标签存档: 加拿大大学论文代写



然后应为所有有关各方(工人和管理人员)举行一次会议,讨论委员会的组成和目标。会议将至少有一个单独的星期通知。委员会将由选举产生的具有代表性的雇员组成。根据规例第6(4)条,雇主代表人数不得多于雇员代表人数。委员会将由8名委员组成。雇员代表和雇主可以通过协议根据人数而有所不同。与管理层就这一观点进行谈判,是为了确保委员会成员代表所有工作场所的行业和部门。管理层代表应包括有权代表公司实施预防措施的人员(Grammeno, 2009)。根据条例6 (2A)的规定,需要有一个特定的豁免,以帮助委员会拥有超过4名成员。委员会将进一步提名,并进行选举。此外,委员会的每一名成员将负责审查根据《卫生和安全条例》(1)(a)第24条所采取的措施,使卫生和安全工作场所成为可以饮用的场所。委员会还将负责解决卫生和安全问题。
如果问题能够得到解决,则可以根据法案第24(1)(c)和24(2)条要求新南威尔士州工作范围管理局的检查员提供支持。委员会将帮助开发一个系统,记录事故和危险的问题在工作场所按规定条款12 12 (a)和(b)。委员会成员职责而且在于检查工作场所的方式决定了委员会,每三个月一次按规定条款13 (1)(a)和(b),获得的细节变化将进一步提出至关重要,会影响健康和安全的法规条款13 (1)(c) (Grammeno, 2009)。根据规例第13 (1)(d)条,委员会成员应可查阅雇主保存的所有有关工作地点内意外及疾病的资料。第13 (1)(e)及13 (1)(f)条规定委员须就任何违反职业健康及安全法例的行为,向主席提供培训及教育,并通知主席。成员在按照规例第15(1)及15(2)条履行其作为成员的职责时,将获支付适当的价格。


A meeting should then be held for all the parties interested (labourers and management) for discussing the committee make-up and aims. There will be at the least an individual week notice for the meeting. The committee will be made of elected representative employees. The employer representatives number should not be high than the employee representative number as per regulation 6 (4). Committee will be comprised of 8 members. Employee representatives and employers can vary with number through agreement. Negotiating with management over this perspective is to ensure that committee members represent all workplace trades and sections. Representatives from management should be inclusive of a person having authority for implementing a preventive measure on company’s behalf (Grammeno, 2009). A specific exemption is needed that helps committees to have more than 4 members as per the regulation 6 (2A).Nominations will further be called for and committee elections will be conducted. Furthermore, each member of the committee will be responsible for reviewing measures undertaken to make health and safety imbibed workplace as per the Section 24 of WHS act (1) (a). The committee furthermore will be responsible for resolving problems of health and safety.
If the problem can be resolved, the issue can ask the inspector from New South Wales Work Cover Authority to support as per the Act section 24 (1) (c) and 24(2). Committee will help in development of a system that records accidents and hazardous issues in working places as per the Regulation clause of 12 (a) and 12 (b). Committee members duties furthermore lies in inspecting workplace in a manner that determines the committee, once in every 3 months as per the regulation clauses 13 (1) (a) and (b). Obtaining details of changes proposed will further be essential that can impact health and safety as per the Regulation clause 13 (1) (c) (Grammeno, 2009). As per regulation clause 13 (1)(d) committee members should have access for all data kept through the employers over accidents and diseases within working place. Clause 13 (1) (e) and 13 (1) (f) requires the members to train and education as well as inform chairpersons for any occupational health and safety law breach. The members will be paid appropriate price while they carry out the duties as members as per the regulation clause 15 (1) and 15 (2).





