标签存档: 加拿大大学论文代写



人机交互是人类与计算机交互的模态。视觉通道、听觉通道、触觉通道和运动影响这些主要的相互作用。这些通道中使用的信息存储在内存中。从内存存储中启动和完成任务。研究发现,视觉分析工具有助于创建信号通路、转导通路、图像分析和高分辨率图像的创建(Ware, 2012)。它们还为在机器和机器人中开发人工智能铺平了道路。然而,计算机不能模仿人类的实际行为。与人相比,计算机从整体的角度了解情况的范围是有限的。在这个过程中,有一个要求的成分和它的安排是准确的,使它正确烹饪。正如前面提到的,在这个过程中,视觉感知是一个整体(Rayner, 2012)。对于视觉感知,外围视觉包括扫描、图案匹配、色彩匹配和立体因素,从整体的角度来理解问题。在这个视觉感知的概念中,个体具有特殊的运动功能,使他们能够理解物体的形状一致性和空间分布(Rayner, 2012)。
它们使人能够模仿类似的趋势,分析鱼饼的大小和体积是否相似。它能帮助我们理解这道菜。它还允许人们模仿图案,创造新的空间相似性。这种技能能使个体发展出侧性。它还允许理解空间分布以及它们应该如何组织。运动技能、手眼协调和黄斑协调都是由视觉感知发展而来的。烹饪、写作、驾驶都需要高级的视觉感知技能。个体通过这种视觉感知形成意识形态,并使自己符合情境的现有需求(Rayner, 2012)。在这个特殊的案例场景中,可以发现,对于特定的鱼饼烹饪,涉及到高级的视觉感知技能。然而,在现实中,当一个人烹饪时,所有的感官都在发挥作用。它包括视觉、味觉、触觉和嗅觉。这在人机交互中是无法模仿的。


Human computer interaction is the modals through which humans interact with the computers. Visual channel, auditory channel, haptic channel and movement influence these primary interactions. The information that is utilized in these channels is stored in memory. From the memory storage the tasks are initiated and completed. It has been found that visual analysis tools help in creation of signal pathways, transduction pathway, image analysis and creation of high-resolution images (Ware, 2012). They also pave the pathway in developing of artificial intelligence in machines and robots. Nevertheless computers cannot mimic the actual behaviour of humans. When compared to people, computers have limited scope of understanding about the situation from a holistic angle.In this process there is a requirement for the ingredients and its arrangements to be precise for it to cook properly. As mentioned early for this process visual perception is integral (Rayner, 2012). For visual perception peripheral vision, scanning, pattern matching, colour matching and stereoscopic factors are encompassed to understand about the issue from a holistic angle.In this notion of visual perception the individuals have specialized motor functions that enables them to understand the shape conformities and the spatial distribution of the objects (Rayner, 2012).
They enable a person to copy similar trends, analyse if the fish cakes are of similar size and volume. It enables in understanding about the dish. It also allows people to mimic the patterns and create new spatial similarities. This skill enables individuals to develop laterality. It also allows in understanding about spatial distribution and how they should be organized. Motor skills, eye hand coordination and general macular coordination develop from visual perception. Cooking, writing, driving requires advanced develop skills in visual perception. From this visual perception individuals forms ideologies and conform themselves to the existing requirements of the situation (Rayner, 2012). In this particular case scenario it can be found that for the particular cooking of fish cakes there is advanced levels of visual perception skills that are involved. Nevertheless in reality when a person cooks all the senses are in function. It includes sight, taste, touch and smell. This cannot be mimicked in Human computer interactions.



除此之外,管理者应该知道应该模仿什么。同时,管理者需要确保他们所规划的战略资产是否可以被替代。经理人还可以分散股东的风险,因为他们将更加关注沃达丰公司在德国等新市场的成功。股东成为风险的重要组成部分并不容易(Barberi et al ., 2016)。他们寻找那些安定、稳定、完全没有风险的公司。此外,管理者可以以更好的方式做出战略决策,即使是以牺牲公司的短期盈利为代价。此外,当风险消除后,沃达丰将奖励这些经理。中层管理人员也将得到奖励。在同样的帮助下,沃达丰在德国的管理人员也将能够使高管受益,持有不同种类的股权,并将有助于限制公司的流动性和多元化。


