标签存档: 加拿大论文代写价格


股权融资是MTT在风险投资领域的另一种策略。股权融资是一种系统性的融资方式,以较少的金融风险获得商业机会。它是一种开放式和封闭式基金,投资于公司的股票,并将所有权交给股东。股权融资以其独特的商业理念和高增长潜力十分合适,MTT的损益表显示出公司的快速增长,其独特的可穿戴技术与该资金来源相匹配(Metrick and Yasuda, 2010)。股权融资的主要目的是为企业的长期资本需求筹集资金,只有在企业具有足够盈利能力的条件下,才能以股息的形式获得回报。利基市场和公司的有效管理也是股权融资作为主要资金来源的指标,MTT目前缺乏股权融资,这是因为管理层成员缺乏必要的经验。但是,2015年大量的收入说明了企业管理能力的提高,使得股权融资适合企业(Gullifer and Payne, 2015)。以下是论文代写价格-MTT股权融资的优势和劣势的分析:

Advantages of equity funding: It helps the business, which is struggling in obtaining capital for business expansion. The major advantage of the using the equity funding is that there is no obligation of the repayment of the money raised from equity. It is because investors are termed as the owners of the firm. Along with this, there is no requirement of the monthly payment of dividend and company can use more capital in the business growth (Roberts, 2015). It also enables the management to continuously focus on their core objectives such as product and services quality rather than managing the financial obligations due to flexible use of this funding source (Gullifer and Payne, 2015).
Disadvantages of equity funding: It is an expensive and complex way of getting the funding for a company because it includes a lot of statutory compliances with associated costs such as fees of the merchant banker, brokerage, underwriting fee, and lot as other legal expenses etc. Equity investor always expects higher return rate on their investment than to debt or other investors and lack of fulfilment of them may cause the decline in investment attractiveness of MTT and create issues to raise capital in the future time period. Along with this, dividend distribution is not tax deductible expenses that also influence the investors (Rocap, 2015). If a company raises fund via use the equity funding, it is necessary for the company that controls on the percentage of the existing and new share. This type of control is not required during the use of the debt funding. Along with this, it also causes the interferences of a large number of investors in the operational activities and decisions, which affect the flexibility of the operational and marketing decisions (Smart and Graham, 2012).
Recommendations to MTT
In order to be able to generate capital through equity funding, MTT needs to increase its management practices and ensure to show a high growth potential to the investors with appropriate budgeting and forecasting processes. The business idea of MTT produces high-end smart watches with using premium materials and third party software is looking unique, but it should require ensuring that it will be unique for a long time by gaining patent and trademark of its technologies globally (Stowell, 2012). It will be effective to increase the ability of the firm to obtain equity funding easily.
From the above discussion, it can be concluded that venture capital funding is effective for MTT with some advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, negative NPV and lack of effective management in MTT may create risk for venture capital firm and affect the investment in the firm and for this; equity financing is an alternative strategy that can be used by MTT for funding.

