标签存档: 加拿大essay代写



The hotel can be vehemently benefitted with proper imposition of risk management to ensure accurate rendering of hospitality management. The potential non-compliance activities in the hotel premises by either the visitors or the employees can bear negative outcome for the market profitability of the hotel. The guests can take visitors to their room without any proper answerability in the reception that can incur unwanted incidents which will deteriorate the reputation of the hotel among the tourists. Lack of control over the hazardous activities like using a harmful chemical must be taken into account by the risk management team to sustain the market oriented hospitality services of the hotel. Otherwise, the liquidity of the hotel can be reduced that can prevent them to provide hospitality service with compactness.
The recommended controlling methods can be effective to eradicate every potential hazardous element from the service provision of the hotel. The acts of non-compliance with the safety policy of the hotel must be terminated and rectified by the officials. This would help to procure immense advancement in the service provision that will allow the hotel to achieve the organisational objectives of market captivation. The risk management team to offer a healthy and safe stay to the valuable visitors must control the hazardous incidents like the usage of subversive fume. The potential hazards and dissenting activities in the hotel can cause massive disbursement to the hotel whereas; proper controlling measurements can be helpful to acquire both organisational and financial prosperity.

论文范文essay代写-酒店风险管理的控制方法就为留学生分享到这里。加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供论文代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!


加拿大论文代写-现代中国文化的研究。中国文化被定义为具有深厚历史根源的东西。中国文化是独特的,具有深刻的哲学影响(Barme, 2000)。中国文化受到各方面的尊重。现代中国文化似乎融合了更多的个人主义和个人自主性。民主和科学比传统的智慧和对权威的尊重更重要。由此可见,文化是一种社会现象,它取决于我们作为人类的行为和互动方式。这是基于事件的主观本质(Coen, 2012)。由此可以理解,文化受到各种范式的影响,不能局限于单一范式。论文范文 加拿大论文代写-现代中国文化的研究分享给留学生阅读。

In cross-culture research, there are many models to describe traits of certain culture. Generally, there are two types of culture models: single dimension models and multiple dimension models. The single dimension models try to measure the culture by one variable, and multiple dimension models aim at describing the cultural by multiple variables (Morden, 1999).
Single dimension models include the high and low context culture model by Hall (1960), and the monochromic and polychromic cultural model by Lewis (1992). The most commonly-cited work in multiple dimension models is from Hofstede (1980).
Modern Chinese culture seems to incorporate more individualism and individual autonomy. There is more importance given to democracy and science instead of conventional wisdom and respect for authority. From this, it is quite clear that culture is a social phenomenon that depends on how we as humans behave and interact. This is based on the subjective nature of the events (Coen, 2012). From this, it can be understood that the culture is influenced by a variety of paradigm and cannot be constricted to a single paradigm.
Chinese culture is defined as something that has deep historical roots. Culture of Chins is unique and has deep influences of philosophy (Barmé, 2000). The Chinese culture is respected across the spectrum. Conventionally, culture of China is largely influenced by the Confucian policy. There is a lot of respect given to elders and they tend to follow the direction of the elders without questioning authority. In addition to this, the students in China may accept different status for acceptable activities of a student. They are very cautious in their words and try to avoid confrontation with elders or seniors in the organizations. Since this is the accepted norms and the seniors are considered to have more knowledge, it is expected that the next generation of people follow the established paradigms. In order to avoid hurting the sentiments of the elders in the society, they do not agree with a particular ideology. The students tend to stay silent to avoid any possibility of hurting people.

论文范文加拿大论文代写-现代中国文化的研究就为留学生分享到这里。加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供研究论文代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!




