart from money, the labor pool is subservient when they come from other countries across the spectrum (Oikelome, and Healy, 2007). There was also innate racism and institutional racism that has been observed in these systems (Oikelome, and Healy, 2007). In spite of these odds, the doctors continued to work in the new system irrespective of their obvious disproportionate aspect. This form of system can only suggest that it will eventually cause the worker morale to be affected (Oikelome, and Healy, 2007).
There would be large scale issue if the inherent gaps in the system are not addressed.Globalization is supposed to have caused only positive effect on the society. Flexibility of the labor and the increase in the number of people working for the rising MNC have all been contended as the positive factors (Bradley et al., 2000). There is also importance given to how the FDI rates, economic status, disposable income and the GDP have been positing positive attributes. There is higher importance given to the ideologies of liberalization and the Neo liberalization ideologies seem to have manifested as an aspect that allows only positive things to happen for the people in the society (Bradley et al., 2000). There has been technological growth, growth of infrastructure, better system of product delivery and overall improvement in the product design and quality has been attributed in the current times. People across the spectrum have been giving importance to only the positive attributes of the globalization (Bradley et al., 2000). They have not factored in some of the post apparent issues and have chosen to look away from the problems of globalization. There has been growing prominence of outsourcing. In the past few decades, people have been giving more and more importance to the notions of outsourcing and there has been more debate on this concept (Taylor, and Bain, 2005).

論文代寫 推薦:日產公司

論文代寫 推薦:日產公司
在Cogent車型中,日產為供應商提供了密集的快速課程和培訓模塊,以提高效率。通過專注於產品設計開發,公司在質量、成本和開發時間上節約了80% (Waters & Rinsler, 2014)。在Cogent模型中,供應商必須關注產品生命週期(PLC)的開發階段。供應商在日產產品開發中扮演著不可或缺的角色。調查發現,不同的供應商對原材料有很大的需求。因此,日產需要整合併提高供應商的能力。 Kraljic模型可以用來了解日產所遵循的實踐。日產公司採用了一種類似於Kraljic產品組合購買模式的模式。在這個模型中,第一步是對材料進行分類。供應材料是根據利潤影響和供應風險進行分類的,這是該模型考慮的兩個維度(Kraljic, 1983)。它們的定義是從低到高。在利潤影響維度中,需要考慮的因素是某些產品如何影響最終產生的利潤。在供應風險中,需要考慮產品的可用性。
使用這兩個基本框架,可以生成四種產品分類(Kraljic, 1983)。這個通用模型用於將項目分類為戰略項目、瓶頸項目、利用項目和非關鍵項目。在這個模型中,這四個區域被劃分為像限。由此,第二方面是對產品最終可交付量的市場分析。市場分析是通過分析宏觀環境和微觀環境過程來解讀的。波特五力模型、SWOT分析和杵分析是做出這一判斷的好工具(Waters & Rinsler, 2014)。這一過程的第三個階段是為產品在市場上的戰略定位設計一個位置。在此模型中可以設計投資組合矩陣來確定買方的角色。最後一個階段是製定實際的行動計劃。將該模型作為一個公式來解釋這種供給策略的形成。開發高價值供應商,保持供應商之間的平衡,最終實現供應商的多元化是該模型的重點。

論文代寫 推薦:日產公司

In the Cogent model, Nissan provided supplier with intensive fast track courses and training modules to improve efficiency. By focusing on product design development, the company was able to save 80% on the quality, cost and development time (Waters & Rinsler, 2014). In Cogent model, the supplier had to focus on the development phase of the Product Life Cycle (PLC). Role of suppliers played an integral part in Nissan Product development. It was found that there was a major requirement of raw materials from different suppliers. Hence, there was a need for Nissan to integrate and increase supplier capabilities. Kraljic model can be used to understand the practices followed by Nissan.Nissan Corporation followed a model that is similar to the Kraljic product portfolio-purchasing model. In this model, the first stage is classifying the materials. Supply materials are classified based on profit impact and supply risk, which are the two dimensions considered in this model (Kraljic, 1983). They are defined low to high. In profit impact dimensions, the factor to be considered is how certain products impact the final profits generated. In supply risk, there is consideration regarding the availability of the product.
Using these two fundamental frameworks, four classifications of products are generated (Kraljic, 1983). This generic model is used to classify items into strategic items, bottleneck items, leveraging items and non-critical items. In this model, these four are divided into quadrants. From this, the second aspect is market analysis of the final deliverable of the products. Market analysis is deciphered by analyzing macro environmental and micro environmental process. Porter’s five-force model, SWOT analysis and PESTLE analysis are good tools to make this determination (Waters & Rinsler, 2014).Third stage of the process is devising a place to strategically position the product in the market. Portfolio matrix can be devised in this model to determine the role of the buyer. Final ultimate phase is developing the actual action plan. This supply strategy forming is deciphered by using this model as a formula. Exploiting the high value supplier, maintaining a balance and finally diversification of the suppliers are the key points of this model.





