

为动物园确定的目标市场是企业对消费者市场(Mason,2000)。涉及很多目标细分市场。人们只是为了观看福利才能进入虎岛,或者想了解更多关于老虎或走路和宠物体验的信息。在这种情况下,建议使用以产品或服务为重点的营销策略。广告,销售促进和公共关系可能会以更加普遍的重点而不是特定的重点(Higginbottom等,2001)。对于Tiger Island的部分产品的促销将更适合作为促销手段。


The target market that has been identified for the zoo is a business to consumer market (Mason, 2000). There are many target segments involved. People would enter Tiger Island just for the viewing benefits or for more information on tigers or for the walking and the petting experience. In this case, a product or a service focused marketing strategy is recommended. Advertising, sales promotions and public relations might work with a more general emphasis rather than a specific focus (Higginbottom, et al., 2001). Sales promotion with respect to some of the product offerings in Tiger Island will be better suited as a promotional tactic here.
Sales promotions for the product offerings of Tiger Island of Dreamworld will have to consider all applications of promotions with respect to what can be added to them. It will include physical object promotions such as that of the couple of photos which are being offered to the customer free of charge. Similarly, there is rich information provided on the tigers. These are unique selling products. Not all people visiting a zoo will get the chance to pet a tiger or to walk alongside a tiger and have their photos taken.
Sales promotions could be improved further by increasing incentives that encourage the sales of the tickets for the tiger walk experience and the photos (Government of Western Australia, 2015). As of present, some concessions are available on day tickets, but these are limited in numbers and to the days that it could be sed. Sales promotion activities should be improved such that the percentage of the incentives provided are higher and also the incentives are provided at different venues.



传统上已经生成组织状态和角色。这意味着已知特定的位置适合男性和女性。这种基于性别的方面被认为是在一个更大的社会世界中的位置,这个社会世界是父权制性质的,并且是基于等级阶段的,男性占据了对年轻人,男性,女性和少数群体成员的统治地位(沙利文, 2014)。基于性别的这种权力结构被认为是理所当然的假设始于面对传统上认为仅适用于男子的那些职位上妇女在场的增长。但是,这可能会提高组织成员对性和性别的认识。关于组织结构和权力方面的性别问题的怀疑已被广泛考虑到了仅针对女性的组织绩效障碍(Sullivan,2014)。



Organizational statuses and roles have been generated traditionally. This means that specific position is known to be appropriate for men as well as women. This gender based aspect is known to be location in a bigger social world that is patriarchal in nature and is based on hierarchical stages, with men who occupy positions with respect to dominance over young people, men, women and members of minority group (Sullivan, 2014). The assumptions that are taken for granted with respect to this power structure based on gender begin by being confronted with the growth in the presence of women on those positions that were traditionally considered appropriate for men only. However, this potentially results in heightening the awareness of sexuality and gender for the members of the organization. The doubt of gender with respect to the structure and power of organization has been widely considered with respect to the barriers of organizational performance for women only (Sullivan, 2014).

In addition to this, there is comparison between organizational characteristics and performance of men and women. In the similar context, considering the limit to which to which there is sexuality in the work place, this has widely been with respect to control over sexuality and sexual harassment. As mentioned previously, it is important to note that all workers are known to be protected by legal regulation over sexual discrimination that include people who apply for the job position, people and apprentices over work experience, people being self- employed having contract for the provision of service, agency and contract workers, and part time workers. Sexual discrimination can be indirect or direct, victimization or harassment (Sullivan, 2014).




Jonathan Wichmann如何计算Facebook上1,500%的投资回报率?
为了进行这种计算,Jonathan Wichmann专注于创造价值的某些概念。最初的问题是利用社交媒体平台来回答关注现在和过去创造价值的价值。然而,这个练习似乎是荒谬的(Evans,2013)。首先,没有机会以确定的方式量化这种附加价值,因为起源直接发生,间接发生,长期发生也发生短期发生。尽管Jonathan Wichmann已经成功地确定了Facebook页面的公司投资回报率接近1500%,但创造价值已经不再被认为是单一的(Cambie,2011)。尽管可以完成单一结果的测量,但如果一个人表现出愿意记录企业的总体价值,那么仅仅看一些定量的数字可能毫无意义。


Execution of Plan
In the initial stage, a decision had been made that came out of the notion that the platform of social media was basically to push updates of news and promotional updates for the base of customers. However, the decision was made for the recruitment of biggest following and focusing on the production of largest impact. In order to do so, emphasis had been laid upon engagement and communication across the social platforms of the organization (Rudbeck, 2013). This step was taken with an attempt of avoiding the top to down tendency that was common amongst a number of other organization that often had major reliability over the external agencies, and there had been an involvement of a careful process used in order to plan and approve the content. It had been realized that a flexible and spontaneous approach would allow the organization for engaging in a more authentic manner with the audience.

