标签存档: 加拿大代写论文




在欺诈的消息被宣布,许可普华永道被取消,奖项被收回公司,其股价跌至极低甚至在过去的12年,和28亿2000万美元的损失是由投资者面临(巴辛,p. 16)。印度当局指控该公司的首席执行官和其他管理的犯罪阴谋,违反信托等。印度当局试图拯救该公司,因为它是一家大公司。公司被拍卖和Mahindra科技买的,之前的欺诈披露低于市场价值的第三(达加尔)。

大4描绘了“我们是一家人”的想法,其分支机构在全球各地向国际客户表示关心。但由于这一问题发生在他们的一家关联公司,他们否认了任何“我们是家庭”的概念。他们发表公开声明,以提醒监管部门,关联公司在经营中有很大的独立和普华永道表示,审计是由公司进行的总部,这是他们当地的印度分支,因此,远离PW印度。美国证券交易委员会罚款普华永道在印度的五个地方分支机构,这是最大的罚金对外国会计师事务所(Indian Express)。


Auditors were supposed to verify the bank accounts, assets, and sources of income of the company, which they did not (Winkler). PWC was paid the amount which was double to what any other firm could have been paid to, for the services, which raised a question against PWC that maybe it was involved in the conduct of a fraud. Fraud was made ascertain by Merrill Lynch, who was hired by Satyam to determine the ways to increase the wealth of shareholders, whereas, PWC could not identify the fraudulent activities in 10 years of audit. It either means that auditors were not skilled enough to perform the functions or were involved in illegal cooperation with the company to conduct the fraud. In the first instance, PWC declared that all the auditing was performed in compliance with the auditing standards (Winkler).


After the news of the fraud was declared, license of PWC was cancelled, awards were taken back from Satyam, and its share price fell to a dramatically low even in last 12 years, and the loss of $2.82 Billion was faced by the investors (Bhasin, p. 16). Indian authorities charged the CEO and other management for the criminal conspiracy, breach of trust etc. Indian authorities tried to save the company as it was a large company. Company was auctioned and bought by Mahindra Tech, for less than the third of the market value before the disclosure of the fraud (Degar).


The Big 4 depict the idea of “we Are Family” with its affiliates around the globe to show the care to the international clients. But as this problem occurred in one of their affiliated companies, they denied any of the “we are Family” concepts. They issued public statements, in order to remind the regulatory authorities that the affiliated companies are greatly independent in their operations and the head office of PWC stated that the audit was conducted by a firm, which was their local Indian affiliate and thus, distanced themselves from PW India. SEC fined the five local affiliates of PWC in India, which was the largest fine ever imposed on foreign accounting firm (The Indian Express).






The development in the field of science hasn’t stopped yet; it is believed to go on till the humankind exists. It is because of the reasons like these that continuous study of science and technology is crucial so as to make further advancements. At the same time, we must also learn about the same so as to contribute to this development which in a way would certainly help us in the coming future.
In addition, the contribution of science has been much both enormously and directly to fulfil the wishes and grants of the humankind. If one was to list down the biggest achievements of the human kind then it is very obvious that most of the achievements would be related to science (except the removal of obstacles which were set in the path of the mankind, like the defeat of fascism and abolition of slavery). The very obvious and the evident one are the terrifying achievements made by the knowledge of science itself. Some of them are forces which keep the earth moving, history of the universe, the stuff from which human beings are made of, the machinery of life, the origins of living things and various other things(Romer 1990). These are not just a mere knowledge about some facts, but it deals with elegant and deep principals behind the same, for instance the fact that the life is dependent on the molecules which help is carrying several information from mind to other parts of the body, replicating itself and metabolism.
The images of sublime beauty are also rendered by science to the world: exotic organisms, stroboscopic ally frozen motion, fluorescing neural circuitry, distant outer planets and galaxies and various other beautiful things which might not have come to our notice had it not been because of science. However, these are not just a piece of art for the scientists but they are a medium for further inspection for the deeper understanding about the importance of the same to humans and their existence on these earth.