There are certainly both positive and negative consequences to bureaucracy, and strong arguments for both the efficiency and inefficiency of bureaucracies (Weber, 2009). Max Weber’s work is still used by the majority to reference ideologies in the field of sociology. Weber’s theory of bureaucracy states that in the modern times, it has been considered that the most efficient forms of governance and productivity can be obtained through bureaucracy. Weber claimed that it is imperative to have bureaucracies for continuous production and efficient functioning of society. But this would add to the complexity of the issues. This leads to the societies to become more modern and complex in the past century. According to Weber without the structured system in the organization, the situation would become chaotic and some form of regulation in mandatory. The complex society would get worse and there would be no social order (Weber, 2015). He essentially stated that bureaucracies in organizations help people towards forming goals. He stated that heavy regulation in the societies would lead to more productivity in the societies.
He stated that bureaucracy ensures that the objectives are met but there are certain inherent issues in the system. Weber states that this issue of bureaucracy will lead to the overall downfall of the society. There are many issues within the bureaucratic system and this was not addressed by the ideologies of Weber. Oligarchy was practiced and this leads to ensuring that only few people had the autonomy to make rules for the company. According to Weber, no one can escape bureaucracy. This would create homogenization of the values in the society. This would lead to the people feeling like machines and losing their uniqueness in the process. In this scenario, the people in the societies tend to shift focus toward meeting the primary objectives and loosing themselves in this process. The oligarchy form of governance would lead to more issues and lead to the people feeling alienated from the mainstream communities. There would be mechanization and the workers would feel essentially alienated from the system. Weber theory in summary postulated towards maintaining individual ambiguity and productivity. These were the two variables that were considered by Weber.



主成分分析与因子分析有着密切的关系。在典型意义上,因子分析包含了特定于域的关于基础结构的假设,而在矩阵上求解特征向量略有不同。此外,PCA得到的结果对变量尺度有关键依赖关系,而PCA的发展是以不变尺度的形式出现的(Abdi & Williams, 2010)。在推导主成分分析的过程中,由于假设的特殊性,存在一定的局限性。第一个假设是在线性方面,数据集将是每一个相关变量的线性组合。第二个假设是关于协方差和均值的意义。似乎没有任何保证,在指导最大方差,包括良好的属性歧视(Bowen & Guo, 2011)。第三个假设是关于具有显著动态的大方差。
这说明,具有较大方差的分量对应于关键动力学,而较小的分量对应于噪声。在统计术语中,使用varimax旋转来简化关于某些主要项目的特定子空间的表达式。实际的坐标系不会改变。不会发生任何变化,因为它是正交基,旋转以确保不同坐标之间的对齐(Bro & Smilde, 2014)。PCA子空间的发现可以表示为一个密度较大的基,具有多个非零权值,难以解释。Varimax是需要旋转,因为它有助于最大限度的总方差的平方负荷。载荷的平方可以确定为因素和变量之间的平方相关性。正交性的保持要求旋转保持子空间不变。


PCA has close relation with the analysis of factor. Analysis of factor, in the typical sense, incorporates assumptions specific to domain regarding the underlying structure, while solving eigenvectors over a matrix that is slightly different. In addition, the results obtained from PCA have key dependence upon the variables scales, while there is a development of PCA in form of invariant scale (Abdi & Williams, 2010). There is limitation of applicable PCA by specific assumption while drafting out its derivation.
The first presumption is in terms of linearity that data set will be linear combinations of each and every variable involved. The second presumption is regarding the significance of co- variance and mean. There does not seem to any guarantee in directing maximum variance that consists of good attributes for discrimination (Bowen & Guo, 2011). The third presumption is about large variances having significant dynamics.
This states that components having large variance will be corresponding with the crucial dynamics, while the lower ones will be corresponding with noise. In statistical terms, there is use of varimax rotation for simplifying the expression of a specific sub- space with respect to some major items. The actual system of coordinate will not change. No change will take place as it is the orthogonal base, rotating for ensuring alignment between different coordinates (Bro & Smilde, 2014). The discovery of sub- space with PCA can be expressed as a dense base with a number of non- zero weight, creating difficult interpretation. Varimax is needed as rotation as it helps in maximizing the total variances across the squared loadings. Squared loading can be identified as squared correlations between factors and variables. The preservation of orthogonality requires that the rotation will be leaving the invariant of sub- space.





