
essay代写-案例研究法。案例研究法被认为是非常有益的,因为它可以通过收集数据和存储数据为研究人员的分析提供定量和定性的支持(Eisenhardt和Graebner, 2007)。需要将纵向研究对象的各个方面理解为对定性数据分析很重要。分析的重要性不如为研究者提供帮助的各种案例研究的形式。案例研究法为各种证据提供了支持,可以通过讨论找出研究的目的。论文范文essay代写-案例研究法分享给留学生阅读。

The case study method has been noted to be hugely beneficial in how it can provide both quantitative and qualitative support to the analyses that are made by the researcher by collecting the data and storing the same(Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007). The aspects of longitudinal subjects would be required to be understood as important to the qualitative data analysis. The analysis is not as important as the forms of various case studies which provide assistance to the researcher. The case study method as such provides support to various evidence can be discussed in order to find out the objective of the research.
The benefits of analysing the qualitative data provide an elaborative understanding of the various findings. Simultaneously, it supports the analysis of the literature review and relates the findings to what have been considered as important to the development of the case study. The details with which the findings of the case studies can be related to the information that is gathered from the case study is also said to be hugely important. Particular improvements can be made about the various developments within the understanding of the strategies that would be required to be considered as being important to the behaviours of the changes(Easton, 2010). The benefit of being able to analyse data at micro-level is considered as one of the main aspects of choosing case study over other forms of research methods. The implication can be noted in how the various data can be effectively scrutinised in order to be able to understand the various ways in which a set of data and findings can be analysed in the most effective way possible.
There are other advantages of conducting research by case study as well. The first is the availability of the data within the context of use of the research. The case study might be used by understanding the underlying processes of the subject and identifying the needs of the texts which would help the readers to relate to the strategies that can be used while interpreting the text and making observations about the findings(Lewis, 2015). In this context, a case study provides considerable amount of benefits in terms of how it can provide major support to the research to focus on the problem and issue at hand, rather than being distracted by the consideration of the variables that are important to be noted in other forms of research.
As such, the case study methodology has been chosen in the present research so as to gain a holistic and real-life understanding of how organisational changes are facilitated among global companies. The example of Google has been chosen for the present study in order to understand the same, the findings from which would be later discussed in order to gain an understanding of the problem.

论文范文essay代写-案例研究法就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此平台论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有毕业论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



Now that the materials and the shape of the propeller have been explained, there is a need to explain about the configuration of the propeller. In the case of propeller technology, it has been found that they have two possible configurations. These are the X configuration and the + configuration. These are developed based on the primary objective of the propeller technology. From this, the motor of the propeller has been determined. It is found that the rotational movement of the propeller is driven by utilization of the motor. The motor is found to attach itself to the propeller. There have been many kinds of propeller that exist in the markets. The most commonly used is the quadcopter. It has a brushless DC motor. It has been found that they are chosen over the DC motor, owing to the fact that the brushless type has been found to have higher speeds and a much lower power consumption. This is found to be the same during the normal type usage. The efficiency of the brushless kind of motor is found to be higher owing to the fact that there are no power losses in the brush transition within the DC motor. When the DC motor has been analyzed from a cross sectional perspective, it can be understood that there is no brush on the share which take care of the switching the direct of the power in the coils. Added to this, most of the brushless motors have found to have three fixed coils that are mounted to the center of the motors. There are a number of magnets that have a cylindrical rod which is attached to the rotating shaft. There is no real need for the brush in these motors owing to their configuration. These are the fundamental principles of the motors in the propeller. In the following section, there will be discussion of the propeller torque effect in detail. The related variables in contention is also discussed in detail in the following.

论文范文essay代写-螺旋桨配置及电机就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台机构擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



These factors have certain relationships. For example, technical support, administration rewards and program training enhance a teacher’s confidence in integration ICT into their literacy teaching. Specifically, technical support releases teachers’ concerns that if computer/ipad is suddenly broken in the classroom and no one can fix it, the lesson cannot continue. Thus, technical support lets teacher feel confident to using them in classroom practice (see Lynn’s answer from appendix1). Administration rewards show the positive view towards educators’ achievements. Thus, administration rewards heighten teachers’ confidence. Last but not least, program training is essential part that raises teachers’ confidence in using ICT in classroom teaching. Teacher knows how to more effectively use computers or ipads in literacy learning. At the same time, it helps teachers save time during limited lessons. In addition, program training that significantly influences teachers’ attitude towards ICT and their pedagogy regarding literacy teaching. After an appropriate program training, teachers will have a more positive attitude towards technical integration into classroom practice. They are no longer afraid that technique will destroy natural relationship with students. Moreover, program training teaches teachers how to integrate ICT into classroom (see Sue’s experience, she is lack of confidence due to no program training for her. See appendix 3). It will fundamentally change their pedagogy from traditional one to technical one. However, an appropriate program teaching cannot change anything that teacher still uses traditional teaching methods and focus on print-based text rather than new technical methods with student-centered pedagogy. This can be proven by Corine’s answers and her experience.