Vodafone managers need to diversify the shareholders risk in the present times. This is because it is important for the managers to diversify the risk of the share holders without damaging the same. Managers are the people who can think about the company in a better manner. While diversifying the risk of the shareholders, the managers need to think how Vodafone can do better than their competitors. Managers can diversify the shareholders if they find that it is easier for them to do the transportation of the strategic assets to their target industry. Thus, Managers can easily diversify the stakeholders risk and help them to minimize the risk associated with the shareholders. It can be assumed that the managers have a much better place for the understanding related to the reduction of the shareholders risk. This is because they have a broader idea related to the company, its business and its future strategies. The managers can easily ask about the new strategic assets which are required to be introduced in the share market.
In addition to this, the managers should know what is to be imitated. Also, the managers need to ensure if the strategic asset planned by them can be substituted. The managers can also diversify the shareholders risk as they will be much more concerned about the success of the Vodafone Company in new markets such as Germany. It is not easily for the share holders to be the part and parcel of the risk (Barberi et al, 2016). They look for the companies which are settled, stabilized and are completely free from risk. Also the managers can take strategic decisions in a better manner even at their expense of near-term earning of the company. Also, the managers will be rewarded by Vodafone when the risks will be eliminated. The middle managers will also be rewarded. With the help of the same, the Vodafone managers in Germany will also be able to benefit the senior executives to hold the different kinds of ownership based stakes and will help to restrict the liquidity and diversification of the company.



另外一个重要的内部因素是Zara的人力资源,这是公司成功的关键因素之一。公司的人力资源工作效率高,反应快。在公司工作的员工积极性很高,这体现了公司的人力资源政策。该公司致力于雇佣年轻员工,并为他们提供培训,提供公平的激励措施,以促进有效和适当的沟通。从外部环境来看,时尚零售商将5%的收入用于产品广告,而Zara仅为0.3%。这是因为该公司致力于口碑传播,这被证明是一个非常强大的媒体来吸引客户(Kozlenkov et al., 2015)。另一个需要考虑的重要因素是Zara对市场的快速反应和迎合顾客的需求。
顾客反馈是由商店经理就顾客喜欢什么和不喜欢什么进行沟通的。这些数据会立即反馈给Zara的设计师,而他们正是在那一刻开始素描工作的。Zara的响应性的影响在顾客的积极行为中是显而易见的,因为随着新型号的不断快速到达,Zara在推动顾客快速购买和拥有高访问频率方面发挥着至关重要的作用(Christopher, 2005)。该战略的结果是,它将生产总成本和供应链过程成本降至最低,因为与其他竞争对手相比,它降低了商品价格。然而,该公司在其供应链方面存在一些弱点,这些弱点在下面的章节中被表述为问题。


Furthermore another essential internal factor is human resource for Zara which is one of the key success factors for the company. The human resources of the company work by efficiency and quick response system. Individuals working in the firm are motivated highly which depicts the HR policy of the company. The company engages in hiring young individuals and providing training to them with fair incentives given resulting in effective and proper communication. When viewed from the perspective of external environment, fashion retailers spend 5 percent of their generated revenues over product advertisements whereas in the case of Zara, only 0.3 percent is spent by the company. This is because the company works on word of mouth to spread which proves to be a much powerful medium to attract customers (Kozlenkov et al., 2015). Another essential factor for consideration is the quick response that Zara gives to the market and caters to its customer’s requirements.
Customer feedback is communicated by store manager over what is liked by the shoppers and what they do not prefer. The data is funnelled instantly back to the designers of Zara who start the sketch work at that very moment. The influence of responsiveness of Zara is evident in the positive behaviour of the customers as it results in playing an essential role to push the customer to purchase in a quick way and have high visit frequencies as newer models keep arriving in a fast way (Christopher, 2005). The strategy is such that it results in minimizing the total production costs and supply chain processes cost as it results in reducing the merchandizing mark down in comparison with the other competitors. However, the company has some weaknesses associated with its supply chain and these are expressed as issues in the following sections.