首先,SP是Statement of Purpose,也是我们最常说的个人陈述,也会被人称为SoP;而PS一般是指Personal


作为理工科研究生申请的同学们,没错,你们最常需要提供的就是第一个,SP, 个人陈述。














By 2018, China and the US will have a growth of $32.8 billion and $24.1 billion games markets respectively, which will claim 50 percent of the world’s games revenues altogether (“Global report: US and China take half of $113 Bn games market in 2018”). Therefore, the Chinese game market has enormous development potential. How to improve and develop new games is increasingly becoming an important issue for the game development companies. In addition, although it is inevitable that the game is still despised in China, the contribution of the gaming industry cannot be neglected. As time goes by, it is believed that the game industry will become a more formal pillar industry which cannot be overlooked. I will do a simple description of the development history of China’s game industry. Looking back at history is the best way to predict the future, so I will combine my experience and the information gathered from internet to do a research.I was born in the 1990s when the policy of one child per couple was advocated and enforced in China. Thus, due to this rigid Family Planning policy, most of my generations have one child only.
No brothers or sisters accompany me, so video games become the best tool of entertaining myself outside the boring life in classroom. It is an era of piracy when a small number of homemade classic games and plenty of foreign well-known games attracted the first batch of game players. Rampant pirate games destroyed the development of domestic games. Many Chinese games development companies cannot earn enough profits to make new games and improve their technologies, so the advancement of Chinese games quit slowly during that time. It is a time when people’s living standard was not as good as present. Therefore, they did not pay much attention to the intellectual property rights and held the belief that to spend hundreds of money on video games is really a luxury and a stupid behavior for most people. People were more willing to purchase cheaper games worthy of only five or ten Yuan. In contrast, owing to the cheap price of the pirate games, the number of players increased fast. From the earliest classic fps game Counter-strike to Blizzard’s Diablo and Warcraft, they had exerted an indelible impact on Chinese players. Firstly, Internet cafes spread rapidly. It is a place open to the public, which could provide computers and for-profit Internet services.

personal statement 代写:电商企业的竞争

personal statement 代写:电商企业的竞争

亚马逊、沃尔玛、百思买和EBay被发现是该公司的主要竞争对手。Office depot曾是斯台普斯公司的有力竞争者(Stutz, 2015)。除此之外,阿里巴巴(Alibaba inc .)和Office depot如今已成为史泰博公司(Staples Company)的一部分。因此,预计该公司将加强其基础,增加销售。在销售方面,亚马逊是史泰博的主要竞争对手。他们有多样化的产品和迎合更广泛的观众。他们在全球许多市场都有稳固的立足点。战略收购和高效的物流系统使公司得以成长,并成为史泰博的主要竞争对手。建议史泰博采取更多的产品差异化战略。他们应该从销售专业办公产品发展到包括其他相关产品。扩大目标人口结构的范围将使史泰博受益。它们与史泰博获得的品牌形象相似。这两个品牌都有很强的品牌意识。
主要区别在于,Staples也在传统的实体零售店开展业务(Stutz, 2015)。可靠性增加,因为它的物理存在。这实际上是史泰博的一个优势。亚马逊试图以零利润率销售其产品。这个因素不会帮助公司获得利润。这些都是史泰博需要集中精力提高销量的关键因素。亚马逊、沃尔玛和阿里巴巴是该公司的三大主要竞争对手。它应该关注每个公司的某些方面。亚马逊拥有最好的物流系统。公司越来越重视营销工作。沃尔玛拥有零售店和在线业务。他们销售各种各样的产品,涵盖了混合动力车的消费者。公司应该警惕这个因素。阿里巴巴是一个b2b电子商务网站(Pride and Ferrell 2016)。它们正在各领域建立并不断壮大。因此,史泰博需要关注这家公司。综上所述,史泰博应该融入这些公司的一些基本理念,以提高其品牌形象和销量。