根据牛津英语词典的定义,抄袭(plagiarism)的定义是:“The action or practice of taking someone else’s work, idea, etc., and passing it off as one’s own; literary theft.” 这个定义是比较宽泛的,只要窃取他人的想法、工作成果等然后作为自己的成本发表即为抄袭。而大家进入大学之后每个大学都会给出一个更为详细的定义,一般需要大家自己去学校的官网搜索下载,因为加拿大的学生从高中基本就会被老师耳提面命不要抄袭。下面就是根据维多利亚大学官网给出的“Avoiding Plagiarism”文件所列出的更为细致的抄袭的类型:

1. 有意识抄袭




这里可以看到学校对于抄袭的定义是真的很严格了,有意识抄袭和无意识抄袭被发现后的严重后果其实是一样的,我自己在上大学的时候虽然在加拿大高中已经被English 12的老师耳提面命了一整年,还是在大学第一年English 135的课堂上因为八个字引用忘记加双引号被老师判为抄袭导致一个大作业直接0分,然后整堂课下降了一个letter grade,从A掉到了B+。



现在高等院校中比较流行的集中引用格式分别为MLA、APA、Chicago、IEEE以及Turabian。大家可以在学校官网找到这几种引用法的详细介绍,每一所加拿大大学也会在图书馆有专门的citation helping desk帮助大家正确的运用引用法来避免抄袭的情况发生。




优步的历史可以追溯到2008年在巴黎召开的一次会议。卡兰尼克和坎普这两个孩子经常在讨论出租车的问题时,这个突破性的想法出现在巴黎的灰色云层下(Stone, 2015)。最初,加勒特带头设计了应用程序,这将彻底改变世界。截至2010年,优步已经在纽约和旧金山推出了自己的汽车。正如今天所看到的,该公司估值高达170亿美元,是一个值得分享的成功故事。这家以科技为基础的初创公司传播快乐的面孔,让人们以比以前更快的速度、更简单的方式、更便宜的方式做事。这是问题的核心,因此技术团队有能力使用它以多种方式解决问题。然而,研究清楚地表明,有时需要一些其他模式来解决问题的某些分支(Smith, 2011)。这是问题的理性答案,因为它提供了可用性问题的答案。该属性具体描述了哪些方面需要改进,哪些方面需要更改。这是需要立即注意的最后也是最重要的细节,因为这个属性讨论了概念的实际应用和可用性。
以Uber app为例,它被广泛设计为创造高品质的用户体验。谈到每个人的私人驱动程序的概念,这个应用程序把这带到一个新的层次。这可以帮助用户更多地了解司机,知道谁会送他们去目的地,他们甚至可以询问他们要乘坐的汽车。这个应用程序可以选择了解驱动程序的一些更全面的细节,并优先考虑这些细节(Taylor, 2015)。现在,下次用户使用应用程序时,服务器将搜索优先级驱动程序及其位置,从而为问题提供有利的解决方案。然后是理解和概念化交互的问题。任务是正确理解设计空间概念化的问题,从而开发概念模型(Kurosu, 2014)。Johnson和Henderson提出的概念模型描述了如何组织和操作一个系统,并对其进行了详细的高层描述。概念化空间有很多好处。


Uber dates back to 2008 to a conference in Paris. The two kids Kalanick and Camp were usually cribbing over the issues of cabs when the breakthrough idea emerged under the grey clouds of Paris (Stone, 2015). Initially, Garrett took the lead and designed the applications, which would revolutionize the world. As of 2010, Uber was already rolling cars in the city of New York and soon after in San Francisco.As seen today, the company is highly valued at $17 billion and is a successful story to share. Spreading happy faces, this tech-based startup allows people to do things at a faster pace, in easier ways and a lot cheaper way than before. This is the core of the problem, and the technical team thus has the power to use this to solve the problem in numerous ways. However, the studies clearly show that sometimes, there are some other patterns needed to solve some branches of the problem (Smith, 2011).This is rational answer to the problem as it provides answers to the problems of usability. This attribute specifically describes which aspect needs improvement and which of these needs to be changed.This is the last and the foremost detail which needs immediate attention, as this attribute talks about the real life applicability and usability of the concept.
Considering the example of Uber app, it is widely designed to create quality user experience. Talking about the concept of everyone’s private driver, this app takes this to a next level. This helps the user to know more about the driver who is going to give them a ride to their destination, and they can even enquire about the car they are going to travel in. This application gives the choice to know some more comprehensive details of the driver and also prioritize them for later (Taylor, 2015). Now the next time the user is going to use the application, the servers search up the prioritized driver and their location and thus offer favourable solutions to the problem.Then comes the problem of understanding and conceptualizing interaction. The task is to properly understand a problem of conceptualizing the design space, and hence developing a conceptual model (Kurosu, 2014). A conceptual model according to Johnson and Henderson describes how to organize and operate a system with a detailed high level description of it. There are various benefits of conceptualizing the space.



