

An example for enterprise which implements this way through different business models is General Electric. It focuses on employing crowdsourcing innovation. This is seen in the Ecomagination project. This project was to develop a schema to address the environmental challenges. This project is a competition in which they allow start ups and inventors to show technologies that could help them improve their development of products and services about the smart grid. These results showed that GE received 4000 submissions and $100,000 cash rewards were given to five young firms and constituted strategic partnership with 12 others. Entrants are found to submit their ideas on website that GE provided and they need to show their technology and its value position and its potential to be linked with professional knowledge and technologies of GE (Mascioni, 2011). These ideas were judged by external advisers and GE executives including Wired’ s editor and venture capitalists on the basis of potential impact, feasibility and originality. Innovative ideas could be purchased and the idea’s production was manufactured through GE’s smart factory places. In this the members transfer their ideas into real products through machines and tools required. In total, 74000 people’s comments were obtained by GE and they have spent $ 17 billion on R&D and gained total revenues of $232 billion in the last decade.

Another example of open innovation is P&G which employs the way of external partners. These efforts directly led to the emergence of Connet + Develop website. This platform allows innovators to express their related needs and upload their innovative ideas, and create multiple partnership and related products. P&G’s COVERGIRL was partnering up with OraLabs to release a new lip balm, which avoided a time-consuming R&D process. Company regards time as money, especially with trendy products, therefore, COVERGIRL benefits from cooperation with OraLabs.

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One of the biggest challenges for newspapers, as a result of advent of electronic media is to divide the advertisers between the two and at the same time value for the advertisers. Since the readership of the newspapers is on the decline, there is apprehension in advertisers as well. However strategies can be developed to increase the display advertising in newspaper. One of the examples that can be given is of The Arizona Daily Star newspaper which targeted the local grocery insert for its newspaper. The leading groceries were provided space in the Wednesday edition. Over the period of time the Wednesday edition of the newspaper gained popularity and it became the most selling edition of the newspaper.
It is important to note that the advertising should complement the content. For example, Lawrence Journal World that focussed on the local advertisers and at the same time ensuring that the advertisers can associate with the news content, which was primarily related to sports.
Another strategy is to understand the demographics of the region of circulation and displaying advertisements accordingly. The example of ‘The Vancouver Sun’ newspaper is quite appropriate for this. The newspaper included news articles that leveraged the reputation and expanded its reach to local Chinese community. The increased circulation of the newspaper as a result of its growing popularity in the region advertisers also followed. The newspaper is earnings a lot from the advertisers. Further the newspaper aligned a few pages in the newspaper to the local community in different regions. This laid platform for the presence of the newspaper on internet as well.
Lastly the newspapers have developed special sections/ supplementary magazines along with the newspaper to provide different material to its readers. For example the Williamsport Sun Gazette, on every Monday dedicate full page to local veteran of World War II. Interviews, articles and stories in their own words have now become trademark. The advertisers have targeted to be part of such different initiatives of the newspapers. Further these supplements and special features have been used to organize book launch related to these articles and advertisers were part of this initiatives as well. Thus newspapers have to develop such innovative products that can promote advertisers to be associated with such programs.

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Before we started to talk about this event, we have to discuss the background surrounding events. Before the Cultural Revolution happened, Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai both believed that Hong Kong governed by Unit Kingdom better than under the China rule. January 1966, Mao Zedong thought that only through the class struggle could consolidate him in a high position. Therefore, he created “The Cultural Revolution”. Almost the same time, “12-3 incident” happened in Macau and it inspired by the Cultural Revolution, leftist organizations fully support on this event. Aftermath, pro-Beijing unions almost control Macau and Portuguese government was only nominally in control of Macau start from 1966. It made pro-Beijing organizations felt excited and thought that Hong Kong’s political situation as same as Macau. Ultra-leftist dominated Hong Kong Xinhau News Agency; the pro-Beijing power also forced Xinhau News Agency President Liao Chengzhi to support this event. The propaganda of all leftist camps such as Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po tried to incite Hong Kong Chinese against colonial British government.

Elsie Elliot joined the Political Party “The Reform club” of Hong Kong. The Reform club of Hong Kong was one of the earliest political party in Hong Kong. It was in existence till the 1990. Elsie Elliot was elected to become an Urban Council member in 1963. This body which dealt with the local district matters. It handled issues such as the health of the public, recreation and culture. The membership was a mixture of the publicly elected people and some people were partially appointed. Elsie Elliot ran the Bernacchi Reform Club. It was the club that was founded to bring constitutional reform of the colony. One of the main issues Elliot had with this club was that the English was the major requisite to join the club. Elsie felt it was very biased and left the club in 1967. She lobbied extensively and made Chinese to be the main language that should be considered to be the member. This shows the value that Elsie Elliot had for the preserving the local culture of Hong Kong and that she wanted preservation and conservation of the culture.