提交的ASIC,无论条款的授权信花旗集团(Citigroup)和人数的关系的本质就像信托关系。(来源:沃克v花旗集团全球市场澳大利亚企业有限公司2005和[2006][2005]FCA FCAFC 101)

是由维多利亚最高法院的应用受托责任显然是排除在授权信,完成双方之间关系的基础是合同和授权信确定条款;一个精确的合同术语被允许法律排除受托责任的情况下,完成合同关系为基础。桥的石油,它的眼睛被正义Kirby说,法律,法律关系是建立了一家合资企业。(来源:澳大利亚石油天然气有限公司石油有限公司(1995)14 v桥AMPLA牛60新南威尔士州上诉法院)。


In the case of Citigroup vs Victorian Supreme Court it can’t be assumed by the clients who enter in a joint venture that from the obligations which they owe to the joint venture, the fiduciary duties can’t be excluded from it.
The above case of Citigroup explains that it must be considered by the clients who enter in joint venture that in these types of ventures if they wish to exclude the application of fiduciary duties or not. As long as the undertaking could be described properly as joint venture, then this could be done, and also in the agreement of joint venture as long as these duties are excluded explicitly.
In the above case, Citigroup was engaged by Toll Holdings to render them with some of the corporate finance services related to a possible takeover of Patrick Corporation. Moreover, it was agreed by Citigroup that they would agree on behalf of Toll. It was in Mandate Letter that the agreement was set out which particularly excluded any kind of fiduciary relationship amongst the involved parties.
The claim in this case was that it was in breach of a conflict of interest that ASIC brought proceedings against Citigroup. It was claimed that by ASIC that Citigroup had engagements amongst:
• Personal interest of Citigroup in buying shares of Patrick at the time when it might gain from a possible bid of takeover; and
• The duty of Loyalty to Toll
It was submitted by ASIC that regardless of the terms of the Mandate Letter the nature of Citigroup and Toll’s relationship was like that of a fiduciary relationship. (Source: Walker v Citigroup Global Markets Australia Pty Ltd [2005] FCA 1866 and [2006] FCAFC 101)

It was held by the Victorian Supreme Court that the application of the fiduciary duties were clearly excluded from the Mandate Letter; the basis of the complete relationship amongst the two parties was the contract and the Mandate Letter determined the terms; a precise contractual term was allowed by the law to exclude fiduciary duties in case the complete relationship is based in the contract. In the case of Bridge Oil, it was said by Justice Kirby that in the eye of law, a legal relationship is established for a joint venture. (Source: Australian Oil & Gas Corporation Ltd v Bridge Oil Ltd (1995) 14 AMPLA Bull 60 NSW Court of Appeal.)







Subversion is the media by which identity of female is embodied. Women can redeem their kind of active sexuality instead of being just sex objects at the hands of men. This is best illustrated with the example of porn stars who have come to light as bestselling authors, actors and celebrities. Purchase of sexual products provides an opportunity to enforce feminism through the commodity’s purchasing strength. Thus, women are successful in nullifying the orthodox dominant ideas of women as sex objects. Sexiness was earlier defined as alluring and arousing, which was replaced by being beneficial. Hence, women have the autonomy for the selection of their apparels and expressions and can hence brand themselves, exploring their sexuality. Miley Cyrus and Rihanna are the best known artists to have built global brands around their freedom for sexuality (Coy, 2010).
Objectification theory is a theoretical framework and the key to get acknowledged about the body images and symptoms of eating disorders in both men and women (Weekes,2002). Self-objectification is dominant precursor to the problems associated with eating and images of body. Theory of objectification proposes that experiences in sexual objectification leads them to objectify themselves. Theory of objectification provides continuous exposure to cultural sexual objectification and thus women in western nations develop different perspective of observer about their bodies. Comments made about one’s body, staring women’s body’s parts, threats and offensive gestures are some common examples of experiences of sexual objectification (Dhillion,2014). Minority men are at alarming state because they have been found to experience problems related to body dissatisfaction, light-weighted, improper eating habits and the most vital problem is heterosexual men. Generally, objectification theory brings objectification and experiences of women into limelight, but men’s unique experiences are acknowledged as well. Research states that on account of disorder eating, men’s experiences are increasing at a rate much higher to those of men. Experiences of sexual minority men and experiences of women vary in various important aspects and thus they cannot be compared on the same scale. Experiences of sexual minority men included traits as masculine and sexual norms that are both concerned with body. Measures regarding the traits include sexual objectification and variation of masculine appearance norm and thus researches are getting advanced to understand the role of objectification experiences better.









