

在这篇文章中,将会对20世纪80年代和90年代的时尚潮流进行详细的讨论。然后讨论时尚对社会的影响。在本文的后面,将讨论Thorstein Veblen的时尚理论及其在20世纪80年代和1990年以及今天的时间段内的应用。最后会有一个结论,其中所有重要的和主要的观点都将被总结。

在这个时期,女性更多地将手袋用于风格和地位的目的,因此她们总是喜欢拥有品牌和名字的手袋。像Coach,Dooney&Bourke,Fendi,Prada,Michael Kors,Louis Vuitton和Kate Spad这样的品牌是奢侈品牌,并且由女性使用。这些品牌的成本约为数千美元。在20世纪80年代和80年代,发型主要受重金属摇滚乐群体的影响(Bhardwaj&Fairhurst,2010)。但在办公室,个人更喜欢简单直发的风格。女人有时习惯烫发和挥动自己的头发。


Fashion is defined as the appearance of individuals, groups or cultures. It helps in understanding the people’s attitude in any particular time period. As the time changes, the fashion trend also changes as the personality and the attitude of people keeps on changing from one time period to another. For example, an individual with extrovert personality might like to wear bright colours whereas an introvert person who does not wants to be highlighted might like to wear dull and light shades of clothes. Similarly, the fashion trends also vary from one generation to another, a dress liked by grandmother may not be necessarily liked by her granddaughter too (Bhardwaj & Fairhurst, 2010). This is the reason why there has been a conflict in the understanding of fashion between individuals from different time period.
In this essay there would be a detailed discussion on the fashion trends during 1980s and 1990s. Then there would be discussion on the impact of fashion on society. Later in the essay, there would be discussion on the fashion theory of Thorstein Veblen and its application during 1980s and 1990 as well as in today’s time period. In the end there would be a conclusion where all the important and primary points of the essay would be summarized.

Key Fashion Trends since 1980s to 1990s
This was the period when women used the handbags more for style and status purpose and hence they always preferred to have handbags of good brand and name. The brands like Coach, Dooney & Bourke, Fendi, Prada, Michael Kors, Louis Vuitton, Kate Spad were the luxurious brands and used by women. The cost of these brands ranged about thousands of dollars. During 1980s as well as 1980s, the hairstyle was mostly influenced by heavy metal rock groups (Bhardwaj & Fairhurst, 2010). But at offices, individuals preferred simple and straight hair styles. Women sometimes used to perm and gave waves to their hairs.




开发该工具时注意到的一个限制是,从编辑器保存数据可能会很麻烦,特别是当要保存的数据必须以不同的格式完成时。大多数图形工具允许以文档或PDF形式或以excel文件的形式保存数据。目前,数据保存操作正在以pdf文件的形式完成。为了将数据转换为Excel表格,Apache Poi已经被使用。然而,使用外部库会增加加载时间。这可能是用户的一个限制,取决于用户使用的浏览器或连接速度。对于将来的原型,这个问题将通过编写自定义代码来更好地处理。


There are some limitations in the technology that is being created. Primarily this is a work that is restricted because it depends on propriety system. A propriety system is patented and this prevents the maker of the work from making changes as necessary. However this is an issue that will be resolved for in the future. In the future a specific system (or an archetype) will be created that will be able to incorporate the necessary changes. The use of an existing system for the current work is because there are design features that can be checked for incorporation into the graph technology more easily than when the technology is developed from scratch T. (Kamada and Kawai, 1989). Secondly the use of an existing system will be useful in revealing design flaws. These can be documented and can be used when developing the new system. The Graph system that is being used furthermore can be understood completely so as to increases functionality for the new system

A limitation that was noticed when developing the tool was that saving data from the editor could be a hassle, especially when the data being saved has to be done in different formats. Most graph tools allow the data save in the form of a document or a pdf or in the form of an excel file. Currently the data save operations are being done in the form of a pdf file. For the data to be transformed onto an excel sheet, Apache Poi has been used. The use of an external library however adds to the loading time. This might be a limitation for the user depending on the browser the user uses or the connection speed. For the future prototype this issue will be handled better by writing custom code.