personal statement 代写:电商企业的竞争

Amazon, Walmart, Best buy, and EBay are found to be major competitors for the company. Office depot was once a very serious contender for Staples Company (Stutz, 2015). Apart from this, Alibaba inc, and Now Office depot have become a part of Staples Company. Hence, it is expected that the company would strengthen its base and increase sales. In terms of sales, Amazon is the major competitor for Staples. They have diversified products and cater to a wider audience. They have a strong foothold in many markets across the world. Strategic acquisitions and efficient logistics system have enabled the company to grow and emerge as a major competitor for Staples. It is suggested that Staples embark in more product differentiation strategies. They should grow from selling specialty office products to encompass other related products. Increasing the scope of the target demography will benefit Staples. They are similar to Staples in the brand image garnered. Both the brands have strong brand awareness.
Key difference is that Staples also operates in traditional brick and mortar retail stores (Stutz, 2015). Reliability increases owing to its physical presence. This is actually an advantage to Staples. Amazon tries to sell its product at zero profit margins. This factor will not help the company gain profits. These are the key factors that Staples needs to focus to increase sales. Amazon, Walmart and Alibaba are the three main competitors for this company. It should worry about certain aspects of each company. Amazon has the best logistics system. There is an increased focus given to marketing efforts by the company. Walmart has retail stores and online presence. They sell variety of products and cover the hybrid consumer. Company should be wary of this factor. Alibaba is a business-to-business ecommerce site (Pride and Ferrell 2016). They are strongly establishing and growing across the spectrum. Hence, this company needs to be watched by Staples. To conclude, Staples should incorporate some fundamental ideologies of these companies to increase its brand image and sales.


經過包括聖誕假期在內的兩到三週的休息,經理從中國回來了,實習生被分配了整理文件和協助經理評估公司業績的任務。在整個實習計劃中,實習生需要通過在工作場所的觀察了解企業的複雜性(Lynch, 2015)。從學術的角度來看,主管是一個主要的角色,實習生必須與主管保持一致的聯繫。第一次會議以介紹性會議為標誌,在介紹性會議上討論每一項評估的細節。這個討論之後,每週都要和主管開近四周的會議。前兩週討論每週學習計劃和甘特圖前景。第三周是介紹每週的反思報告。第四周,要求實習生就抵押貸款經紀人在客戶服務中的角色提出一些想法(Li-hong, 2013)。實習生的課程表因聖誕節和學校假期而暫停。之後,實習生應定期與主管溝通,以獲得反饋,並為進一步的即興創作做準備。經過三週的仔細研究和改進,最終的項目建議書已經準備好了。
然後,主管幫助實習生撰寫項目的方法論,並進行後續修改。這些反饋幫助實習生為調查抵押貸款經紀人制定一個完美的計劃(mei i-fang, 2014)。調查問捲和訪談之間的差異是顯而易見的,實習生必須與抵押貸款經紀人進行進一步的訪談。實習生的學習計劃有助於實習生在組織中的生產性定位。實習的整個過程包括學術活動,以及前台接待或普通員工的活動。本反思報告的前一部分說明了不同類型的活動的差異以及它們在引導實習生進入組織中所起的作用。工業項目過程中的不同過程提供了一種學習體驗,這種體驗是用心去理解的,並伴隨一個人一生(Sikaliuk, 2014)。在工業項目的過程中,一名實習生遇到了三種不同的情況,這有助於學習抵押貸款經紀人在提供客戶服務方面的角色。


After a considerable break of around two to three weeks including Christmas break, the manager returned from his China trip and intern was assigned the responsibility of arranging documents and assist the manager in estimating the performance of the company. In the whole internship schedule, an intern is required to learn the intricacies of the business through observations at workplace (Lynch, 2015).From the academic perspective, the supervisor has a major role and the intern has to be in consistent touch with the supervisor. The first meeting is marked with an introductory session in which the details of every assessment are discussed. This discussion is followed by weekly meetings with the supervisor for almost four weeks. The first two weeks involve discussions on the weekly study plan and Gantt chart prospects. The third week involves the introduction of weekly reflective reports. In the fourth week, the intern is required to suggest some ideas about the role of mortgage brokers in customer service (Li-hong, 2013). The intern’s academic schedule is halted by Christmas and school holiday breaks. Thereafter the intern is supposed to communicate with the supervisor regularly in order to gain feedback and work on further improvisation. The final project proposal is prepared after three weeks of careful research and improvement.
Then the supervisor helps the intern in writing methodology for the project and in subsequent modifications. The feedbacks help the intern in preparing a flawless plan for surveying mortgage brokers (Mei-fang, 2014). The difference between questionnaires and interviews is clearly noticed and the intern has to engage in further interviews with mortgage brokers. The academic schedule of the intern helps in productive orientation of an intern with the organization.The complete journey of internship involves academic activities as well as the activities of a receptionist or regular employee. The previous part of this reflective report suggested the difference in different types of activities and their role in orienting an intern into the organization. The different processes across the journey of the industrial project provide a learning experience which is apprehended by heart and stays with a person for a lifetime (Sikaliuk, 2014). Along the course of the industrial project, an intern encountered three different situations which contributed to the learning experience regarding role of mortgage brokers in provision of customer service.