Reality and Virtuality

Such children often tend to distance themselves from their real situation and escape into a world totally different from the one in which they live. This escape route may be afforded by the following up of a hobby like singing, dancing or any form of creativity. These activities that take the mind off from the current miseries that surround the child as his or her immediate surroundings. The child becomes habituated to seeking succor in this occupation that distracts the mind from the violence and abuse of the mind, body and soul at the hands of the bullying relative usually the father.
The fertile imagination affords a pleasure garden that the individual can escape into whenever he or she is oppressed by the miserable existence that has become a part of everyday living.
Escape to Tranquility
It is natural for the mind to shut off unpleasant experiences. There have been several studies and observations on the fact that the mind tends to spare the individual from unpleasant experiences, There are several examples where people have gone into a coma or suffered acute memory loss or amnesia when the body has been subjected to some form of shock. There are many individuals who have blocked off unpleasant experiences from their memories totally. These experiences could be related to their interactions with someone, their ill-treatment at the hands of their parents, siblings or relatives or even some major accident or injury. Many times, there have been cases where the loss of some dear one has had a tremendous impact upon how they see the world afterwards.




因为我打算进一步研究对开发一个职业在银行或金融咨询公司,我选择了学习工商管理硕士学位。在宝钢集团财务有限公司工作期间作为一个理财规划师和人力资源顾问我能够学习一些现金流预测的关键技巧,经济趋势分析,呈现专业财务建议,分析项目的成本和收入。与此同时,我在招聘与选拔起到了至关重要的作用,团队建设,提供及时和务实的建议团队成员复杂的人力资源立法和问题。此外,我还学会了在一个团队环境中工作的宝贵特质;我帮助别人完成他们的任务,给予和接收反馈。我相信我拥有各种其他技能精通办公软件和微软Visual Basic这将帮助我在追求这门课程和学习是一样的。


 Money acts as a barrier, a statement, a vehicle and a lifeline in the modern world. It is essential to know grasp the knowledge of how it works and how to manage it efficiently. It is because of this reason that I decided to venture into Masters in Business Administration with concentration on finance and accountancy. I believe that even though it is very important in our day-to-day process of decision making and still it is underestimated as a part of the business structures and global economy. Through my interest and knowledge in economics, I came to realize that it is impossible to comprehensively run a business without the function of finance.
It is because I intend to further my studies towards developing a career in a bank or a financial consultancy that I have chosen to study Masters in Business Administration. While working at Baosteel Group Finance Co. Ltd as a Financial Planner and Human Resource Advisor I was able to learn some crucial skills of cash flow forecasting, economic trend analysis, rendering professional financial advices, analysis of cost and revenues of a project. At the same time, I played a crucial role in recruitment and selection, team building, provided timely and pragmatic advices to team members on complex human resource legislations and issues. Moreover, I have also learnt the valuable trait of working in a team environment; I assisted others in completion of their task, gave and received feedback. I believe I possess various other skills like proficiency in MS office and Microsoft Visual Basic which would help me in pursuing this course and learn from the same.






