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The teacher had used the simple technique of dialogue to engage with the students and instil confidence in the minds of the students. One of the most highlighting aspects of the teacher teaching is the use of the message redundancy. The students are discussion about the nuances of the person who would have posted a particular sign or advertisements. It was a simple concept that is used to connect with the students.
The teacher was able to give mini summaries of their speech and this enabled the students to recapitulate the message that was being disseminated by the teachers. There was recasting of the efforts. In this process, the teacher was able to reformulate the student’s phrases using words in a collaborative effort. The teacher did undertake wait times process to hear the voices of all the students in her class. The direction of the classes was given by the teacher in a natural process and in the manner of speech.
The teacher uses a number of techniques to communicate different viewpoints. There was the facial expression that was welcoming to the students to listen about the views of the students. The teacher was available emotionally to the students. She helped them articulate and also encouraged the students to make further discussions. There were also the factors of making eye contact with the students to make them aware of the classes (Stacey & Gerbic, 2008). The teacher did not use a number of voice modulations. Rather the teacher used the techniques of discussing with the students to make them more aware.
The vocabulary of the teacher is simple. This is because the teacher wants to connect with the students and be a part of their learning process. This is evident in the ways in which the teacher discusses about the ideology. The teacher instilled confidence in the minds of the students by encouraging to talk more and made them vocal about their views. These are evident in the process. The teacher did not aid in the students in the pronunciation process. She wanted the students to learn the subject and make them comfortable in the English language and did not make any pointed gestures towards the mistake. She was being casual to enable the students to learn the subject.
An important role is played by the student in this scheme. The student role is explored in the following.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!


在本篇英语论文代写-古柯面临的激烈竞争分析中可以看到,古柯的目标是成为一个以增长为导向的企业,并有能力适应消费者行为的快速变化。企业社会责任的创新范围和增强的活动将增强其在高度复杂和不断变化的环境中获得成功和保持竞争优势的能力。该公司长期以来一直面临着来自百事可乐的激烈竞争。可口可乐在应对这场竞争战争的过程中,掩盖了各种非生态友好的行为。百事相当重视其优质产品的优先级,然后建立重要的电子商务存在(Crespy & Miller, 2011)。该公司面临来自百事、Dr Pepper和Snapple等公司的激烈竞争。由于消费者的变化趋势,可口可乐将面临巨大的脆弱性,但公司有一个本地的客户群。因此,这种风险是相当温和的。接下来有关英语论文代写-古柯面临的激烈竞争分析如下:

Coca has the intention of becoming a business in orientation of growth and with the ability of adapting to quick changes in the behaviour of consumer. The innovative scope and enhanced activities of CSR will enhance its ability to succeed and retain competitive edge through the highly complex and changing environment (Crittenden et al., 2011).
External Threats
The company is facing strong competition from Pepsi since ages. While dealing with this competitive war, Coca Cola has been covering up various non-ecologically friendly behaviours. Pepsi is considerably focused on the prioritization of its premium products followed by the establishment of significant e-commerce presence (Crespy & Miller, 2011).
Porter’ Five Forces Analysis
Rivalry of competition: The Company faces strong competition from companies like Pepsi, Dr Pepper and Snapple. Due to shifting trends of consumer, Coca Cola will face significant vulnerability but there is a local customer base of the company. Therefore, this risk is considerably moderate.
Threat from new entries: The Company has strong presence in the market with vast competitive landscape due to which threat from new entries is low.
Bargaining power of customers: This threat is high because customers have a number of healthier and better options for beverages such as fresh juices, smoothies, coffee and other better beverages.
Bargaining power of suppliers: The Company has strong and long relations with its suppliers and there are a number of suppliers available as well. Therefore, this threat is moderate.
Threat from substituted product: Pepsi is a substitute of Coca Cola. Therefore, this threat is considerably high as Pepsi shares cut-throat competition with Coca Cola.

