标签存档: 加拿大代写论文



客户价值模型、平衡计分卡、修改后的瘢痕模型和ABC都是一些比较战略管理的方法对客户盈利能力分析当前。这些较新的方法是必要的,因为客户的盈利能力管理提供了公司实施这些技术的竞争优势。Michael Porter(1996)建立一家公司将能够比竞争对手更好地表现,只有当他们建立起一个区别,它是能够保存和维持。它应该给客户提供最好的价值,或者它应该能够给客户一个具有竞争力的价格(低成本)(波特,1996)的竞争价值。然而,客户也需要考虑的竞争优势和注册会计师有助于实现这一要求。考虑到第一个联盟公司的方法,这里的计算机系统将其客户的盈利和盈利的基础上,他们的结余,帐户活动,价值银行和更多。这些都是将要用于创建客户支持活动,如降低信用卡利息或免收账户服务费。


Marketing costs vary across customers (Foster, et al, 1996). A customer that orders a very small set of products from a business might end up costing the business in terms of marketing more than a customer that orders more quantities of the product. In such a heterogeneous system the contribution margin cannot be a proper indicator of profitability. Customer profitability management in such a context is not a reliable as a strategic measure (Selnes, 1992).
Customer Value Proposition Model, the Balanced Score Card, the revised Sear model and ABC are some of the more strategically managed methods for Customer profitability analysis in current times. These newer methods are necessary as customer profitability management gives the company implementing these techniques a competitive advantage. Michael Porter (1996) establishes that a company will be able to perform better than its rival only when they establish a difference that it is able to preserve and sustain. It should either give the best value possible to the customer or it should be able to give the customer a competitive value for a competitive price (low cost) (Porter, 1996). However competitive advantage with respect to which customer will also need to be considered and CPA helps achieve that. Consider the method of First Union Corporation, here the computer system ranks its customers as profitable and unprofitable based on their balances, account activity, value to bank and more. These are put to use for creating customer support activities like lowering credit card interest or when waiving account service fees.
The involvement of accountancy in C Suite activities is at the core of SMA. This essay selected the technique of Customer Profitability Analysis from 16 techniques and presented a critical literature review about the technique, tracing its origin in the traditional domain of Management Accounting (or Strategic Management) and also discussed its recent developments. Furthermore the essay concludes that the technique of strategically managed CPA adds to the competitive advantage of the company as it provides for better CPA handling in heterogeneous situations.



因为这个原因,Carlo被送料机的使用,和控制机的机制作嘲笑Carlo是疯了,可怜的–螺杆”痴迷”的家伙被送到疯人院的便利。他不仅仅是一个演员,他是一个故事的人,他是一个讲故事的人,他如何用他的情绪来捕捉观众的注意力。全世界的人们都意识到Charlie Chaplin的作品,以及他如何使用无声电影制作艺术和一种交流和艺术形式。人们没有看到大多数的沉默的演员的电影,但他们肯定知道无声电影的背景,他们把这些电影与Charlie Chaplin。卓别林或破旧的衣服和轮廓的帽子,所有这些都是由唯一的男人Charlie Chaplin经典(dlugos,2000)。他在电影中留下的印记和影响是巨大的,不能轻易克服。他留下了一个标志,将使用一个灵感和适应许多电影制作人和演员。在他的电影从沉默到声音的电影的过渡是困难的,它表明,他想提出的需求和观众的需求。当他熟悉无声电影,以他的作品而闻名,他知道什么是无声的电影应该是什么样子,但仍然改变了他的艺术和电影的声音,并增加了这些影响,以吸引和放在他的观众的脸上的微笑。1935后,电影进入了声音的时代,但卓别林的幽默和夸张的肢体语言的滑稽动作仍然比声音和对话。尽管他是这部电影的主人,但面对电影技术的浪潮,他不得不改变自己,使电影的基础上,现在时代的要求。“现代时间”是卓别林最后一部无声电影。