In this event, not only the Beijing government lost hundreds of millions, but also destroyed the underground network in Hong Kong, the name list of leftist people whom showed in newspapers. Many Hong Kong Chinese were injured or dead in this incident, a serious declination on the stock market and the property market. Finally, the event made Hong Kong a great change, for the evaluation of the official report on this event, it had showed that the colonial British government had no choice to deal with those serious social problems. Otherwise, many problems will happen in the future.

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Creative life is just like a fundamental or exercise for our bodies. Human beings need to experience which is communicative, knowledge, talents, skills and ideas by art education. In the society there is a mindset of the people and they said that arts product is more importance than the artistic process of creation (Staricoff RL. n.d.). It is logically a myth and misconception which is made by some human beings.
But according to art education, both art product and artistic process are necessary because one cannot exist without the other. Participation in the arts desires creative methods such as imagery, creativity and originality which are rational and sensible thinking. Involvement in the arts that is a creative life it includes many skills such as difference between fact and fiction, determining and articulating feelings, likes and dislikes, discovering substitutes and defining categorizing etc.
Art education is a solution to various problems which occurs in the school and colleges. It is arises because it remains soiled from large to small level. If we talk about at the policy level, art education assistance is seen as may be different and divide from the bigger expression of educational resolve. And in the schools, art professionals classes are too often more analyzed as something that consigns the classroom teachers a planning time ,while teaching specialists are inquire to skip in and out in three or four week settlement, without ever being capable to maintain relationships and consolidate into the school locality.

There are arising some myths and misconception into art education in the future. Myths like the art have a repetition about them which can decrease them to some main figure in the education. Drama possess difference to visual arts, which is different to music, which is different to dance etc. some new technologies are developed to produce art. A parent of young adult seems the value and potential to the art in educating their kids about themselves and life world’s.
In last, education is seen as important if the social, cultural and economic profits of the Arts are to be fully relaxed. It built an appropriate and appreciative mob, as a means to maintain the professional arts specialist and to provide students to secure in creative and cultural life. Researches from earlier studies have proved that art education (visual art education) among students is one of the reason that make students do not need to engage in classroom activity and it is important to help students affected this problem in order for them to be capable to become energetic members in visual art activities so that they can boost the learning results as well as to prepare them with good magnify skills and talents that will need when they graduate from school or colleges.

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essay代写-电子竞技的辩论分析。电子竞技行业是一个蓬勃发展的行业,从许多研究工作中可以看出,它是一个贡献收入以及传统体育的行业(Jenny et al., 2017;欧文斯,2016)。然而,仅仅这些元素就能让电子竞技像体育一样吗?体育产业是一个数十亿美元的产业(施耐德,2015;Burroughs和Rama, 2015)。然而,计量经济学评估并没有在这项工作中发挥作用。从体育的哲学理解、体育人与普通人如何看待体育、体育运动的框架与博弈方案、运动策略的运用等方面进行论述。

The aim of this research is to analyse and understand whether competitive level Multiplayer Online Battles Arenas (MOBA) is a type of Sports. For proper understanding, the research assumes (as evident in existing literature studies) that MOBA is indeed an eSports form.
The objectives of the research are as follows,
To understand and assess based on key insights gained from existing literature studies on how MOBA could be a form of sport
To understand based on existing literature evidence, the competitive elements in conventional sports and how they differ when compared with MOBA.
To gather primary data from research participants on the similarities and differences they perceive between MOBA and conventional sports
To understand and make recommendations on whether MOBA could indeed be brought under the category of Sports, and whether eSports are indeed the next big thing in the general sports industry.

The eSports industry is a thriving industry and as noted from many research works, it is one that is contributing revenue as well as conventional sports (Jenny et al., 2017; Owens, 2016). However, could these elements alone make eSports like Sports? The sports industry is a multibillion dollar industry (Schneider, 2015; Burroughs and Rama, 2015). However, econometrics assessment is not being doing in this work. The philosophical understanding of sports, how the sport person and the common man perceive sports, the framework and game plans in sports and strategies used etc. are being considered here. Does eSport possess these elements? Alternatively should eSports be considered as different from conventional sports? These are some questions worth investigating.

The next chapter in this dissertation is a literature review. The literature review chapter is critical for understanding the current literature evidence on the subject. It is a base work based on which research questions are identified and serves for the development of interview questions would be done. The next chapter is the research methodology chapter which presents the research methods used for collection of data and the framework for assessing the data. Data and discussion chapter discusses the answers of research participants and based on literature review understanding makes recommendations in the sports and the eSports debate.

