
personal statement 代写:电商企业的竞争

personal statement 代写:电商企业的竞争

亚马逊、沃尔玛、百思买和EBay被发现是该公司的主要竞争对手。Office depot曾是斯台普斯公司的有力竞争者(Stutz, 2015)。除此之外,阿里巴巴(Alibaba inc .)和Office depot如今已成为史泰博公司(Staples Company)的一部分。因此,预计该公司将加强其基础,增加销售。在销售方面,亚马逊是史泰博的主要竞争对手。他们有多样化的产品和迎合更广泛的观众。他们在全球许多市场都有稳固的立足点。战略收购和高效的物流系统使公司得以成长,并成为史泰博的主要竞争对手。建议史泰博采取更多的产品差异化战略。他们应该从销售专业办公产品发展到包括其他相关产品。扩大目标人口结构的范围将使史泰博受益。它们与史泰博获得的品牌形象相似。这两个品牌都有很强的品牌意识。
主要区别在于,Staples也在传统的实体零售店开展业务(Stutz, 2015)。可靠性增加,因为它的物理存在。这实际上是史泰博的一个优势。亚马逊试图以零利润率销售其产品。这个因素不会帮助公司获得利润。这些都是史泰博需要集中精力提高销量的关键因素。亚马逊、沃尔玛和阿里巴巴是该公司的三大主要竞争对手。它应该关注每个公司的某些方面。亚马逊拥有最好的物流系统。公司越来越重视营销工作。沃尔玛拥有零售店和在线业务。他们销售各种各样的产品,涵盖了混合动力车的消费者。公司应该警惕这个因素。阿里巴巴是一个b2b电子商务网站(Pride and Ferrell 2016)。它们正在各领域建立并不断壮大。因此,史泰博需要关注这家公司。综上所述,史泰博应该融入这些公司的一些基本理念,以提高其品牌形象和销量。

personal statement 代写:电商企业的竞争

Amazon, Walmart, Best buy, and EBay are found to be major competitors for the company. Office depot was once a very serious contender for Staples Company (Stutz, 2015). Apart from this, Alibaba inc, and Now Office depot have become a part of Staples Company. Hence, it is expected that the company would strengthen its base and increase sales. In terms of sales, Amazon is the major competitor for Staples. They have diversified products and cater to a wider audience. They have a strong foothold in many markets across the world. Strategic acquisitions and efficient logistics system have enabled the company to grow and emerge as a major competitor for Staples. It is suggested that Staples embark in more product differentiation strategies. They should grow from selling specialty office products to encompass other related products. Increasing the scope of the target demography will benefit Staples. They are similar to Staples in the brand image garnered. Both the brands have strong brand awareness.
Key difference is that Staples also operates in traditional brick and mortar retail stores (Stutz, 2015). Reliability increases owing to its physical presence. This is actually an advantage to Staples. Amazon tries to sell its product at zero profit margins. This factor will not help the company gain profits. These are the key factors that Staples needs to focus to increase sales. Amazon, Walmart and Alibaba are the three main competitors for this company. It should worry about certain aspects of each company. Amazon has the best logistics system. There is an increased focus given to marketing efforts by the company. Walmart has retail stores and online presence. They sell variety of products and cover the hybrid consumer. Company should be wary of this factor. Alibaba is a business-to-business ecommerce site (Pride and Ferrell 2016). They are strongly establishing and growing across the spectrum. Hence, this company needs to be watched by Staples. To conclude, Staples should incorporate some fundamental ideologies of these companies to increase its brand image and sales.