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在这篇代写essay-Netflix公司成功的关键分析中详细概述了Netflix在满足投资者和分析师的期望、超出市场预期并将其股价推向新高方面所面临的困难。这种在如此短的时间内实现的强劲增长甚至让华尔街的分析师们感到惊讶。他们有理由宣称,Netflix可能凭借这一表现成为娱乐业最宝贵的财富。Netflix成功的关键是它以内容为中心的方法来赢得客户。在21世纪的媒体格局中,丰富的内容对于形成强大的网络和强大的渠道至关重要。Netflix的人员需求基于运营效率、市场知识、与观众沟通、发展和管理用户基础,以及对不断变化的市场和客户行为的警惕(McCord, 2014)。Netflix的首席内容官特德·萨伦多斯(Ted Sarandos)用他富有远见的招聘政策证明,一个有能力发现每一个机会的领导者是至关重要的。Ted认为雇佣一个经验丰富的专业人士并不能带来商业上的创新。因此,像Netflix这样的公司应该雇佣一些有创意的人,他们有合理的营销经验、很强的分析能力、对细节的洞察力、优秀的书面和沟通技巧,来设计无与伦比的内容策略。这些策略应该能够与目标受众产生共鸣,从而达到最佳效果。接下来有关代写essay-Netflix公司成功的关键分析如下:

Half the battle is one if you have the right people on board working as a team. The staffing needs of Netflix are based on operational efficiency, market knowledge, connect with the audience, development and management of subscriber base and vigilance towards changing markets and customer behaviour (McCord, 2014). Ted Sarandos, the chief content officer of Netflix, proved with his visionary hiring policies that it is essential to have a leader capable of identifying every opportunity that comes his way. Ted believes that hiring a highly experienced professional would not be able to bring about innovation in business. Hence, companies like Netflix should hire creative individuals with reasonable experience in marketing, strong analytical abilities, an eye for detail and excellent written and communication skills to design unparalleled content strategies. These strategies should be able to resonate with the target audience to achieve best results.

Steaming has become a basic need in today’s digital world, whether you are travelling, at home or on a vacation. It is a life saver for parents with small children as these sites are best mode of entertainment for children anywhere and anytime (Jenner, 2016). The availability of on demand streaming on the device of your choice at any time and on any location, is addictive, exciting and highly comforting. Netflix connects with this need of its audience and offers them what they expect. It understands the value of this facility and strives to provide the best service in order to increase retention of subscribers over time.

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在本篇essay代写-有关《公司法》中董事管理人员的规定中,正在考虑《公司法》第183条的适用。第183条就信息的使用以及董事、其他高级职员和雇员应遵守的义务作出了规定。在给定的案例场景中,有许多被察觉到的违规行为,ASX调查了与信息滥用相关的问题,董事、管理人员或员工试图为自己和他人获取优势(Harris, 2008)。根据《2001年公司法》(Cth)第180(1)条,信息的正确使用是他们应该以应有的谨慎和勤勉行事。他们必须为了公司的最大利益和正当的目的而行动,而不是滥用他们在公司的权力或地位。因此,由于他们担任公司董事或高级职员而获得的信息必须受这些因素的约束,如果他们没有这样做,就可以说他们对这些信息的使用不当。这是公司董事的情况,他们对信息的使用不当。接下来有关essay代写-有关《公司法》中董事管理人员的规定分析如下:

Now this is applicable to only Mr. Foster and Mr. Dawes who is Directors of the company and can be considered to have duties equal to an officer. However Mr. Huckenfusser cannot be considered as an officer of the company. He is an audio visual technician who in assisting with the board meetings was present in the meetings and hence had come across the information. So he does not satisfy this criterion.

The proper use of information according to Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) s 180(1) is that they should act with due care and diligence. They have to act in the best interests of the company and for a proper purpose and not to misuse their power or position within the company. Information obtained on account of their position as a director or officer of the company hence must be governed by these elements and when they have not done so, it could be said that they have made improper use of that information. This is the case with the Directors of the company, and they have made improper use of the information.

Mr. Foster has made improper use of information as he has passed on information as intelligence to his new company. Similarly, Mr. Dawes had made use of this information in an improper way, by calling up his wife and asking her to buy the shares and asking her to sell it when in a subsequent meeting. The move to purchase was called off. Mr. Huckenfusser has made use of the information as a way to get out of his debt. So he knows that the information is of advantage and although he did not profit directly, by his improper use of that information has profited.

In the case of Mr. Foster and Mr. Dawes, the profit was for them and in the case of Mr. Huckenfusser. The profit was for both him and Mrs Duck. Mr. Huckenfusser profited because his debt was getting cancelled and Mrs Duck make a profit by buying and selling the shares at the right time.