The factors of discussion are specifically divided as external factors and internal factors. The external factors are those factors that the individual would not have any control over. They can attempt to be a part of the control of these external factors by giving feedback etc. The internal factors on the other hand are those that the individual would have more control over. The discussion attempts to assess the form of external and internal factors that impinge on the teachers ability to incorporate ICT practices in the workplace.

论文范文essay代写-教师在ICT实践能力的外部和内部因素就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,写作科目广泛,有essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!




Previously, gathered knowledge of the Chinese managers is now considered to be obsolete and not relevant. These managers who had spent considerable time in learning the skill now feel that their skills are useless in the current satiation. It has no relevance on how the newer age systems work and have issues in coming up with innovative strategic management practices.

Chen and Partington, 2004 had assimilated literature between the western and the Chinese style of management. It was found from this research that these two styles of management were starkly different from each other. In the case of Western organizations, the managers set out and develop the shared vision. However, in the Chinese enterprises, the manager is expected to behave as a benevolent father who paves out the pathway for the people to follow. Implicit obedience is expected of the employees. This can help in gaining expediency of the processes. Chinese managers are able to bring in more change and maintain productivity by this policy. But the communication is largely one sided. There is no feedback received from the employees. Employees do not have any autonomy of the processes and hence are not able to feel any ownership towards the company.
There is poor work life balance that leads to the eventual frustration of the employees and this leads to higher employee turnover rates to the companies.
One of the significant barriers is the increasing gauge of the business English by the companies and the managers feel alienated in this process . In the case of earlier China, the majority of the managers were not educated beyond the high school level. They were promoted based on their political and social connections. There is no real formal training provided to the employees . The reasons for challenges felt by the managers were that there were many objectives and ambitious approach. There were no clear organizational rates. Owing to increasing foreign investors, there has been high level of employment opportunities. This has led to high turnover rate for the companies. There are no proper incentives given to the employees to stay with the company (Crawford, 2014). People are still conflicted about the various issues and feel it to be a burden to stay competitive in this environment.

论文范文essay代写-中国管理者面临的挑战就为留学生分享到这里。加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供硕士论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!




In addition, for understanding the major issues that the organization faces in the case study discussed, it becomes essential for focusing on key theories of leadership such as the theory of exchange between leader and member (LMX Theory).
The theory has key focus over a dyad depicting the overall relationship between the leader and every employee on individual basis, instead of the relationship between the leaders with the entire group collaboratively. Each and every relationship and linkage has more chances of being different in terms of quality. Therefore, the leader will be having weak interpersonal relationships with some of the members, while with others the leader will be trusting and open relations (Clegg et al., 2015). The key relationships in such dyads or pairing can be considered to be as of out-group or in-group nature predominantly. Any leader is responsible for either initiating an out-group or in-group exchange with a member of the business in the earlier phase of dyadic relationship. Each and every member of in- group are provided with invitations for participating in the process of decision making and are provided with additional responsibility. Each and every leader supports the group member with a specific scope of latitude within the key roles.

The attraction, development and retention of talented individuals can support an organization of sports, providing resources required for prosperity, growth and competitive edge (Brandon-Lai et al., 2016). The right player, CEO, manager and coach can enable a transformation for the entire organization, enhancing the scope of success (Clegg et al., 2015). The management of people in sports organization deals with applying strategies and techniques evidently used in most modern non-profit, government and business organizations. The manager of NSF should be engaging in the aspects of strategic planning, managing human resource in large numbers, dealing with contracts of broadcasting with large worth, managing the welfare of stakeholders, and working in global network with major integration (Hoye et al., 2015). These global networks are related to community organizations, sponsors, media corporations, government agencies, national sport organizations, and international sports federations. The most unique attribute of sport is the phenomenon developed among people with irrational passion and craze for sporting athletes, competitions or teams. Sport is known for having symbolic information with respect to outcomes of performance, celebration for achievement and success that does not end up taking place in each and every areas of social and economic activity.

