标签存档: 加拿大大学论文代写

























在这些画中,对象的位置时常不同。树、岩石和动物都被精心放置在适当的位置,以保证最后的平衡情绪。正是在文艺复兴时期,这些山水画获得了重要的意义,对人们吸引他人去欣赏意大利文化显得尤为重要。虽然这种情况发生在16世纪晚期,但随着风景艺术家的流行和大旅游的普及,这种情况一直延续到17、18世纪。当时,意大利被认为是风景画家的故乡。尼古拉斯·普桑(Nicolas Poussin)和克劳德·洛兰(Claude Lorrain)就是这样两位杰出的艺术家,他们以不断地通过绘画为理性清晰奠定基础而闻名(Whyte, 2002)。作品中明暗的运用各不相同,这些不同之处主要是为了带来真实,表现出良好的平衡感,同时也增强了意大利山水画家的素质。随着时间的推移,景观艺术的焦点在题材和性质上发生了变化。不同形式的山水画出现了,没有山水画消失的例子。
然后,除了历史、文化和社会时刻之外,它还被用作一种展示哲学思想的模式(Hill and Minghelli, 2014)。当风景艺术作品被转化为摄影时,摄影实践也随之发展起来,而这恰好是一种比艺术作品更容易捕捉照片的方式。在意大利语境中,中庸是一种新的制度,具有良好的文化和制度维度。此外,摄影被认为是次要的比山水画和艺术评论家坚持认为,激进的思想和知识实践只能通过绘画比摄影的手段来揭露。新物品被用来创作这些艺术品。除了表现历史事件和文化实践,它还被用来探索空间研究、文化变迁、电影、文学、美学、地理和音乐。人们对中心问题的承诺仍然是令人关注的领域(Hill and Minghelli, 2014)。因此,使用新的属性来描述相同的内容。主题的改变,使山水画可以作为一个完美的推动者,以获得关注的目标观众。


The positioning of the objects differed from time to time in these paintings. Tree, rock and animals were well placed with extreme care to deliver a balanced mood in the end. It was the period of Renaissance when these landscape paintings gained significance and appeared to be extremely crucial for people to attract others towards Italian cultures. While this happened in the late 16th century, it extended to 17th and 18th centuries when landscape artists became popular and popularity of Grand Tour increased. Italy was then considered as the land known and meant for landscape artists. Nicolas Poussin and Claude Lorrain were two such eminent artists known for their continuous works to develop the base for rational clarity through paintings (Whyte, 2002). The usage of light and dark differed among the paintings and these differences were mainly to bring the reality and express the style with good balance and also to empower the quality of Italian landscape artists.Over the period, the focus of landscape art changed in terms of the subject and properties. Different forms of landscape paintings came into existence and there were no instances when landscape paintings diminished.
It was then used as a mode to demonstrate philosophical thoughts in addition to historical, cultural and social moments (Hill and Minghelli, 2014). Photographic practice evolved when landscape art works were converted to photography and this happened to be an easier way to capture pictures than the art works. In the Italian context, medianity was a new system that has gained a good cultural as well as institutional dimension. Additionally, photography was considered secondary than the landscape painting and art critics insisted that radical thoughts and intellectual practices can be exposed only by means of painting than photography. New objects were used to create these art works. Apart from the representation of historic events and cultural practices, it is used to explore spatial studies, cultural changes, cinema, literature, aesthetics, geography and music. The commitment of people to the central issues remained as the area of concern (Hill and Minghelli, 2014). As a result, new properties were used to depict the same. The subjects changed so that landscape paintings could be used as the perfect facilitators to gain attention from the intended audience.



