标签存档: 加拿大论文代写价格





This helps me understand which financial aspect is not going well with company running in losses. These analyses help me in training my mind and bettering my financial concepts even more. Analyzing the financial statements of the companies has become my hobby, hence I enjoy spending time reading these statements and applying my concepts. Therefore, after finishing all the excellent financial classes at Cox, I feel like I need to stay in Cox for Master Science in Finance in to enhance what I got and learnt more from professors in Cox. In conclusion, my long term goal is to be a successful financial consultant in a multinational company. The short term goal is to use my knowledges learnt from Cox to read about financial concepts to broaden my knowledge and understand about various financial concepts. I want to attend financial seminars as this would help me in gaining more knowledge from the veterans in the financial arena.
I want to pursue this degree because finance has huge potential in both America and China market and I want to be a part of that ever growing financial sector. I am interested in pursuing my financial degree from Cox School of Business because this college has lecturers who make learning of subjects very easy for students and they help students in all possible ways so that students understand the theory as well as practical. When it comes to activities concerning numbers, finance or accounting, I always try and indulge myself in those activities, as solving those puzzles or problems helps in bettering my financial concepts and gives me a sense of achievement. I want to pursue my degree from Cox School of Business as this college is known for giving real-world experiences to students which helps students in understanding concepts better. Thus, it is evident that this college gives theoretical knowledge to the students along with real life simulations regarding financial concepts and problems.



当我第一次选修这门课的时候,我不知道这门课会给我带来什么,除了我可能会发展出更好的沟通能力。我听到了很多积极的故事,我真的很想被雇佣,并最终开始创业。有很多这样的作业让我能够批判性地分析不同的观点。我能够从这门课中判断主题、目的和观众。我从来都不擅长沟通,比如口头沟通。我应该说,这些课程帮助我更清晰地思考问题。有一些小的因素让我想成为一个更好的企业家。我认为阻碍我前进的最重要的因素是我在公共演讲和与人交流时的紧张。这种不断的自我批评也让我周围的人感到紧张。我为自己设定了目标,成为一名能够引领新潮流的创新者。起初,当我没有达到我的期望时,我有点生气。我知道我必须做一个更好的自己。然而,有些事情阻碍了我(Lumley and Wilkinson, 2014)。


When I first enrolled in this course, I did not know what to expect from this course other than that I would maybe develop better communication. I heard of many positive stories and I really wanted to be employable and eventually start a venture. There were many assignments such as this one that enables me to critically analyze the differentiated viewpoints. I was able to gauge the subject, purpose and the audience from this class. I was never really good at communication such as verbal communication. I should say that these classes helped me to think with more clarity on the issues. There were a number of smaller elements that had made me want to become a better entrepreneur. I think the most important factors that hold me back is my nervousness when it comes to public speaking and interacting with people. This kind of constant self-criticism makes the people around me nervous as well. I have set goals for myself to be a form of innovator who can develop a new trend. Initially, I was a little offended when I did not meet my expectations. I knew I had to be a better version of myself. However, something is holding me back (Lumley and Wilkinson, 2014).
This is the innate lack of self-confidence which is again rooted in verbal communication. My verbal communication is mandatory to explain what I want to express. Honestly, this form of critiquing was not in my comfort zone. The course had content that we could relate to in the class. The assignment work on leadership was a team effort. This effort had essentially forced us in a situation where I had to work as teams. These aided in the progress and development. When I end my career, I want to do it without any regrets knowing that I had fully utilized all my areas of strength and weakness. There is definitive confidence and gaining of verbal communication that I had felt from this course. In short the course had given me the tools to hone my skills. I feel that I should be able to have a plan for the future given my innovative attitude and my clarity of thought. I understand that there is a lot more to actually do to achieve my ultimate goals and this is a long way to progress.



在伽伐尼进行的一项实验中,这只青蛙在一台静电机器附近被解剖。在这期间,伽伐尼的助手不小心把手术刀碰到了青蛙腿上的神经。青蛙的腿跳了起来。伽伐尼重复了很多次。观察到类似的肌肉痉挛。当这只青蛙被挂在铜钩上,并被铁格子碰触时,它的腿偶尔会抽动。在这之后,伽伐尼把每一种金属的长度连接在一起,形成黄铜和铁弧,每当接触铁弧时,铁弧就会收缩。这被伽伐尼(Toumey & Christopher 426)称为“动物电”。人们假定电实际上存在于青蛙本身。人们认为,双金属电弧只是将青蛙的一部分电传导到神经,导致青蛙的腿跳了起来。这些实验后来被称为青蛙舞蹈大师。