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essay代写-违反内幕交易法律的司法案例分析。在内幕交易方面,R v Curtis (No . 3) [2016] NSWSC 866案对违反内幕交易法律的人进行了真正的司法审判。此案对企业、员工个人和所有其他利益相关者都有影响。之所以存在这种影响,是因为企业越来越意识到有必要对内幕交易进行内部财务控制。该公司还受到ASIC的监视,而不仅仅是涉及他们内幕交易的人。柯蒂斯的案件表明,ASIC将严肃处理共谋指控。此外,有一项结论是,法院今后将以处理刑事案件同样严肃的态度处理内幕交易问题。ASIC的主要目标是确保澳大利亚市场不存在内幕交易和其他刑事过失行为,而2016年这起案件的趋势确保了这一点的实现。

The public views on insider trading regulations as observed form people and companies alike show that there is a need for improvement. Studies from market practitioner’s guide show that there is a negative view of the insider trading laws. People either believe that it is not adequate or is not adequately enforced. The investment director of Capital, suggested that questionable trading practices are still being followed in the industry and that these questionable trading practices are becoming very common. ASIC surveys that were conducted in the last ten years showed that around only 30 percent of the polled population believed that dishonesty in the context of insider trading is being found and punished (Flitcroft & Mason, 2016).
Secondly, exception was claimed on the context that Mr. Curtis was not being clandestine in his efforts. References were brought in that showed the actions of Mr. Curtis as being open for interpretation with no effort from Mr. Curtis end to hide information. The Judge held that “In any event, I do not see how the fact that Mr. Curtis left a clear forensic trail which resulted in there being a strong case against him mitigates the seriousness of the offence. If the suggestion is that the alleged openness of his conduct reveals he must have believed he was not doing anything wrong, I reject it. In all the circumstances, in my view the objective seriousness of the offence is high” (R v Curtis (No 3) [2016] NSWSC 866, 2016, para. 22-23). he Judge held that the damage resulting from offenses of Mr. Curtis, was damaging to the company, the clients of the company and the individual traders of the company as well. It put unnecessary pressure on the company and was seen to be damaging the integrity and confidence in the general market as well.
There was much material delay in the conviction of Curtis and the issues of delay and more were considered when pursuing high profile cases in parallel such as that of the one against Richard Kamay, Steven Xiao etc. The implication of this case on ASIC is that now ASIC is committed to pursuing cases with more zeal and having convictions arranged in a much faster context. ASIC has a market analysis and intelligence Unit that is seen to rely on intelligent data analysis for raising red flags in some cases. Suspicious activities will thus be flagged and the ASIC will pursue these activities. Much funding has gone into this. This is also projected to increase the success rate of ASIC convictions by around 85% now (Flitcroft & Mason, 2016).
An imposition is placed on businesses that they must be aware of and make individuals in their business aware that insider information trading was harsh and where they to breach the laws by involving themselves in sider trading then they could face a fine of up to $4,950,000. This is just a standard amount; the amount could be as high as thrice the financial benefit that was incurred by the individual (Flitcroft & Mason, 2016).
The penalties and the pecuniary are also just one part of the legal action that is intended to make the company face breach actions. The company in addition to these damages also faces reputational damages. These damages of reputation are much more expensive for the company to fix. A high-profile trial could in a very short time wipe out all the credibility and years of reputation that the company could have built. Where an employee involves himself in insider trading, it could so happen that the clients and other high profile investors of the company would not want to associate with said company. The company also comes under scrutiny for its placement of financial controls (Flitcroft & Mason, 2016).

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加拿大代写-麦当劳在玻利维亚市场失败的原因。麦当劳在玻利维亚市场的失败凸显了进入玻利维亚市场的新战略的需要。最近一部纪录片的结论是,麦克唐纳被拒绝不是因为他们不喜欢这种口味,而是因为他们对玻利维亚人的想法。由于靠近安第斯山脉和亚马逊山脉,他们的家门口几乎可以买到新鲜水果。大多数的人口是在贫困地区,使得麦当劳的产品超出了他们到达(Backhaus,布鲁里溃疡̈schken Voeth, 2006)。当企业计划进入海外市场时,它将自己暴露在巨大的风险、有一定控制力的人的选择和经济条件等方面。战略营销决策的制定与实施是战略营销过程中最困难的任务。

Stability of market – The customer should find the product useful throughout the year. Economic factors determine the stability. In the country like Bolivia, a recession occurs frequently. It erodes the purchasing capacity of the people. McDonalds should implement a strategy, which can help to remain profitable in adverse conditions. The product launched should remain in demands throughout the year. It has been widely known that there is a change in food habits among the people with the change in seasons (Kleindl, 2007). The demands of McDonald’s product should not be affected by the change in weather conditions.