For that reason, Carlo was used by the feeding machine, and the out of control machine mocks the convenience of the machine making Carlo to be mad and poor –“screw obsession” guy be sent to the bedlam. He was more than an actor for many people he was a story teller and how he used his sentiments to capture the attention of the audience. People around the world are aware of the work of Charlie Chaplin and how he has used silent film making an art and a form of communication and art. People have not seen most of the silent films of the actor but they surely know the background of silent films and they link these films with Charlie Chaplin. Silhouette of Chaplin or shabby suit and the hat all of these are classics by the one and only man Charlie Chaplin (Dlugos, 2000). The mark and influence he has left on cinema is enormous and cannot be overcome easily. He has left a mark that will be used an inspiration and adaptation for many film makers and actors. The transition in his films from silent to sound movies were difficult and it shows that how much he wanted to put forth with the demand and needs of the audience. As he was familiar with silent films and was famous with his work he knew better what a silent film should look like but still transformed his art and cinema by adopting sound and added these effects to attract and put a smile on the faces of his audience. After 1935, the movie entered the sound era, but Chaplin’s funny actions of humour and exaggerated body language is still better than sound and dialogue. Even though he was the master of the film but by facing the wave of movie technology, he had to change himself and make movies based on the present times requirements. “Modern time” is the last silence movie of Chaplin.





In order to understand the importance of the silent majority the people were asked anonymously in the form of surveys and conducting polls to find their views on the same. So after his speech Gallup conducted a poll and it was that the overwhelming percentage of Americans supported the war. Nixon winning the war further bolstered the importance of the silent majority. Only after this the political parties understood that the majority of the people in the current times do not express their views openly or discuss their problems freely. The politicians until that time assumed that the people were all fundamentally opposed to the war.  As cleverly pointed out by Nixon it was found that the majority of the people are not swayed by any political drama or actions. They had their own beliefs and made their own decisions based on the events occurring. This silent majority of people also cause the politicians to wonder what the people are really thinking in their constituencies. Even the opinion polls are sometimes wrong with the error margins being high. The politicians always try to find out what the silent majority of the people are wondering. They want to satisfy this silent majority in order to sustain in the political world. There is an inherent need to understand the people and address the concerns of the silent majority. Although the war ended and the Nixon timeserving as president ended this euphemism continues to remain even today. The term finds its relevance even today. Even the democrats used this term of serving the forgotten middle class. In the current political scenario the tea party supporters are very vocal. They disagree with a lot of policies and actions enacted by the government. The tea party is largely funded and supported by the opposition party. The current political analyst says that this situation was similar to the situation during Vietnamese war. It is believed that the silent majority of the people agree with some of the policies on either side of the political agendas. They do not like the concept of partisan policies. They view the partisan views as very radical. They make decisions on individual events based on the factors surrounding it and hence are able to adopt a more moral view.



通信发展以及交易周期的缩短是必不可少的technobuild ERP系统或企业资源系统的建立(冲,2014)。


Establishment of ERP or Enterprise Resource System for communication development as well as reduction of transaction cycle is essential for Technobuild (Chong, 2014).
If Technobuild is in the stock, the entire transaction cycle will be something like twenty days, but it will be more than five weeks if it is out of stock; this data has been gained from the As-Is Process Diagram (Chong, 2014). Most of the consumers complain about the product delay as the needed products are not available or out of stock. Longer period of replenishment is one of the fundamental causes responsible for this sort of predicament. The supply chain process is poor as it takes a minimum of four weeks to make a purchase request and then send it to the suppliers. Longer time period of waiting causes lower efficiency for which consumer loyalty gets decreased along with the status of the company. Efficient supply chain with greater quality of service helps a company to get to the peak position in the competitive global market (Chong, 2014).
There are only fifteen computer and two laser printers in Technobuild Pty Ltd, among which ten computers have internet access and there are only eight members who have basic or intermediate level of knowledge about computers. The company database has very limited amount of data regarding the product details, consumer details, employee details and all these information are stored with the help of manual methods based on paper works (Chong, 2014). It is not at all an effective technique and this approach costs more time as well as more efforts to just go through the employee details or client information in required situations. Manual paper work method is a time consuming as well as confusing method in which there is a chance of mistake as well as possibility of misplacing. These abovementioned problems are the key reasons behind extended transaction cycle together with less revenue in case of Technobuild Pty Ltd.





