标签存档: 加拿大论文代写价格


部門所有的跨境服務和投資如下。(1)處理Blueland關鍵是選擇服務供應商必須是新加坡國家,必須是新加坡永久居民或必須是新加坡就業通行證持有人,必須沒有法律負擔證明登記業務。這個人必須被允許在不需要任命當地經理的情況下註冊營業。(2)獲委任的本地經理須為新加坡國民或新加坡永久居民,或可能持有在委任時仍有效而未過期的新加坡就業證。 (3)不會給予新加坡國民或被視為持有就業證的非永久性居民的當地管理人員不應有的優惠。這裡也不接受任何形式的外部偏見。


For sector All, the cross border services and investment are listed as follows.(1) For working with Blueland it is critical that the selected service suppliers must be a Singapore National, or must be a permanent resident of Singapore, or must be a Singapore Employment Pass Holder and must not have legal burden to show proof for registering business. The person in question must be allowed to register for business without the need for appointing a local manager as well. (2) Local managers who are appointed will be a Singapore national, or a permanent resident of Singapore or might hold a Singapore Employment Pass that at the time of appointment is still valid and not expired. (3) No undue preference would be given to local managers who are Singapore nationals or who are non-permanent residents that are seen to hold an employment pass. No form of external bias would be entertained here as well.
(4) In the case of companies that are locally incorporated then the companies will follow the necessary legal requirements and would comply with the following rules as well.At least one of the director of the company should be a resident in Singapore as per the required time stipulated at the time of appointment of the Director. The branches of the foreign company must be registered in Singapore as well. Foreign company branches must at the last have 2 agents who are resident in Singapore at the time of the consideration of measures.In order to understand residency in Singapore as a status, the legal rules that a person should either be a Singapore national or must be a Singapore permanent resident or must hold the Employment pass, and this is applicable to the two agents that are to be attached to the two or more foreign branches.





A sudden change was noticed with the stock markets with the election of Mr. Donald Trump. Current week results showed a boom in stock markets and crossed last 2 years figures whereas U.S Bonds suffered losses more than $1 trillion. There was a clear indication that Mr. Trump encourage spending of money on roads and bridges that will lead to growth and inflation. It will be good for equity, but attracts negative impact on government bonds. The rapid changes by the President will not influence on the system in overnight and basic investment principles will be applied irrespective of whoever is the president. The equity market is in growing side and the investors will transform to the Treasury Bonds as when yield rate is increased to some extent even from 1.36 percent to 2.2 percent. Various instruments are available in market and the public will choose the option that will result good return on their investments. The instruments include equity, debt, certificate of deposit, bonds, mutual funds, trading on stock markets etc.
Unfortunately, many people compare only return rather than risk associated with the investment. Higher risk yields higher return and lower risk results lower return. The intelligent persons will seek advice from the financial advisers and make investments in various segments through portfolio techniques. The returns on Equity shares generally paid by way of dividends. When the companies earned profits, the corporate will pay the dividends to the equity shareholders. The face value of the equity will never change, but the share value of the stock will be fluctuating depends upon the economic and competitive environment. The interest rates will influence economic growth. The rising of interest rates negatively impact on the profits of the corporate and simultaneously stock prices will also come down. On the other hand, positive effects on profits margins and stock prices when there is decrease of interest rates. If the interest rates increased, the spending levels by the consumer negatively affected over the business markets.









