


Before we started to talk about this event, we have to discuss the background surrounding events. Before the Cultural Revolution happened, Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai both believed that Hong Kong governed by Unit Kingdom better than under the China rule. January 1966, Mao Zedong thought that only through the class struggle could consolidate him in a high position. Therefore, he created “The Cultural Revolution”. Almost the same time, “12-3 incident” happened in Macau and it inspired by the Cultural Revolution, leftist organizations fully support on this event. Aftermath, pro-Beijing unions almost control Macau and Portuguese government was only nominally in control of Macau start from 1966. It made pro-Beijing organizations felt excited and thought that Hong Kong’s political situation as same as Macau. Ultra-leftist dominated Hong Kong Xinhau News Agency; the pro-Beijing power also forced Xinhau News Agency President Liao Chengzhi to support this event. The propaganda of all leftist camps such as Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po tried to incite Hong Kong Chinese against colonial British government.

Elsie Elliot joined the Political Party “The Reform club” of Hong Kong. The Reform club of Hong Kong was one of the earliest political party in Hong Kong. It was in existence till the 1990. Elsie Elliot was elected to become an Urban Council member in 1963. This body which dealt with the local district matters. It handled issues such as the health of the public, recreation and culture. The membership was a mixture of the publicly elected people and some people were partially appointed. Elsie Elliot ran the Bernacchi Reform Club. It was the club that was founded to bring constitutional reform of the colony. One of the main issues Elliot had with this club was that the English was the major requisite to join the club. Elsie felt it was very biased and left the club in 1967. She lobbied extensively and made Chinese to be the main language that should be considered to be the member. This shows the value that Elsie Elliot had for the preserving the local culture of Hong Kong and that she wanted preservation and conservation of the culture.

In this event, not only the Beijing government lost hundreds of millions, but also destroyed the underground network in Hong Kong, the name list of leftist people whom showed in newspapers. Many Hong Kong Chinese were injured or dead in this incident, a serious declination on the stock market and the property market. Finally, the event made Hong Kong a great change, for the evaluation of the official report on this event, it had showed that the colonial British government had no choice to deal with those serious social problems. Otherwise, many problems will happen in the future.

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