这是因为在这个框架内的某些威胁被归类为中间人的攻击。这还包括网络钓鱼、嗅探、窃听和其他类似方式的攻击。分布式拒绝服务(DDOS)是最常见的攻击之一,但它是主要的云计算基础设施攻击。这种众所周知的攻击可能会给云计算带来潜在的问题,因为将其缓解作为一种选择是没有例外的(Pasupuleti et al., 2016)。虚拟机的安全性在很大程度上决定了云环境的安全性和完整性。认证、会计和加密都是安全计算实践的一部分,它们可以包含在云计算安全的关注点中。然而,重要的是要在这方面区分安全和危险的关切。例如,供应商的锁定可以被视为基于云的服务中可能存在的风险因素,而这些服务不一定与安全方面相关(Subashini和Kavitha, 2011)。另一方面,特定操作系统类型的使用可能会对本质上被视为安全风险的安全性造成威胁,这种操作系统可以是开源的,也可以是专有的。
Mark(2009)认为,云计算中的其他组织风险实例可以被认为是服务不可用性、许可问题、供应商的业务不连续,而这些问题不属于技术角度的安全考虑范围。因此,正如Mariam(2010)所述,对安全的关注总是被认为是某种方式的风险,而任何风险都与对安全的关注无关。云计算基础设施中相关方之间的责任分配可能会导致不一致,从而导致安全漏洞的最终实例。与任何其他网络的场景类似,内部攻击条款仍然是云计算中的有效威胁(Rittinghouse和Ransome 2016)。在云环境中使用的任何安全工具或软件都可能存在安全漏洞,对云计算本身的基础设施构成安全风险。第三方api和垃圾邮件制造者的问题是云计算环境威胁。


This is because certain threats within this framework are classified as attacks by man in the middle. This further includes phishing, sniffing, eavesdropping and other attacks of similar manner. Distributed denial of service known as DDOS is one of the most common attack but it is major cloud computing infrastructure attack. This well-known attack can cause potential issues for the cloud computing as there are no exceptions for its mitigation being considered as an option (Pasupuleti et al., 2016). The virtual machine’s security defines the level of security and integrity of the environment of cloud to a great extent. Authentication, accounting and encryption all are part of the safe computing practice, they can be included within the concerns for cloud computing security. However, it is of high importance that the concerns of security and risks are distinguished to this respect. For an instance, lock-in of vendor can be regarded as possible risk factor within the services based on cloud that does not have to be associated to the aspects of security necessarily (Subashini and Kavitha, 2011). On the other hand, usage of particular operating system type can pose threat to the security that is essentially considered as security risk, such operating systems can be open source vs. proprietary.
According to Mark (2009), other instances of organizational risk within cloud computing can be regarded as unavailability of service, licensing issues, business discontinuity of the provider which does not lie within the concerns of security from the technical standpoint. As per Mariam (2010), therefore, the concern of security will always be considered as a risk of some manner while any risk is not associated with the concern of security. Responsibilities allocation amid the involved parties within the infrastructure of cloud computing may lead to facing inconsistency that may result in eventual instance of vulnerabilities within security. Similar to scenario of any other network, the insider-attack provision remains a threat of valid nature within the cloud computing (Rittinghouse and Ransome 2016). Any tools of security or software utilized within the environment of cloud may have loopholes in terms of security that will pose security risks to the infrastructure of the cloud computing itself. The issue with the APIs of third party along with the spammers are the cloud computing environmental threat.


次要數據收集在這裡完成。二次數據收集法是研究者從已有的研究證據中收集數據,而不是直接從參與者那裡收集數據(Creswell, 2003)。這種數據收集方法被認為是可行的,因為研究人員很難直接接觸到數據收集的參與者。在數據收集方面有一點餘地。雖然大部分數據來自同行評審的期刊文章,但也有必要使用覆盆子派基金會網站和大學網站等網站收集數據進行案例研究。對於文獻綜述,數據收集自同行評審的數據期刊。用Arduino school projects, Arduino university projects, Raspberry in K12等關鍵詞進行搜索。研究數據來自於諸如穀歌scholar,大學數據庫搜索等網站。
案例分析以比較的方式進行。正如研究人員所說,使用多個案例研究有助於比較不同的變量(Creswell, 2003)。在本研究工作中,變量是基於案例研究的變量,如學習結果、學習挑戰、學生在學習中的項目等。研究的重點是批判性地分析四個不同的案例研究,他們如何利用嵌入式系統的工作原理,如Arduino和Raspberry Pi,在應用程序中提高他們的學習。對四個項目的分析主要是針對RMIT課程提出建議。本研究僅說明為何將其整合進RMIT課程可能是一個很好的選擇,但並沒有解決RMIT在整合過程中可能面臨的任何現實問題。


