

The human sigma is an extension of the Six Sigma approach. The traditional Six Sigma approach for quality management is more focused on the technical and scientific control production processes. The human aspect is not much involved in here. For a human system, the Human Sigma, a slight modification will work better. The central premise in the Human Sigma approach is that of having satisfied customers by improving customer engagement through employee engagement. Employee engagement questions and customer engagement questions are used here in order to understand the overall effectiveness of the employee-customer connections. Fleming &Asplund (2007) conducted a study in which they establish what is called the HS3 threshold. Organizations above the threshold are working on improving customer employee engagement in order to satisfy their customers and above this threshold are the optimized organizations and the super performers. It is recommended that this hotel should follow the Human Sigma approach and work on crossing this significant HS3 threshold.

Employee motivation by empowerment will not only portray a positive image of the organization to the customer but it will also enable the employee to play a better role in customer satisfaction aspects (Reynoso, and Moore, 1995).Employees are a major contributing factor to customer satisfaction. Front line employees in particular will directly interact with the employee. They would have to make fast decisions to satisfy the customer and will need to be empowered by means of autonomy (Lewis, and Booms, 1983). When the frontline employees are given a certain amount of autonomous decision making power then they would be able to make decisions to satisfy the customer in a more time efficient manner (Storbacka et al, 1994; Pitt et al, 1995). On the other hand, consider the case of a frontline employee who would have to approach the manager for every small decision making. They would not have many choices at hand to satisfy the customer, they would not be able to make decisions faster and this would destroy their capability before the customer (Farrell, 2000). This would lead to deterioration of the employee customer engagement (Lings and Brooks, 1998). A major recommendation that is hence made to the Hotel is that it should empower its frontline employees in particular and all its other employees generally by means of giving them better autonomy.

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ps代写-Webley的说服技巧和真诚的方法。Webley通过对ethos, pathos, and logos这三个要素的运用,说服读者/分析者考虑所有可能的结果,并在分析了所有的诉求后才得出有效的结论。这篇文章完美地结合了说服技巧和真诚的方法,考虑了主要问题有助于提出的伦理和道德方面的考虑。

Webley has been an education correspondent for Timemagazine, and have also completed her graduation from the University of Washington. This is one of the ‘ethos’ element which can be considered, however it is not enough for the analyzer to get persuaded. The fact that Webley has been constantly informed about the petition filed by students for forgiving the debt loan, which she has studied various websites including the Occupy Student Debt site. And Robert Applebaum, a student in debt, who having started the petition has sent messages to Webley on her Facebook account, and speaks for the kind of influence she has in terms of securitizing such an issue through prime media for it to be properly presented to the government. These appeals of her as some kind of an authority, at least to an extent that she can take up the issue in the right direction and to the right person are elements of the ‘ethos’ part of persuasion that the article holds.
She then moves further by presenting many questions to Applebaum’s plea of forgiving one time student debt loan of $1 trillion dollar. She does this by raising ethical issues on the part of those who had studied in the past and fulfilled their loan obligations and on passing the burden of such a huge debt exemption to other citizens. Is it fair? The question makes one think in the line of ethical judgement that would consider while leaning toward asserting the debt forgiveness. In addition, she raises emotional feelings when the transfer of tax burden comes to those who have never been to universities but make themselves pay more taxes. This is an emotional consideration and appeal which makes one think about the fairness in allowing the loan to be forgiven. Emotional appeal wins much stiff logic when the strength in emotion is high enough to be sounding as something which is without evil (Braet 307-320). She further asks questions about the ethics and morality of allowing those students who could very well pay back their debt obligations to be included in the petition. Though she commits that segregating these two classes would not be easy. These appeals of emotions forms the ‘pathos’ element of her persuasion.
Lastly, nothing is more appealing in an argument which ends with strong evidence after the authority of the speaker and the emotional appeal is distinctly used to persuade (Stockwood and Spiro). Webley mentions multiple sources of student loan amount data, which precisely concludes that only a small fraction of students are holding very high loans and that most can afford to pay back the obligation. She mentions the Income based repayment program of the government where students can avail of liberal methods of fulfilling their obligation. She adds Justin Wolfers blog proposition that all the money that is alleged to be saved by forgiving the loan will not necessarily be reverted to the economy. In addition, she mentions Mark Kantrowitz argument in his website about the average debt loan of a student which is much reasonable at $27,500 unlike the very high amount claimed in the petition. These are factual evidence that work very strongly on persuading the analyzer, since it is clubbed with emotional and authoritative appeal that supports the end result of persuasion (Morgan). These evidence forms the ‘logos’ element of the persuasive argument. This together with ‘ethos’ and ‘pathos’ elements in the article proposes that simply forgiving the student loan may not be feasible and a much more analytical view must be taken of the proposition, since it can drastically affect politics and economy.

