标签存档: 加拿大论文代写价格





I believe leaders are not just born and leadership is always in the making. Now that I understand leadership as a continuum instead of an end point, it is easier for me to work on a development plan for it. The purpose of this leadership self-analysis journal is to critically reflect on and discuss some of the opportunities for leadership development that I was able to identify from the activities taken up in this course. Based on the activities, I was able to identify challenges and it is based on these challenges that I identified the necessary goals for improvement. Existing research work and course notes were instrumental in choosing a feasible goal and for working realistically towards it based on opportunities. In taking this course, the morning activities were insightful in understanding the form of strengths and weaknesses in me which are not conducive for the making of an effective leader. In the first set of exercises, one of the tasks was to find something to read and to write a review on it, to develop a vision statement and to practice media deprivation.
I am just highlighting some of the few tasks that I found interesting and which was also instrumental in helping me assess my self-strengths and weaknesses and how it connects to developing my leadership potential. Primarily consider the first element of reading something in the library. This activity taught me how long it was since I took time out to read something that was not a short blog or an article review or anything that could not be read in five to ten minutes. It showed me how short my attention span had become. Except for in course sessions and when preparing for classes, as a student I believe I spend less time in reading something in leisurely time. I believe this has shortened my attention span. Secondly, the media deprivation was yet another element that I found was needed to highlight to me how my lessening attention span came to be. Even after switching of some application such as Facebook on my phone, I kept checking continuously for updates. It was some time before I was able to properly wean myself away from it.



邓肯先生是镇上那所老学校的校长。这所学校是镇上最古老的建筑。从文章中给出的陈述,邓肯先生的性格可以看出,他是学校里最伟大的照顾学生的人之一。邓肯先生过去是校长,他总是鼓励学生为将来做一个男人。他也经常根据学校周围的环境向学生提出有趣的问题。邓肯先生是一个非常友好和平的人,总是专注于最终目标(Toegel and Barsoux, 2012)。他的天性和对学校的感情是紧密相连的。他从不惹怒学校里的任何学生,总是爱每一个学生。由于他在旧学校里呆了很多年,当旧学校搬到新地方时,他受到了很大的伤害。
那所老学校被认为是他的家,而不像学校一样。邓肯先生过去常常在老学校搬到新地方后,在老学校周围找来找去。他似乎对这个决定感到失望和不快,但从未向当局提出过同样的问题。总的来说,邓肯先生是最好的,对学生很友好的人。在他的每一次鼓舞人心的演讲中,他总是鼓励学生思考和展望未来。总的来说,邓肯先生的性格是非常鼓舞人心的,友好的,有很强的个性,总是着眼于学生的未来和他们的个性。邓肯先生无疑是伟大的领导者(Toegel and Barsoux, 2012)。


Mr. Duncan was the principle of the old school in the town. The school building is the oldest building in the town. From the statement given in the papers, the character of Mr. Duncan can be observed as one of the greatest personality who takes care of their student in the school. Mr. Duncan used to be the principle who always encouraged the students to be men for future. He also used to ask interesting questions to the students based on surrounding around the school. Mr. Duncan was a very nice and peaceful person and always focused towards the end goal (Toegel and Barsoux, 2012). He had very connected nature and affection towards the school. He never pissed off any students in the school and always loved every student. He got very hurt when the old school was shifted to new place as he spent many years in the old school.
The old school was considered as his home not like just as school. Mr. Duncan used to find around the old school many times after the old school was shifted to new place. He seemed to be disappointed and unhappy with this decision but never questioned to the authority about the same. Overall, Mr. Duncan was best and friendly person towards the students. In each his pep talks, he always encouraged the students to think and have vision about the future. Overall, the character of Mr. Duncan was very encouraging, friendly with strong personality that always looked for the students’ future and their personality. Mr. Duncan was the great leader for no doubt (Toegel and Barsoux, 2012).






















The Café expanded very well under the leadership of Aronson as he took the coffee shop business from one store to several international stores, out of which the best ones being placed in international airports having a global presence and brand awareness. Aronson looked after the business like a parent indicating a paternalistic leadership style. This is because he looked after his business and employees like he was responsible for their progress and success. He assumed responsibility for all of them with care and under such an influence the business expanded to a significant extent without any hurdles as such. To his credit, the café also received several rewards which were seldom offered to coffee shops and carried immense value. These events were seem to be a singularly based on the initiative of Aronson who acted completely responsible for all his business obligations. This kind of leadership style did not mean complete authoritarian style, but a more responsible and caring style which comes when the leader owns all responsibility of business on his shoulders. This style seemed to be most effective and progressive, for during these years only the international expansion, sales increase, and sustainable progress along with immense brand value were added.
The least effective style is difficult to identify because the low sales and decline in business value cannot be alone attributed to lack of a relevant leadership style, but external factors which often come suddenly and are uncontrollable. For to choose one style which seems vaguely to be least effective is the authoritarian style, where Aronson sees himself as the founder of the firm and takes credit for all the success it has had until his retirement from the post of chairman. It is often seen that most decisions that Aronson has taken are not consulted with other employees on a regular basis, which sometimes creates an environment that is conducive to stagnation. This is because employees tend to remain demotivated and unproductive, because they do not feel their inclusion and are often left out of the important decisions and meetings, except for the fact where they are included only when their active role is concerned. These incidents and style of management gives a bad reputation for the business and the team work that takes so much time to develop gains a tendency to evaporate on meager issues.





