标签存档: 加拿大大学论文代写




可能所有在加拿大留学学习的同学都知道, 论文通过可失败并不是由他们自己的文章质量决定的,所以当你被告知论文不通过但是文章质量没有问题时,你就可以找到自己的老师进行投诉了,需要注意的是,你需要向你的老师报告具体的情况,这样才能方便老师对这件事进行谨慎的评估。






每一位学生都应该学会不耻下问的美德,特别是当 论文还没有完成时,要及时向自己的导师请教,让他们就你这次的问题提出相应的见解和建议,然后你就根据导师的建议逐个修改,最后通过。应该知道,出国留学,除了一些特别要好的朋友和图书馆可以帮助你,就只剩下自己的导师了,所以不要怕老师嫌麻烦而不去问,相反,老师最喜欢不懂就问的学生,试问谁不喜欢有很高学术追求的人?










































以上内容就是加拿大论文代写研究论文的写作步骤解析。如果同学们在研究论文写作过程中遇到难题 ,您可以随时联系我们专业的加拿大论文代写专家,具有深厚学术背景的他们可以为您的论文提供专业的指导意见和帮助!


我们写英文论文的时候,不可能没使用过‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’之类的过渡词。 但是,并非所有人都自然地能正确使用它们。使用essay连接词和过渡词时,大家有几点问题需要注意,接下来就看我们加拿大论文代写老师是如何运用连接词和过渡词的。

1. 知道过渡词的含义

实际上,对于非母语者来说,知道过渡词含义是最非常重要的。 无论如何,这很容易处理的问题,只需查词典即可。 不过,千万不要小看这件事!过渡词都有不同的含义,细微差别和内涵,因此在论文中使用特定的过渡词之前,确保你完全理解其含义和用法,并确保它正确匹配论文的逻辑。加拿大论文代写提醒,千万不要使用陌生的transition words和linking words,你可能会不正确运用它们。这不仅不会让你的论文看起来更加高大上,反而会成为老师扣分的理由。

2. 注意观点之间的关系

了解其论文结构的人一般会更正确地使用过渡词。你需要把论文分为introduction,main body和conclusion,并确保你知道每个段落的目的。 然后,在句子层面上查看你的文本,想想在哪儿需要添加过渡词。加拿大论文代写表示,如果你对此感到困惑,请尝试阅读其他作者的论文,看看他们如何使用过渡词。

3. 注意论文的组织

由于过渡的清晰性和有效性在很大程度上取决于论文的组织,因此在进行过渡之前,你先需要评估论文的组织。 在写作草稿时,用一个简短短语来概括每个段落的含义。 加拿大论文代写表示这个可以帮助你更清楚地了解观点的顺序和其之间的关系。

4. 注意特殊的标点符号规则


例如1: People use 43 muscles when they frown; however, they use only 28 muscles when they smile.

例如2: However, transition words can also be placed at the beginning of a new paragraph or sentence – not only to indicate a step forward in the reasoning, but also to relate the new material to the preceding thoughts.


5. Practice, practice & practice

知道何时使用哪个过渡词可能非常困难。 即使学生已经读懂了理论,他们仍然经常错误地使用过渡词。 老实说,掌握这一点的关键是practice, practice & practice。 加拿大论文代写表示试试编写示例句子,在其中使用过渡词将两个句子彼此连接。

总而言之,过渡词和对于文本的可读性非常重要。无论是哪种过渡词的使用,都需要被留学生在平常日的写作中勤加练习、多加积累。有关更多论文代写问题的留学生们可以在线咨询加拿大Advanced Thesis论文代写平台客服,此论文代写平台机构专业信誉高、论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有加拿大代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉值得留学生选择和信赖!