我相信SWOT/PLOT工具将有助于帮助我了解自己的技能,并为未来制定远景。我的目标是创建一个基于创新颠覆和创新范式的技术产品或服务系列。我想为社区带来变革。SWOT(优势、劣势、机会和威胁)是一个矩阵,用来分析自我的优势和劣势(Gallagher, 2013)。它将使集中力量成为可能,并将弱点的领域转化为优点的形式。这将使我能够寻找机会的领域。我对自己进行了SWOT分析,确定了以下几点。作为第一步,了解我每天面临的威胁是很重要的。我所面临的威胁是来自世界各地的人们的竞争。在当今时代,人们受雇于世界各地。我需要发挥我的才能,努力发展我的技术技能,以便在市场中生存。在这门课上,有许多天生的领导者和自发的演讲者,他们的讲话清晰明了。


I believe that the SWOT/PLOT tools would be instrumental in helping me to understand my skills and develop a vision for the future. My goals is to create a product or service line in technology based on the creative disruption and innovation paradigm. I want to be instrumental in bringing the change for the community. A SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) is a matrix that is used to analyze the strength and weakness of the self (Gallagher, 2013). It would enable in the focusing of the strength and to convert the areas of weaknesses into a form of advantage. This would enable me in looking for the areas of opportunities. I conducted a SWOT analysis of myself and determined the following. As a first step, it’s important to understand the threats that I face on a daily basis. The threats that I would face is the competition from people from across the world. In the current times, people are employed from across the world. I need to harness my talents and work on developing my technical skills to survive in the markets. There are a number of natural leaders and spontaneous speakers who speak with clarity in this class.
I should be able to sustain amongst talented people and look for ways to create a niche for myself in the corporate world. The important factor that holds me up is the public speaking skills. I need to develop this skills as it creates a sense of apprehension. I have noticed that when I speak to people I tend to not have the skills that are required to convince a person. I need to develop this skill to express my thought clearly and instill confidence to the people about myself. In other words, my nervousness is my biggest threat. I need to develop this skills. My areas of strength are that I have the ability to be creative and spontaneous. I can spark interest in people and am deeply passionate about my work. I have the clarity of thought to look into the big picture. I can be a visionary leader or a team player depending on my situation. I have the ability to adapt myself to the circumstances.



他们在食物中使用姜、大蒜、胡椒、葱、辣椒、薄荷等。他们用酱油和醋来调味他们的食物。甜食通常在喝茶的时候提供,或者用作晚上的小吃。在美国,人们从来不吃动物的任何内部器官,如耳舌;当他们做饭时,只吃肉(母头34)。在美国,一般禁止吃狗和青蛙。他们喜欢在食物中加入加工过的香料,包括番茄酱和胡椒粉,一般来说,美国人不使用调味料。在美国,甜点一般在晚饭后才供应(Kulkarni192)。美国人和中国人的饮食习惯也不同。在中国,人们更喜欢使用圆桌,因为它被认为是方便提供食物给别人(Kulkarni 191)。在中国,圆象征着人与人之间的团结与和谐。因为他们准备的食物是切成小块的,所以在中国他们用筷子吃饭(约a, Patterson和Kristal25)。在美国,人们喜欢用方桌吃饭,适合个人用餐,大桌子适合更大的群体。
因为他们把蔬菜和其他食物材料切成大块,所以他们用刀叉吃饭(Mothershead 34)。从这里可以看出,两个民族都有一定的特定的饮食习俗和文化,但又有很大的差异。虽然食物是生活的重要组成部分,但每个国家、文化、社会或地区在烹饪、服务和消费食物方面都有其独特之处。从中国和美国的情况可以看出,两国都有独特的烹饪、上菜和消费的技术。此外,可以指出的是,某些形式的食物首选在一个地方是不可取的,甚至禁止在其他地方。人们还发现,与美国相比,中国更具有群体性,这反映在他们的服务和饮食方式上。今天的中国已经成为世界闻名的,因为他们的正宗和美味的菜肴,这不是美国的情况。