用法律术语定义的“好撒玛利亚人”是指一个人在需要帮助的情况下帮助某人,而不希望获得任何其他形式的帮助或补偿。根据这一定义,帮助其他人的志愿者不能因疏忽而被起诉。侵权责任法律存在的目的是保护没有签署合同的人。 Donoghue v史蒂文森1案件导致其存在。没有合同义务的人仍然根据上下文对责任人负责;这被称为护理责任。当这项照顾责任被违反时,受到伤害的人可以对欠责的人提起过失诉讼。 2责任关系必须得到法律的承认。 3原告可以证明被告’实际上’对自己造成的危害行为。在确定违反护理责任时,也将考虑界定关系范围的近因。 4本文介绍了通常在医学人员和撒玛利亚人法律中考虑的关键因素。分析所确定的每个关键要素(小节)的社会影响。


Does the Good Samaritan Laws protect laymen volunteers and doctors (medical volunteers) alike against the tort of negligence or will they be judged differently when it comes to breach of duty and negligence. Is a doctor duty bound to help in a critical situation or will the context be considered when the courts make a decision on duty of care. There is much ambiguity in this issue and this will form the subject of discussion for the essay.

A ‘Good Samaritan’ defined in legal terms is a person who acts to assist someone in a situation requiring aid, without expectations of any reward for their assistance or compensations of other forms. Given this definition, volunteers that help other people cannot be sued in a tort for negligence. The tort law of negligence exists to protect people that have not signed a contract. The Donoghue v Stevenson 1case led to its existence. People who do not have contractual obligations are still duty bound to a person based on context; this is termed as duty of care. When this duty of care is breached then the person harmed can bring a negligence lawsuit against the person who owes the duty. 2The duty relationship has to be recognized by law. 3The plaintiff can prove actions of defendant ‘caused in fact’ the harm to self. The proximate cause which defines the scope of the relationship will also be considered when deciding breach of duty of care. 4This essay presents the key elements that are usually considered in the context of a medical person and the Samaritan law. Social implications are analysed for each of the key elements (subsections) identified.




Lim Nessim博士和2020项目已经违反了合同,对MedCare客户的业务造成了灾难性的影响。代表MedCare在美国地区法院提起违约。目前的问题是评估Nessim博士或2020年是否能够根据FSIA“外国主权豁免法”提起辩护请求,商业活动例外以驳回诉讼。
2020计划不能要求豁免权。它违反了合同义务在美国境内的合同。这是它应该履行合同义务的地方,2020年已经违反了这一规定。其次,它涉及影响美国境内企业的商业活动(影响在该国出现)。第三,效果是直接的。 2020年的行动产生了直接效应;没有干预措施可以帮助提供豁免案件。因此,建议MedCare继续提起诉讼,因为2020年申请和获得例外的机会非常少。

MedCare与2020项目达成协议,为其药品提供10年期限,其中还规定,根据Nessim博士管理的2020年项目将向指定银行支付这笔款项。项目2020违反了合同,并决定从印度购买他们的药品,因为它更便宜。 MedCare遭受损失,甚至不得不剥离生产设施,现在想要从2020年起宣布亏损。然而,Nessim或2020年可能能够援引FSIA 28 U.S.C.的例外条款3。 §1605(a)(2)。讨论是对2020年是否能够成功做到这一点的评估?


There has been a breach of contract by Dr Lim Nessim and Project 2020 that had resulted in a disastrous impact over the business of client MedCare. A breach of contract is to be filed on behalf of MedCare in the United States District Court. The issue at hand is to assess whether Dr Nessim or 2020 would be able ot raise a defense claim based on the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act FSIA, commercial activities exceptions in order to get the lawsuit dismissed.
Brief Answer
Project 2020 cannot claim immunity. It has breached a contract wherein the contractual obligations are within the United States. This is the place where it should deliver its contractual obligations and 2020 has breached this. Secondly it has been involved in commercial activity that has affected a business within the United States (The effects are seen in the country). Thirdly the effects are direct. The action 0f 2020 has resulted in a direct effect; there are no intervening effects to help provide a case for exemption. Hence it is advised the MedCare go ahead with filing their lawsuit as the chances of 2020 claiming and acquiring an exception are very less.