As per the diverse demand of the company’s product, the consumer purchasing decisions based on the best quality of food innovation would be the new marketing program at the most affordable price.
The products of McDonald should adopt the markets such as technological, legal, political, economic and the climate need of international market based on the different cultures of individual territories (Kotler and Armstrong, 2016). Cultural change of products may boost the company to meet the needs of the product. The company should follow the important factor of products and services when designing the global marketing program.

As per the global marketing mix of the price segment, the pricing techniques should be executed in the manner that consumers can easily grow their choices than the other competitor’s products and services. The price segment of the products of McDonald should follow the company goals, segments, consumer preferences, product market structure and the intensity of competitions. The management of McDonald needs to focus on the export price, escalation to make the shipping price and the insurance, tariffs (Kotler and Keller, 2016). Inflation should be focused on the management which is a concern about uncontrolled inflation and intense. If inflation rates are rampant or uncontrolled, then some alternatives of counter inflation should be engaged as per the changing components product inflation. Exchange rates and transfer pricing are matters in this case of McDonald as per designing the global marketing program for entering the new markets (Kotler et al., 2015). In this situation of deciding the price segment, the management needs to focus on Anti-dumping regulations, which is considered when deciding the global price.

Similarly, the McDonald’s management should focus on the pricing method to minimize the future challenges for entering into the new markets.

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peaking代写-评估合并公司绩效的方法。多年来,人们进行了各种各样的研究,以评估合并和收购作为一种战略是否有助于提高或降低企业的价值。本文讨论了两种评估合并公司绩效的方法(Sharma, 2010)。讨论了事件研究和会计回报。研究人员对习得行为的评价,大多采用事件研究的方法,或者采取基于会计核算的方法。近年来,数据包络分析和平衡计分卡的方法等研究都有了新的思路。本文表明,测量习得绩效的方法有多种,每种方法都有各自的优缺点(Laabs and Schiereck, 2010)。测量方法的选择对所绘制的结果至关重要,因此选择时必须非常小心。建议评价方法需要有其研究国家的基础,更重要的是,需要检查的方面包括与股票市场和盈利有关的感知。

Another characteristic for the deal taken into consideration is whether deal was done on hostile terms or friendly terms. According to Faisal (2010), a meta-analysis was done to investigate this. It was found through empirical evidence that the findings are mixed. The findings were the same as the findings obtained by Laabs and Schiereck. It suggested that most companies do not gain advantages from acquisitions of conglomerate nature. It seemed that firms are more beneficial when there are acquisitions of horizontal and vertical nature involved wherein synergies can be gained (Kwoka and Pollitt, 2010). According to Kwoka and Pollitt (2010) and Faisal (2010), it was studied that the company performance with hostile acquisitions were of more performance. At times when mergers and acquisitions had a friendly appearance, they worked but only in the short term. In the long term, they did not benefit much because the strategies and agendas were of a different nature. For conglomerate firms, scoping economies has a negative nature and the advantages of newer structure of capital and taxes are not such that they impact negatively. According to Faisal et al. (2010), the results from event study indicate that after 3 days of acquisition, the stocks of acquiring firms generate return of abnormal nature at an average of 1.22 percent across every acquisition (Shukla and Gekara, 2010). When performance is long term, it is evident that companies acquiring perform in a better manner than the industrial pre-transaction and post-transaction.

Throughout the years, various studies have been done for evaluating whether merging and acquiring as a strategy have helped in enhancing or degrading value for firms. The essay has taken into discussion two methods to evaluate the merging firm’s performance (Sharma, 2010). Event study and accounting return have been discussed. It has been found mostly that researchers either adopt the methodology of event study or they take up measures based on accounting for evaluating the performance of acquisition. New approaches have been included in recent studies such as the analysis for data envelopment and approach of balanced score card. The essay has shown that there are several methods to measure performance of acquisition and each has its individual merits and demerits (Laabs and Schiereck, 2010). The selection of measurement method is essential to the drawn results and therefore selection has to be done with enormous care. It is recommended that evaluation method needs to have its basis over the study country and more essentially the aspects to be examined are inclusive of perception related to stock market and profit making. The second part of the study concluded that the deal characteristics have to be focused upon. There are times when mergers do benefit enormously whereas there are other times when mergers do not greatly benefit (Kwoka and Pollitt, 2010). This is because the characteristics are not taken into consideration. This leads towards failures and insignificant approaches. The focus needs to be on ensuring that there is alignment between the merging firms or else performance of set nature cannot be gained.