In one of the experiment conducted by Galvani, the frog had been dissected near a static electricity machine. During this, the assistant of Galvani accidently touched the scalpel to the nerve which was in the leg of the frog. On this, the leg of the frog jumped. This was repeated by Galvani multiple times. It was observed that there was a similar kind of muscle spasms observed. Occasional twitching had been observed in the leg of the frog when it was hung from the brass hook and were touched with the iron trellis. After this, Galvani joined the length of each and every metal together for the formation of the brass and the iron arc which led to the contraction of the iron arc whenever it was touched. This was called as “animal electricity” by Galvani (Toumey & Christopher 426). It was assumed that electricity actually existed in the frog itself. It was believed that bimetallic arc had only done the conduction of electricity from one part of the frog to the nerve, which caused the leg of the frog to jump. These experiments came to be known as Frog dancing master.
One of the earliest readers of Galvin was Alessandro Volta who was an Italian physicist. He had earned a significant reputation because of his discovery of the electrical capacitance, potential and the charge. He was also known for the discovery of the isolate methane gas. He did the replication of the Galvani’s work. When he conducted the experiments, he had made some of the very different conclusions. He stated that the electricity in the previous experiment had come from the two metals which had been used in the arc and the frog was acting only as a conductor. He replaced the frog’s leg with the paper soaked with brine and detected the current. This challenged Galvani. After these significant experiments, the world was divided in the two views, animal electricity and electricity versus dissimilar metals. In the year 1799, Volta further did the invention of the Voltaic pile which was the stack of discs consisting of the two different metals separated by the brine soaked paper (Magdalinski, Tara and Brooks 202). This was the very first battery of the world and it led to the invention of the automotive lead-acid batteries.





While I was busy observing the calmness and satisfaction on her face, which I believe are greater virtues than happiness, she looked at me. Since the train was empty that afternoon, it did not even seem like I was staring at someone behind her. She kept her book aside and said ‘hi’ to me. I was a little taken aback, but then as quickly I was drawn to the reality to realize that it was me who she was talking to.‘Hi there, my name is Sarah’, she said again. I blinked twice before I could reply. ‘I’m Joseph’ said I, politely shaking hands with her.‘So you’re going to get down at the Pavilion Station’ she asked. I could not tell her that every other day I had missed my station already and calmly settled down to reach the end station and take a bus back home. ‘No, the next’ I replied.She smiled at me politely, not knowing what to say. ‘Nice weather it is’ she came up with. I could not concentrate on what she was saying anymore. I was too distracted and bluntly asked ‘You look so happy and contented with what you do. Are you married?’
‘Not too happy with the situation, but thankful and contented’ she replied, making my heart sink further. She seemed to be a little too excited about replying to that and went on describing how she never thought she would carry a baby at this age and how the whole period has changed her a lot into a whole new and better person. She spoke about viewing life from another point of view with how perspectives change, how one develops as a person and how one would count each day so that one can witness the big day soon. She seemed contented while speaking about how she felt. Not happy, but contented, this struck me. She seemed to have a lot to talk about this particular matter with the same calmness that still lurked on her face. All I could think was she is too young for all this.








次要數據收集在這裡完成。二次數據收集法是研究者從已有的研究證據中收集數據,而不是直接從參與者那裡收集數據(Creswell, 2003)。這種數據收集方法被認為是可行的,因為研究人員很難直接接觸到數據收集的參與者。在數據收集方面有一點餘地。雖然大部分數據來自同行評審的期刊文章,但也有必要使用覆盆子派基金會網站和大學網站等網站收集數據進行案例研究。對於文獻綜述,數據收集自同行評審的數據期刊。用Arduino school projects, Arduino university projects, Raspberry in K12等關鍵詞進行搜索。研究數據來自於諸如穀歌scholar,大學數據庫搜索等網站。
案例分析以比較的方式進行。正如研究人員所說,使用多個案例研究有助於比較不同的變量(Creswell, 2003)。在本研究工作中,變量是基於案例研究的變量,如學習結果、學習挑戰、學生在學習中的項目等。研究的重點是批判性地分析四個不同的案例研究,他們如何利用嵌入式系統的工作原理,如Arduino和Raspberry Pi,在應用程序中提高他們的學習。對四個項目的分析主要是針對RMIT課程提出建議。本研究僅說明為何將其整合進RMIT課程可能是一個很好的選擇,但並沒有解決RMIT在整合過程中可能面臨的任何現實問題。