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Management level controls to address non-compliance with legislation
1. The management must be strict enough to punish the violating employee after the employees are trained about the legislations to be followed. This will create some discipline to follow legislations. The management must themselves follow as an example.
2. The employee relationship must be unique such that it is not threatening and also not liberal. This can be done by commanding the work to be done and not letting them act liberally.
3. The management must set up a minimum performance criteria under which the employees work and are paid. This can trigger a motivation to act ethically according to the law, and enhance productivity. A healthy working environment in terms of provisions and relationship is a unique way of enhancing productivity (Smith and Haley, 2011).
4. Financial control such as putting limits on specific projects or division can trigger some encouragement about following the legislation because non-compliance can be dangerously career wise and reputation wise for the employee.
5. Keeping employee records and disclosing it to the relevant authorities from time to time can motivate the employees to follow all taught legislation regularly, because not following them will result in a weak resume when the employee plans to move out of the company.
The tubular form of the management level action plan is in Appendix 2.
Risk controls depending on the hierarchy of controls
The first and foremost entity or department to be most responsible is the top management as they are the ones who makes the second in-command department, the health and safety department, more eligible for identifying risk and eliminating it. Then comes the health and safety team who needs to undergo a mandatory HSR training, because this training will eventually teach them everything about risk, disaster, and crisis management so that the hotel can save on its risks repair and eliminate them completely. This team then has the final assessment teams under them including the workers, managers who actually observe and identify possibilities of risk in the hotel premises and make immediate action plan for eliminating the same.
When the top management is controlling the finance and funding for the risk assessment and disaster management, the HSR team will be aware of their limitations in terms of actions and controlling the assessment team and the workers. The HSR team will in turn control the actions of the workers and limit them to the prescribed limits of finance. Undertaking unnecessary practices which are supplementary and not required on an immediate basis is important to be controlled by the top management so that risks are also eliminated and costs are saved back and reduced.
Cost benefit analysis of non-compliance, hazards, and recommended controls
The cost of non-compliance is difficult to assess as the tangible and intangible consequences when added can lead the costs to unexpected levels. The non-compliance is more costly for legislations as the following of legislations will lead to violations of all laws and the cost of repairing the violations is very high, lengthy, time consuming, and financially burdensome. It is therefore better to invest into training of the employees about the legislations,so that the cost of risk and disaster repair is avoided.
Hazards that are identified in the hotel are dangerous and must be repaired with immediate effect, because not repairing them may continue to make the situation more serious and there could be spiralling costs of life and property loss in the making which may not be perceived. The management must take the step to repair all risk and disaster possibilities to reduce the risk repair cost for the future. When the controls are implemented, the benefits will rise in the form of increased occupancy, increased profits higher profit margin, growing reputation, moving towards ethical standard of operations.

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同伴压力是同伴对个人施加的影响。这是当人们的行为受到同伴影响时发生的事件。这些行动取决于事件,以确保人们会担心别人对他们的看法。同辈压力会导致人们做出某些选择,如饮酒或吸毒(Bellemare,Lepage, and Shearer, 277)。重要的是解决同行压力的根源,找到可行的解决方案。同伴压力是沉迷于个人通常不会做的事情的行为。来自同伴的压力会产生不同的影响。由于这些同行的压力,一些影响是可能的。他们帮助人们克服恐惧。动机是为了建立信心和解决问题的解决方案。在这篇论文代写价格-同伴压力产生的影响分析中,详细阐述了同伴压力产生的原因以及他们对人们产生的影响。

An increase in the socialization is observed which can lead to people to find cohesive solutions to address their individual solution. Not all actions facilitated from peer pressure are detrimental. However, some aspects of peer pressure can cause the individuals to be in trouble with the law. It would impact their health and their future developmental scope. It can be eluded that from this aspect that the people in general want to ensure and have a positive growth in their life. These impacts and influences the ways in which the individuals behave and react. The individuals succumb to certain actions that are detrimental. These are forged from disruptive family and issues in their households (Bellemare,Lepage, and Shearer, 278). These create requirement for the individuals to join a group and feel wanted within the peer group. This desperation to fit into the main stream paradigm causes the people to indulge in acts to fit into the group.
People in the society have an innate need to fit into the group is the main reason for indulging in activities that is beyond the comfort zone of the people. These are nuanced implications must be factored in this paradigm. These kinds of peer pressure can be broadly divided into three main categories. People like to be connected to a close-knit social group. The causes of the Peer pressure are can be broadly divided into three kinds of influences. They are normative influence, informational influence and facilitative influence.
Normative influence is how the people start to function normally. This is the kind of pressure that the individuals feel to connect and fit into the group. Individuals try to develop the habits that are common within the peers to address many of the issues. These are helpful in the development of certain habits. For example, if an individual wants to fit into a group and individual consumes alcohol to fit into the group. The people must comprehend and understand the nuanced implications to fit into the group. These are the important factors that must be considered. They could follow the act of drinking even though it is known to the people that this act is detrimental to their health. However, the individual chose to drink are found to be based on this notion of fitting in with the people. Informational influence is another category when the individuals feel a little more different. In this, the individuals feel that their own information or preferences would be better or even different form the group. There is preference towards the action of certain groups.
The next kind of influence is the facilitative influence. These are done to encourage certain kinds of behaviors in the group. A number of information must be factored considered in this paradigm. This is a more complex kind of behavior that is initiated to fit into the group of people. In the modern times, the development of Internet and social media technologies has promulgated newer kinds of peer pressure.
Age is also an important factor for the influences of peer pressure. The adolescent children are more vulnerable (Esen & Gündoğdu 30). They want to fit into the group of their peers. They are also not mentally equipped to deal with the issues of the adult world. This is a confusing period. The change from a child to an adult causes them to feel the brunt of these issues. It is during this time that the children must have a system in place to address their emotional insecurity. This is the most vulnerable group of people. If the families are not supportive and the adolescent children have emotional issues, they are more prone to be under the negative peer influence. These are the main reason for the individuals to develop peer pressure. These need to be addressed to derive a solution to deal with any detrimental habit of people (Esen & Gündoğdu 30). Hence, the emotional requirements of the people cause them to act in ways that are beyond their comfort zone.