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essay代写-大卫·弗兰克尔的电影《穿普拉达的女魔头》。导演大卫·弗兰克尔的电影《穿普拉达的女魔头》是一部与现实生活息息相关的电影。要想成为一个领导者,需要广泛地思考,追随自己的激情(Pinnock, 2010)。米兰达·普里斯特利有能力积极而广泛地思考。没有任何人的帮助,她能应付任何尴尬的局面。她掌控着自己的生意、丈夫和孩子。在那部电影中,她很好地平衡了自己的个人生活和职业生活。在她的个人生活中,她不是一个快乐的人,但她仍然很成功地继续她的事业。

She had many opponent groups in her company, but she had many supporters, too. She was a terror to everyone in her office, but everyone respects her and loves her. She had all the decision making qualities, good sense of humour and patience. She was completely satisfied with her profession and can go to any extent for the success of her business (Justin, 2016). She was punctuated and one of the perfectionist persons in the fashion world. On the other hand, her assistant Andrea was unfashionable, shaky, confused and dependable personality. She does not know how to manage all the situations. She always mixes up her personal and professional life, even she did not attempt to follow her dream passion which was journalism. Because of all the above reason, Miranda was the boss, and Andrea was just an employee. In fact, Miranda personally likes Andrea very much wanted to see her happy in her field, and finally when she found Andrea satisfied with her dream work, then she was happy. Not only for Andrea, she was equally concern about all of her employees and all of her employees also support her in any aspects. There are many similarities between a leader of real life and Miranda because the true leaders are just like her. They always support their subordinates and confident just like Miranda. Miranda was an intelligent and motivating like real life leaders (Owen, 2012). In reality, leadership means interpersonal and intrapersonal factor which includes the traits, emotions, action and the strategies. According to the film, the central character Miranda had all the above issues. Just like the film to be successful, it is necessary to have all the above-mentioned key factors.

The report here brings a reliable comparison between the two characters Miranda and Andy, one of whom is a leader and the other being an employee slowly becomes a follower of the head despite possessing more or less similar qualities. The Leader here is inevitably Miranda as in various occasions, it is seen that she is an upright person and does not mix her personal life with her professional life. Whereas Andy wants to choose a different career option, tries to impress Miranda to keep her career intact, endangering her personal life completely. As a leader, Miranda has a clear head and farsightedness and never thinks twice about taking harsh decisions even if it means putting her trusted employee at risk to save her career. Being in the same profession, Andy questions her decisions and retaliates her; unable to understand that in the process of excelling in her career she has stampede her competitors on the way without even realizing. Miranda is aware of the fact and knows very well that excelling in the career means taking harsh and strict decisions giving more importance to mind over heart.

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The research strategy forms the third layer of the research onion. The research strategy consists of different types, such as, survey, archival, case study, action, etc. The attribute that is important with respect to the research strategy is helping the researchers to answer the research question. This means, the alternatives as to the multiple strategies related to the research is applicable to a single research study in meeting the research aim and answering the research question. Likewise, this method of the research requires the researcher in ensuring the research strategy that is applicable suiting the research aim. Otherwise the questions can be raised regarding the validity and reliability of the research.
This research study requires the researcher planning the conducting of the research with respect to the application of the survey and interviews. The reason that is primary is fact that the aims of the research are exploring the sustainability, inclusive business models, following international norms and standards, and voluntarily holding themselves accountable with respect to the financial and nonfinancial performance. By applying the survey, the exploration with respect to the views of the entrepreneurs regarding these aspects helps deduce the results.

The research choices are the fourth layer of the research onion. The research onion model reveals that the researcher has the choice of qualitative methods, quantitative methods, and/or both in a single research study. In this study, a mixed method is used with the use of survey and strategies of interview research. The findings of the survey will be helping to quantify the data, while the findings of the interview will be helping to express the data in a qualitative manner (Kumar, 2014).
Data Collection

The process of data collection can be pursued with the use of two methods. Saunders &Tosey (2013) suggests that research study data can be collected by either primary sources and/or secondary sources. There is more aestheticism and reliability with regards to the primary source of data collection as it is a product of the researcher. The secondary data, however, can be used with the help of the data and information expressed and collected by the others. The techniques used in the primary data collection include observation, focus groups, interviews and the surveys. The sources of the secondary data, on the other hand, include news articles, journal articles, books, industry reports, publications, archives, and financial statements.
In this research study, there will be application of two primary data collection methods of surveys and interviews. The interview will be conducted with entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs turned business leaders.

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