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通过文书代写-公司为儿童提供保护服务的战略优势可以看出,SAF框架讨论了操作的适宜性、可接受性和可行性。经营的适宜性涉及公司的整体战略和理性。SWOT分析可以作为衡量适用性的一个重要变量。在这种情况下,公司的优势在于品牌形象和对婴幼儿的保护服务。机会的领域是通过多样化利用品牌的存在,弱点是内部沟通,公司的威胁来自市场的外部竞争。因此,为儿童提供全面的护理是一个合适的战略,它关注于改善机会和应对外部竞争的威胁(Vomberg, Homburg, and Bornemann, 2015)。该公司可以发展竞争优势并在市场中维持下去。通过建立会员计划,可以改善为公司克服资金问题的融资方式。在这个过程中,他们可以雇佣和培训更多的员工(Morden, 2016)。因此,多样化的服务被认为是适合这种情况的,接下来有关文书代写-公司为儿童提供保护服务的战略优势分析如下:

SAF framework discusses about the suitability, acceptability and feasibility of the operations. Suitability of the operation deals with the overall strategy and rational of the company. The SWOT analysis can be used as an important variable to measure the suitability. In this case, the strength of the company is the brand image and the services it renders towards protection of infants. The areas of opportunity are to leverage the presence of the brand by diversification, weaknesses are the internal communication and the threats of the company are from the external competition in the markets. Owing to this, providing holistic care for the child is a suitable strategy that focusses on improving the opportunity and addressing the threats of external competition (Vomberg, Homburg, and Bornemann, 2015). The company can develop a competitive advantage and sustain in the markets. By creating membership programs, there can be improvement in the ways of funding overcoming the issues of money for the company. They can hire and train more staff in this process (Morden, 2016). Hence, the diversification of services is deemed to be suitable in this condition.
Feasibility of the operation is conducting a break-even analysis. From this analysis, the issues of funding can be addressed by creating membership programs (Chen, and Miller, 2015).
The parents of infants want to ensure the safety of the children. When the strategy is to improve the ways to provide safety and the well-being of the child, there will be little conflict in the stakeholders. The issues of funding is also addressed in this methodology. Owing to this, the investors will not be worried about the company. There will be an overall boost in the employee owing to the fact that their financial needs will be met along with doing service for the community. Thus, the acceptability of diversification will also be met in these condition.
Even if the companies meet the SAF framework to implement changes, there should be alternative contingency plans that the company should develop in case of failure of the current plan.
There should also be the development of alternative contingency plans that the company should focus. There should be alternative distribution channels that they should draw in case of failure of the diversification plan. The company should focus on leveraging the presence of the brand in the current markets.

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本篇加拿大essay代写-滚石乐队的专辑《钢铁车轮》,1989年,Air工作室录制了《钢铁车轮》。它是由克里斯·金赛和微光双胞胎共同制作的。这张专辑的主打单曲是“Mixed Emotions”。米克、基思和罗尼弹着吉他。这是一张回归的专辑,表达了友谊的情感和治愈的过程。由钢轮开发的仪器版本也被生产。滚石乐队是20世纪60年代的偶像。然而,乐队解散了,乐队中的每个表演者都建立了自己独特的身份。他们不能像以前那样获得评论界的赞扬。这张专辑是银行的回归专辑。这些歌曲中回响的是20世纪60年代的怀旧情绪。接下来有关加拿大essay代写-滚石乐队的专辑《钢铁车轮》提供给大家阅读。