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First CDO was introduced in 1987 by Michael Milken by constructing a portfolio of junk bonds issued by various organizations. After that, various other financial firms started constructing CDO’s by forming portfolio of fixed income generating assets such as auto loans, home loans, student loans, credit card loans, etc.
First of all, commercial bank retail or commercial bank approves a loan like home loan, car loan, and credit card loan for individuals or business organizations. These loans might be approved by these banks on lenient terms. After approval, these loans are sold to the investment bank which pools a number of loans and repackages them in a financial product called CDO. These CDO’s are then sold to the investors. Payments received by the commercial banks in form of interest and principal are redirected by them to the investor. In this process, the commercial bank transfers the risk to the investors. In case there is default on payment of the said loan, a large portion of risk is transferred by banks to the investors which are generally large hedge funds or pension funds.
CDO’s is separated and categorized in rated tranches on the basis of level of risk of the underlying loan. There are two types of tranches i.e. senior tranches and junior tranches. Senior tranches are the safest as they have the first claim to the assets in case of default in payment of loans. Junior tranches are riskier hence they provide higher rate of return to compensate for higher level of risk.
Each CDO is provided with a debt rating by the credit rating agencies. There are majorly four kinds of credit rating for the CDO. CDO with lowest risk is given AAA rating; These CDOs are last to be effected by loan default risk and first to receive interest and principle payments. Middle tranches are assigned credit ratings ‘AA” and ‘BB’ whereas lowest rated tranches are called equity tranches.
Generally, it is very rare for an individual person to acquire a CDO. These are generally purchased by large investors such as banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, investment managers, retirement funds, pension funds etc. These intuitions invest in these CDO’s in lieu of higher returns in accordance with the accepted level of risks. These CDO’s are very beneficial in case of strong or consistent economy as the chances of loan default in such economy is very low.
There are majorly five parties in a CDO construction. These parties are as follows-
Investment banks and commercial banks- firstly, commercial bank approves a loan like home loan, car loan, credit card loan for individuals or business organizations and sell it to investment bank. Investment banks repackage them into CDO’s.
Rating agencies- these agencies are responsible for assessing a CDO on the basis of risk and assign a rating to them.
Investors- these are the parties who invest in CDO’s. Investors usually include banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, investment managers, retirement funds, pension funds, etc.
CDO manager- manager is responsible for selecting collateral and manage CDO’s.
Financial guarantor’s – These are the institutions which ensure repayment and reimburse for any loss incurred by the investor (Coval et al., 2009).