MedCare has an agreement with Project 2020 to supply their pharmaceuticals for a period of 10 years, in which agreement is also specified that project 2020 under Dr Nessim’s administration will pay the amount in specified banks. Project 2020 breached contract and decided to buy their pharmaceuticals from India as it was cheaper. MedCare suffered losses and even had to divest a production facility and now wants to claim losses from 2020. However, Nessim or 2020 might be able to invoke the exceptions clause 3 from the FSIA’s 28 U.S.C. § 1605(a) (2). The discussion is an assessment of whether 2020 could successfully do that?






The Theory of Leisure Class (1899) has the exponential in the classic treatise by sociologist and economist Thorstein Veblen who argued that the wealth accumulation does not bestow one his status. The status is bestowed by the evidence of the wealth. The evidences need to be exhibited with conspicuous consumption. Veblen, for instance, had been noting silverware used by the leisure class; table linens that are high priced, hand painted china, where cheaper substitutes could have been used. According to Veblen, people use fine silverware to not conveying food, but to displaying the expensive items they can afford. The Veblen mentioned examples, such as, latest fashion, exotic breeds of dogs, and manicured lawns for conferring status the owners display because of the superior price tags.

The hypothetical luxury handbag brand is ABC. The brand personality of the ABC is the common way of adding “snob appeal” to an otherwise common product is attaching high price (O’Cass &Frost, 2002). The higher price make the customers feel superior as everybody is unable to purchase such product. It must be noted that handbags is one of the few product categories that has been driving the luxury brands today. The estimated sales of the handbags have been $7 billion in the US (2007) (Wilson, 2007). The data also indicate that American women purchases four handbags a year (Thomas, 2007). The purses don’t need sizing like in the cases of shoes or ready to wear dresses. The lack of sizes has been suggesting that women are having far more choice and subsequently the handbags forms a product category with the manufacturers carrying extremely large number of SKUs. For instance, ABC can offer over 200 different handbags at any point of time.



本研究是在考虑到Traccia项目范围的情况下进行的类似调查。该项目反映了欧洲社会基金(ESF)完全赞助的传播行动。此外Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento SpA(Centrocot)也推出了一个更大的计划。该计划侧重于与旨在传播“纺织产品可追溯性”系统的几乎所有开创性行动相关的创建和实验过程。这个系统是在去年推出的。该系统于2006年11月推出,其后又有9家公司以前接受了Traccia追溯系统。这些新采用RFID系统的公司也得到了这方面的明确认证。就Centrocot的基础知识而言,它是位于布斯托阿西齐奥地区的一家非营利性企业。

该公司于1987年由许多商业协会合作推出。除了商业企业不同的商会之外,中介机构的金融企业和政府部门也参与了新项目的启动。与此处研究的案例相比,这一行为背后的主要使命是维持纺织行业成员具有更大竞争力的技术和促销计划和服务。 RFID技术的推广归功于负责形成与Carlo Cattaneo重要大学实验室ID相关的这一杰出领域。此外,LIUC的研究和采用促成了进一步调查RFID技术的采用。对“纺织产品可追溯性”的提升也产生了积极而积极的影响,从而减少了服装行业的麻烦。


This study is undertaken as a similar line of investigation keeping in view the scope of the Traccia project. This project reflects a dissemination action that was totally sponsored by the European Social Fund (ESF). Moreover a bigger program was pursued by the Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento SpA (Centrocot). The program was focused on the creation and experimentation processes associated with almost all the seminal actions aimed at the diffusion of the “Textile Product Traceability” system. This system was launched in the last years. The system got launched in November 2006 and resultantly nine more corporations previously accepted the Traccia traceability system. These companies which newly adopted RFID system also got the explicit certification in this regard. As far as Centrocot’s basics are concerned it is a non-profit enterprise that is located in the region of Busto Arsizio.