北美论文代写essay写作指南。essay几乎是每个中留学生必须面对的论文作业之一,繁重的essay写作虽然很难应对,但中国留学生可以提高essay写作练习,还要提高essay引用格式和用词的准确度,严格按照essay写作格式要求进行写作,那么有关北美论文代写essay写作指南有哪些呢?接下来加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis老师为留学生们做以下讲解。


然后确定你的立场你要从中找到你的立场,当你确定你的立场后,你就要从你学校的资料库或者网上材料找到足够的论据来支持你的论点。要注意的是你在写essay之前一定要确认你的立场(比如你是否同意这个观点,一定是“是”或者“否”,或者一定从topic的两个观点中选出其中一个),否则,你的论文将无法继续。加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis老师提醒 留学生们在每一个段落的内容中,举例子和提出论点时要清晰,每一段不能只有一句话,一定要保证多一些内容。精练的句子也不能铺天盖地的使用,会使得语言枯燥乏味。


最后就是写出一个清晰的thesis statement扩展你的outline,首先,用一个“hook”来点亮你的“introduction”部分当你确定你的thesis和你的论点论据之后,你便可以开始扩展你的五段式outline的整体构架了。从你的“introduction”部分开始、你的最开始需要用一个“hook”来点亮观者的眼睛。当你有了整的“outline”(大纲)之后,继续扩展你的结尾段的“conclusion”部分会变得相对容易。关于扩展结尾总结段,你第一件需要注意的事情就是不要使用和前面,尤其是和thesis重复的词句来进行概括。在这一段里,你需要使用不同的词来进行总结,与前文相呼应。如果可以的话,你可以使用一些语录和数据,但是要记住,一定要提及到这些数据的来源。

以上内容就是北美论文代写essay写作指南,希望能给留学生们带来帮助!留学生论文代写可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台机构专业信誉高、论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有加拿大代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉值得留学生选择和信赖!


论文代写-新兴市场跨国公司的特点。在许多分析中,新兴市场跨国公司都受到了详细的调查。已经有很多关于这方面的研究。20世纪60年代,拉丁美洲的公司和公司向其他发展中国家扩张,掀起了第一波国际扩张浪潮(Andreff, 2003)。继这一新兴市场之后,来自亚洲的台湾、新加坡、香港、印度和中国在1980年代以来的第二波浪潮中发挥了主导作用(UNCTAD, 2005)。尽管增长迅速,但这些企业的活动范围直到20世纪90年代才达到顶峰,这被视为第三次浪潮。塔塔(Tata)、联想(Lenovo)和华为(Huawei)等许多新兴企业的崛起,不仅是它们在本土市场上的竞争对手,也对一些发达市场的先进跨国公司构成了威胁。因此,新兴市场跨国公司的话题一直被给予相当的重视。接下来论文范文论文代写-新兴市场跨国公司的特点分享给留学生阅读。

Emerging markets multinationals have been probed in detail in many analyses. There have been many researches that have been undertaken for the same. In 1960s, corporations and firms from Latin American expanded to other developing countries that surged the first wave of international expansion (Andreff, 2003). Subsequent to this emerging market from Asian like Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, India and China played an dominate role in the second wave since 1980s (UNCTAD, 2005). In spite of the rapid growth, the scope of those firms’ activities has not reached a peak until 1990s, which is regarded as the third wave. The emergence of many EMNEs like Tata, Lenovo and Huawei not only act as a competitive rival in their local market, but also a threat to some advanced multinationals in developed markets. Hence, the topic of emerging market multinationals has always been given considerable importance.

In the current times, there is a controversy that is ongoing. It concerns the behaviours of those market new-borns. Some argue that existing theories, which developed by analysing advanced multinationals, is no longer suitable for firms from emerging markets (Hennart, 2012),while others debate that existing theories are adequate and still applicable to emerging market multinationals (Narula, 2012). Neutrally, scholars hold his view that existing theories can be extend by analysing emerging market multinationals instead of developing new one.
Regardless of those views, the actual differences between emerging market multinationals and their developed country counterparts is the key point to understanding emerging market multinationals, include their advantages and internationalization motivation. It has been observed that even though the notion of these multinationals is to generate profits (Park & Vanhonacker, 2007). Nevertheless, the modalities of operations are found to vary between the two systems. There are key advantages and disadvantages that have been observed these are elucidated in detail in the following.