They use ginger, garlic, pepper, spring onion, chillies, mint, etc. in their food (Mothershead 23). They use soy sauce and vinegar for seasoning their foods. Sweet food items are usually served at the time of tea or are used as evening snacks.The people in the US never consume any internal parts of animals like ear tongue;while they cook, only fleshes are consumed (Mothershead 34). Eating dog and frog are generally prohibited in the US. They prefer processed spices in their food which includes ketchups and pepper powder,Generally, people in the US do not use seasoning. Sweet desserts in the US are generally served after dinner gets over (Kulkarni192).Dining customs are also different among the US and the Chinese people.People in china preferably use a round table, as it is considered to be convenient to serve food to others (Kulkarni 191). In China roundness symbolizes unity and harmony among people. Since they prepare food in chop size, they use chopsticks to consume food in China (Abouta, Patterson and Kristal25).In the US people prefer to use square table for dining which is suitable for individual eating and large tables for bigger groups.
Since they cut vegetables and other food ingredients into large pieces, they use fork and knife to eat (Mothershead 34).It can be seen here that both the nations are having certain particular customs and culture of food but differs highly from each other.Though food is a vital ingredient of life, each and every country, culture, society or region has its own individuality when it comes to how they are going to cook, serve and consume food. It can be seen in case of China and the US that both have unique and distinct techniques of cooking serving and consuming food. Also it can be noted that some forms of food preferred in one location is not preferred or even prohibited in other location. It has also been seen that China is more communal which reflects in their ways of serving and eating compared to that of the US. China today has become famous around the globe because of their authentic and delicious cuisine which is not the case of the US.



这个学习过程是一个自然的有机过程,类似于学习功能,如走路。根据研究,这些人天生就想学习这种语言。甚至在社会上的脑损伤儿童中也观察到了这种现象。他们发现天生就能理解语言和语法代码(VanPatten & Williams, 2014)。L1学习过程是一个生物驱动的过程。奥拉天生就喜欢阿拉伯语。她会对语言结构有很好的理解。她必须利用这些原则来加强对第二语言的掌握。以阿拉伯语为母语的人应该把它与英语进行比较。英语词汇的音系、写作和系统的启发式结构等方面的分析。学习第二语言应该付出相当大的努力。这是一个复杂的动态过程,需要持续的评估。第二语言的原则将在下面讨论。


Ola must become a bilingual learner to survive in the current environment. Bilingual learner is a person who can communicate with other in two languages. It is imperative to learn the local languages. The bilingual people develop the ability to be in a compound state of mind with to kind of grammar. The people need to reposition their learning of the second language in terms with the primary language that they had learnt in their childhood for communication. Forman (2010) states that the people who wish to learn the second language need to essentially deconstruct their native language. From this they should develop a form of comparative analysis with the second language that they wish to learn. The L1 language acquisition is a process that is enabled by genetic triggering built in each individuald. This L1 learning process is the syntactic system that becomes encapsulated as a form of rules governing the language learning process. The L1 language learning process becomes an integral element of the cognitive development of the mind. Children are innately drawn to the L1 learning acquisition.
This learning process is a natural organic process that is similar to learning functions such as walking. According to research, the individuals innately try to learn the language. This has been observed even in the brain-damaged children in the society. They found to innately comprehend the language and the grammatical code (VanPatten & Williams, 2014). L1 learning process is a biologically driven process. Ola is naturally attuned toward the Arabic language. She will have a great comprehension of the language construct. She must use these tenets to develop a stronger grasp of the L2 languages. The native speaker of Arabic should compare it with the English language. There should be analysis of the phonology, writing and the systematic heuristics structuring of words in the English languages. There should be considerable efforts taken to learn a L2 language. This is a complex dynamic process that requires continual evaluation. The tenets of the L2 language are discussed in the following.