Secondary data collection is done here. Secondary data collection method is where the researcher collects data from existing research evidences instead of directly collecting data from the participants (Creswell, 2003). This data collection method was considered feasible as it would have been difficult for the researcher to directly reach out to participants in data collection. A little leeway was taken with respect to data collection. While most of the data was collected from peer reviewed journal articles, it was also necessary to use websites such as that of the Raspberry Pi foundation website and also the university websites to collect data for the case study. For the literature review, data was collected from peer reviewed data journals. The search was conducted with key words such as Arduino school projects, Arduino university projects, Raspberry in K12, etc. The research data was collected from sites such as google scholar, the university database search.
The case study analysis is conducted in a comparative style. As researchers argue, the use of multiple case studies lends itself to comparison of different variables (Creswell, 2003). In this research work, the variables are that of the case study based ones such as the learning outcomes, the learning challenges, the student projects in learning and more. The research focuses on critically analysing four different case studies on how they have made use of the embedded systems works such as the Arduino and Raspberry Pi in applications that enhance their learning. The analysis of four projects is mainly focused on presenting recommendations for the curriculum of RMIT. The research only presents why it could be an excellent choice to integrate in RMIT curriculum but does not address any real world problems that RMIT could face in incorporating them.





Engineering design can also be associated with any decision making process processes. Engineering design generally involves the following five key steps, 1) developing a statement of the problem or a set of specifications, 2) gathering information pertinent to the problem, 3) designing several alternatives that meet the specifications, 4) analyzing the alternatives and selecting the best one, and 5) testing and implementing the best design.In engineering design, the key goals of the design are considered at the onset, and this is done by means of requirement collections and with client input. In the case of the ethical decision making, the key goal identified is usually the need for a solution to an ethical dilemma.In engineering design, the goal is usually set based on the form of final delivery that might be needed. In the case of ethical dilemmas, the consequence of action is usually understood and based on the consequence of the action, the goals might be set. A goal might be to avoid negative ramifications to party A in the context of an ethical dilemma.Different stakeholders are identified in engineering design. They are the ones directly affected by a new software product creation. In the case of the ethical decision making dilemma, once again different stakeholders have to be identified who would be affected by the decision.
The major stakeholders and the minor one identified in engineering design based on some format. For instance, usage might be a criterion to classify the stakeholders. Based on usage for instance, some of them would be classified as major stakeholders, and they would probably make the maximum use of the system developed. In ethical decision making, a major stakeholder is one that would have maximum positive consequences, if the purpose of decision making is to increase the benefits. Alternatively the major stakeholder in some other situations can be defined as one that suffer less negative consequences when the purpose is to reduce adverse effects by decision making. A minor stakeholder might be someone that does not use the system, but might perhaps have their working in an organization modified slightly because of the system. In the case of the ethical decision making process, the minor stakeholder is one who would be least when a decision is made.




1. 按照要求规定来


2. 分清主次,别想一把抓


3. 避免泛泛而谈


4. 递交之前检查校对你的论文






紫外可见光谱法可用于对大量药物物质的过程进行定量分析。它是用于分析不同药用物质的最重要的技术之一。它包括测量紫外线或可见辐射的量。因此,当紫外线或可见光被溶液吸收时,就可以进行测量。有大量的药物可以以原材料的形式使用,也可以作为配方使用(Kemp & William, 1991)。制备了药物溶液,并测量了特定波长的吸光度。同样的一个例子是安定片的定量分析。将0.5%的H2SO4在甲醇中混合,在给定波长下,其值约为284 nm。用来测量比值或比值函数或强度的仪器称为紫外可见分光光度计。
而在定性分析中,利用紫外可见光谱法可以很容易地对有机化合物进行鉴别。另一方面,为了保证吸收辐射的分子数量,进行了定量分析。该技术的优点是简单、特异、适用于多种化合物。可以用来控制这个过程的基本定律是比尔定律和朗伯定律。根据这一定律,与溶液吸光度有关的过程与溶液中一些最重要的吸收物质的浓度和路径的长度有关。用于对吸收紫外辐射的化合物进行定性分析。兰伯特定律指出,相互平行的单色辐射光束的总强度值将呈指数下降(Nockemann et al., 2005)。当光束通过厚度均匀的介质时,会发生这种衰减。