当前关于这一主题的场景是,现在有一个巨大的接受黑人在美国,与美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的第一位黑人总统美利坚合众国,但仍有一些地区在美国非洲裔美国人觉得自己是二等公民。过去他们不得不面对问题如不平等、贫困、饥饿、他们的孩子被拒绝的权利教育和更多的逆境,但现在的状况比以前好多了。现在这些人争夺选举,收入好,孩子和其他孩子一起去学校的年龄和他们也得到同等的卫生设施和其他美国公民。总的来说,美国黑人的情况远比从前好多了过去(牛津大学图书馆,1996)。


Thesis statement
Cultural anthropology –Background
The current population has decreased to 12.6% and is living in southern, northeast, Midwest and western states of America; it was lowest in the year 1930 with a total population of 9.7% (Bodley, 1996). They had to face a lot of friction in the American society due to their Black color and slave origin, but in the late 1950’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led the biggest revolution of American Blacks for their equal treatment in the society.
Current day scenario on this topic is, that now there is a vast acceptance of Blacks in America, with Barack Obama as the first Elected Black President of The United States of America, but there are still some areas in USA where the Afro – Americans feel themselves as the 2nd class citizens. In the past they had to face problems like inequality, poverty, starvation, their children were rejected the right to education and many more adversities, but now the condition is far better than what it used to be in the past. Now these people are contesting elections, earning well, children are going to the schools along with other children of their age group and they are also getting equal health facilities like any other US citizen. Overall, the situation of the American Blacks is far better now than what it used to be in the past (Bodley, 1996).
Social Exclusion: Racial separation isolates communities from resources needed for livelihood. This can be noted from the fact that African Americans live mostly in poorer areas as compared to other races of same economic status. This separation also restricts opportunities of schools, employment, health etc.



霍夫斯泰德,社会心理学和人类学的主人提出理论在跨文化交流中指出。霍夫斯泰德的理论关于文化活力彻底探索文化交流,无论应用于他们的批判(刘et al .,2011)。他提出了家庭所有跨文化接触的原型。虽然这可能不是最理想的形式的评价在某些设置,如在一个普遍的层面上,它可以充分描述发生的交互教学的观点。虽然Sweeney Mc对霍夫斯泰德的观点的尺寸可能是有效的在某些情况下,在某些情况下,与个人在学术环境中,相对论的评价模式将受益超过评估的普遍性的模式。同样,霍尔的理论对高、低文化维度探索通信至关重要。这种方法更实用,尽管它促进某些刻板印象在移民和寄居的形成。如果想当然,文化相对主义促进相互学习特别是在教育领域(Luchtenberg,2004)。

扩张的全球化和内在化的过程,许多国家承认的重要性及对接收和有趣的国际学生。这种传播可能不仅来自金融危机(如教育机构有必要确定财政维护),也由于国家学生的数量下降(河流,2010)。这种日益增长的需求获取不同国籍的学生他们的选择的研究在不同的国家有许多影响跨文化沟通(河流,2010),尤其是当英语是作为外语学习。因此,跨文化教育港口所有领域的跨文化交流和能力。跨文化教育是探索先前研究人员有一定的动荡方面,基于遗产,霍夫斯泰德的文化维度理论解释(Dervin & Tournebise,2013)。


Hofstede, the master of social psychology and anthropology proposed theories in cross-cultural interactions which are noted to date. Hofstede’s theories regarding cultural dynamism explore cultural communication thoroughly, regardless of the critique that is applied to them (Liu et al., 2011). He presents family as the prototype for all intercultural encounters. Whilst this may not be the ideal form of evaluation in certain settings such as on a universal level, it may adequately describe the interactions that take place from a pedagogical point of view. Although the arguments of Mc Sweeney regarding Hofstede’s dimensions may be valid in certain instances, in certain cases, as with individuals in an academic setting, the relativistic mode of evaluation would benefit more than the universalistic mode of evaluation. Similarly, Hall’s theories regarding high and low cultural dimensions are essential in exploring communication. This approach is more practical, even though it fosters the formation of certain stereotypes amidst migrants and sojourners. If taken for granted, cultural relativism fosters greater mutual learning especially in the field of education (Luchtenberg, 2004).
With the expansion in the processes of globalisation and internalisation, many countries have recognised the importance of and worked towards receiving and entertaining international students. This spread may be accounted for by not only the financial crises (as it is necessary for educational institutions to ascertain fiscal maintenance) but also due to decline in the number of national students (Rivers, 2010). This increasing demand to acquire students of various nationalities to study in various countries of their choice has many implications for intercultural communication (Rivers, 2010), especially when English is studied as a foreign language. Thus, intercultural education harbours all domains of intercultural communication and competence. Intercultural education as explored previously by researchers has certain turbulent facets, and is based on the legacy that Hofstede’s theories of cultural dimensions explained (Dervin & Tournebise, 2013).