6、规范apa格局或者mla格局 ;参考文献引用的规范应该按专业方向的不同选择使用MLA(the Modern Language Association)或者APA(the American Psychological Association),一般偏重人文学科的应用MLA,偏重自然学科的应用APA。应认真阅读相应的规范使用手册。



personal statement 怎么写:医患咨询流程

personal statement 怎么写:医患咨询流程


personal statement 怎么写:医患咨询流程

Opening Phase: After the preparation of the interview, the next plan was for opening the interview with the client. Here, the interviewer Junizing and observer Steven took the lead to meet the client with lose weight, healthy diet to control the cholesterol goal. Both Junizing and Steven had verbal greeting with Miss. Keng and introduced by both were followed. Both self-comfort and client comforts were kept in priority so the interview can be done without any problem. To make this interview more comfortable, both Junizing and Steven started small casual talk with Zeng so that interview should not feel boring. Junizing and Steven then discussed the objective of the counselling with the clear established agenda. After this, the interview turned for exploration for more details with actual benefits and offering. Exploration-Education Phase: After the each other’s introduction and objective explanation, both Junizing and Steven started talking about the assessment forms, comparison with various plans and benefits. The problems were identified, self-motivational statements were recorded, changes if needed in the plan by client were discussed, the motivation for change in healthy lifestyle routine were discussed, the entire plan and experience was changed as per the need of the client.
This phase was kept highly smooth so that the client had no issue at all. During entire conversation and discussion eye contact was made with client so client feel more strength and so will be able to ask or discuss if appears in the assessment phase. Closing Phase – After all the explanation about the program and details by the client, the focus was on to review all the process with effective manner. All questions by the client were answered and strengths & issues of the program were evaluated in line to the need of the client. In entire conversation, the respect was offered to both side so all discussion and communications were professional and nice. The goals and objectives were restated with next meeting time schedule planning. All three shake hands together with appreciation smile on face and left the place with all details. The closing phase was really nice as all clients and the interviewer and observer were happy and there was great smile on their face.



硝酸钾是研究中发现的化合物。硝酸钾是一种水溶性化合物,由于其水溶性,通常被用作植物的营养来源。硝酸钾的化学式是KNO3。KNO3的氮含量约为13%,K2O含量约为44 ~ 46%。溶解度在(20°C) 316 g/L溶液pH 7 ~ 10左右。化合物的颜色:无色,可以是菱形或三角形晶体,也可以是白色颗粒状或晶体状。它通常没有气味(O ‘ Neil 1370)。这种味道通常是一种冷的咸味,有点辛辣。化合物的沸点是400摄氏度,这是它分解的地方。如果熔点为333-334℃,则其熔点为333-334℃。在25℃时,其溶于水的量为每100毫升克。溶于水和甘油,微溶于酒精。
它不溶于乙醇和无水乙醇。它的密度约为2.1g/cm3。pH值约为7,光谱特性表明折射率为1.335 (Alpha)、1.5056 (Beta)和1.5064 (gamma) (Rouxel 3020)。硝酸钾广泛用于火药、化肥和医药中。它是一种强氧化剂。从药理学上讲,硝酸钾是不可燃的,因此它本身并不构成安全问题,但是当它与其他可燃物质接触时,就会起到促进剂的作用,从而导致燃烧。这种情况在发生大火的情况下更为严重,因为大火也可能导致爆炸。这种化合物长时间暴露在高温下也会导致爆炸。当化合物暴露在高温下,产生有毒的氮氧化物时,也会产生安全问题。


Potassium Nitrate is the compound identified in the work. Potassium Nitrate is identified as a water soluble compound and is usually made use of as a source for nutrients to plants because of its water soluble nature. The chemical formula of potassium nitrate is KNO3. The nitrogen content in KNO3 is around 13 percent and it has K2O content around 44 to 46%. Water solubility is around (20°C) 316 g/L Solution pH 7 to 10. Color of compound: It is either colorless, and can be rhombic or as trigonal crystals or it can be a white granular or crystalline powered. It is usually odorless (O’ Neil 1370).The taste is usually a cooling taste which is saline and is slightly pungent. The boiling point of the compound is 400-degree C. This is where it decomposes. Its melting point if 333-334-degree C. Solubility in water is established as gram per 100 ml at 25-degree C. It is soluble in water and glycerol and is slightly soluble in alcohol.
It is insoluble in ethanol and absolute alcohol. It has a density of around 2.1g/cm3. The pH is about 7 with spectral properties indicating index of refraction at 1.335 (Alpha), 1.5056 (Beta) and 1.5064 (gamma) (Rouxel 3020).Potassium Nitrate popularly made use of in gunpowder and as a fertilizer and also in medicine. It is a strong oxidizer. By pharmacology, potassium nitrate is non-combustible and hence does not pose a safety issue in itself, however where it comes into contact with other combustible materials, then it would work as an accelerant and it would result in combustion. This situation is even more in the case of where there are large fires as it could result in an explosion too. Prolonged exposure of this compound to heat will also result in an explosion. There are also safety issues because of ingestion when the compound is exposed to heat as toxic oxides of nitrogen are produced.