学生们在一年中发现了电影制作的五个学科。随着年龄的增长,学生们选择专注于以下两个方面的修正,给他们的分类提供了促进职业电影工作者职业生涯所需要的关注(Akomfrah, 2015)。本课程涵盖导演在剧本发展、前期制作、后期制作中的角色和任务。学生们学习讲述一个故事电影,比如,使用相机作为一种设备,做一个剧本检查,并参与选择和实践与演员(Akomfrah, 2015)。拍摄是在电影制作过程中运用相机和灯光的艺术。它包括实际的焦虑,如相机,镜头,设置,和照明工具来命名一个罕见的,以及许多方法相关的配置和主题建模方向,以讲述故事。制作带学生在他们的第一次远足在免费电影制作,提供他们的信息,能力,并实践制作一个零预算的小电影。



Students discover the five disciplines of filmmaking during their year. As the year growths, students select to specialize in two of the following corrections, giving their assortment the kind of focus required to promotion a career as a professional filmmaker (Akomfrah, 2015).This course covers role and tasks of a director in screenplay growth, pre-production, production, and post-production. Students learn to tell a story movie like, use the camera as a device, make a screenplay examination and involve in the selection and practice with actors (Akomfrah, 2015).Shooting is the art of camera and lighting in the making of a picture film. It includes practical anxieties like camera, lens, setup, and lighting tools to name a rare, as well as many methods associated to configuration and subject modelling in direction to tell the story.Producing takes students over their first excursion in free film production by providing them with the information, abilities, and practice to produce a zero-budget small film.

At the end of the term, students have taken a film from the original idea through the script stage all the way to production and stay ready to take it into the next step of post-production and delivery.In Production Strategy, students learn how to make and tone a design as part of the opposition for the show, while also learning to make actual set adornment choices for zero-budget productions.In this class students learn the unbelievable imaginative power that post-production delivers the filmmaker in the following areas: picture excision, sound excision, sound mixing, and music and colour modification.Employ prep has many results: career path development (now, mid-term, long term) initial review and cover letter growth, personal product growth, distributing the perfect field, and ideas of Marketing 101 for the filmmaker. Numerous mechanisms of the Portfolio Expansion course are established, counting the storage plant field and bio.






Confucianism rests on specific beliefs of humaneness, benevolence, righteousness, justice, proper rite, knowledge, and integrity. These form the primary virtues to be acquired in the Confucian religion. It is largely based on the external conduct of a human displaying the rational side of the Chinese character. This enables the individual following the religion to be more inclined to virtuous deeds and stay away from sinning. According to Viladesau and Massa (1994) the cultivation of virtue is the most precious key in maintaining the proper order in relationships of father and son, younger and elder brother, husband and wife, and the king or a ruler and the common people or the subjects. The religion believes that when these virtues are acquired, perfect harmony is maintained in all kinds of relationships. The acquisition is done through consistent practice on a daily basis, intellectual discourses with elders, and performing regular rituals which are considered important for maintaining equality. Hinduism is a religion which believes in the special virtues of non-violence, self-restraint, tolerance, wisdom, celibacy, honesty, and cleanliness.

These are to be acquired to lead a divine life and attain salvation in the end without any kind of anxiety (Clooney, 1998). The religion believes that self-restraint of the senses is the best manner of achieving the virtues and this is done through intense meditation, daily practice, intellectual discourses with the wise, and developing a sense of right reasoning. The adherence to the dharma (way of life) of Hinduism is what makes a person virtuous and divine, and these virtues are equivalent to the qualities of godliness.Confucianism makes virtue acquisition the primary goal of an individual since it is believed to be equivalent with the oneness of Heaven. When one is endowed with the virtues that it believes in, they become harmonized in all their life conduct and see nothing improper or hear improper or perform improper deeds.