essay 代寫:共享服務

essay 代寫:共享服務

公司本著實施商業夥伴模式的精神,正在決定如何整合和集中酒店的人力資源活動。這個共享中心將承擔酒店的管理任務。共享中心的開發是為了讓公司按照最初的願景前進。然而,這個模型也有一些缺點。共享服務中心是用於維護服務質量的隱式設計。同樣重要的是要部署一個共享服務中心,該服務中心作為一個隱式設備,充當控制機制(Thompson & Martin, 2010)。公司共享服務中心的部署表明,公司和業務部門的經理應該開發所需的能力。他們應該能夠有效地表達他們的需求,以及公司需要什麼服務。

essay 代寫:共享服務

A shared service is a process where the accountable entity of the company that has been found in the multi-unite organization. It has been tasked with the business unit, respective divisions of the company and the respective departments with specialized services. Some of these include the finances, HR transactions, IT services, sales transactions. This is developed based on the service level agreement. These shared service centers are deployed for a variety of reasons. They aid in the reduced cost of the decentralization process. They aid in the increase quality of the services. They enable in the cost flexibility. They aid in the high degree of the strategic flexibility. The shared service centers are not the corporate staff departments. They are different. The tasks and the requirements in the shared service center include the corporate control, management development policy and the IT governance. The manager should clearly define the requirements in this model. This is the critical issues that have been faced by the companies. The common mistake is to assume that the shared service center of the company is equal to a business division.
The company in the spirit of implementing the business partner model is now deciding the ways to integrate and centralize the HR activities of the hotel. This shared center is expected to undertake the administrative tasks of the hotel. The shared center has been developed for the company to move forward with its original vision. Nevertheless, there are some drawbacks to this model. The shared service center is an implicit devise that used to maintain the quality of the services. It is also important to deploy a shared service center that functions as an implicit device which serves as a control mechanism (Thompson & Martin, 2010). The deployment of the shared service center of the company state that managers of company and the business unit should develop the competency that is required. They should be able to effectively articulate their demands and what services that are required by the company.



在和声的下一个音调中,有全音阶歌曲与主和弦的小四和弦的混合。七根本土和弦中的六根被发现用于熟悉的音程。它们被发现在整个结构中都紧挨着主键。这首歌被发现含有少量的蓝调,并使用了独特的V – IV – I进行曲(Pedler, 2010)。分析表明,歌曲的后一种发展在某种程度上影响了前两个和弦的一阶反转。这是一个非常难以实现的壮举。有对铃鼓音乐的使用,也有对吉他声音的使用。这被发现使谐波根运动成为健忘(Pedler, 2010)。这就造成了两根和弦互相重叠的情况。从结构上可以看出,音乐的声音似乎是各种音乐的混合,但在接近尾声的时候可以感受到作曲家的才华。
在早期,他们正在发展自己独特的风格,这是一个有点不同和微妙的传统音乐建设。这一点在歌曲《谢谢你,女孩》中很明显。在这些歌曲中,音乐的某些和弦和结构被发现不同于传统的音乐,创造了惊喜的元素,同时坚持音乐的标准。在转型时期,如“All you need is love”这样的歌曲,乐队已经成长为专业的音乐家,这在这些歌曲中得到了体现。在掌握阶段,他们已经成长和发展了自己的音乐流派,这在歌曲“跨越宇宙”中是显而易见的。在掌握音乐的时期,披头士逐渐了解音乐,他们使用来自世界各地的折衷乐器和声音来创造音乐的新品牌。这些歌曲都是专业构建的,同时被发现是独特的和创新的。