谷歌、雅虎和必應等搜索引擎也會通過用戶的搜索請求收集、存儲和分析個人信息。搜索引擎維護“服務器日誌”,根據谷歌私有策略,包括您的“web請求”。 Internet協議地址、瀏覽器類型、瀏覽器語言、請求的日期和時間,以及一個或多個可能惟一標識您的瀏覽器的cookie。 “對我最有吸引力的一段話是,谷歌、雅虎(Yahoo)、必應(Bing)等搜索引擎一直在利用人們的數據為自己謀利。我曾經認為,這些搜索引擎的工作是為了人民的利益,而不是為了他們自己的利益。我認為谷歌的收入只是通過廣告的幫助。
然而,作者指出,谷歌從用戶的數據分析中獲得了很多收入。作者指出,這些搜索引擎維護服務器日誌,可以獲得與web請求和internet地址相關的信息(Orwell, 2010)。她還表示,這些公司分析日誌是為了產生越來越多的收入。雅虎是最受歡迎的搜索引擎之一,它甚至使用這種方法來產生更多的收入。雅虎甚至使用用戶電腦上的cookie來生成更多的廣告。這清楚地表明,這些搜索引擎的每一項活動都是為了自己的利益。重要的是,用戶應該了解這些公司的這些策略,因為它們不是為了自己的利益。


“Search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing also collect,, store and analyze information about individual users through their search queries. Search engine maintain “server logs” which according to Google private policy, include you “web request”. Internet protocol address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of the request and one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your browser.”The paragraph which has been most appealing for me is the one which states that Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines have been using the data of the people for their own benefit. I used to think that these search engines work for benefits of the people and not for their own benefits. I think that Google earns the revenues only through the help of advertisements.
However, the author states that the Google earns a lot of revenues from the data analysis of the users. Author states that these search engines maintain the server logs which can get the information related to the web request and internet address (Orwell, 2010). She also states that these companies analyze the logs in order to generate more and more revenues. Yahoo which is one of the most popular search engines even uses the method for the purpose of generation of more revenues. Yahoo even uses the cookies on the computer of the user for the purpose of generation of more advertisements. This clearly indicates that each and every activity of these search engines is for their own profits. It is important that the users should be aware of these tactics of these companies as they are nothing for their own benefits.



案例研究中提到的利益相关者圆桌会议是为了分析红杉国家公园的融资方式。为了维护红杉国家公园,需要大量的资金。因此,重要的是确保以独特的方式促进筹资进程(Allen et al., 1988)。筹集资金最有效的方法之一就是通过广告。为了在红杉国家公园做广告,有必要制定一个有效的计划。大自然是人类最好的朋友。是大自然创造了地球上的生命。树,鸟,小动物和一切与人类有关的东西是每个人都喜欢珍惜。保护自然是非常重要的。红杉国家公园对于红杉市的人类来说是非常重要的,因为它为人类提供了内在的环境和大量的审美和娱乐利益(Blank, 1989)。这些红杉国家公园也带来了很多积极的环境。保护红杉国家公园是当务之急。但是,为了保护它们并确保它们得到适当的维护,需要资金。作为一个热爱自然的人,我不想一开始就在红杉国家公园展示广告。
我认为广告会破坏红杉国家公园的自然美。然而,这是产生资金的最有效方法。红杉国家公园不仅是一种娱乐方式,而且由于许多原因它也很重要。首先,红杉国家公园提供了社区居民相互交流和结识新朋友的必要空间。这有助于为人民发展社区(Beeton, 2006)。其次,当社区中有适当的公园时,犯罪率就会降低。当红杉国家公园被大量的人使用时,将会有越来越多的人关注街道,这将会为每个人带来一个更安全的环境。第三,公园里的树木可以清除空气中存在的各种污染物。城市的空气污染会导致癌症的风险,并对儿童、老年人和其他有呼吸问题的人产生不利影响。在红杉国家公园众多的城市,人们的心理健康得到了提升。通过直接接触大自然,一个人在心理健康方面有很多好处,它可以减少压力,增加幸福感。