关联账户:现金账户和存货账户。错报风险水平:股票和现金的挪用导致财务报表错报的可能性很高,这也吸引了重要性。断言/s:在这种情况下,应实现分类和截止断言。审计人员在审计过程中,应当更加重视对现金和存货的挪用分类。另一方面,被挪用的现金和股票需要由管理层进行识别和核算,并由审计师进行验证(Graham, 2015)。挪用现金、股票,应当在正确的会计期间记帐。关联账户:库存账户,零售商的返利和折扣。错报风险水平:财务报表中出现错报可能性的风险水平较高。在零售和批发业务中,回扣和折扣对业务的财务报表有重要影响。断言/s: Occurrence是审计时应该考虑的断言。因为很多账户都涉及到折扣和回扣。因此,审核员应检查任何少报或多报的金额。流动比率:反映本组织流动资金的流动性。
流动比率根据流动资产与流动负债的水平建立流动资产与流动负债之间的关系。在进行分析的过程中,可以看出Soundworld的流动性状况良好。流动比率和存货周转率较高,说明流动性水平较高(Spires, 2012)。偿债能力比率:偿债能力比率是指企业的债务和权益状况。负债权益比表明声世界有限公司的风险较高,因为其负债大于内部资金。另一方面,时间利息率是音世界有限公司的另一个担忧,因为他们没有足够的资金来履行他们的利息义务。盈利能力比率:这个比率表示组织的盈利能力。在分析过程中,人们注意到净利润一直在快速下降。这意味着更高的支出。因此,审核员应详细核实所有达到或超过重要性水平的费用。资产回报率表明Soundworld ltd的资产不足以盈利(Spires, 2012)。因此,审核员应详细检查此事项,并将其报告给负责治理的人员。


Associated account: Cash account and inventory account.Level of risk of misstatement: There is high level of likelihood that misappropriation of stock and cash will lead towards misstatement of financial statement and this also attracts materiality. Assertion/s: Inn this case, classification and cut-off assertions shall be implemented. During audit, auditors shall put more emphasis on classification of misappropriation of cash and stock. On the other hand, cash and stock which have been misappropriated are required to be identified and accounted by management and verified by auditor (Graham, 2015). Misappropriation of cash and stock shall be accounted in correct accounting period.Associated account: Inventory account and rebates and discount to retailers.Level of risk of misstatement: There will be high level of risk in terms of likelihood of misstatement in financial statement. In retail and wholesale business rebates and discount has material impact on financial statement of the business.Assertion/s: Occurrence is the assertion that shall be taken into account while auditing. Since many accounts have been involved under discount and rebate. Therefore, auditor shall examine any understatement or overstatement amount. Current ratio: It reflects liquidity in the working capital of the organization.
Current ratio establishes the relationship between current assets and current liabilities in terms of its level. While conducting analytical procedure, it can be observed that liquidity position of Soundworld is good. Current ratio and inventory turnover ratio is at higher side which shows high level of liquidity (Spires, 2012).Solvency Ratio: Solvency ratio indicates debt and equity position of the business organization. Debt to equity ratio indicates there is high level of risk in Soundworld ltd as its liabilities are more than its internal funds. On the other hand, time interest earned ratio is another worry for Soundworld ltd as they are not available with adequate funds to discharge their interest obligations.Profitability Ratio: This ratio indicates profitability of the organization. During analytical procedure, it has been noted that net profit margin has been at decline at fast rate. It suggests higher expenses. Therefore, auditor shall verify in detail all the expenses which reach or go beyond materiality level. Return on assets suggests that assets of Soundworld ltd are not adequate enough to earn profit (Spires, 2012). Therefore, auditor shall examine this matter in detail and report it to those charge with governance.




1. 个人陈述


2. 简历










論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:策略有助於選擇股票

論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:策略有助於選擇股票
另一種投資策略是投資全球對沖債券,總回報率為7.3%,如果是全球股票(對沖),回報率為6.2%。管理基金的回報率較低,年利率為5.6%。整體而言,管理基金的年回報率僅為5至6%。聯邦銀行為長期投資提供各種利率。銀行60個月的最高年利率為2.85%。 (聯邦銀行2016)。的確,投資銀行將是無風險的,同時回報也會很低。不過,投資金額將是安全的。為了系統地實現這些目標,必須對風險承擔因素進行技術管理。風險承擔因素取決於人的壽命長短。那些擁有更大數量和更長的壽命的人將能夠承擔更多的風險。另一方面,老年人將尋求穩定和固定的利益,不涉及任何風險或低風險。在目前的情況下,長期投資是不可取的。