This company was jointly launched in the year 1987 by collaboration of many business associations. In addition to business enterprises different chambers of commerce, intermediaries’ financial enterprises and departments of government were also participating in the launch of that new project. The main mission behind this act was to sustain the technological and promotional programs and services of members of textile sector having greater competitive powers as compared to the case studied here. The diffusion of RFID technologies is attributed to be responsible for the formation of this distinguished field related to the Lab#ID of an important Carlo Cattaneo University. Moreover, the LIUC’s that resulted in the exploration and adoption of contributed to further investigate the adoption of RFID technologies. It also had a strong and positive impact on the improvement in the “Textile Product Traceability” which has resulted to decrease the troubles of garment industry.

加拿大维多利亚大学论文代写: 餐巾计划

加拿大维多利亚大学论文代写: 餐巾计划

这种方法的大公司版本是公正的想法。就像一个员工有一个想法,他可以说服管理层做到这一点(Booms et.al.,1981)。这些计划有时实际上多次运作,有时甚至需要执行,但在涉及大量资源时通常不推荐这些计划。该计划涉及两种技术,其中包括健全的规划和深思熟虑的实施,有助于使其在业务中取得长期成功。

加拿大维多利亚大学论文代写: 餐巾计划
那么,如果我们看看苹果公司采用的电子营销策略,我们可以注意到苹果公司并没有使用任何这些基本和常见的电子营销策略(Booms et.al.,1981)。既然我们都知道这个品牌的成功与否,以及它为客户提供服务的一贯性如何,苹果有自己不同的营销策略,甚至没有向公众透露,但是,有些营销策略是在那里的无法隐藏,将在公众面前发布,并且在看过这些策略之后,我们不能否认苹果使用了其他品牌从未使用过的独有技术这一事实(Solis,2011)。

加拿大维多利亚大学论文代写: 餐巾计划

Many entrepreneurs are well known just by jotting their ideas on a napkin after which they just run off to find financing.
Basically, it helps in providing brief answers to the main key questions that are required to be answered to make the plan a successful one (Solis, 2011). It has one of the biggest advantages of the “80-20” rule which states that this method allows you to gain around 80% of the benefits of your business planning with only about 20% of the effort.
The big company version of this method is the just-do-it thought. It’s like if an employee has an idea, he can convince the management to just do it (Booms et.al., 1981). These plans sometimes, actually many times work and are sometimes even necessary to be carried out but they are generally not recommended when substantial resources are involved. There are two techniques that are involved under this plan which includes Sound planning and thoughtful implementation that helps in making it a long-term success in business.

加拿大维多利亚大学论文代写: 餐巾计划
Well, if we take a look on the e-marketing strategies that Apple has adopted, we can notice that Apple has not used any kind of these basic and common e-marketing strategies (Booms et.al., 1981). Since we all know that how successful this brand has been and how consistent it has been in providing services to its customers, Apple has it’s own different marketing strategies that have not even revealed properly to the public but yes, some of the marketing strategies are there that cannot be hidden and that are to be launched in front of the public and after having a look on those strategies, we cannot deny the fact that Apple has used exclusive techniques that have never been used by any other brand (Solis, 2011).



这本杂志的编辑是Robyn C. Walker

IJBC审查并出版能够促进商务沟通知识的手稿,作为一种高度截然不同的专业和学术学科。除此之外,IJBC寻求评估和评估可评估商业交流关键领域的手稿。 IJBC鼓励各种交流方式在创造,维护和实现利润和非营利业务方面发挥作用。期刊接受所有与学术联谊有关的研究模式。


Information about the International Journal of Business Communication

Editorial Board
The Editorial Board of IJBC is comprised of the Editor, Associate Editors, Book Review Editor, and a few subject-matter experts which can examine and evaluate submitted manuscripts.
The editor of this Journal is Robyn C. Walker
Mission Statement/Purpose
The International Journal of Business Communication (IJBC) aims to publish peer-reviewed, highly valued and rigorous original research which is able to contribute for the information and knowledge related to business communication and management.