Political Reasons: A lot of trading in Japanese Yen was executed by me due the expectation of rise in the exchange rate out of the recent Free Trade Agreement (FTA) which was signed between Australia and Japan, A rise in currency exchange rate was stipulated, and received a blended return i.e. neither high gains nor huge losses.
Political policies help in modeling the overall economy and also help in fuelling confidence in foreign investors, to invest foreign currency and thus make a positive impact on the currency.
Other Reasons: I also experienced a mixed return in my exchange by putting stop losses while trading in New Zealand Dollar and Euro’s. This is significantly due to several other reasons responsible for the fluctuations in the foreign exchange rates like public debt, terms of trade and current account deficit etc.
Out of our virtual trading in the FOREX market, we have been able to understand the major factors driving this market and reasons for the gain or losses experienced. I, begin with a fund capital of AUD 50,000 am ultimately squaring up at a slight loss, which may be due to a probable number of reasons which are mentioned as follows:
(1) Proper Trading Plan: A viable trading plan is required for making sure that one does not ends up falling prey of the volatile fluctuations in the market. Since this was the first exposure to the practical approach of the foreign exchange market thus risk was maximum. This can be clearly said that the slight loss experienced by me could be due to a weak trading plan. A thorough study of the market and planning where, how much and why to invest could have certainly been fruitful.
(2) Money Management : Money management is a very crucial aspect of Foreign exchange market, practices such as stop loss, hedging are of a great help in this market and I can certainly say that these really helped me to curtail the state of negative returns and mitigate the quantum as well.
The demo training module of foreign exchange market is of a great help and has certainly helped in understanding the techniques of functioning of foreign exchange market.





Now in order to discuss the financial operations and in order to evaluate the accurate financial measures, let’s make use of the applications of the first priority financial analysis tools. These tools could be mainly used in the analysis of financial reports and statements. Among the best applications, the SWOT analysis tool and application will be the most preferred tool that could help the company to get several benefits through short and long span analysis. SWOT refers to the strength, Weakness, Opportunities and the Threats. The economic conditions in the global market are mainly analyzed through this SWOT analysis tool. This tool will help the company to know about the strength, weakness, opportunities and the threats that could affect the company during the period of revenue and turnover. Each section of the financial analysis process will contain the specific information that could be helpful for the company to measure the general performance. Here, with the help of the help of the analysis results and the analysis tools, investors could be able to get the detailed accounting and finance measures along with the changes in the price of stocks produced, manufactured or marketed by the company. The balanced scorecard provided by this tool regarding the financial position and the statement of the Company will help the organization to get better assistance to gauge the financial position of the company in a very peculiar way. From the evaluation of the results of the analysis, the overall return statement, operating income and the capital financing processes will be known. After making the thorough analysis, the benchmarking tool will help the company to assess the intrinsic strengths and the weakness of the business organization. The company could also get access to sway the price given to the stocks, goods and products of the company.
In most of the cases, the income statement and the statement of financial position will be valued and calculated to from the balance sheet using the spreadsheet. But, with the analysis ratio software, the company could get value-added tools that could help in creating the quick analysis and comparison about the financial performance of the company against the competitors. The benchmarking ability along with this software enables the financial analyst to proffer the important reports and the information. The key features of the accounting and financial analysis tool will include financial and management reporting, planning, budgeting and forecasting, strategy management and scorecards, cost and profitability management, working capital and cash flow management, and several essential required reporting tools and features.