How do you think Jonathan Wichmann calculated the 1,500 percent ROI on Facebook?
In order to make this calculation, Jonathan Wichmann focused on certain concepts related to creation of value. The initial question is the ability of answering in concern with the value in the hands of present and past creation of value using the platform of social media. However, this exercise seemed to be absurd (Evans, 2013). Firstly, there are no chances of quantifying the additional value of this type in a conclusive manner, since the origination takes place directly as well as indirectly, long term as well as short term. Even though Jonathan Wichmann had been successful in determining that the ROI of company from the page of Facebook was almost 1500 per cent, creation of value can no longer be considered singular (Cambie, 2011). Even though measurement of singular outcomes can be done, if one shows willingness in documenting the total value of business, simply having a look at certain quantitative figures may be pointless.



促销 – 苹果iPhone6的促销活动由于其目标受众而更多地遵循“超线”战略,而不是“线下”战略。 iPhone 6拥有一系列精彩的促销活动,从头版日历的单页首页广告到电视上的广播广告和视觉广告。

苹果一直相信自己是第一个也是最好的。苹果公司的营销哲学纯粹是基于三种关联 – 同理心,专注和诠释。移情是指能够比竞争对手更好地了解客户及其需求和需求。苹果的重心始终放在消费者身上,他们为此付出了最大的努力,因此他们优先考虑他们所从事的工作,并消除了多余的微不足道的任务。在产品市场上尤其如此,特别是技术产品,产品的外观和外观及其包装对产品的成功起着决定性的作用。在苹果公司,尽管他们的产品可能很强大,但他们确保它被创造性地呈现出来,以便可以估算所需的产品质量。由于这些原因,客户的灵感来源于对品牌和使用手机的忠诚和自豪感。


Promotion- The promotional activities of Apple for the iPhone6 has followed more of an “Above the Line” strategy than the “Below the Line” strategy because of its target audience. The iPhone 6 has a range of fantastic promotional activities right from single front page advertisements in leading dailies to radio jingles and visuals ads on TV.

Apple always believes in being the first and the best. The philosophy of marketing at Apple is purely based on three connects – empathy, focus and impute. Empathy is the ability to understand the customer and their needs and wants better than the competitors. The focus of Apple has always been on the customer and they do the best for them as a result of which they prioritise the jobs they do and eliminate the redundant and insignificant tasks. It is quite common in the product market especially with technology products that the look and appearance of the product and its packaging plays a decisive role in the success of the product. At Apple however strong their product may be, they ensure that it is creatively presented so that the desired product qualities may be imputed. As a result of these the customers are inspired with a sense of loyalty and pride within them towards the brand and in using the phone.
Apple believes in always giving something new and innovative to the new generation customer so that they may experience the world in their hands and thereby make their life easier. Through the iPhone6 they have gone in tune with the latest market trends of making the first phablet, a combination of a phone and a tablet, and bringing the latest and the best technology in the market to the customer.



这幅画中的两只螃蟹有着海绿色的背景,与螃蟹腿上的范橙使用的橘红色相得益彰。在后台使用的笔触明显而粗体。这幅画似乎是用快速模式画的,平刷可能是3/4“宽(Van Gogh,1984)。窄圆刷已用于绘画螃蟹。螃蟹腿部末端的区域似乎用水彩笔刷涂抹,细纹在那里可见。两只螃蟹的构图中可以看到充满活力的孵化笔触,这些作品被艺术史人物称为’taches’。
另一方面,在向日葵范使用黄色,他是幸福的象征。根据荷兰文献向日葵代表奉献和忠诚。通过花朵腐烂的各个阶段,生命和死亡的循环都象征着。由于印象派的影响,范在画中使用了明亮且不混合的颜色(Druick,2001)。他指责这场运动纯粹是装饰性的,并且对它不屑一顾。 Van所使用的颜色理论指出,对于强化反色的颜色必须相互紧挨着使用,例如黄色和紫色。



The painting Two Crabs has a background of sea green which complements the orangey red color used by Van in the legs of the crab. In the background the brush strokes used are obvious and bold. The painting seems to be painted in fast mode with the sense of urgency with flat brush which may be 3/4” wide (Van Gogh, 1984). Narrow round brush had been used for painting the crab. The area at the end of the legs of the crab seems to be painted with watercolor brush and fine lines are visible there. Vibrant hatching brushstrokes are visible in the composition of Two Crabs which is known as ‘taches’ by the art history people.
On the other hand in The Sunflower Van used yellow which for him was the symbol of happiness. According to the Dutch literature sunflower represents devotion and loyalty. Through the various stages of decay of flowers the cycle of life and death are symbolized. Van has used bright and unmixed colors in the painting due to the influence of impressionists (Druick, 2001). He accused the movement as purely decorative and was dismissive of it. The theory of colors used by Van stated that for intensifying colors opposing colors must be used next to each other such as yellow with purple.