UV Visible spectroscopy can be used for the process of quantitative analysis of a large number of pharmaceutical substances. It is one of the most important techniques which is used for the purpose of analysis of the different pharmaceutical substances. It involves the process including the measurement of the amount of ultraviolet or the visible radiation. Thus measurement is done when ultraviolet or the visible radiation is absorbed in the solution. There are a large number of drugs which can be used either in the form of raw materials or used as a formulation (Kemp & William, 1991). The solution of the drugs is made and the measurement of absorbance at a specific wavelength is done. An example of the same is the quantitative analysis of the Diazepam tablet. This tablet can be analyzed by mixing 0.5 % of H2SO4 in methanol at a given wavelength having a value of around 284 nm. The instrument which is used for measurement of the ratio or the function of ratio or the intensity is known as the ultraviolet visible spectrophotometers.
While during the qualitative analysis, it can be easy to do the identification of the organic compounds with the help of UV Visible spectrometry. On the other hand the quantitative analysis is done in order to ensure the number of molecules which absorbs the radiation. The usefulness of this technique is that it is simple, specific and can be applicable to a large number of compounds.The fundamental law which can be used for governing this process is the Beer’s law and the Lambert’s law. According to this law, the process related to the absorbance for this solution is related to the concentration of some of the most important absorbing species which is there in the solution and the length of the path. It is used for the qualitative analysis of those compounds which absorbs the UV Radiation. Lambert’s law states that the overall value of intensity of a beam of a monochromatic radiation which is parallel to one another would decrease in an exponential manner (Nockemann et al., 2005). This decrease occurs when the beam passes through the medium which has a homogenous thickness.



亚马逊起源于美国,最初通过在线平台销售图书。亚马逊在美国使用心理图形和人口统计策略,它分析消费者的购物行为,而不是他们表达购买兴趣的内容和地点。该公司研究更多的是最终结果的集体数据,而不是消费者提出的各种购物表达。该公司还利用霍夫斯泰德文化分析(Hofstede cultural analysis)来研究移民到美国定居后人口结构的变化。分析了消费者购买决策背后的文化意识形态,以及产生巨大但不可逆转影响的外部因素。因此,如果美国市场处于特定的情况下,公司会采取相应的应对措施,调整策略,以维持其市场份额和客户。
例如,当亚马逊进入奢侈品时尚领域时,很多奢侈品零售商开始怀疑自己是否会失去奢侈品牌的身份。他们的产品在网上销售市场上销售。当它意识到需要知道什么任务最适合避免进一步的混淆时,可以将此视为一种情况。相反,该公司决定专注于中级奢侈品牌,如Theory和Lacoste (Schlossberg, 2015),这是亚马逊采取的行动,以期待一个特定的结果。该公司发现了自己预计将面临的不可逆转的局面,从奢侈品牌的撤出保持了它们的形象。奢侈品牌意识到,他们的商品无法在网上销售,因为它们担心假冒商品和失去宝贵的声誉。


Having originated in the United States of America, Amazon’s started by selling books through the online platform. Amazon uses the psychographics and demographics strategy in America, where it analyses consumers’ shopping behaviour and not in what and where they have expressed interest to buy. The company studies more of end result collective data instead of various shopping expressions put forward by consumers. The company also uses Hofstede cultural analysis for studying the changing demographics with immigrants coming to settle in the US. The cultural ideologies behind consumers’ buying decisions are analysed, along with the external factors that have an immense yet irreversible impact. Thus, if the American market is under a specific situation, the company adopts the consequences and adjusts its strategy to sustain its market share and customers.
As for example, when Amazon entered luxury fashion segment, a lot of luxury retailers became sceptical for losing their luxury brand identity. Their products were sold on an online selling marketplace. This can be taken as a situation when it realised that it needed to know what task would be most suitable to avoid further confusion. The company decided to instead focus on mid-level luxury brands like Theory and Lacoste (Schlossberg, 2015), and this is the action which Amazon took to expect a particular result. The company found out about the irreversible situation that it was anticipating to be in, and a withdrawal from luxury brands kept their image intact. Luxury brands realised that their goods cannot be sold online fearing counterfeit goods and losing their precious prestige.