有关论文范文论文代写-新兴市场跨国公司的特点就为留学生分享到这里。中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!



One important question that asked by Robert Dahl is who should actually govern the state. According Bartels, the elected representative rarely takes into account the views of the constituency and such as the trustee, he (she) is also someone who account for their own partisanship than for the preferences that made by their constituency. Moreover, Bartels is of the opinion that so far the political influence is concern, and the impact seems to be limited, because it is there only on the affluent people on the society and on the middle class people living in the society. The elected representatives are not affected by those people who are there at the bottom third line of the income distribution. In other, it does not have any impact on the people belonging to the lower income group level (Bartels, 252). The disparities in representation exist even after there had been a difference between the high and low income citizen and they are allowed in the turn out, political knowledge and it also takes into account the contact that they people have with the political officials who are there.
It is true that the Egalitarian view that actually exists in the society tries to come up with an equalizing legislation. Therefore, the state tries to come up with the various things such as the progressive income, but there is a problem in it and that includes the economically advantaged people who had greater access to the political resources. Thus, this turns out to be an important reason why disparity still exists in the society. On one hand, the affluent people in the society have the lobby and then, they could easily find out the tax loopholes there. On the other hand, they had the power and the money to hire an accountant and the lawyers so that they could easily maximize their benefits from the tax law. It would help them to deduct the cost and reduce the burden of the tax, whereas the low income group people have to carry on with the same burden (Bartels, 766). Therefore, the member of the congress should adopt the delegate model of representation because like the trustee model, the representatives currently listen to their own wish and not to the wish of the constituency. In other words, the delegates try to represent their constituency accurately to the legislative body.

加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供加拿大代写、essay代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



Cellphones should be banned to reduce cyber bullying and cellphones usefulness as search tool
Cyber bullying is one of the factors due to which the smartphones should not be allowed in classrooms. More than 20 percent of the students experience a single encounter of bullying once in their lifetime (Woda, 2017). The internet provides with the ability of bullying the other through anonymity due to which the increases access of bullying prone areas such as classrooms increases the cyber-bullying instances (Woda, 2017).
The cyber bullying has a severely negative impact and consequences to the affected students and individuals. It causes a wide range of physical, emotional and psychological stress. In general, the consequences of cyber bullying may make it dangerous for the development of social anxiety and depression (Woda, 2017).
Wide range of researchers including students hold the consensus that the cell phones should be allowed within the classroom settings on the basis of the usefulness it presents as a tool for undertaking brief search and research (Ross, 2017). However, it is found that majority of the students misuse the tool for playing due to which the negative effective offset the benefits and possess risk to the learning.

The discussion has proved the thesis statement of this essay lies in establishing that the cell phones should be banned in classrooms as it causes addiction, distraction and cyber bullying to the students. It is recommended for both the parents and policy framework of school to realize the consequences of smartphone ownership for the students and providing with an interactive digital based learning experience to alleviate the students of complaints related to boredom.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供毕业论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!


论文代写-香港货柜污染环境的原因分析。就香港货柜的环境而言,由于货柜所使用的燃料,自然环境已受到污染。许多媒体报导说,由于使用较少的清洁燃料液体,葵涌和本研究中讨论的货柜港已陷入污染状态。人们正在努力使用更清洁的液体。此外,集装箱地区被认为是二氧化硫的最大来源之一。因此,不仅仅是海岸线生态系统受到不断上升的硫水平的影响。随着反污染法令的实施,港口能够将二氧化硫污染降低到24小时平均12微克(Kao, 2015)。船东们主要利用集装箱区域,转而使用更清洁、含硫量仅为0.5%的船用燃料,许多污染问题得到了解决。

