



用法律术语定义的“好撒玛利亚人”是指一个人在需要帮助的情况下帮助某人,而不希望获得任何其他形式的帮助或补偿。根据这一定义,帮助其他人的志愿者不能因疏忽而被起诉。侵权责任法律存在的目的是保护没有签署合同的人。 Donoghue v史蒂文森1案件导致其存在。没有合同义务的人仍然根据上下文对责任人负责;这被称为护理责任。当这项照顾责任被违反时,受到伤害的人可以对欠责的人提起过失诉讼。 2责任关系必须得到法律的承认。 3原告可以证明被告’实际上’对自己造成的危害行为。在确定违反护理责任时,也将考虑界定关系范围的近因。 4本文介绍了通常在医学人员和撒玛利亚人法律中考虑的关键因素。分析所确定的每个关键要素(小节)的社会影响。


Does the Good Samaritan Laws protect laymen volunteers and doctors (medical volunteers) alike against the tort of negligence or will they be judged differently when it comes to breach of duty and negligence. Is a doctor duty bound to help in a critical situation or will the context be considered when the courts make a decision on duty of care. There is much ambiguity in this issue and this will form the subject of discussion for the essay.

A ‘Good Samaritan’ defined in legal terms is a person who acts to assist someone in a situation requiring aid, without expectations of any reward for their assistance or compensations of other forms. Given this definition, volunteers that help other people cannot be sued in a tort for negligence. The tort law of negligence exists to protect people that have not signed a contract. The Donoghue v Stevenson 1case led to its existence. People who do not have contractual obligations are still duty bound to a person based on context; this is termed as duty of care. When this duty of care is breached then the person harmed can bring a negligence lawsuit against the person who owes the duty. 2The duty relationship has to be recognized by law. 3The plaintiff can prove actions of defendant ‘caused in fact’ the harm to self. The proximate cause which defines the scope of the relationship will also be considered when deciding breach of duty of care. 4This essay presents the key elements that are usually considered in the context of a medical person and the Samaritan law. Social implications are analysed for each of the key elements (subsections) identified.