In the next tone of the harmony, there is the mixing of the diatonic song with the minor iv chord of the mMajor key. The six out of the seven native chords are found to be used in familiar progression. They are found to stay close to the home key throughout the structure. The song is found to contain a pinch of the blues and there is the use of the unique V -» IV -» I progression (Pedler, 2010). Analysis revealed that the latter progression of the songs somehow affects the first order of the first two chords reversed. It is a very difficult feat to achieve. There is the use of the tamboura music and also the use of the backwards guitar sounds. This is found to make the harmonic root movement to become oblivious (Pedler, 2010). This creates a situation where the two chords are found to be superimposed on each other. It can be understood from the structure that the sound of the music appears to be mixing of various kinds of music, however towards the end the brilliance of the composers can be felt.
In the early period, they were developing their own unique style that was a little different and nuanced from the conventional music construction. This is evident in the song “Thank you girl”. In these songs, certain chords and construction of the music is found to be different from the conventional music creating a surprise element and at the same time adheres to the musical standard. In the transitional period, song such as the “All you need is love”, the band had grown into professional musicians and this was epitomized in these songs. In the mastery period, they had grown and developed their own genre of music that was evident in the song “Across the Universe”. In the mastery period, the Beatles had grown to understand the music and there was the use of eclectic instruments and sounds from around the world to create a new brand in music. These songs were both professionally constructed and at the same time were found to be unique and innovative.



特别讨论了分布式系统中共享存储等共享内存问题,以及可以作为抽象实现的不同算法。本节将在原子寄存器、已记录的常规寄存器、拜占庭安全寄存器和拜占庭常规寄存器的上下文中讨论这些算法。共识和共识变体是本章的其余部分。除了对这些抽象概念进行理论描述,这本书还帮助学习者通过练习和解决方案来测试他们的知识,从而更好地理解主题。本书的范围包括在不合作进程的恶意操作情况下的安全问题。通俗地说,被称为“拜占庭容错”,包括在这本书中提出的拜占庭的错误规避是一个重要的。研究人员支持实现算法来处理拜占庭断层(Varela & Agha, 2013)。拜占庭式故障是指分布式编程中的错误操作可能导致完全的系统故障。


In timing assumptions, some of the abstractions are discussed with respect asynchronicity. Asynchronous systems and synchronous systems are discussed here. In abstracting time, the form of failure detections is discussed, along with the Byzantine leader election in abstraction which is very important given the nature of working of distributed processes.Some of the other chapters expand on some of the more common issues faced when it comes to distributed systems such as reliable broadcast issues and algorithm. The Fail-Silent, the Fail-Stop and the Fail-Silent with the eager reliable broadcast algorithm are presented here. Probabilistic broadcast, the FIFO and the Causal broadcast and the Byzantine consistent broadcast are discussed in detail. Research works on reliability and consistency issues present shared memory-writing as being a significant issue here. This book hence directs one of its major chapters to the issues of handling fault in shared memory.
In particular, the shared memory issues such as shared storage in distributed system, the different algorithms that could be implemented as abstractions in order to handle them are discussed. The section discusses these algorithms in context of the atomic register, the logged regular register, the byzantine safe register and the byzantine regular register. Consensus and consensus variants are the rest of the chapters. In addition to presenting theoretical descriptions on these abstractions, the book helps learners test their knowledge by exercises and by working on solutions that would facilitate better understanding of the subject. The book scope includes security issues in the case of malicious actions from non-cooperating processes. Popularly, known as “Byzantine fault-tolerance”, the inclusion of the Byzantine fault evasion as presented in this book is a significant one. Researchers support implementing algorithms in order to tackle the Byzantine fault (Varela & Agha, 2013). The byzantine fault is where an incorrect operation because of fault of failure in distributed programming could lead to a complete system failure.