如果融资方有额外的报告,更好的评估,可以作出和融资将不经常震惊。一个良好的披露结构报告的分部。segmentalanalysis是为了通过公司分类汇总详细的量化和解释业务分部(Kinney W.R.,1971)。报告的部分确认为,再分成一级和二级段业务分部。每一段reportingliabilities,分部资产、费用、收入和利润(Dhaliwal提到D,1997)。本活动提供更好的帮助投资者评估每个组件的细节并确定段包括空值或一个公司。
一段analysispresents公司有价值的细节,他们知道他们的市场地理过程的可能性。这样的做法是金融家的主要分部报告中,分析师和其他许多客户。由于企业可能是非常复杂和高度异质性,财务报告提供了必要的信息,对业务进行的知识和相关的威胁(Bradbury M. E.,2009)。另外还可以对公司的技术并在其把可行的协同效应的可行。
在典型的报告分部报告表示许多动机的权宜之计(Roberts C.,1989)。最初,分部报告的最小细节不对称的公司或broadlydiversified公司行为和管理现状。其次,加强分部信息披露管理公司费用持续减少可能由投资者在跟踪管理活动。管理者认识到他们的活动trackedexpansively可能有较小的奖励,参加自己感兴趣的活动。尽量减少这些威胁带来的降价资本(Emmanuel C.,Garrod N.,1992)。Herrmann和W. B. Thomas(2000)有evaluatedinsider交易盈利预段和后段的披露和总结,分部报告内幕交易收入下降。第三、节段性披露协助企业发布监测股票和支持他们使用的runninglucrative优惠活动。


If financiers have additional reporting, better evaluations could be made and financiers will be shocked less frequently. One structure of good disclosures is reported by segments. Segmentalanalysis is anattempt by a company to classify the aggregated details into quantifiable and explicable business segments (Kinney W.R., 1971). Reportable parts are recognized into business segments that are againdivided into primary and secondary segments. For each segment reportingliabilities, segment assets, expenses, revenue and profits are mentioned (Dhaliwal D., 1997). This activity providesbetter and helpful detailsto investors for evaluating each component and determines the segments which include or void value of a company.

Numerous market participants in addition to stakeholders could be curious about the disclosure of details regarding the Group’s operating segments. Based on IASB criteria, segment reporting is essential to assist users of financial declarations to better comprehend the company’s previous performance, to access quickly the company’s risks and returns and to make informed judgments about the Group all at once. It is suggested that users of segment information such as analysts, investors, employees could be interested in the efficiency and prospects of one specific component of the company as opposed to the Group all together (Morunga. M., 2011).

Segmental analysispresents a possibility for firms to include value to the details they circulate about their marketas well as geographical procedures. Such practice is among the primaryfactors of segment reporting for financiers, analysts and many other customers. As firms could be very intricate and highly heterogeneous, financial reporting gives information necessary to knowledge of business performed and the associated threats (Bradbury M. E., 2009). It additionally makes it feasible to evaluate the technique of the firm and the feasible synergies in its LOB.

The expediency of segmental reporting over typical reporting representation is described for many motives (Roberts C., 1989). Initially, segment reporting minimizes details asymmetry present in a corporation or broadlydiversified companies amongshareholders and managers. Secondly, with enhanced segment disclosure managers lessen the possible company expenses sustained by the investors in trackingof managerial activity. Managers understanding that their activities are trackedexpansively might have lesser incentives to participate in self-interested activities. Minimizing these threats can bring about a reduced price of capital (Emmanuel C., Garrod N., 1992). Herrmann, D. and W. B. Thomas (2000) have evaluatedinsider trading earnings both in pre- segment and post-segment disclosures and wrap up that with segmental reporting insider trading revenue declines. Third, segmental disclosure assists companies to release monitoring stock and support them to make use of the benefits of runninglucrative activity.