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代写essay-游客对国家公园可能产生的影响。其中,世界上一些著名的旅游景点是位于黄金海岸的国家公园。它受到了来自不同国家人民的喜爱。许多来自世界各地的游客参观这些地方。这个公园因萤火虫而闻名于世。为了保护国家公园不受游客的影响,政府规定每天只允许300人进入国家公园进行夜间旅游。在本报告中,将讨论国家公园对旅游业的影响(Baker & Merritt, 2003)。游客的视角将被分析和理解。讨论将主要集中在游客对国家公园可能产生的影响。将对游客如何影响国家公园进行评估。会议还将讨论政府为保护该旅游公园所采取的措施。

In order to do the research, the qualitative analysis has been done. In order to do the same, a survey has been conducted and the responses of the tourists have been obtained. Other than this, there has been an analysis of the literature which has been analysed on the research. This would give the analysis of the impact which the tourists are having on the National Park.
As a result of the rise in the tourists, there is a negative impact on the plants and animals. During the time of night, it is difficult to analyse if someone is spoiling any plant. Many times the tourists affect the plants in a negative manner. At times, it is also observed that the people also leave the rubbish in the park. This leads to the increase in pollution in the marks and can make the environment unfit for living. The animals may also eat the plastic and other products which may be harmful for them. Leaving the rubbish in the park is a problem and can have a severe impact on the environment. Other than this, it also impacts the landscape and the soil.
The people also feed the native animals of the place. As a result of the same, the animals can become more and more reliant on the different food sources and can suffer from some disease. These animals may also sometimes get frightened or be aggressive to the humans. The visitors also bring the food along with them, eat it in the park and wash the dishes with soaps and other greasy items (Parkin & Morris, 2005). This can lead to the increase in the pollution in the waterways. Moreover, it can also promote the algal growth in an unnatural manner. The park is the host to the large number of frogs which are the endangered species in the world. When the pollutants such as soap, shampoo, sun screen, insect repellent etc. are discharged into the waterways, it can lead to the death of the frogs.

The tourism which is related to the insect had mainly been observed to cater the niche market, though the popularity of the same has been growing during the recent years. Because of its popularity, it has attracted the tourist locations from different parts of the world. One of the most popular insect based tours in the world has gained its popularity in the recent times in the Spring book national park. It is important to do the study of the impact of the tourism which may be there on these locations.

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peaking代写-“新好莱坞”的演变。导致电影公司制度崩溃的一些重要因素是代际转换、内容规则的改革和好莱坞的财务不安全感(McLean, 2009)。这种情况导致了好莱坞研究被纳入不同的娱乐公司,给好莱坞娱乐产业的经营带来了重大的变化。好莱坞的运作方式发生了变化,并在创意部门、公司、高管和技术人才中进行了划分。