The roundtable meeting of stakeholders as mentioned in the case study was held to do the analysis of the ways through which the Sequoia National Park can be funded. In order to maintain the Sequoia National Park, a lot of funds are required. It is therefore important to ensure that unique ways are used to facilitate the process of funding (Allen et al., 1988). One of the most effective ways to generate funds is through the advertisements. There is a need for an effective planning so as to do advertisements in the Sequoia National Park.Nature is the best friend of human beings. It is the nature that fabricates life on earth. Trees, birds, small animals and everything else related to the human beings is something that everyone likes to cherish. It is very important to protect the nature. Sequoia National Park is very important for the human beings in the city of Sequoia as they provide the intrinsic environment and a large number of aesthetic and recreational benefits for the human beings (Blank, 1989). These Sequoia National Park also brings a lot of positivity within the environment. It is an utmost necessity to protect Sequoia National Park. However, in order to protect the same and ensure that they are maintained properly, funding is required. As a nature lover, I do not want to display the advertisements in the Sequoia National Park initially.
I thought that the advertisements will destroy the natural beauty of the Sequoia National Park. Nevertheless, it is the most effective method for the generation of funds. Sequoia National Park is not only the means of recreation but it is also important because of many reasons. First of all, Sequoia National Park provides the required space where the neighborhood residents can interact with one another and meet new people. This helps in the development of community for the people (Beeton, 2006). Secondly, when there is proper Park in the community, there is a reduction in crime rates. When the Sequoia National Park will be used by the large number of people, there will be more and more eyes on the street, which will lead to a safer environment for each and every person. Thirdly, the trees which are there in the park can remove a large variety of pollutants which are present in the air. The air pollution in the city causes a risk of cancers and has adverse effects on the children, elders and other people who are having the respiratory problems. The people of the city get a mental health boost in a city where there is large number of Sequoia National Park. By getting a direct exposure to the nature, one has a lot of benefits in the mental health and it leads to the reduction in stress and increase in the happiness.



通常情况下,直线经理不需要做任何与人力资源相关的事情。然而,随着人力资源业务伙伴模型的实施,直线经理将成为管理组织内部人力资源活动的参与者。人力资源商业模式在组织内部产生了积极和消极的影响。Oke(2016)确定了人力资源商业模式对员工生产力的影响。作为人力资源经理作为人力资源业务伙伴,他们更倾向于寻找有技能的员工,并利用他们(Stritesky & Quigley, 2014)。另一方面,由于对员工技能的关注,人力资源业务伙伴模型为识别、培训和发展熟练员工提供了空间,使他们能够在竞争激烈的酒店业务中获得竞争优势。Bennett & Ho(2014)指出,人力资源业务伙伴倾向于审查员工的绩效。这一审查有助于组织确定员工的优点和缺点,从而有助于制定与员工敬业度相关的战略决策。此外,我们亦可举办员工培训计划,提高员工的技能。