Food Industry is one of the largest industry in the world. It is an industry which fulfills the most basic need of the people. Be it a person from rich background or a poor man, food is the primary requirement for the sustenance of life. A large number of companies are involved in Food Industry. The primary objective of the food industry is to provide good food to the customers. Thus, it is important the companies who are enrolled in the food industry should follow the required ethics. In order to ensure that the companies involved in the food industry follows the standards which are required for the food industry, a number of ethics and laws have to be followed. But, it is observed that these companies goes through a large number of ethical issues. In this research paper the discussion is focused on the ethical issues of the food industry.

Food industry is an industry which is facing an array of ethics and ethical issues. The ethical issues faced by the food industry are extensive. This is because, this is the largest industry in the food and involves a large number of people. In order to ensure that the food industry runs in a smooth manner, a large number of ethics has been set for the food industry. These ethics includes the fairer and a proper treatment of the employees who are working in the industry. This includes the disproportionate number of minors who are working in the food industry. The ethical issues in the distribution of the food is another important subject of discussion. There are a large number of issues related to the food safety and labeling. Thus, there are a large number of impetus for these issues (Early, 2002). A large number of laws have also been incorporated in order to meet the standards of the food industries. But, many a times these laws are curbed down by the people. Though the laws are made for the food safety and to ensure that the consumers gets a consistent information with respect to the food quality and can assume their dietary planning accordingly.



度假期间,年轻的消费者可能会经历一种文化状态,远离他们的首选品牌,没有使熟悉当地brandscape所指出的范Gennep(1960)和总结Brosius和费尔南德斯(2013)。所以相关的问题在这里是“做的,以及如何做,年轻的游客与文化变革调整相对陌生的brandscape吗?通过参与观察和深度访谈,几个德国千禧年的旅行者在新西兰的购物习惯进行了研究。研究结果表明,他们在一个独特的过渡阶段,因为他们认为一个独立组织的仪式。完成这段分开的家庭网络组成家庭,同伴和机构共享消费仪式和符号定义组成员所指出的贝尔克(1988)和Van Gennep(1960)和总结Brosius和费尔南德斯(2013)。




During a vacation, young consumers may undergo a state of liminality, separated from their preferred brands and not yet familiarised to the local brandscape as pointed out by Van Gennep (1960) and summarized by Brosius and Fernandez (2013). So the pertinent question out here is ‘do, and how do, young vacationers adjust with cultural change in a comparatively unfamiliar brandscape?’ By means of participant observation and in-depth interviews, several German millennial travellers were studied on their shopping habits in New Zealand. The findings showed that they were in a unique transition phase as they assume an independently organized ritual of passage. This passage is done separated from their home network comprising of family, peers and institutions along with shared consumption rituals and symbols defining their group membership as noted by Belk (1988) and Van Gennep (1960) and summarized by Brosius and Fernandez (2013).
Peering into Generation Y or millennial travellers, one finds that they are mostly first time tourists, sandwiched between global nomads or expatriates and mass tourists with regards to the predictability of their return and the permanence of their stay, throws light on an economically important but understudied acculturating group. Generation Y members undergo specific acculturation issues owing to their inexperience with travelling independently, experiencing a liminal phase when they handle homesickness, lack of cultural and social capital and culture shock. With regards to mobility, certain home brands are sacrificed similarly special possessions thus linking the gap between host and home, while some host brands were viewed as ‘holiday romances.’