Some of the significant factors that contributed to the downfall of the studio system were the generational shift, reformation of the content regulations and the financial insecurities in Hollywood (McLean, 2009). This situation resulted in the incorporation of the Hollywood studies in different entertainment companies that bring significant change in the operations of Hollywood entertainment industry. The operations of the Hollywood changed and divided in creative departments, corporation, executives, and skilled minds. The new critical and scholarly circles were the main factors that gave rise to “New Hollywood” (McLean, 2009).
The United States was the country that came out of the war and was stronger than ever. While most of the Europe was lying in the ruins of war, America had become the most powerful and richest nation of the world. America was also “in the midst of an economic boom and alone possessing the most powerful weapon on earth, the atom bomb” (Kokonis, 2009, p. 174). However, there were also some significant problems after war. The post war crisis in America had affected the film industry (Williams and Hammond, 2006). There was the decline in the theatre admission since late 1940s, which turned out to be a persistent nightmare for the studio owners in 1950s (Williams and Hammond, 2006).
The Hollywood has started losing its homogenized audiences because of the boom in the television industry. People started preferring to stay at home for entertainment. TV was not the only reason, but the other two reasons were “suburbanization and baby-booming” (Kokonis, 2009, p. 176). The radical sociological change in the post war era became the problem for the America film industry. Change was the most significant need. The period from late 1960s and 1970s is considered as the New Hollywood, as this period paved the path for experimentation and integration of new approaches to make the film industry.
The new generation of the film directors and producers were able to express their ideas and new approaches though their films. The classical cinema was rapidly losing all its money and studios were being sold out due to financial loses. Lewis (2007) stated that “Studios were merely making films for commercial success, yet for directors of Old Hollywood, such as Alfred Hitchcock, Howard Hawks, John Ford, Orson Welles, and Charlie Chaplin (who were able to make their art despite Hollywood’s satisfaction) wanted to engage youth” (p.14). The New Hollywood was also thought to be new because it was not only focus on engaging the young generation of film makers but also encouraged them to take part in high profit commercialization.

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Australia as a continent is a small domain with a surplus economy, whereas Asia on the other hand is comprised of a number of countries that have been developing in a steep pace. Some of the bigger countries of the continent are being considered for calculation of Asia’s GDP; they are China, Japan and India. These countries have good and established trade relationship with Australian domain and have taken trade to newer heights.
According to continents share a strong bong in between them regarding trade and commerce, it had been estimated that Australia is one of the major stakeholders in Asian countries; it invests massive capital into the Asian countries and is a massive consumer of the imported products from Asia. Economists, who have been evaluating on the business relations in between Asia and Australia, have criticized that it has been long since Australia has brought about amendments in the trading possibilities and are not having a keen look on the productivity of their firms situated in different parts of Asia. On the other hand, Asia’s has amended their flaws to certain extend and are endorsing newer horizons in world trade.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP), is a calculative sum of the private consumption, gross investment, government, import and exports taken together. GDP growth rate of a country determines the amount of all the services and products produced at a given period of time. Gross domestic product of a country determines the amount of products and services that are produced by the country individually. In accordance with claimed that investment can be divided into different categories for a particular nation. According to the number of heads of a nation, it is possible to determine the per capita income of a population. Gross domestic product of a province is directly related to the growth in trade of that economy. In the contemporary era; trade and commerce have gained high priority within the global market for its huge impact on a particular nation’s GDP growth rate. The growths of the GDP of Australia and Asia are discussed below:
Growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Australia: In terms of trade and commerce, Australia has a very strong GDP growth rate. It is one of the world superpowers with a huge turnover. The growth rate is stark with inclusion and accumulation of trading with the different countries of the world.
Growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Asia: Asia’s accumulated GDP growth rate depends on the performance of the larger countries in it. It had a comparatively slower, but constant growth in the economic growth rate. The countries like China, India and Japan lead in the economic value, providing a growing economic status to Asia.

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essay代写-印度面临的挑战。印度是世界上人口第二多的国家,幸运的是,它的大多数人口都在35岁以下。这对中国来说是一个巨大的优势,因为中国被视为一个主要的人力资源供应国,可以在工业和制造业的增长中发挥同样的作用。印度经济一直在以6%至7%的速度显著而稳定地增长。大多数行业的经济增长良好(Carter and Harding, 2011)。然而,它面临着一些看起来无法克服的挑战,为了继续保持稳定增长,它可能不得不绕过这些挑战并战胜它们。