HR business partner model lies on the very fact of working closely with business leaders within an organisation. It means that business leaders will work closely with the line managers and will be a part of the HR department. They will also participate in HR activities like employee recruitment and selection as well as employee performance management. Further, according to Hendry (2012), HR business partnering helps the HRM department of an organisation in order to achieve both their present and future goals. In Snow Mountain hotel, by using the business partner model, the HR managers will work as business partners and will be the only member of HR staff to help the line managers in acting as HR managers within the organisation. The main external factor that drives the use of business partner model is the cost savings and efficiency to gain competitive advantage by improving overall business performance. On the other hand, the main internal factors that are working in Snow Mountain Hotel for implementing the business partner model is improving the efficiency of employees as well as providing value to their work and engaging them actively with the organisation.
Normally, line managers do not have to do anything with HR activities. However, with the implementation of HR business partner model, line managers will be the players in managing HR activities within the organisation. HR business model has come with both positive and negative effects within an organisation. Oke (2016) identified the impact of HR business model on the productivity of employees. As HR managers works as HR business partners, they tend to focus more on finding skilled employees and harnessing them (Stríteský & Quigley, 2014). On the other hand, due to the focus on employee skills, the HR business partner model provides the scope to identify skilled employees, groom and developing them so that they can be used for gaining competitive advantage in the competitive hotel business. Bennett & Ho (2014) remarked that HR business partners tend to review the performance of employees. This review helps the organisation to identify the strength and weakness in an employee and thereby helps in the strategic decision making related to employee engagement. Further, employee training programmes can also be organised for improving employee skills.





大家都是用数据库来搜索相关的论文和文献,但是很多同学在这个方面做的不是很好。有的时候查不到相关的内容,这个主要就是因为搜索的关键词不对。很多时候,换个关键词,就能出来更多相关的材料。另外,很多时候,大家可能只是依赖学校数据库,其实我个人一般会首先google,除了很多基础的概念之外,很多时候会出来一些相关的组织和机构,他们的数据一般也是比较有权威性的。然后google scholar一下,查看各个文章的引用次数和时间,基本就能知道哪些文章是比较重要的。




对于读本科和硕士的学生而言,论文基本上就是重复总结一下上课的内容,因为这个知识水平其实是很难提出崭新的观点。那么在写作的时候,可以先看一下讲义PPT。注意,在这个过程中,很多学生还是蒙蔽的状态,那我建议学生可以百度一下,用中文最起码把相关的概念能理解清楚。然后可以搜一下中文相关的东西。这样虽然不能保证内容是最新的,但是最起码是不会跑题的。这里还要重点说一下,不同的题目其实是有不同的写作的方法的。比方说case study,一般的方法就是“定义+把定义结合案例+评论”。很多学生就不写定义或者理论,这个其实就不行。










Starbucks had failed in Australia in the previous ventures. They had to close a number around 61 stores in 2008. Their value proposition was that the coffee was of premium quality, superior service marketing and an upscale coffee experience. The people in Australia however did not share the same sentiments with the brand. The people in Australia felt that the coffee did not resonate with their taste. According to the Australian organic market governmental report the need for organic coffee in the markets are growing rapidly. There has been 15.4% of the growth in this sector. This was not utilized by Starbucks. They did not change the taste according to the preference of the local Australian people. It was estimated in this report that the growth of the organic markets for coffee would increase toward 40% in the next few years. Ewingsdale coffee, BioBean coffee have been gaining ground in the markets owing to these factors. The consumer of Starbucks felt that the hot coffee smoothie was not like the organized kind that is popular in Australia.
The menu of the company was not Australian consumer preference. They preferred the local companies and were more comfortable with the local brand. This had caused the company sales. There is considerable brand image loss and there was no real consumer patronage for the products. This is the main issue that has been felt by the people. This would affect the demand of the products. In short the Starbucks coffee was costly and did not resonate with the needs of the people. This failure has cost the company to face the issue of brand image. The company was aggressively expanding in the foreign markets when they face market saturation in the domestic US markets. This expansion policy was not established properly in the country. In the previous venture the company did not have a proper supply chain established. This was the issue for the company. The company continues to operate on the Australian paradigm. This was the reason for the company to fail in the Australian markets.