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There are various different demographics that end up affecting a business organization. Demographics are a number of traits to be utilized for the determination of buying behaviours or product preferences of the consumer. Majority of the organizations such as Wal-Mart can consider identifying key customers by a number of traits (Knight and Cavusgil, 2004). Then, they consider targeting customers with similar attributes in their promotions and advertisements. The target over consumer with similar demographic attributes assists in maximizing the profits and sales of the company. Some of the major demographic factors include income, age, and geographic area.
Income can be determined as one demographic variable that further ends up affecting business organizations. The product of a company mostly appear appealing to certain groups of income earners (Malhotra, 2008). In the converse sense, individuals having considerably low incomes are considered to have sensitivity towards price, and hence it may show preference to purchase products at discounted price. People having lower level of incomes are known for having low level of disposable income. Value can be considered as a major factor determining the purchases being made.
Age can be considered as an additional demographic element that ends up affecting business organizations (Samuel Craig and Douglas, 2001). The services and products of a company are within the scope of appeal to certain groups of age. Based on the factor of age, certain groups of buyers are known for having more power of buying in comparison with the others. In a market of increased competition that is similar to the business of retail store, each and every player should be tracking the trends of preferences of the consumer and there must be a close consideration of the approaches of competition.
Considering the factor of geographic region, the buying preferences of people also involve variations in terms of geographic area (Sekaran, 2006). The ones meeting the requirements and needs of the buyer in specific geographic areas can end up earning higher profits and sale. For each and every player, the sole chance is only the proactive implementation of firm positioning before done by anyone else. Therefore, there is an increased level of demand in order to understand the market prior to the others.
In order to obtain the demographic information, the best way that can be used is by surveys for market research. There can be conducting of these surveys by the internet, mail, phone or personally. The fundamental key is collection of demographic information as much as possible. Other such factors, apart from geography, income and age are inclusive of employment status, race, gender, occupation, education and household size (Steenkamp and Ter Hofstede, 2002). Majority of the professionals of marketing research are inclusive of demographic doubts by reaching the end of the survey. Warranty cards can be considered as another way for the collection of information from the key customers.

论文范文essay代写-人口统计信息的市场调查就为留学生分享到这里。加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!




The performance of the enrolled nurses can be assessed with the Standards. Further, the general public should be aware of the services those are delivered by enrolled nurses as well as registered nurses. The Standards exposes the role of the enrolled nurse in the health sector. In fact, the Standards will be used as benchmark to assess the quality of enrolled nurse. The Standards came into force from 1 June 2016 and clearly indicate that the enrolled nurse supposed to work and registered nurses supervise the enrolled nurse. However, the enrolled nurse cannot escape liability though supervised by the registered nurse. The enrolled nurse must perform the delegated healthcare services to the patients (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2016).
The Standards for practice for Registered Nurse were issued and effective from 1 June 2016. The culture of Australian community is mixture of cultural and linguistic and nursing practice impact on colonization of the cultural, social and spiritual lives. To uphold various values, the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia issued various standards for practice by the registered nurses. Therefore, the registered nurses are responsible to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2016).

The statement given by the enrolled nurse is not considerable. The registered nurse can condemn by referencing Standards of practice issued by the NMBA. For such enrolled nurses, the counselling is required by explaining the Standards. They must be aware that the most of the Standards indicate that the registered nurse is categorized as a decision maker whereas the enrolled nurse has been kept in subordinate cadre. Further, the patient can refer to the board run by AHPRA in case of difficulty found with the standards of practice. In this regard, the patient can make compliant about services of registered health practitioner irrespective whether enrolled nurse or registered nurse.
Apart from the issue of the standards, the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia interferes in regulars activities in health care organizations. NMBA announces statements to the public as well as to the health practitioners. In recent, NMBA announced that promotion of anti-vaccination to patients and public is subject to prosecution. The announcement was made based on promotion of anti-vaccination in social media. In case of nurse or midwife breached and promoted the anti-vaccination, it would be violation of Standards fixed by NMBA and accordingly they will be penalized besides suspension or cancellation of practice (BEC CREW, 2016).

