


交付差距:服务交付差距是指服务质量规范与实际交付之间存在差距。出现这种差距的原因是,即使组织了解所需的服务质量形式,它也无法支持员工。因此,不同的员工对服务质量有不同的看法,这就导致了质量差距问题。通信差距是由于服务交付和关于交付的外部通信不匹配而导致的服务质量差距。这种差距之所以存在,是因为公司可能会利用广告媒体来提高对客户的吸引力。客户现在可能期望过高,而实际服务不足。失望的客户因此继续寻找更好的产品(Large and Konig, 2009)。服务差距模型是一个经过时间检验的模型,也可以用于跨不同文化背景的组织设置管理服务。
它可以帮助组织以一种直接的方式理解他们的服务质量问题(Caruana, 2002)。一个简单的问卷调查工具在这里会很有帮助。在基准测试中,对于服务质量问题的早期分析、服务质量问题随时间的比较等,该模型是最重要的。服务差距模型的不同之处在于它是最基本的。作为一个通用模型,它不能被专门应用于找出特定的服务质量瓶颈,其他模型可能需要与此模型一起使用。此外,有一个非常普遍的趋势,即期望的评分非常高,因此差距不需要成为理解服务感知的实际因素(Large和Konig, 2009)。最后,模型本身并没有完全不同的维度。模型中有一些相似之处和重叠之处。


Delivery Gap: The service deliver gap is one that there is a gap between service quality spec and the actual delivery. This gap occurs because even if the organization understands the form of service quality required, it would have failed to support its employees. Different employees hence end up having different perceptions of the service quality and this results in the quality gap issue. The Communication Gap is the service quality gap that occurs because of service delivery and external communications about delivery are mismatched. The gap is seen to exist because companies might make use of advertising media that raises appeal to the customer. Customer might over expect now and the actual service falls short. Disappointed customers hence move on to seek better products (Large and Konig, 2009).The service gap model is a time tested model and can be used for managing service across different organizational settings with different cultural backgrounds as well.
It can assist organizations in a straightforward way to understand their issues of service quality (Caruana, 2002). A simple questionnaire instrument would be helpful here. In benchmarking, for early analysis of service quality issues, comparing service quality issues over time etc, this model is most significant.The different cons of the service gaps model are that it is most basic. As a generic model, it cannot be applied specifically to find out specific service quality bottlenecks, other models might need to be used along with this one. Furthermore, there is a much generalized tendency to rate expectations as very high, so the gap need not be an actual contributor towards understanding service perception (Large and Konig, 2009). Finally, the model as such does not have dimensions that are completely different from one another. There are some similarities and overlaps in the model.