目前,雪山度假酒店採用的是傳統的人力資源模式,將所有與人力資源相關的問題都限制在由人力資源經理管理和解決(Hunter, Saunders, & Constance, 2016)。這一點得到總經理的加強,並部署給其他工作人員。多年來,由於直線經理和其他員工只專注於自己的工作職責,在人力資源活動中不合作,這種情況以一種消極的方式發展。這導致人力資源經理考慮引入外部資源來幫助管理部門內部的行政職責(Bhatia, 2009)。這將使人力資源部門有更多的時間來管理人力資源管理和提高員工的績效。外包服務可能是一種考慮的方法,但人力資源部門應該留在辦公場所內,以獲得有效的結果。雖然外包某些行政服務是可能的,但只能限於文件和文書工作。
建議人力資源部門考慮擴大規模,因為這將允許在組織內部進行適當的管理(Schniederjans, Schniederjans, & Schniederjans, 2015)。與外部人力資源機構分擔工作量,也會讓人力資源經理更加重視人力資源管理,確保員工的工作效率。我們必須牢記人力資源管理部門負責與員工互動,因此部門必須與各級員工溝通。人力資源經理負責行為準則、行為分析、諮詢、管理和滿足員工的需求和要求(Bohlander & Snell, 2010)。這意味著組織內的個人必須積極參與人力資源管理。培養員工只關注自己工作職責的態度,不利於組織的發展,必須立即消除。這種態度可能會助長員工的疏忽和無知,而這些員工後來可能無法報告工作場所的某些不當行為。


Currently, Snow Mountain Resort has a traditional human resource model which limits all HR related issues to being managed and resolved by the HR Manager (Hunter, Saunders, & Constance, 2016). This was reinforced by the general manager and deployed to other staff members. Over the years, this has developed in a negative manner since line managers and other staff limit themselves to their job responsibilities and did not co-operate in the HR activities. This has resulted in the HR manager considering involving the external source to help managing administrative duties within the department (Bhatia, 2009). This would allow the HR department to spend more time on managing human resource management and improve employee performance.Outsourcing the services may be one approach to consider, but the HR department is supposed to remain physically within the business premises to be give efficient results. While outsourcing the certain administrative services may be possible, it can only be limited to documentation and paperwork.
It’s advisable for the HR department to consider expanding as this would allow proper management within the organization (Schniederjans, Schniederjans, & Schniederjans, 2015). Sharing the workload with external HR agency would also allow the HR manager to give more attention to managing human resource and ensure proper efficiency of the staff.One must keep in mind that the HRM is responsible for interacting with the staff thus the department must communicate with the staff at all levels. The HR manager is responsible for code of conducts, behaviour analysis, counselling, management and addressing of employee needs and requirements (Bohlander & Snell, 2010). This means it is necessary for an individual within the organization to participate actively in management of human resource. Nurturing the attitude that employee will limit their attention to only their job responsibility is not good for the development of the organization and must be stamped out immediately. Such attitude may promote negligence and ignorance among staff who would later fail to report certain malpractices at the workplace.





I believe leaders are not just born and leadership is always in the making. Now that I understand leadership as a continuum instead of an end point, it is easier for me to work on a development plan for it. The purpose of this leadership self-analysis journal is to critically reflect on and discuss some of the opportunities for leadership development that I was able to identify from the activities taken up in this course. Based on the activities, I was able to identify challenges and it is based on these challenges that I identified the necessary goals for improvement. Existing research work and course notes were instrumental in choosing a feasible goal and for working realistically towards it based on opportunities. In taking this course, the morning activities were insightful in understanding the form of strengths and weaknesses in me which are not conducive for the making of an effective leader. In the first set of exercises, one of the tasks was to find something to read and to write a review on it, to develop a vision statement and to practice media deprivation.
I am just highlighting some of the few tasks that I found interesting and which was also instrumental in helping me assess my self-strengths and weaknesses and how it connects to developing my leadership potential. Primarily consider the first element of reading something in the library. This activity taught me how long it was since I took time out to read something that was not a short blog or an article review or anything that could not be read in five to ten minutes. It showed me how short my attention span had become. Except for in course sessions and when preparing for classes, as a student I believe I spend less time in reading something in leisurely time. I believe this has shortened my attention span. Secondly, the media deprivation was yet another element that I found was needed to highlight to me how my lessening attention span came to be. Even after switching of some application such as Facebook on my phone, I kept checking continuously for updates. It was some time before I was able to properly wean myself away from it.