Secondary data collection is done here. Secondary data collection method is where the researcher collects data from existing research evidences instead of directly collecting data from the participants (Creswell, 2003). This data collection method was considered feasible as it would have been difficult for the researcher to directly reach out to participants in data collection. A little leeway was taken with respect to data collection. While most of the data was collected from peer reviewed journal articles, it was also necessary to use websites such as that of the Raspberry Pi foundation website and also the university websites to collect data for the case study. For the literature review, data was collected from peer reviewed data journals. The search was conducted with key words such as Arduino school projects, Arduino university projects, Raspberry in K12, etc. The research data was collected from sites such as google scholar, the university database search.
The case study analysis is conducted in a comparative style. As researchers argue, the use of multiple case studies lends itself to comparison of different variables (Creswell, 2003). In this research work, the variables are that of the case study based ones such as the learning outcomes, the learning challenges, the student projects in learning and more. The research focuses on critically analysing four different case studies on how they have made use of the embedded systems works such as the Arduino and Raspberry Pi in applications that enhance their learning. The analysis of four projects is mainly focused on presenting recommendations for the curriculum of RMIT. The research only presents why it could be an excellent choice to integrate in RMIT curriculum but does not address any real world problems that RMIT could face in incorporating them.



交付差距:服务交付差距是指服务质量规范与实际交付之间存在差距。出现这种差距的原因是,即使组织了解所需的服务质量形式,它也无法支持员工。因此,不同的员工对服务质量有不同的看法,这就导致了质量差距问题。通信差距是由于服务交付和关于交付的外部通信不匹配而导致的服务质量差距。这种差距之所以存在,是因为公司可能会利用广告媒体来提高对客户的吸引力。客户现在可能期望过高,而实际服务不足。失望的客户因此继续寻找更好的产品(Large and Konig, 2009)。服务差距模型是一个经过时间检验的模型,也可以用于跨不同文化背景的组织设置管理服务。
它可以帮助组织以一种直接的方式理解他们的服务质量问题(Caruana, 2002)。一个简单的问卷调查工具在这里会很有帮助。在基准测试中,对于服务质量问题的早期分析、服务质量问题随时间的比较等,该模型是最重要的。服务差距模型的不同之处在于它是最基本的。作为一个通用模型,它不能被专门应用于找出特定的服务质量瓶颈,其他模型可能需要与此模型一起使用。此外,有一个非常普遍的趋势,即期望的评分非常高,因此差距不需要成为理解服务感知的实际因素(Large和Konig, 2009)。最后,模型本身并没有完全不同的维度。模型中有一些相似之处和重叠之处。


Delivery Gap: The service deliver gap is one that there is a gap between service quality spec and the actual delivery. This gap occurs because even if the organization understands the form of service quality required, it would have failed to support its employees. Different employees hence end up having different perceptions of the service quality and this results in the quality gap issue. The Communication Gap is the service quality gap that occurs because of service delivery and external communications about delivery are mismatched. The gap is seen to exist because companies might make use of advertising media that raises appeal to the customer. Customer might over expect now and the actual service falls short. Disappointed customers hence move on to seek better products (Large and Konig, 2009).The service gap model is a time tested model and can be used for managing service across different organizational settings with different cultural backgrounds as well.
It can assist organizations in a straightforward way to understand their issues of service quality (Caruana, 2002). A simple questionnaire instrument would be helpful here. In benchmarking, for early analysis of service quality issues, comparing service quality issues over time etc, this model is most significant.The different cons of the service gaps model are that it is most basic. As a generic model, it cannot be applied specifically to find out specific service quality bottlenecks, other models might need to be used along with this one. Furthermore, there is a much generalized tendency to rate expectations as very high, so the gap need not be an actual contributor towards understanding service perception (Large and Konig, 2009). Finally, the model as such does not have dimensions that are completely different from one another. There are some similarities and overlaps in the model.