According to me the painting Two Crabs is more influential and had represented its art movement in a much better way. It is so because it provides the sense of an ordinary and humble crab with something low and common. It even provides some kind of spiritual element to the viewers. At one end it is vulnerable and fragile and on the other part it is enduring. The crabs in the painting looks like at any time they will fall all of a sudden out of the painting due to vertical tipping ground. It is felt through the painting that Van Gogh tried to portray his own uncertain situation during that with an uproar.



人们的个体差异会对他们在工作场所的表现产生很大的影响。 Guy Kawasaki“开始的艺术”一书的作者认为,尽管员工存在个体差异,但他是领导者/管理者,在提高个人生产力方面具有重要意义(Huczynski,&Buchanan,2007)。因此,采用的管理方法将极大地影响个人生产力和集体生产力。遵循应急理论的西门子将能够适应个人素质,并根据具体情况利用其潜力。三星相信高瞻远瞩的领导力和更古典的管理风格。

西门子使用的管理理论的优势在于变革管理将变得非常简单。与古典或官僚管理风格相比,他们的组织将具有更大的灵活性。西门子这样的跨国公司受宏观环境因素驱动。它将需要根据本年度的战略目标或管理层和C Suit将根据全球和当地环境定义的一段时间进行更改。在内部变化的情况下,绩效不应该受到影响。西门子遵循应急理论将有计划管理性能问题。他们将有沟通程序和培训,以在变革时激励员工。这种方法的弱点是,应急理论可能会抢夺基础文化的组织。该组织的软件商店,历史元素和根深蒂固的传统可能会因适应和改变管理过多而受到侵蚀。


Different Approaches to Management used by different Organizations

People’s individual differences will make a big difference in their performance at the workplace. Guy Kawasaki author of “The Art of Start” believes that despite individual differences in employees it is the leader/manager that will be significant in improving productivity of the individual (Huczynski, & Buchanan, 2007). Therefore the management approach that is employed will vastly influence individual productivity and collective productivity. Siemens which follows a contingency theory will be able to adapt to the individual qualities and make use of their potential as the situation demands. Samsung believes in a visionary leadership and a more classical management style.

Strengths and Weaknesses
The strength of the management theory used in Siemens is that change management will be easy. Their organization will have more flexibility when compared to the classical or the bureaucratic management style. A multinational corporation like Siemens is driven by macro environmental factors. It will need to change according to strategic objectives for the year or for a period of time that the management and the C Suit will define based on the global and local environment. In the context of internal changes, performance should not suffer. Siemens in following the contingency theory will have plans to manage performance concerns. They will have communication procedures and training in place to motivate employees at the time of change. The weakness of this approach is that contingency theory might rob the organization of a foundational culture. Soft stores of the organization, elements of history and well rooted traditions might get eroded with too many adaptations and change management.



尽管文化差异足够强大,但发现和衡量显然非常重要。如果不理解和解释文化差异,它会导致一些真正的尴尬失误,不必要的关系,并失去业务成果。即使文化差异的力量也能带来生死的条件。为了理解文化差异的影响,我们来思考大韩航空1970年至2000年中期高飞机坠毁的情况。当进行调查并分析黑箱中的对话记录时,发现在全韩国的驾驶舱内,即使在可能发生坠机的情况下,飞行工程师和副驾驶也几乎没有提出任何可能与船长决定相抵触的行动(在所有韩国驾驶舱内尊重船长的副驾驶员和飞行工程师) Ghemawat&Reiche,2001)。原因是,挑战上级在韩国被认为是文化上的不良行为。



Though cultural differences are tough enough to spot and measure are apparently really significant. If fail to appreciate and account for culture differences, it can lead to some real awkward blunders, unwanted relations, and lose business outcomes. Even the power of difference in culture can bring the life and death conditions. To understand the impact of culture differences, let’s ponder over the case of setback of Korean Air’s high plane crashes in the middle of year 1970 to 2000. When the investigations were carried out and recorded dialogues in the black boxes were analyzed, it was revealed that the co-pilots and flight engineers that respected the captains much enough, in the all-Korean cockpits, that even in the case of chance of possible crash, flight engineers and co-pilots hardly suggested any actions that could contradict the decision of captains (Ghemawat & Reiche, 2001). The reason was, to challenge the superior was considered culturally poor behaviour in Korea.

From this mentioned example, two reasons are striking. Firstly, if interaction of people from same culture foundation can cause significant consequences than it indicates that there is needed to be over cautious in dealing with national culture differences. Secondly, the attitude of co-pilots and flight engineers persisted seem really interesting after considering the extremely controlled environment like commercial aviation. As the national culture has a huge impact on its people and it moulded people’s behaviour in such a manner that it extends beyond organizational traits like legislative policies, law and municipal bodies. Hence, this example notifies the effect of culture and how it occurs and similarly conveys that how cultural changes can affect the business and other firm procedures around the world.