当我第一次选修这门课的时候,我不知道这门课会给我带来什么,除了我可能会发展出更好的沟通能力。我听到了很多积极的故事,我真的很想被雇佣,并最终开始创业。有很多这样的作业让我能够批判性地分析不同的观点。我能够从这门课中判断主题、目的和观众。我从来都不擅长沟通,比如口头沟通。我应该说,这些课程帮助我更清晰地思考问题。有一些小的因素让我想成为一个更好的企业家。我认为阻碍我前进的最重要的因素是我在公共演讲和与人交流时的紧张。这种不断的自我批评也让我周围的人感到紧张。我为自己设定了目标,成为一名能够引领新潮流的创新者。起初,当我没有达到我的期望时,我有点生气。我知道我必须做一个更好的自己。然而,有些事情阻碍了我(Lumley and Wilkinson, 2014)。


When I first enrolled in this course, I did not know what to expect from this course other than that I would maybe develop better communication. I heard of many positive stories and I really wanted to be employable and eventually start a venture. There were many assignments such as this one that enables me to critically analyze the differentiated viewpoints. I was able to gauge the subject, purpose and the audience from this class. I was never really good at communication such as verbal communication. I should say that these classes helped me to think with more clarity on the issues. There were a number of smaller elements that had made me want to become a better entrepreneur. I think the most important factors that hold me back is my nervousness when it comes to public speaking and interacting with people. This kind of constant self-criticism makes the people around me nervous as well. I have set goals for myself to be a form of innovator who can develop a new trend. Initially, I was a little offended when I did not meet my expectations. I knew I had to be a better version of myself. However, something is holding me back (Lumley and Wilkinson, 2014).
This is the innate lack of self-confidence which is again rooted in verbal communication. My verbal communication is mandatory to explain what I want to express. Honestly, this form of critiquing was not in my comfort zone. The course had content that we could relate to in the class. The assignment work on leadership was a team effort. This effort had essentially forced us in a situation where I had to work as teams. These aided in the progress and development. When I end my career, I want to do it without any regrets knowing that I had fully utilized all my areas of strength and weakness. There is definitive confidence and gaining of verbal communication that I had felt from this course. In short the course had given me the tools to hone my skills. I feel that I should be able to have a plan for the future given my innovative attitude and my clarity of thought. I understand that there is a lot more to actually do to achieve my ultimate goals and this is a long way to progress.



在第一波女权运动中,妇女的选举权和妇女的基本权利成为关注的焦点。在第二次女权主义浪潮中,社会性别角色和平等主义得到了更多的重视和强调。它发生在20世纪50年代末和60年代初,女性作曲和在观众面前表演是音乐的一个重要角色。在这首音乐中,对女权主义和社会中的性别角色有着微妙的解释(Eyerman和Jamison 137)。这些女权主义音乐家的目的是展现女性积极主动和自信的形象。对女性的刻板印象和女性在音乐中的角色在这个时代发生了改变。在这一时期,出现了一批颇受欢迎的女音乐家和女演员。音乐在改变文化和向人们灌输进步精神方面发挥了重要作用。它也一直是宣传议程的工具。


Women Suffrage rights and the basic rights for the women were focused in the first wave of feminism. During the second wave of feminism, there was more importance and emphasize given to the gender roles and egalitarianism in the society. It occurred during the late 1950s and early 1960, women composing music and performing in front of an audience were a significant role of music. There was the nuanced explanation of feminism and gender role in society that is explored in this music (Eyerman and Jamison 137). These feminist musicians were aimed to show a proactive and assertive image of the women. The stereotypes regarding women and the role of the women in music were changed during this era. A number of popular female musicians and performances were marked during this era.Music was instrumental in bringing changes to the culture and instilled progressiveness in people. It has also been a tool to propagate an agenda.
Apart from this, music also plays a role in symbolizing the social culture of a place. This has been explored in the subsequent section.Music is also used to elucidate the culture and the spirit of the people. In the 1930s, the people in the United States had undergone deep recession and the morale of the people was generally low. It was at this juncture, swing music spread across the nation as an escapism to venture into a frivolous world. Swing music provided Hollywood with a new kind of suave debonair music. Swing music had a unique distinctive impact on the people. It caused the people to explore feelings of frivolity and gaiety. This music was used as an instrument to bring elation to the people (Eyerman and Jamison 46). There were under tremendous pressure to meet their economic needs and music aided them to remain calm during nebulous economic times. This swing music epitomized the American culture in the 1930s and 1940s.