

essay代写-电子竞技的辩论分析。电子竞技行业是一个蓬勃发展的行业,从许多研究工作中可以看出,它是一个贡献收入以及传统体育的行业(Jenny et al., 2017;欧文斯,2016)。然而,仅仅这些元素就能让电子竞技像体育一样吗?体育产业是一个数十亿美元的产业(施耐德,2015;Burroughs和Rama, 2015)。然而,计量经济学评估并没有在这项工作中发挥作用。从体育的哲学理解、体育人与普通人如何看待体育、体育运动的框架与博弈方案、运动策略的运用等方面进行论述。

The aim of this research is to analyse and understand whether competitive level Multiplayer Online Battles Arenas (MOBA) is a type of Sports. For proper understanding, the research assumes (as evident in existing literature studies) that MOBA is indeed an eSports form.
The objectives of the research are as follows,
To understand and assess based on key insights gained from existing literature studies on how MOBA could be a form of sport
To understand based on existing literature evidence, the competitive elements in conventional sports and how they differ when compared with MOBA.
To gather primary data from research participants on the similarities and differences they perceive between MOBA and conventional sports
To understand and make recommendations on whether MOBA could indeed be brought under the category of Sports, and whether eSports are indeed the next big thing in the general sports industry.

The eSports industry is a thriving industry and as noted from many research works, it is one that is contributing revenue as well as conventional sports (Jenny et al., 2017; Owens, 2016). However, could these elements alone make eSports like Sports? The sports industry is a multibillion dollar industry (Schneider, 2015; Burroughs and Rama, 2015). However, econometrics assessment is not being doing in this work. The philosophical understanding of sports, how the sport person and the common man perceive sports, the framework and game plans in sports and strategies used etc. are being considered here. Does eSport possess these elements? Alternatively should eSports be considered as different from conventional sports? These are some questions worth investigating.

The next chapter in this dissertation is a literature review. The literature review chapter is critical for understanding the current literature evidence on the subject. It is a base work based on which research questions are identified and serves for the development of interview questions would be done. The next chapter is the research methodology chapter which presents the research methods used for collection of data and the framework for assessing the data. Data and discussion chapter discusses the answers of research participants and based on literature review understanding makes recommendations in the sports and the eSports debate.

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