


本研究是在考虑到Traccia项目范围的情况下进行的类似调查。该项目反映了欧洲社会基金(ESF)完全赞助的传播行动。此外Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento SpA(Centrocot)也推出了一个更大的计划。该计划侧重于与旨在传播“纺织产品可追溯性”系统的几乎所有开创性行动相关的创建和实验过程。这个系统是在去年推出的。该系统于2006年11月推出,其后又有9家公司以前接受了Traccia追溯系统。这些新采用RFID系统的公司也得到了这方面的明确认证。就Centrocot的基础知识而言,它是位于布斯托阿西齐奥地区的一家非营利性企业。

该公司于1987年由许多商业协会合作推出。除了商业企业不同的商会之外,中介机构的金融企业和政府部门也参与了新项目的启动。与此处研究的案例相比,这一行为背后的主要使命是维持纺织行业成员具有更大竞争力的技术和促销计划和服务。 RFID技术的推广归功于负责形成与Carlo Cattaneo重要大学实验室ID相关的这一杰出领域。此外,LIUC的研究和采用促成了进一步调查RFID技术的采用。对“纺织产品可追溯性”的提升也产生了积极而积极的影响,从而减少了服装行业的麻烦。


This study is undertaken as a similar line of investigation keeping in view the scope of the Traccia project. This project reflects a dissemination action that was totally sponsored by the European Social Fund (ESF). Moreover a bigger program was pursued by the Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento SpA (Centrocot). The program was focused on the creation and experimentation processes associated with almost all the seminal actions aimed at the diffusion of the “Textile Product Traceability” system. This system was launched in the last years. The system got launched in November 2006 and resultantly nine more corporations previously accepted the Traccia traceability system. These companies which newly adopted RFID system also got the explicit certification in this regard. As far as Centrocot’s basics are concerned it is a non-profit enterprise that is located in the region of Busto Arsizio.

This company was jointly launched in the year 1987 by collaboration of many business associations. In addition to business enterprises different chambers of commerce, intermediaries’ financial enterprises and departments of government were also participating in the launch of that new project. The main mission behind this act was to sustain the technological and promotional programs and services of members of textile sector having greater competitive powers as compared to the case studied here. The diffusion of RFID technologies is attributed to be responsible for the formation of this distinguished field related to the Lab#ID of an important Carlo Cattaneo University. Moreover, the LIUC’s that resulted in the exploration and adoption of contributed to further investigate the adoption of RFID technologies. It also had a strong and positive impact on the improvement in the “Textile Product Traceability” which has resulted to decrease the troubles of garment industry.