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Facilities: Factors like the size, floor space and provision for expansion are major facility designs. Other factors like cost of transportation, distance to market, supply of labour and energy resources also determine the company’s capacity and smooth performance (Chang, 2016). The facilities provided by KPU libraries like the quiet study area, the computer lab, 93 computers, 8 study tables and 8 study rooms, can be utilized by 230 students.
Products or services Mix: Greater capacity depends on process improvements that increase firm’s productivity and output’s quality. The services provided by KPU Library are: lending books to students, providing them study rooms and computer systems with internet access, providing printing and scanning facilities and issuing student cards.
Human factors: Certain jobs require specific tasks to be completed. The array of activities, the training, skills and expertise, experience of employees etc. All these factors affect the output produced by a company in turn affecting its capacity (Chang, 2016). The output rate is also impacted by behavioural factors like motivation of employees, absenteeism and labour turnover. For KPU library, the capacity limitation is on weekends, intersession and university holidays when the staff members and teachers are on leave along with the students.
Planning and Operational factors: When there are differences in an organization’s equipment capabilities and job requirements, operational issues arise (Wisner, 2016). For example, scheduling problems are due to number of shifts per day, differences in job requirements, inventory stocking decision, purchase requirements, late deliveries, quality inspection and control procedures. KPU aims at continuously improving its planning and operational activities like:
Upgradation of hardware and software every 4-5 years
Constant renewal of study material- books, DVDs etc.
It has various quality tools to keep quality in check like Library of Congress (LC) Classification system, Proquest EBook Central etc.
External factors: Keeping the quality and performance standards to a minimum may restrict the options of utilizing and enhancing capacity for management (Chang, 2016). For example, in KPU, a librarian may benefit from job enlargement by performing several different tasks apart from just lending books. This will reduce boredom and increase motivation to do things better at work as the librarian would be exposed to different functions like having technicians for repairing printers and replenish printing supplies etc.

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In order to survive the competitive environment and discover creative inventions, different types of strategy need to be implemented which is discussed below:
Balanced Scorecard:
Through the medium of this strategy, organizations are able to create high-level objectives and goals along with measurement and initiatives to accomplish the same. This strategy would be very helpful for new start-ups experience contingencies during incorporation process.
Strategy Map:
This strategy is totally focused on communicating the objectives and goals to the professionals who further perform accurately and flourish the desired requirements. Organizations creating a positive or favourable link between balanced scorecard and strategy map would grow in a systematic manner.
Gap development:
Organizations would be able to understand the steps required to be implemented in order to fulfil the vision by comparing the performance and current position of the enterprise. Moreover, this strategy also points out the internal and external loopholes so to become more superior and advanced in the market place.
Value creating strategies:
Strategies should create value for the organization and provide benefits to every stakeholder involved in the same. While strategies like six sigma enable the organization to understand the perspective of the customers, total quality management would enhance the internal condition of the enterprise.
Discussion and Analysis
Assessment of significance and limitations of strategic management
Creation of strategy is more of a mandatory rather than alternative in order to shed difficulties and identify the profitable opportunities. Apart from securing the position of the organization, strategic management mainly consist of following advantages:
Lack of intervention of Board of Directors
Interference of BOD is problematic and disturbs the entire credibility of the enterprise while performing the trading operations. This often misdirects the organization and puts negative impact towards the goodwill of the enterprise (Antoniou and Ansoff, 2014). Moreover, with the implementation of strategic management, involvement and obligations of BOD are reduced which further enable the managers to supervise the operations appropriately.
Assist towards decision making procedures
Strategies rebuilt the loopholes of the enterprise, assist towards producing profitable, and result oriented decisions in an appropriate manner. Further, it divides the vision and mission of the enterprise into SMART goals which are quite easier to achieve by respective professionals or workers. Creation of cordial bond between executive director and the workers are also one of the major highlights of strategic management. Moreover, strategies which are built after observing the internal condition of the organization are directed to enhance the participation level of the employees and impact the creativity of the marketing professionals.

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The purpose of the research is to formulate a multimodal strategy that can assist the teachers that handle students with English as their secondary languages.
There are two gaps identified by the researchers that have enabled them to conduct this research. These are as follows (Walsh et al, 2015):
– The rapid globalization that has alteration in demography
– Rapid spread of digital communication forms to enhance the interaction which seems to convey a combination of right and wrong information.
With the delivery of a multimodal strategy, it is possible to address the demographic shifts as well as deliver the essential information to the concerned students. Four categories of people have been identified by the authors to understand the difference – indigenous population, recent immigrants, Australia born students and refugees. These groups seemed to have greater differences in their languages and approaches. As a result, English is regarded as a dialect and an additional language for the students to develop their knowledge.
The research context has been chosen rightly. It is set for a third grade classroom where the students belong to varied backgrounds and are adapting in unique languages. The concept of using wiki and localized website to instruct and support students on a social science topic is fresh. The students are exposed to five week experiment to study their responses. Based on the information collected from wiki and their respective blogs, students were asked to prepare a video which was used as a medium to analyse the understanding.
The enthusiastic presentation clearly displayed their eagerness and thorough insights gained from the lesson. Consequently, the problem lied in the quality of language. The content displayed a lack of vocabulary and poor expertise which led to blank explanations and repetitive words like stuff. The advantage of this idea was that many kids were excited about the use of visual effects and gestures that helped them to learn better than the conventional forms of learning.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的加拿大论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