論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:策略有助於選擇股票

There is no systematic method of stock picking in the share market. Rather fundamental strategies will help to choose the stock. The strategies are the applications of theories and risk taking behavior is must. The investor may seek stabilized growth or high growth. Before entering to the stock market, the investor decides himself about risk bearing. Under the portfolio management, the risk bearing capacity allows different rate of returns. Different factors such as strong historical earnings, stabilized revenue, dividend history, management of the company, etc influence the share price. Besides, international political news also influences the share market. Mr. Adam Hart is a small investor and does not have multiple portfolio investments. Making investment in shares with such small amount is not suggestible, as there will be heavy volatile and there is no guaranteed income on the trading of share. Lots of trading experience and huge amount is required for regular trading. Occasional trading is not suggestable at this moment. Overall Gross return in Australian Shares notices with 5.5%.
Another investment strategy is making investment with hedged global bonds which give Gross Return of 7.3% and in case of Global shares (hedged) will give return of 6.2%. In case of Managed funds, low returns were observed with a rate of 5.6% p.a. Overall, the managed funds give return of 5 to 6% per annum only.Commonwealth bank offers various interest rates for long term investments. The maximum interest offered by the bank is 2.85% p.a. for the period 60 months. (Commonwealth Bank 2016). It is true that making the investment in banks will be risk free and at the same time the return will be low return. However, the investment amount will be safe. To achieve the goals systematically, risk taking factor must be managed in a technical way. The risk taking factor depends upon the span of life of the human. The persons who have larger amounts with long span of life will be able to take more risks. On the other hand, aged persons will seek stabilized and fixed interest without involving any risk or low risk. At the present situation, Long term investments are not advisable.



反驳观点:Kalm Kakuyama参与农业活动,即向社会挤奶和销售牛奶(Liu, 2014)。从日本农业部门的人口统计角度来看,可以分析出,大多数个人年龄在40岁以上。这使得Kalm Kakuyama的业务运营受到限制,因为农业运营需要年轻人来处理(Sinha和Srivastava, 2013)。反驳:社会对Kalm Kakuyama商业运作的另一个影响是抵制Kalm Kakuyama的产品,因为他们在商业运作中不使用人(员工)。论证:技术升级将提高企业的生产力和产品质量。技术环境以一种积极的方式取代了企业组织对劳动力或人力的需求和重要性(Lazic, 2013)。技术生产是指利用人类的知识和技能生产或生产人类过去常常生产的产品的过程。
技术发展总是通过提高企业的生产力和盈利能力,以积极的方式影响企业组织(Otim et al., 2012)。反论点:企业组织的技术环境可以定义为企业在经营中使用的技术的发展和发展的下降(Welch, 2014)。技术批判理论建议寻找应用技术服务于其利益的人群,并分析更好地服务于已确定的人群的方法。将这一理论应用于本案例表明,制造机器人是服务于挤奶和销售牛奶的商业组织的已识别技术(Salazar, 2013)。机器人替代人力资源对商业环境和商业流程产生了直接的影响(Arshad et al., 2014)。这种影响可以被视为积极的影响,因为与早期模型相比,它降低了生产成本,使生产过程更加有效(Sutherland et al., 2015)。


Counter-argument: Kalm Kakuyama is involved in agricultural activities i.e. milking and selling cow milk to the society (Liu, 2014). From the demographic point of view of Japan’s agricultural sector, it can be analysed that most of the individual are of more than 40 years of age. This has put limitation in from of Kalm Kakuyama in term of its business operations as agricultural operations require younger people to handle (Sinha and Srivastava, 2013). Rebuttal: Another impact that society can make on business operations of Kalm Kakuyama, is boycotting products of Kalm Kakuyama because they are not using human being (employees) in their business operations.Argument: Technological upgradation will enhance productivity and product quality of the business operations. Technological environment replaces the requirement and importance of labour or human being in a positive manner for business organisation (Lazic, 2013). Technological production is the process of manufacturing or producing such products that human used to produce with their knowledge and skills.
Technological development has always impacted business organisation in positive manner by improving their productivity and profitability (Otim et al., 2012). Counter-argument: Technological environment of business organisation can be defined as the development and decline in development of technology that business uses in its operations (Welch, 2014). Critical theory of technology suggests finding the population whose interest is served by applied technology and analyse approach to better serve the identified population. Applying this theory in present case suggests that manufacturing robots is the identified technology that serves business organisation involved in milking and selling cow milk (Salazar, 2013). Robots used in place of human resource have made direct impact on business environment and in business processes (Arshad et al., 2014). This impact can be treated as positive impact since it reduces cost of production and make production process more effective as compared to earlier model (Sutherland et al., 2015).