Since relations which consider the association of food with respect to space inhabitants and human inhabitants are considered, this research would require subject matter experts who have either worked on space research programs or food scientists who have worked on the topic of food relations that affect different functional sphere and career categories. Interviewing an institution with different levels of designated people departments might not be necessary here, however, interviews can be conducted with a few subject matter experts. Primarily, the interviewer can work with the institution to find out who would be the best subject matter expert who can help the researcher and who also would have availability at that time. The researcher would have to liaison with the institution first. The institution could be a space research agency like NASA or an affiliated agency working with them.The task is to collect primary data on subject matter experts. The interview will be initiated by first drawing up of data sources required to construct the interview. Background and detailed literature reviews have to be done. Once the questions are compiled, the liaison with the institutions will be contacted; and then based on the subject matter expert to be interviewed questions might have to be rearranged a bit. The interview schedule will be sent with the consent form to the subject matter expert in order to ensure that they are comfortable with the questions, and based on their feedback some more changes might be made. It is better to follow a structured interview pattern here rather than the semi structured or the unstructured as the questions are anyways once viewed by the participant before undertaking the interview.The interview would be recorded, but only transcript details will b made available in the data report. The report will include data in the appendices, and only the key concise data would be included here.





What does Singer argue about the distinction between duty and charity with respect to famine and affluence? Charities seem to ask the people for fixed sum of money. In this scenario the charities accept the money and thank people for their contributions. It is assumed that everyone in the society would make the fixed small amount of money. This is not the reality. People in developed nation who live in affluence choose to give their money in charity. It is considered that acts of charity are completely up to the subjective perception of the individuals. Individuals in the affluence society do not consider it duty to donate to people who are starving. They are not judged for spending money on luxuries. They reserve the moral condemnation for acts that are considered to be aberration their subjective societal conformities. It is not considered that giving money should be the duty of the individuals. This is the nuance distinction between definition of duty and charity in the society.
What does Arthur argue about “the ideal moral code” in response to Singer? Arthur in response to Singer states that there would only be detrimental effects to the society. Ideal moral code should be the incentive of hard work. People should be allowed to keep the large fraction of money they earn. If they were made to feel guilty about their earning, people would be forced to conduct acts of altruism. They may not work as hard in the societies. They would consider that their hard work would be squandered away with people. People would feel guilty and the majority of the people in the society will be made to feel bad for working hard and ensuring productivity. In this scenario there would be detrimental effects to productivity and happiness in the society. This is Arthur’s argument for Singers opinions.



















一般的论文要求都是需要大量参考二手资料的。一手资料是指通过自己的实验、调查得出的数据以及结论;二手资料的含义就是别人已经研究出结果,并且你运用时就 认定该结论为正确的。写论文肯定会引经据典和数据论点,但如果抱着国内写论文的态度习惯摘抄的话,那肯定是过不了的,同时要学会rephrase,绝对不能抄袭。不是你自己的东西一定要写reference。也许你只是犯懒,或者觉得已经写了很多reference,没必要每一个都写得清楚明白,那结果就是论文被判为抄袭。








在墓地挖掘中发现了许多陪葬品和骨架。最大的物品似乎是珠宝和装饰品。这表明,这是随着对妇女和男子的装饰品进行埋葬,他们没有采取之前,埋葬或举行葬礼仪式。这些坟墓似乎连在一起,没有单独或单独的坟墓。这表明,这些被埋葬的人可能来自一个家庭,或者来自同一个社区或宗教的氏族。关于丧葬礼仪的研究,由于与当地人的交往和对古代文献的研究,一直存在争议,至今仍难以对贝多因人所进行的礼仪活动做出正确的结论。关于埋葬在旧奥斯曼帝国特尔希斯班(Tell Hisban)墓园里的人,有几种理论、研究和结论。据认为,这些人与目前的希斯班居民没有任何联系。据信,通过当代资料来源,这些人将属于贝都因社区,属于称为Adwan的半游牧部落。


The Bedouin tribal cemetery lies north of the current Jordan below Amman and on the right of the Dead Sea and the Jordan River. The cemetery is well placed to be reached from Jordan which is about 20-30 km away from the modern Jordan. The soil and temperature of the area are that the copper deposits seem to decay faster than textile materials and this made the typography more uneven on some part and flat on the other part. Based on a coin recovered from the excavation the date of the cemetery to have been made or being in use is fixed at around 1876 CE. The date largely agreeable is 1876 CE, though there are different variations of the proposed date all proposed ones are closer 1876.The structure of the cemetery revolves around the Mamluk governor’s house which was built around an open air courtyard. The prime cemetery is was on the area which used to be the storeroom of the governor’s house. This place served as a common cist grave in the storeroom. The grave had a lot of skulls recovered and some of them had the mother along with her child indicating the death of both during the child’s birth or through any other unknown cause. The actual area marking the location of the cemetery was not recovered during the excavation.