A business structure sets the foundational base of an organization and there are different approaches of organizational structure available for them. These are selected based on business requirements and preferences. The level to which a business lays emphasis either on organic or mechanistic system can have substantial variations. There can be relatively mechanistic systems in context with dimensions such as period of control, command chain, impersonality, procedures, rules, centralization and authoritative hierarchy. On the other hand, the organic system lays emphasis on the competence of individual employees, instead of their formal position across the hierarchical level. This involves the empowerment of employees for specifically dealing with major uncertainties involved.
During its initial operations, Cisco followed a mechanistic structure which lacked significant effectiveness. In the current scenario, Cisco has an organic structure in which the innovative ideas of lower management are strongly considered. Cisco has taken over an approach of organic structure in which there is involvement of lower managers in the process of decision making. This helps various business divisions and teams in implementing their innovations and ideas aligned with the long-term strategies. In the case of Cisco, there are multiple working groups, boards, councils and teams involved for the creation of vast internal integrated structures. This is allowing the company to make decisions at a faster speed referring to the right personnel for ensuring the agility of Cisco. This complex structure of Cisco supports it for entering new markets at a quicker rate. The key emphasis of Cisco is laid upon cross functional teaming and horizontal integration for enhancing the scope of agility.
Suitability of the Organizational Structure
The organic approach of organizational structure can be considered suitable for Cisco as the company grows from this structure in terms of direction, delegation, collaboration and coordination. In following a mechanistic structure, top ten corporate managers of Cisco worked collaboratively for developing strategies of new product design. Further ahead, orders were sent down by top management to lower hierarchy work force for implementing the main ideas. As a result of the organic approach, all of the top divisional managers do not have to compete for obtaining rightful resources and authority. With the approach of organic structure, Cisco enjoys the ability of sharing responsibilities and taking credit for the success of one another. Further ahead, the company is able to maintain strong social control instead of formal control. By the provision of more authorities and responsibilities for different divisions and teams in an organization, the creation of faster responses is possible in the case of decision making. This further supported the quicker establishment of new products related to an organization. As a result, the company successfully enjoys the benefits of increased agility and enhanced innovation (Galbraith, 2014). The most common attribute of mechanistic system is centralization while shared decision making and decentralization is crucially embedded in the case of organic system. There is distribution and better organization of regulations and rules from the headquarters to each and every department and office while reporting on individual basis across the hierarchy. Hence, it can be concluded that the organic structure is highly suitable perceiving the vast global operations of Cisco.