论文范文代写essay-登记护士和注册护士的执业标准就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的加拿大论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、加拿大代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



The initial essential root established depicted that the people perceiving the content of reality TV programs as real and developed more affinity for content of reality TV had more likeliness of watching shows for entertainment fulfilment and relax themselves along with interacting socially and meeting the needs of companionships(Kato et al 1999). This further implies that for individual to enjoy the reality programs as a medium of entertainment and relaxation are the ones who have accepted its content’s realism and have developed a likeliness for the same. Furthermore, it is also evident that these people have a tendency of perceiving the meticulous edits and frequent pre-planned information of interaction within reality programs as a realistic perspective (Morita 2003). Another result correlated further depicts that those controlled externally with lower mobilizing and lower interpersonal interaction levels, have more likeliness for watching reality TV program to fulfil their needs of voyeurism and companionship.

This, still does not depict that voyeurism is not existing as a motivation and gratification possibly achieved when watching reality programs. This is also consistent with the results and findings from Nabi et al, (2003) who states clearly that curiosity was not an essential motivation to study reality TV shows (Nabi et al, 2003).

To sum up, through qualitative and quantitative analysis, this essay is of the notion that whether a reality program, such as Peep show and Marion and Geoff show, is real or not, it is not a matter of consideration for most viewers until the scenes depicted through POV shots appeal to the audience. Most understand that the use of POV shots adds value of realism to the content of a show, but it does not mean that the show is a reality based perspective. The audience most profoundly is in acceptance to the unreal elements as well until their needs and personal satisfaction is met with.

论文范文加拿大essay代写-有关真人秀节目的讨论就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此平台论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



COFCO Xinjiang Tunhe Co. Ltd is a world’s largest organisation in tomato processing industry. The strengths of the company are the internal factors of the company. The main strength of the company is the capital. It is because the COFCO is the government undertaking company. The China government owned the company. The capital of the company is a strong point of the company. Resources of the company are the strength for the company. Experience is the second thing for COFCO Company, because the company has been in the field of food processing since 1952. The main location of the company is in China and the company is now working worldwide. The company seems to have huge market. Quality is another thing that the company can proud of. The products of the company have really good quality, for this, they have international buyers. They do not believe in less than highest quality. Management of the company is good and the president of COFCO Xinjiang Tunhe Co. Ltd is hard working and can forecast of thing really well. The company divides in many sub managers, technicians and staffs to maintain the company really well. The management of the company is working on the improvement of the tomato seeds and the technological issues. Further research is needed in this case.

The company is a government owned company and it has been working since long time. The weakness of the company can be competitive strengths. The competitive nature of the company lacks as the company is owned by government. This agriculture based industry can grow without any difficulty as the government has been assisting this. Government plays roles in improving of the business. Plan predictability can be another problem of the COFCO as the company is working on various scales and cash drain. According to Liang, Yu, Feng et al. (2011) gaps in capabilities are another weakness for them they need to monitor their capability and then, they should make the other problems. The management should evaluate capabilities of the company. The core issues of the company need to discuss in the management.

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Almost 78 per cent of Britons have been eating Chinese food even at home since the last three months with 12 per cent of them eating Chinese once in a week at least. In the categories of Chinese food, soy sauce is the favourite ingredient with the sales of the ingredient reaching four million kg in the previous in the year 2015 that was three million kg in the year 2013. Sales are now in alignment with volume sales of favourites of Britain such as apple sauce and mint. As stated by Richard Ford, the senior food analyst of Mintel stated about the soaring sales of soy while showcasing it as a significant trend.

Key Risks and Opportunities of Chinese Entrepreneurship in UK
Proper registration
Registration of property across UK can be identified as the most arduous task to setup a business across the nation as shown by the figures from International Finance Corporation and World Bank. Taking up almost 29 days with the involvement of six procedures, the tasks that consume most time include conducting research across property and relationships with the solicitor of buyer.
Obtaining credit
UK has been ranked number one across the globe with respect to easiness to obtain credit. The robust sector of finance and diversified attribute to acquire credit provides developed business organizations and start- ups with good accessibility of funds required more often.
Providing protection to the investors
A robust climate of finance and solid treaties refers to the appropriate protection of investors in United Kingdom, even though it can be considered as worthy to take out assurances and do due diligence when considering the expansion across the nation.
The fact that soy sauce is now on a par with British favourites such as apple and mint, reflects growing interest of consumer within oriental cuisine. The simplicity by which restaurants and supermarkets have gained the ability of translating dishes of China into ready takeaway and meal formats has the key to the ability of Chinese cuisine for endurance of UK market, irrespective of the plethora of cuisines having key availability for British population in restaurants and supermarket, Chinese is the most popular cuisine of all (Stones 2015, 1).

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