Peer review Process
The journal has portrayed Business communication as a highly distinct and multidimensional field which has been approached by several administrative disciplines which includes the liberal arts, management sciences and social sciences. The articles reviewed in IJBC review and address all areas which are related to business communication and management. They include content/technical writing, international business management, organizational behavior, Leadership and corporate communication. Along with that, the journal also allows submissions which are related to important contribution of written, verbal, nonverbal and electronic communication in the field of profit and non-profit business.
Guidelines for Submission
The IJBC reviews and publishes manuscripts which can contribute towards knowledge of business communication as a highly distinct professional and academic discipline. Apart from that, IJBC seeks to assess and evaluate manuscripts which can evaluate key areas of business communication. IJBC encourages the role of various modes of communication for creation, maintenance, and performance of profit and non-profit business. The journal accepts all modes of research which are relevant in the academic fraternity.
Publication of articles
The publication of IJBC includes scholarly studies which are on average 15-35 double-spaced pages, commentaries of 10-14 pages, forums which are consisted of 2-4 articles organized in a unifying theme and book reviews.






Organizational Structure
Finding the organizational structure that works best is critical as using the wrong structure can result in poor communication, failed goals, and other problems. The most commonly used organizational structure models are the functional, divisional and matrix structures. Functional structure works by grouping together similar or related occupational specialties. Divisional structure groups together by the outputs of the occupations. In this structure, the prime advantage is that each division can be held accountable for the performance and thereby enabling better control. A combination of the two forms the matrix structure.
The organizational structure at present is more of a functional structure. The inefficient method employed by the coach and the inability of the assistant coaches to implement their strategies, and the arrogant, egoistic attitude of one of the team captains has resulted in efficiency. Employing a divisional organizational structure where individual responsibilities are clearly defined and every individual is held accountable for the team performance could help achieve a turnaround the performance.

Leadership Styles
The University of IOWA classifies leadership into broadly three categories: the autocratic, democratic and the Laissez-faire styles. Good leadership is all about putting the right set of leadership styles into action in the right amount at the right time. The Autocratic style of leadership is a “my way or the highway” kind of leadership where the leader dominates. Laissez-faire is a laid back kind of style where the leader lets the team members make their own decisions. This kind of leadership has been proven to be most ineffective. The Democratic leadership style is a participative kind where the leader sets his goals and also takes in the valuable inputs from other team members and employs the action that is most effective. The democratic leadership style is the most effective style where everybody is given importance.






In his theory, Hazlitt gives the discussion related to the general theory and explains each and every line of the same. He finds that there are a number of errors in each and every page of the theory. According to the critical analysis of Hazlitt, the general wage level cannot be very high if compared to the level of price. But, if someone looks around the 1930’s a large number of wages which were to be given to the labors were out of balance while the prices related to the good were sold in the market. In such a scenario the primary need was to have the restoration of the employment by making the adjustment in such a way that the wages of the workers should be available easily (Hazlitt, 2010). He explained that due to an inflationary policy there has been balancing for the price wage based relationship into balancing by the process of pushing the prices throughout the entire economy (Haberler, 1961).

In addition to this, Hazlitt also pointed the fact that the worker and the labor unions are completely aware of the fact that how is the overall rise of the price have an effect in the real value of the wages (Robinson,1961). He explained that in the upward direction, there should not be any illusion based on money. Whenever there is an increase in the cost of day to day living due to the rise of prices, it calls for the demand in the rise of the wages of the workers and the unions.
This case is certainly true. Let us take the examples of the workers who are working in a company. The company has been into profits but there isn’t a significant rise in the wages of the people. Also, with the passage of time there is an overall increase in the living style of the people.