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Manmade environments change the natural environment. Sometimes they threaten the ecosystem life directly and at other times might cause changes indirectly. For example, Man-made creations alter shorelines. Some of the altered shorelines are modifications made for the purpose of original structures such as seawalls and docks etc. Studies done on Florida coastal waters are already wary about rising toxic levels (McDonald et al., 1996). Sediment samples drawn from the shorelines of Florida highlight an inherent problem. Sediment quality indicates high levels of eco-toxins
The nature shoreline is polluted because of the alternations made for these constructions. Sometimes coves and small pocket beaches might change when these constructions are done. Usually metal, wood and cement are used as fillers in such cases. Research is divided when it comes to altered shorelines. Some manmade constructions are quintessential for life and shorelines have to be modified accordingly. Even in the modification of shorelines, governments usually take care to check the form of marine life, diversity and ecosystem effects that could be in the shoreline. Only when it is decided that the altered shoreline might have less diversity or significance in terms of natural habitats for sea creatures and the like, then attempts would be made for creating the natural environment.
There is some direct impact because of manmade structures near the shorelines. For instance, the structures would result in problems of natural segmentation occurrence within the area. Leeching of the sand occurs here. Erosion effects could be more than the natural erosion and at this point becomes a problem. Where natural erosion is replaced by sudden man made erosion effects, and then shoreline seawalls change. Increased erosion will degrade the vegetation and supportive dunes. The shore becomes more vulnerable to savage without these. Manmade structures such as houses or harbours could both result in lessening compaction of the slopes and the weakened slopes gradually suffer slope failure if they are not buttressed with other support. Slumping of the slope occurs.
Environmental aspects as connected to economy and society
Tourism is observed to be one of the fastest growing industries and yet it is tourism that has a very severe impact on the environment. From shorelines beaches to natural environments on the land, it could be said that tourism has the most significant impact on the environment. Now, although the rapid expansion part of tourism cannot be altered, countries around the world are selective of how they construct the tourism experience (Neto, 2003). Sustainable tourism in this context assists in the protection of the environment, and reduces adverse impact to the environment. Similar efforts taken in the context of tourism because of beach areas and coastal shorelines could minimize impact. While these are direct effects, there are indirect effects. Firstly, tourism directly connects to economic development of the place. As a result, more jobs are created in the place. When more jobs are created, then the place gets a significant economic boost with the real estate values going up. More people migrate to the place and settle down there leading to urban expansions in the coastal areas, which burden the coastal areas (Burak et al., 2004).

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In the case of the Bell Scandal, secrecy, fear and intimidation was operating in the city halls of the southeast L.A. County operated. Politicians with unscrupulous intent had an advantage in this stem. The immigration fears of the people were used to intimidate the people. The immigrants do not have a legal status to vote in the nation and they use these tactics to control the people. The city hall members fear that the government will not reprieve their issues if they take a stand. The larger percentage in the towns of Cudahy, Bell, Maywood, Huntington Park and South Gate was made of immigrants.
The governmental authorities used their legal status to control the people. This led to a major scandal where the City Manager Robert Rizzo was allegedly paid $800,000 a year as salary compensation. Later it was revealed that he was paid more than 1.5 million in yearly remuneration (Thompson 230). This was a very high remuneration for a city official. This was a scandalous event that brought to the foray the different issues that are encountered by the people on a daily basis. The scandal had impacted the growth of the cities and caused detriment to all the stakeholders in the process (Van Prooijen and van Lange 18). The actual betrayal by the government, use of techniques and the ways in which the people responded to these issues are detailed below.
People in different geographical locations want to trust the government. The people are fundamentally looking for authoritative bodies that are transparent and fair (Thompson 8). The governing bodies also try to alleviate the fear of the people stating that they work for the people. In these dynamics, there is a cozy relationship that develops where the people hope that their fears are alleviated and feel that their basic needs would be met by the government (Thompson 10).
The issue that arises is that in certain cases, there are some actors who work against the fundamental fairness of the people. A system is created where the actual actions of the people are nebulous. The governmental authorities use the people in order to make them succumb to their greed. There is a myth that the government creates to meet these demands of the people.
In this analysis, the case study of the Bell Scandal event will be used to probe into the notions of the myth of government.

People expected to be served from the government. Once this is met, there is a more cohesive society. In the cases where it is not possible, there will be the leading to chaos in the society. The people are found to face a system that is against their interest. These cause the people in the communities to worsen their quality of life. They are not allowed to grow. This stifling of the growth of the people causes certain level of backlash (Bartlett 71). In this system where there is not enough meeting of the issue, there is chaos in the society. The people use the tool of voting to address these concerns of the people. With respect to daily financial affairs, it was provided by the charter than any unnamed city employee should be compiling a monthly based statement for all disbursements. This should be done under the provision of city council.
The Bell charter should not be having a mechanism of enforcement established within it. However, it is power of City Council for enforcing all ordinances of Bell and the code of Bell. The City Council may consider issuing subpoenas while compelling to produce evidences and the witnessed testimony within the oath. However, in practical terms, it seems that no role was played by the City Council to enforce potential ethic breaches or investigate corruption or fraud.

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