


人们的个体差异会对他们在工作场所的表现产生很大的影响。 Guy Kawasaki“开始的艺术”一书的作者认为,尽管员工存在个体差异,但他是领导者/管理者,在提高个人生产力方面具有重要意义(Huczynski,&Buchanan,2007)。因此,采用的管理方法将极大地影响个人生产力和集体生产力。遵循应急理论的西门子将能够适应个人素质,并根据具体情况利用其潜力。三星相信高瞻远瞩的领导力和更古典的管理风格。

西门子使用的管理理论的优势在于变革管理将变得非常简单。与古典或官僚管理风格相比,他们的组织将具有更大的灵活性。西门子这样的跨国公司受宏观环境因素驱动。它将需要根据本年度的战略目标或管理层和C Suit将根据全球和当地环境定义的一段时间进行更改。在内部变化的情况下,绩效不应该受到影响。西门子遵循应急理论将有计划管理性能问题。他们将有沟通程序和培训,以在变革时激励员工。这种方法的弱点是,应急理论可能会抢夺基础文化的组织。该组织的软件商店,历史元素和根深蒂固的传统可能会因适应和改变管理过多而受到侵蚀。


Different Approaches to Management used by different Organizations

People’s individual differences will make a big difference in their performance at the workplace. Guy Kawasaki author of “The Art of Start” believes that despite individual differences in employees it is the leader/manager that will be significant in improving productivity of the individual (Huczynski, & Buchanan, 2007). Therefore the management approach that is employed will vastly influence individual productivity and collective productivity. Siemens which follows a contingency theory will be able to adapt to the individual qualities and make use of their potential as the situation demands. Samsung believes in a visionary leadership and a more classical management style.

Strengths and Weaknesses
The strength of the management theory used in Siemens is that change management will be easy. Their organization will have more flexibility when compared to the classical or the bureaucratic management style. A multinational corporation like Siemens is driven by macro environmental factors. It will need to change according to strategic objectives for the year or for a period of time that the management and the C Suit will define based on the global and local environment. In the context of internal changes, performance should not suffer. Siemens in following the contingency theory will have plans to manage performance concerns. They will have communication procedures and training in place to motivate employees at the time of change. The weakness of this approach is that contingency theory might rob the organization of a foundational culture. Soft stores of the organization, elements of history and well rooted traditions might get eroded with too many adaptations and change management.