There are lots of funeral objects along with skeletons that have been recovered from the excavation of the cemetery area. Maximum objects seem to be jewellery and ornaments.This indicates that the burial was carried out along with the ornaments on women and men and they were not taken out before burial or conducting the funeral rites. The graves seem to be joined together without any existence of single or individual graves. This suggests that those buried could be of a single family or from the same clan of community or religion.The investigation about the funeral rites had been debatable as the interaction with local people and studying the ancient texts, it is difficulty in coming to a conclusion about the proper rites performed by the Bedouin community still remains. There have been several theories and researches and conclusions about the people who were buried in the cemetery found in the Tell Hisban of the old Ottoman Empire. It is suggested and believed that the people have no connection with the present residents of Hisban. Through contemporary sources, it is believed that those people would be of the Bedouin community and belonging to the seminomadic tribe called as Adwan.






The death of Caesar was on the day of Ides of March, when seer revealed that he cannot be outliving anymore. On the morning of this fateful day, when the seer hinted of something evil to happen in the response of Caesar’s mockery towards him, the latter decided to ignore the seer. The warnings and the other portents of the seer was ignored by the Caesar who saw himself beyond demise, left the house only to meet his death. At the time of his death, Caesar was only fifty six. The man, who was considered as born with divine endowment, was extraordinarily gifted, having achieved with great deeds that can be compared fittingly with Alexander the great. Caesar had been navigable and calm even in during the peak of winter. He had the audacity of crossing the western ocean to attack Britain. He ordered his commanders to wreck the British ships and invaded the shores of the British cliffs. He had this unprecedented courage of sailing alone on a small boat on a stormy night and ordering the commanders of spreading the sails and to gather courage from him rather than from the waves. However, it would be a mistake to presume that like Alexander, Caesars’s troops were invincible. He was humiliated by the barbarians like Gaul in Afranius, Petreius, and Hispania under a constant siege. They were trounced in Africa as well.

The Alexander was mighty brave, too. Some instances will reveal his courage and presence of mind. On one occasion when Alexander had been trapped on a bridge that sparked danger to his life, he jumped to the sea by throwing his purple cloak. His enemies searched him thickly and thinly, but he swam under water for a long time and only at intervals he drew breadth so that the enemies were unable to see him. He continued to swim in this way until he could find a friendly ship. After locating the ship, he raised his hand to reveal himself to be rescued. Alexander had to be involved in civil wars, but his desire for power and indeed, as he himself revealed, his fear, led him to carne up against his best commanders and a number of armies comprised of uncivilized people. He needed only a very few pitched battles in detecting them. Alexander was truly invincible. His courage and cleverness was truly remarkable. On one occasion with Oxydracans, he himself climbed the wall of the enemy when the ladder broke down. He was left on the top totally isolated being fully exposed to the troops of the enemy. His with amazing audacity he leaped from the high wall towards the enemy. He was beaten badly around his neck and chest with a huge club and he was about to collapse. At this point of time, the Macedonians broke the gate and only could just manage to rescue him.






The idea is to describe and elucidate the greatness of Alexander the Great. His greatness is measured not only by his military strength, but also his generosity and the humane side. The reference of the Battle of the Hydaspes fought between Alexander and Porus should find special mention. The focus of this project is the relationship and the dynamics developed between the Alexander the Great and Porus of India. Alexander returned the land partially to Porus even after defeating him. The key characters in this project are Alexander the Great, who was all victorious and considered almost invincible in the world. The second character is Porus, who was an Indian king with an empire stretching from Acesines (Chenab) river to Hydaspes (Jhelum) river in the North West India. This region is known as Punjab that is a land falling in both India and Pakistan. The third character in this project is the general of Alexander who assassinated Porus after the former’s death. Alexander’s march towards the east was almost unstoppable. Every kingdom fell to him as has been the case in Europe. When he reached the western part of India, he faced an army that was very strong and well equipped. That was the army of Porus.

The army of Porus was equipped with horses and elephants with superior weaponry. Moreover, the size of the army was much bigger than the Alexander’s. Alexander had doubt in his mind whether he can defeat Porus. He formulated a strategy that proved to be decisive in the Battle of the Hydaspes. Across the river, where the Porus’ army was stationed, Alexander and his army crossed the river in a distance and attacked Porus’ from behind. Porus fought a pitched battle and he himself fought valiantly, but the sheer speed, efficient use of horses along fast use of the weaponry won the day for Alexander. The suddenness and viciousness of the attack was too much for Porus to handle leading them to his surrender to Alexander. After winning the battle, Alexander’s army imprisoned Porus. Alexander acceded to the throne, from where Porus used to rule his kingdom. Porus was brought to the court as a prisoner. Alexander saw his calm and gentle face. Alexander decided that instead of sentencing him to death, he should be given a chance for survival. Alexander asked him how he wanted to be treated. The face of Porus was still calm and placid.