在青春期的边缘,Wadjda发现,在家庭和伊斯兰教都尊重的习俗概念背后,所有女性都受到了严格的限制。这样的发现以及包容和反抗的混合激发了这个被描述为聪明和固执的女孩(Suner 2006)。这是这部被精确观察到的电影的主要主题,同时也具有欺骗性的温柔。据报道,这部电影是由沙特女性海法亚·曼苏尔(Haifaa al-Mansour)执导的第一部故事片。Wadjda对任何与国家或清真寺有关的公开批评都持谨慎态度。相反,女演员的真实生活是在电影中呈现的。与此同时,她把注意力放在了她的老师、同学和母亲的生活上,具有毁灭性的效力和坚定的权威。


This focus of this section will be on exploring the ways in which relationships among women shape the female characters lives within the two films chosen for the discussion on Gender. In this section, two movies will be discussed with the central focus on the issues related to gender, and the movies selected are Wadjda and Caramel. It is evident through looking at the feet of the character that Wadjda is perceived as a rebel (Stockdale 2015). The other students within the movie at Saudi Arabian madrassa accessorize their gray dresses that are long and shapeless along with their black Mary Janes socks. However, Wadjda is a ten year old with natural smile and big eyes favoring to the high top shoes from Converse. It is considered to be a minor gesture of individual that is spirited within the world organized for suppression of expressions such as these. It is clear through the analysis that her determination to own a bicycle is something that is recognized as not forbidden but not allowed as well, as it is highly discouraged in the society of Saudi.
At the adolescence edge, Wadjda discovers the scrutinizing limitations that are placed upon all the women behind the concept of customs that are honored by both family and Islam. Such a discovery and the mix of accommodation and resistance provokes within this girl who is depicted to be smart and stubborn (Suner 2006). This is the primary subject of the concisely observed movie that is also deceptively gentle. It is reported that this movie is the initial feature that is directed by a Saudi woman, Haifaa al-Mansour. Wadjda is cautious in regards to placing forth any state or mosque related overt criticism. Instead, the factual life of the actress is presented within the movie. Along with which, the focus is placed on the lives of her teachers, classmates and mother with devastating effectiveness and assertive authority.












腐敗風險是指個人憑藉其在組織中的權威或指定而擁有權力的不誠實行為。貪污行為包括收受賄賂,操縱商業交易及帳目,挪用資金及詐騙利益相關者。腐敗風險的產生是由於代理人(管理者)與委託人(利益相關者)之間存在利益衝突。代理人有可能為實現個人目標而損害利益相關者的利益。供應鏈風險是指在制定和實施供應鏈經營管理策略和風險管理方面的無能或失敗。供應鏈風險會導致經營脆弱性,並擾亂業務運營(Christopher and Holweg,2011)。此外,供應鏈風險從生產階段開始到產品最終交付給客戶都可能產生重大的負面影響。
2016年10月,在紐交所(NYSE)上市的巴西飛機製造商巴西航空工業公司(航空工業公司)與美國司法部(DOJ)和美國證交會(SEC)就該公司批准的行賄達成和解。2008年至2011年,該公司在沙特阿拉伯和莫桑比克等多個國家進行賄賂支付。與此相關,美國證券交易委員會和美國司法部對該公司實施了處罰。航空公司使用的備件大致可分為關鍵部件和非關鍵部件兩大類。例如,關鍵部件的複雜性限制了國泰轉向母供應商的能力,因為相關的轉換成本(Klueber and Keefe,2013)。此外,由於零部件複雜,國泰航空無法依賴新的供應商。


Corruption risk refers to dishonest behavior by individuals having power possession by virtue of their authority or designation in an organization. Corruption practices include giving or acceptance of bribes, manipulation of business transactions and books of accounts, fund diversion and defrauding stakeholders. Corruption risk arises since there is conflict of interest between agents (managers) and principal (stakeholders). There exists possibility that agents act in a detrimental manner for the stakeholders for accomplishment of personal objectives. Supply Chain Risk refers to inability or failure in formulation and implementation of supply chain strategies for operational management and risk management. Supply chain risks can result in operational vulnerability and disrupt business operations (Christopher and Holweg, 2011). Moreover, supply chain risk can have material adverse impact starting from production phase to end delivery of the product to the customers.
In October 2016, Embraer, a Brazil-based aircraft manufacturer listed on NYSE entered into resolution with DOJ and SEC in connection to bribe payments approved by the company. The company was engaged in making bribery payments between 2008 through 2011 in different countries including Saudi Arabia and Mozambique. In connection of this matter, SEC and DOJ imposed penalties on the company. Aviation companies use spare parts which can be broadly classified into two categories namely critical and non-critical parts. For example, the complex nature of critical parts restricted Cathay pacific ability to switch to mother suppliers because of associated switching costs (Klueber and Keefe, 2013). Moreover, Cathay pacific could not afford to rely on new suppliers because of complicated parts.