Most of the large scale organizations that are delineating inventory accounting management results based upon IFRS have implemented these accounting systems for much the same duration as your respected organization. Inventory is a primary asset on the balance sheets of businesses and could tie up the regularly restricted capital assets for varied periods. Powerful inventory accounting management obliges organizations to correctly record inventory stocks both by physical tally and in accounting. This thusly gives the premise for generating inventory purchase choices and keep up inventory stocks at an ideal level to take a better care of inventory demand. Doing my job as a consultant for your deemed organization, I appeal the Accounting Board’s Chairman to have a deep contemplation on my following suggestions in terms of inventory accounting to ensure the employment of IFRS Inventory Accounting for the continual augmentation of your company;
Preserving updated accounting records of the inventory helps enhance inventory administrative control. Precise inventory accounting records of the inventory amount within reach at any time are vital in overseeing and handling inventory.
Physical tally of inventory is a vital measure for augmenting inventory accounting control. Regardless of what inventory framework a business utilizes and how better it updates the inventory reports, losses of tangible inventory due to burglary, breakage or dissipation are often likelihood and may not be accounted in the inventory in an auspicious manner.
Viable inventory accountingcontrol likewise requires that the nature of recently purchased inventory and those in stock should be of a better quality. Organizations sometimes suffer a loss of inventories because of insufficient inventory quality control.





Pollution’s hazardous emissions (toxic substances, chemicals and gas) go into the human body by breathing, but these harmful substances also influence to soil, plants or water and ultimately to the human beings. Along with Environmental severe damages such as acid rains and releasing greenhouse gas, it affects the health of human adversely. Sometime these are acute effects in the form of irritation, headaches and nausea and sometime chronic diseases like cancer, lungs, liver and nervous system damages, birth defects and critical respiratory diseases severely cause harm to the public.
Recently, it has been observed that PM index has reached to 2.5 and has gone beyond the safety line and it is the most threatening pollutants to human health that causes the irretrievable nervous system damage. As per the air quality guidelines issued World Health Organization (WHO), Beijing and other metro cities have already exceeded the normal line. The increased level of PM may raise the chances of cerebrovascular diseases, cancer and premature death as the below figure mentions the estimated number of death due to pollution and the economic loss may be incurred by the Beijing only.
The Beijing government is injecting 800 billion yuan in a plan spanning five years launched in 2013 to tackle air pollution and introduce cleaner environment by 2017. The measures include reduction of factory emissions, cutting down usage of coal and restricting vehicles on the road. Although the Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau blamed mainly the operation of the vehicles for the deterioration of the environment, claiming that they produced 31.1% of all the PM 2.5, the perception has faced criticism from sections of the public, stating that it is a restriction of personal rights that the authorities are attempting.





As far as the claim against Safety Ltd for provision of Sue’s medical bills is considered this more legitimate one because it is the responsibility of Safety Ltd to pay for the bills if some worker of the company gets injured while working within the company. Sue has damaged her back while trying to retrieve some stock in the store. The company has undergone an insurance contract with Safety Ltd which makes Safety Ltd obliged to pay any sort of bills in case of worker’s injury while on job. The contract of insurance that was made by Techno with Safety Ltd was of worth 5,000,000 which is a big amount. The terms and conditions of the insurance contract required the company to pay for the damages in case of fire or any other incident that takes place on site. Liquidator has rejected this claim of Sue to get the medical bills paid to her too. In this case too Sue will have to rely on the decision made by the court and in order to get the decision in her favour she will have to present supporting evidence that can ensure the success of claim.
Being an accountant it is my responsibility to advise my clients honestly about the investment alternatives available. The final decision to accept or reject an alternative lies with the client himself as he may reject or accept based upon his own perceptions and interests. Each form of investment has its own risks and returns associated. Nature and behaviour of client determines which alternative will be preferred by him and why. As an accountant I have a responsibility to highlight both the negatives and positives associated with each alternative so that client may have independence in choosing among those alternatives. Lee family is planning to invest in a new venture which is going to be financed by a mixture of owner capital and borrowed capital. The ratio that is maintained by the family is that of 50-50 i.e. 2 million is going to be invested out of Lee’s own wealth and the remaining 2 million will be invested by taking loan from some financial institution. It indicates that the investment is going to be of worth 4 million which is a huge investment. To provide proper financial advice to Lee’s family each alternative is going to be discussed separately keeping in view the pros and cons of each investment alternative.