In a world of extreme uncertainty and sporadic development, stability is a luxury. To get stability, one needs to maintain the basics in the right conditions (Hong and Park, 2015). India is trying to maintain the basics of its economic logic in a way that helps in reducing the internal poverty and making external progress become an important voice in global affairs (Cheung, 2005).
One of the primary challenges India faces is its rivalry and terrorism sponsored by Pakistan. The Jammu and Kashmir issue is a contentious issue and India is putting a lot of resources into it to resolve it or to put an end to the infiltration of terror from Pakistan. The territorial dispute between India and Pakistan is an old one dating back to its partition in 1947 which is yet to be resolved. On the contrary, it is getting murkier as time goes. And terror gets more sophisticated. Besides the US, its uncontrollable greed of remaining a superpower is not halting weapon sales to Pakistan. China has become an all-weather friend to Pakistan, which furtherly messes the issue for India. China is seeking to build an economic corridor spanning three continents, starting from China and ending in Europe and Africa, for which it needs Pakistan’s land mass. India is opposed to this corridor because it breaches its sovereignty over the Pakistan occupied Kashmir region. It shall continue to face this challenge and the intensity of it may even become more heated in the future.
India’s economy is growing stably with credit growth and actual output registering impressive numbers (Wilinson, 2006). However, it remains mired in the corruption issue. Many politicians have been linked to corrupt business practices. This is because of the lacklustre enforcement of strict laws. It still reigns in outdated laws that are more favouring and contains a lot of loophole to evade taxes and carry on illegal business activities.
Poverty reduction is a major challenge for the nation as many people still lives without substantial water and electricity supply. It is facing cheap imports from Chinese companies that are lowering the rates of actual sale price and damaging the local and domestic players in many sectors (Jain, 2006). For example, cheap import of solar cells and wind turbine material from China is lowering power tariffs to unprecedented levels, which is not only harming government revenues but also declining private player investments (Raghavan, 2017). It faces the challenge of countering cheaper imports and at the same time spruce up its domestic economy.

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essay代写-FDI在中国能源消费中的作用。从1997到2008年,超过60%的利用外商直接投资都来自第二部门,与只有1.5%的主要部门(1998 – 2009年中国统计年鉴,中国),据《中国城市统计年鉴》(2006 – 2009),第二产业的FDI流入量达532.5624亿人,占总数的57.63%。这些统计数据可以在一定程度上解释FDI对中国能源消费的负面影响,这是因为FDI中大部分是制造业,加剧了能源需求。在过去的几年里,中国的GDP占GDP的比重和外商直接投资占GDP的比重平均为2.5%,但仍然不低,因为这很容易用中国的整体经济规模来解释,中国是仅次于美国的世界第二大经济体(Frey 2014)。联合国贸发会投资与企业司司长张德铭表示,除了FDI构成因素外,报告还应考虑中国政府的因素,“服务业FDI增加,制造业增长放缓。”“在近年来投资导向转向的背景下,持续的高能耗值得人们深思,无论是政府的法律法规,还是中国的能源审计制度,都还有一些地方需要进一步完善。

On the other hand, China has not attracted foreign investment based on cheap labor only. The nation’s foreign investment provides foreign investors with incentives such as duty and in various instances has signed free trade treaties with various business partners. However, one of the areas where the company has managed to attract investor is the transparency in account auditing. Strict accounting laws protect companies from falling victims of corporate fraud and promote best accounting practice (Frey 2014). Based on these investment motivations, large to small industries have shifted their manufacturing activities partially and fully to China. The increased presence of foreign companies as well as the important role their investment plays in the economic growth of the has forced the Mainland and Hong Kong governments to implement energy policies that would sustain environmental conservation while at the same maintaining increasing level of foreign investment.

From the point of energy structure, China has become the top one coal produces and top one coal importer (IEA key World Energy Statistics), which has earned the nation a bad international reputation as to the nation’s environment ethics (Yusuf and Brooks, 2010), As China still be considered as an environmentally insensitive nations, new findings shows that the energy industry as influenced by a reliable auditing environment has influenced the shift from black energy to green energy. The concerns of various environmentally sensitive groups have pointed that China’s continued use of non-renewable energy to grow the economy has far reaching challenges to the social order than the effect of growing economy (BP 2015). The perspectives on how to sustain a livable environments from these groups has contributed to efforts aimed at curbing the environmental threat while at the same time sustaining industrial and economic development. Regarding to what is the relationship between FDI (Foreign direct investment) in China and increasing energy consumption cannot keep the manifestation of the view; so GDP (Gross domestic product) need to be introduced to analysis as an intermediary. In the past of 20 years, FDI growth impressively especially for developing countries, has increased more than 12-fold (World Bank, 1999), until now FDI has been deemed as the engine of GDP growth and economy development, account for more than 60 percent of private capital flows (Carkovic and Levine, 2005 and World Bank, 2006). By considering the circumstance of China, According to the data taken from China Regional Economy (1996) by SSB and data from China Statistical Yearbook (1997, 1998 and 1999) By SSB, from inland to coastal areas, the growth rate of GDP in proportion to the shares of FDI in China, also based on Chinese official estimation, direct or indirect contributions by foreign-invested enterprises contributed to approximately quarter of average GDP growth rate during the period 1980-99. Quite a large portion of GDP came from FDI, while this part of FDI-led GDP distributed in what sector need to be concern, through the statistics of China Industry-Business Council, a large amount of capital been invested in the field of Building, Textile, or some other kind of high energy-consumption section. It implies that FDI seems be a reason to push forward to the issue of increasing consumption of energy to some extent with bring the benefit of economy.

