

經過包括聖誕假期在內的兩到三週的休息,經理從中國回來了,實習生被分配了整理文件和協助經理評估公司業績的任務。在整個實習計劃中,實習生需要通過在工作場所的觀察了解企業的複雜性(Lynch, 2015)。從學術的角度來看,主管是一個主要的角色,實習生必須與主管保持一致的聯繫。第一次會議以介紹性會議為標誌,在介紹性會議上討論每一項評估的細節。這個討論之後,每週都要和主管開近四周的會議。前兩週討論每週學習計劃和甘特圖前景。第三周是介紹每週的反思報告。第四周,要求實習生就抵押貸款經紀人在客戶服務中的角色提出一些想法(Li-hong, 2013)。實習生的課程表因聖誕節和學校假期而暫停。之後,實習生應定期與主管溝通,以獲得反饋,並為進一步的即興創作做準備。經過三週的仔細研究和改進,最終的項目建議書已經準備好了。
然後,主管幫助實習生撰寫項目的方法論,並進行後續修改。這些反饋幫助實習生為調查抵押貸款經紀人制定一個完美的計劃(mei i-fang, 2014)。調查問捲和訪談之間的差異是顯而易見的,實習生必須與抵押貸款經紀人進行進一步的訪談。實習生的學習計劃有助於實習生在組織中的生產性定位。實習的整個過程包括學術活動,以及前台接待或普通員工的活動。本反思報告的前一部分說明了不同類型的活動的差異以及它們在引導實習生進入組織中所起的作用。工業項目過程中的不同過程提供了一種學習體驗,這種體驗是用心去理解的,並伴隨一個人一生(Sikaliuk, 2014)。在工業項目的過程中,一名實習生遇到了三種不同的情況,這有助於學習抵押貸款經紀人在提供客戶服務方面的角色。


After a considerable break of around two to three weeks including Christmas break, the manager returned from his China trip and intern was assigned the responsibility of arranging documents and assist the manager in estimating the performance of the company. In the whole internship schedule, an intern is required to learn the intricacies of the business through observations at workplace (Lynch, 2015).From the academic perspective, the supervisor has a major role and the intern has to be in consistent touch with the supervisor. The first meeting is marked with an introductory session in which the details of every assessment are discussed. This discussion is followed by weekly meetings with the supervisor for almost four weeks. The first two weeks involve discussions on the weekly study plan and Gantt chart prospects. The third week involves the introduction of weekly reflective reports. In the fourth week, the intern is required to suggest some ideas about the role of mortgage brokers in customer service (Li-hong, 2013). The intern’s academic schedule is halted by Christmas and school holiday breaks. Thereafter the intern is supposed to communicate with the supervisor regularly in order to gain feedback and work on further improvisation. The final project proposal is prepared after three weeks of careful research and improvement.
Then the supervisor helps the intern in writing methodology for the project and in subsequent modifications. The feedbacks help the intern in preparing a flawless plan for surveying mortgage brokers (Mei-fang, 2014). The difference between questionnaires and interviews is clearly noticed and the intern has to engage in further interviews with mortgage brokers. The academic schedule of the intern helps in productive orientation of an intern with the organization.The complete journey of internship involves academic activities as well as the activities of a receptionist or regular employee. The previous part of this reflective report suggested the difference in different types of activities and their role in orienting an intern into the organization. The different processes across the journey of the industrial project provide a learning experience which is apprehended by heart and stays with a person for a lifetime (Sikaliuk, 2014). Along the course of the industrial project, an intern encountered three different situations which contributed to the learning experience regarding role of mortgage brokers in provision of customer service.