Based on the data collected above, the discussion of manmade structures on natural environment is discussed here. Recommendations are made for stopping coastal degradation.
In terms of the Hong Kong Container environment, there are already natural environment contamination issues because of the fuel being used in the shipping containers. It is presented in many media articles that Kwai Chung and the container port being discussed in this work have fallen into a contaminated state because of the use of less clean fuel fluids. Work is being done to use much cleaner fluid. The shipping container area was cited to be one of the biggest sources of Sulphur dioxide furthermore. Hence, it is not just shoreline ecosystems that are affected by the increasing levels of Sulphur. With anti-pollution mandates going into effect, the ports were able to reduce down to 24 hour averages of 12 micrograms in Sulphur dioxide contamination (Kao, 2015). The ship-owners make use of the container area mainly and are switching to marine fuel which is cleaner with just 0.5 per cent Sulphur, and much of the contamination issues are solved (Kao, 2015).
Manmade structures such as the Hong Kong container structures and the manmade structures identified along the Californian coast line could lead to weakening of the slope in the shoreline. It has been identified that such manmade structures lead to a gradual general decline in the strength of the shoreline. Now there is a strong need to protect the coast because of diverse reasons. Primarily, the coastal area is like a safety feature of the people living near the ocean. Armoring shorelines, such as the Pacific highway in the case of California, would be a way for people to reach the different natural tourist spots, however, these forms of manmade structures lead to direct erosion of the rugged landscapes. Rugged landscapes support many microorganisms.
It presents a form of barrier to people as it protects them from the turbulent nature of the sea. Shorelines vegetation and more are protected from the leeching properties of the sea because of a strong shoreline. In turbulent weather conditions, it is observed that the beach, the sand dunes and more will present a buffering effect. Secondly, coastal zones where manmade structures are built might not necessarily be an organic rich ecosystem. However, there are many forms of ecosystem imbalance and connections that researchers still have not established. It clearly means that disturbances even in a less ecologically rich zone would still have consequences.
There are economic activities associated with the environment such as the beach, rocks and cliffs etc. Many activities like boating, fishing and swimming happen along this stretch. In Hong Kong as well as the Californian example, it could be said that this is a major economic impact. It is estimated that in Northern American beaches, around 180 billion visitors are tourists to shorelines. They find it a recreational place that is both aesthetic and economical to them. It is not just tourists. Even people from different states come to shore scenic locations in search of a job. Around 13.3 million of people as estimated in 2010 live on the shorelines. An 8 per cent increase in this is expected around 2020. Therefore, at least 21.3 million people could live on the shorelines dependent on the shorelines at 2020.

加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供加拿大代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



Service providers try to address the needs of the (internal or external) consumers and try to find about the things that the people care about. Service quality is a good measurement tangent to understand these implementations. In this paradigm, the concept of pricing is very important. In the case of service providers, the most important facet is service quality. The company needs to understand the gaps in the services that are provided in order to decipher the appropriate service metrics. SERVQUAL is an important dimension. The gap analysis focuses on the difference between customer expectations and customer perceptions with related to the services. Customer expectation is defined as to what the customer expects based on their socio-economic background. Customer perception is subjective and is based on customer’s interaction with product or service. Perception can be explained as the factor of meeting the consumer expectation. The customer gap needs to be developed in order to meet the consumer requirements for the company. To overcome this issue, the company can adhere to the following changes.

Training the employees: The employee need to be encouraged to think in terms of customer care. This must go beyond normal basic service. There must creation of an amiable environment, willingness to address the needs of the consumers and the acts in which the company can ensure consumer happiness needs to be factored (Fitzsimmons, Fitzsimmons and Bordoloi, 2006).
Small victories need to be celebrated by the manager. They need to make the employee feel valued in the system. In this process, all the stakeholders will be benefit.

Discussion with the consumer that is more than social media need to be practiced. There must be customized service provided for the needs of the consumers.
It is expected that the companies address this need to create a more comprehensive service to the people. It is imperative to understand that not all dimensions are important to all the customers. The sector, consumer ideology, social notion and the innate resources that are available to the company all factor into this paradigm. The company can derive appropriate solutions based on these notions.

中國留學生英語論文不會寫,可以找加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構,此論文代寫平臺可以解決中國留學生的論文寫作難題,保證論文原創,為留學生提供畢業論文代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,並使用權威的抄襲檢測系統,讓留學生們輕松應對論文寫作並創作出專屬個人的優秀論文!