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Therefore, the cultural barriers are identified to be directly proportional to the linguistic characteristics that also influence the activities by putting the negative characters in it. The decomposition of the work is being made by illustrating the effective communication process which is being included in the form of the multicultural and the diversified workforce. This leads to the development of the inefficiencies in the workplace and the issues within the various cultures occur in the organization (Duranti 2013). This shows the part of the explanation which is being included for the explaining the improvement tools and the skills are easily identified to show the enhancement of the degree of the cultureless. Therefore, the work structure can be easily developed by illustrating the implementation of the programs which includes the high levels of the inclusivity, and the English proficiency is being undertaken in the form of explaining the response which is being made by illustrating the career development and the personal development of the work can be easily made. The immigration of the worker is increased with promoting a better career path and the enhancement of the barriers are made for the purpose of attracting the immigrants. The motivation and the commitment become the two vital tools that are used for mitigating the linguistic barriers and the improvement of the career is seen in this case as it is identified. The first and the initial step which is being illustrated in this case show the development of the professional practices that are made by illustrating the effective long term relationship (Rand 2012). The development of the work is being made by implementing the motivation and the tools which are included in the form of the structure represented in this case.
Effective communication in the workplace is on the professional correspondence constructed to help in the daily operation of the organization or the growth in the organization. An effective flow of communication is very much important to the two people in order to understand their views, thinking, and behaviour. When the employees allow the personal problems to affect the communication of the company, then communication issue develops that would take a long time to resolve (Sen 2008). It becomes very difficult for many people to understand and convey their own views and thoughts. The IT companies take many steps to enhance the quality of their employees. The roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined, and it can be achieved with the effective flow of communication (Appannaiah and Reddy 2010). The flow of communication enhances the productivity and make easy to recruit people with different cultural backgrounds.
Answering the chosen question
The answering of the chosen question is made to illustrate the coaching theory which is made by showing the pragmatic theory and also the entrée is made by depending on the ingredients taken in the form of the data analysis from the various field. The fields that are undertaken in this case show the business management, organizational development and also the behavioural psychology. On the basis of these literatures, the explanation clearly describes that the negotiation is made by showing the co-leaders regarding their leadership stances, styles and the identities. Thus the back stage and the front stage differences can be created by showing the explanations which are provided in the form of the literatures and the analysis of the data by using the determined methodology.