Steel Wheels was recorded in 1989 by the Air Studios. It was co-produce by Chris Kimsey and Glimmer Twins. The lead single of this album was “Mixed Emotions”. This featured Mick, Keith and Ronnie on the guitar. This was a comeback album that resonated the sentiments of friendships and healing process. The instrumental versions developed by Steel Wheels were also produced. Rolling Stones was an icon in 1960s. However, the band split and each performer in the band had established their unique identity. They were not able to gain critical acclaim as they did earlier. This album was a comeback album for the bank. The sentiments that were echoed in the songs were nostalgia in the 1960s. Each song was about emotions of the band members. There were the emotions of anger, nostalgia, friendship and conflicting emotions of the band members. The appeal of the song leads to a wider far reaching audience. There were operatic overtimes and an interesting element of pop vocal chords that was incorporated. It belonged to the pop and the R&B genre of music. This was a risky move at that time owing to how the music industry expected to have certain conventional norms (Paterson, 2016).. Perhaps the most interesting challenge was the placement of how vocal and its fusion with the music. It is evident that this music was a paradigm change in how the music was presented to the audience. Particularly, Jagger and Richards’ opinions about the construction of music were evident in the way it was portrayed. There is an interesting ambivalent stand that can be observed in this case. These emotions were evident in the album. The 1960s band was able to reconnect with the audience. This was owing to the fact that they had been able to mix the latest technology and also bring emotions of the 1960s. This interesting combination led to the success. One of the main reasons for bringing out the emotions and sentiments was the way in which the songs were arranged and emotions were exemplified. This was largely due to the efforts of the sound engineer. The specific techniques used by Michael Brauer to exemplify the emotions have been explored in the following sections.

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在本篇代写论文网站-可口可乐公司出现道德问题的案例分析中,2006年,可口可乐公司出现了道德问题。54家美国装瓶商提起诉讼,反对可口可乐及其最大的装瓶商CCE- Coca-Cola enterprises。可口可乐的案例研究证明,由于跨国公司面临冲突,他们改变了企业社会责任的规则。可口可乐战略修订的一个共同方面是,他们打算在商业层面实现特定的道德目标。除了解决当前的问题外,两家公司的可持续发展报告还包括了各自的企业社会责任政策。接下来有关代写论文网站-可口可乐公司出现道德问题的案例分析如下:

In the year 2006, Coca-Cola had problems related to moral concerns. 54 of the US bottlers filed a court cases in opposition to Coke and the biggest bottler of the business, CCE- Coca-Cola enterprises. The issue was that Coca-Cola directly started distributing “Powerade” to Wal-Mart through CCE and other distributors who saw breach of territory contracts. Though Coca-Cola stated that it was for the best interest of the clients, it lost the case. After that, there was a 7% rise in market share by “Powerade” drink made by Coca-Cola. It was a damage of reputation but economies of scale. Virtue theory lays stress on the motivation of activities as per self-interest or the interest of other people. Besides, it assesses the nature of the person and a company altogether with respect to its corporate culture. Virtues are encouraging attributes, while vices- the contrary of virtues- are depressing attributes. Currently, the business has made ethical structure by its code of ethics, sustainable policies, vision statement and raised governance. This structure includes the theory of Kantian ethics and Rawls social justice.

The case studies of Coca-Cola give proof that due to the multinationals facing a conflict, they transformed their CSR rules. A common aspect of Coca-Cola’s strategy amendments is the setup of particular ethical aims that they intend to attain at business level. Apart from resolving the present issues, the sustainability reports of both the firms include their respective CSR policies.

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在本篇加拿大essay代写-权力在买卖双方关系中的重要性中得知,权力是买卖双方关系及其结果中最重要的方面,但与相互信任和个人关系相比,权力就不那么重要了。在这个竞争激烈的市场,市场是开放的,每个人都有平等的机会和多种选择,权力的概念正在减少。在这种背景下,相互信任和理解比在买方和供应商关系中的权力主导更重要。目前,有几个商业组织拥有类似类型的产品和服务(Wang, 2011)。因此,买家有很多选择。此外,在这种情况下,组织必须依赖于他们的客户关系、品牌认知度和品牌价值。他们必须努力提高公司的声誉,同时提高客户对公司的信任。它有助于改善买方和供应商的关系,从而影响有利于组织的关系的结果。接下来有关加拿大essay代写-权力在买卖双方关系中的重要性分析如下:

However, several kinds of literatures are advocated in favour of power and states that power is the most important aspect of a buyer-supplier relationship and its outcome, but the power is not so important in comparison to the mutual trust and personal relationship. In this competitive market, where the market is open, and everyone has equal opportunity and multiple options, the concept of the power is decreasing. In this context, the mutual trust and understanding are more important than the power dominance within the buyer and supplier relationship. Currently, there are several business organizations that have similar types of products and services (Wang, 2011). Hence, the buyers have many options. Moreover, in this context, the organization must depend on their customer relationship, brand recognition and brand value. They must try to improve the reputation of the company as well to enhance the trust of the customers upon the company. It helps in improving the buyers and suppliers’ relationship and thus influencing the outcome of the relationship in favour of the organization. The expulsion of Tesco Plc can be given in this context to support the statement. The company Tesco Plc. is one of the leading retailers of the UK as well as a significant name among the renowned global retailers. The company provides utmost emphasis on the customers and tries to develop effective strategies to support customers’ satisfaction.
The company Tesco Plc. has introduced loyalty card for its customers. It is able to maintain a large database of their customers, and offers special discount and rebates to their customers on their special days. In this way, acquiring a good relationship with the customers means it supports in enhancing the trust of the customers on the company. They use to buy their required items from Tesco and the productivity of the company increases with the profitability. In this way, the company can create a large and loyal customers’ base, which is considered as the most treasured strength of the company (Weele, 2015).
Hence, it can be stated that mutual trust is more important than the dominant power in the buyer-supplier relationship and outcome.
Apart from this, it is evident in some incidents that behavioural imposition is more important in comparison to the power throughout the negotiation with the suppliers in the upstream. The business organizations are hugely dependent on the suppliers who supply the required raw materials to the company. The quality and rate of the raw material are significant and play a vital role in the product development of the company. Hence, in this context, the business organizations have to maintain a healthy and sound relation with the suppliers so that the suppliers deliver the requisite raw materials to the organization within the time (Steele, 2009).

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Religion in contemporary context is fuelling the divide in culture groups, which is precisely because of the differences and increasing incompatibility among groups from different religions. For example, the result of multiculturalism arises due to globalization, capitalism and modernism which are making the divide visible so clearly that some religious communities and ethnic groups are blaming multiculturalism for the rise in war inclinations. It is observed from the strong resistance of European that citizens hold silent hatred to millions of refuges coming from Arab countries. This hatred is showcased in the incompatibility of the religious and ethnic worldviews, the dominant cultural traits, character traits, treatment of gender and children, orthodox and modernist beliefs among others. The best example is the constant and rising hatred between the Jews and Arabs. They, despite all efforts of conjoining, remain ideologically, religiously and operationally separate (Scott, 2001, pp. 25). The intensity of the discomfort is expressed sometimes in violent ways, speaks with clarity about the ethnic boundaries and their resistance to external disturbance by a group of different ethnicity.

Constant immigration of masses of remote and culturally incompatible ethnicities breeds discomfort and results in conservative policies, which can be seen from the rise of anti-liberal politics in Europe, Australia and the US. For example, Australian culture containing different ethnicities came together with a single objective to oppose multiculturalism, but when there is no influx of foreign ethnicity they remain comforted and relaxed in their individual ethnic groups (Fozdar, Wilding and Hawkins, 2009, pp. 108). This is an indication of the transcendent nature of the ethnic boundaries which is never dissolved by the ones who remain attached inherently to their roots and ethnic traits.

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An example for enterprise which implements this way through different business models is General Electric. It focuses on employing crowdsourcing innovation. This is seen in the Ecomagination project. This project was to develop a schema to address the environmental challenges. This project is a competition in which they allow start ups and inventors to show technologies that could help them improve their development of products and services about the smart grid. These results showed that GE received 4000 submissions and $100,000 cash rewards were given to five young firms and constituted strategic partnership with 12 others. Entrants are found to submit their ideas on website that GE provided and they need to show their technology and its value position and its potential to be linked with professional knowledge and technologies of GE (Mascioni, 2011). These ideas were judged by external advisers and GE executives including Wired’ s editor and venture capitalists on the basis of potential impact, feasibility and originality. Innovative ideas could be purchased and the idea’s production was manufactured through GE’s smart factory places. In this the members transfer their ideas into real products through machines and tools required. In total, 74000 people’s comments were obtained by GE and they have spent $ 17 billion on R&D and gained total revenues of $232 billion in the last decade.

Another example of open innovation is P&G which employs the way of external partners. These efforts directly led to the emergence of Connet + Develop website. This platform allows innovators to express their related needs and upload their innovative ideas, and create multiple partnership and related products. P&G’s COVERGIRL was partnering up with OraLabs to release a new lip balm, which avoided a time-consuming R&D process. Company regards time as money, especially with trendy products, therefore, COVERGIRL benefits from cooperation with OraLabs.

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