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Grey Owl was a renowned naturalist and conservationist of wilderness in Canada. However, his real name was Archie Belaney and he was born in England. His personal life was quite scandalous. As soon as Belaney breathed his last, his hidden identity started surfacing in public. The North Bay Nugget published the full revelation about Archie Belaney (Bethune, 2017). Archie was raised up by his single mother who was deserted by his father immediately after the marriage. In his spare time, he started developing his own world of fantasy where he grew acute compassion for the animals and the Red Indian natives. All of his writings were in concern of the wildlife and wilderness. In the case of Grey Owl, Archie, the real person, led a reprehensible and objectionable life. He abandoned wives and children. Nevertheless, he remained true to his writing. He lived as Grey Owl but there was only him behind his works.
JT LeRoy, unlike Grey Owl, was completely a superficial identity. It was accused that there were two women behind that identity: one used to appear publicly and one used to author the stories. The public self of JT LeRoy was donned by Savannah Knoop and the writer self by Laura Albert (“JT Leroy and Other Literary Phantoms”, 2017). Laura was further alleged for using her experience as a seductress via phone to fabricate stories and gain sympathy from some persons such as Dennis Cooper to make an entry into the literary world (“JT Leroy and Other Literary Phantoms”, 2017). A literary critic name Stephan Beachy disclosed this hoax in the New York Times, who investigated this matter deeply before coming to the conclusion. Therefore, this discussion implies that JT LeRoy case should be considered as a “more serious hoax”.
The Forgivable Hoax between Grey Owl and JT LeRoy
In the JT LeRoy case, the author-self seemed to be more concerned about fame and business whereas Grey Owl, despite trying to get rid of his real identity, provided genuine pieces of literature. In his personal life, Grey Owl/Archie Belaney was unforgivable. However, as an author, he can be forgiven for his truthfulness to his literary creations. On the other hand, the people behind JT LeRoy used unethical ways for getting famous and rich. Thus, they should not be spared.
This essay critiqued literary hoax in the context of two cases of hoaxing, Grey Owl and JT LeRoy. Both figures belong to different timelines and used the tool of hoaxing differently. The essay concludes JT LeRoy as an unforgivable forger in the world of literature.

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本文献综述的目的是了解英语作为教师口语教学的方法和模式。关于第二语言习得(SLA),人们提出了许多理论(Gibbons, 2006)。这些都是广受争议的话题。杰出人士都提出了不同的方法,以确保能够增加学习过程。这是关于学习者和学习环境的辩论,以及向人们教授口语的不同方法。近十年来,教师和研究者对理解第二语言发展的根本原因产生了浓厚的兴趣(Gibbons, 2006)。课堂与学生的互动以及社会文化因素的影响,使教学过程发生了动态的转变。许多语言教学的协作互动过程已经被观察到。这些都是确定语言学习和使用的心理过程和文化情境的目的。过去所做的研究结果已在essay代写-文化和语言学习过程中整理。

An innate convoluted connection has been observed between the communicative and political competencies (Holliday, 2011). This has been observed in the arguments against prejudice and discrimination. The pedagogical approaches of the past reiterate these approaches to the intercultural speakers. A bias was observed in certain western societies in the past about the attitude of European languages. This opinion has changed considerably in the current times. The languages are not considered to be inferior or colonial. It is about the distinctive marking between our culture and opposite culture. An innate fear of the unknown is reflected in the teaching process. Holliday (2011) in his research alludes that there is a positivist methodology that is found to exist and it plays a lot of emphasize on the description of the culture. The actual impact of the culture and the language learning process is found to be dependent on the face value. Nevertheless, in reality, an over emphasize on the global positioning and politics of the actions is observed. These are bound by the cultures as a process that is in reality non-confining. The interpretivist ideology of culture states that certain language and methods that are considered to be gaining cultural interactions by gaining dominant preoccupations. John-Kayvan narrative considers that the value of the richer texts needs to be increasing the critical intercultural awareness. From the analysis of Holliday (2011), it can be comprehended that the role of the culture and the individual ideology about the particular language play an interesting role in the pedagogical approach. From this, it can be inferred that for a particular individual to learn English as a foreign language, certain subjective factors needs to be fostered. The teacher must have innate understanding of the culture of the student and frame a pedagogical approach that would be beneficial for the teacher as well as the student to learn the subject.
Kasper and Omori (2010) state that linguistic and cultural diversity play an important role in how the comprehension of the language takes place. It needs to be understood that these must work in liaisons or tandem with each other and develop implications or alternative views of the relationship for the educational practices. Language and culture play two roles that are complementary for the learning process. All human activities stem from the linguistically and culturally mediated roles. The classroom cultures are essentially constructed or framed from these modalities and basic fundamental variables. Based on this, the societal value about the cultures is shaped. These are shaped by the educational policies and material conditions. These are developed through the language, text and talk. It cannot be refuted that the language and culture are important tools through which there is developing of education. They are imperative in meeting the educational goals. The importance of culture and the ways of formulation of the teaching methodologies are probed in the researches by these authors.
In this process, it is imperative to understand that this is a complex process. The general issue in this learning process is framing of the appropriate culture and context for the student to develop their learning process. This is a fundamentally daunting task. When considering the notion of culture, multiple factors are in play. Along with this the role of the native language needs to be considered.

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