Governments in majority of the developing nations tend to face the challenge for meeting the increasing demand for better and new services of infrastructure. As there is limited availability of funding from traditional capacity and sources within the public sector for the implementation of a number of projects at one point of time, governments have identified that partnering up with the private sector can be considered as an attractive alternate for increasing and improving the supply of services in infrastructure (Newton, 2015). This partnership, mostly initiating by a lawfully bound contract or any other mechanism, have an agreement for sharing responsibilities in relation with management, operation and implementation of project of infrastructure. There are studies, which suggest that the entrepreneur’s ability to develop and execute effective strategies primarily determines the success. In comparison to conservative firms, entrepreneurial firms possess high scores on variables representing innovative products and marketing, innovative operations, human resources, proactive behaviour and competitive orientation, industry awareness, service/support, and long-term financial orientation (Prabhakar, 2009).

Under strategic factors, it is the innovation that defines entrepreneurship, which refers to the art of creativity and experimentation in the introduction of new products and/or new services in the market. Moreover, leadership in technology via research and development is also important in new processes. Proactive attitude is a forward looking perspective of an entrepreneur, who is seeking opportunity and starts working towards it before the competition arises by introducing new products and services in anticipation of future demand (Ramadan and Tu, 2012). Through literature, it can be concluded that successful entrepreneurs have proactive attitude, they take initiatives and are creative in order to identify the opportunity and in responding towards the opportunity. Therefore, they are the first to introduce new products and services to the market because of their proactive behaviour and it suggests that forward looking perspective is accompanied by innovative and new-venturing activity.

论文范文essay代写-项目商业案例的批判性分析就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此平台机构论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



The advantages of emerging market multinationals different from advanced multinationals in two aspects, namely country-specific advantages and firm-specific advantages . However, some scholars regard these advantages as assets. Narula, (2012) who stress the divergence between “advantage” and “asset”, argues that the term “location-specific assets” and “ownership-specific assets” are more accurate instead of “advantages” due to the fact that “location-specific advantages are taken to be relative in the sense of comparing assets between locations” (p190), which requires abundant information about a specific location. Also, firm-specific advantages could be faded out over time. In essence, no matter the term “advantage” or “asset” is exact, the unique characteristics of emerging market multinationals is determined by the traits of their country-of-origin and to what extent they can use for their own (Pheng, & Hongbin, 2006).

Due to the fact that developing countries are always imperfect, EMNCs can access to resource like low labour cost, capital and sometimes natural resources, which is one of the typical location-specific assets (Cuervo-Cazurra, & Genc, 2008). In the competitive global market, these assets enable EMNCs to taking into account both domestic market and foreign market. To be specific, EMNCs go global not so much for relocating activities as for improving and expanding local market. They set factories and produce goods at home market, in the meanwhile, establishing marketing subsidiaries and transfer goods abroad (Cuervo-Cazurra, 2007). From the view of Mathews (2006), advanced multinationals, which is so called incumbents, delay the entry to competitor in order to sustain their market advantages, while access to cheap resources build a bridge linking EMNCs with those incumbents. By alliance and joint venture, EMNCs finish its first step of internationalization, providing AMNCs with low cost semi-finished goods, at the same time, their low labour cost advantages can be leveraged (Mathews 2002).

論文范文代寫論文-新興市場跨國公司的優勢就為留學生分析到這裏。留學生論文寫作提升,可以找加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,此論文代寫平台擅長寫作科目廣泛,有碩士論文代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和信譽、豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!


The advantages of emerging market multinationals different from advanced multinationals in two aspects, namely country-specific advantages and firm-specific advantages . However, some scholars regard these advantages as assets. Narula, (2012) who stress the divergence between “advantage” and “asset”, argues that the term “location-specific assets” and “ownership-specific assets” are more accurate instead of “advantages” due to the fact that “location-specific advantages are taken to be relative in the sense of comparing assets between locations” (p190), which requires abundant information about a specific location. Also, firm-specific advantages could be faded out over time. In essence, no matter the term “advantage” or “asset” is exact, the unique characteristics of emerging market multinationals is determined by the traits of their country-of-origin and to what extent they can use for their own (Pheng, & Hongbin, 2006).

Due to the fact that developing countries are always imperfect, EMNCs can access to resource like low labour cost, capital and sometimes natural resources, which is one of the typical location-specific assets (Cuervo-Cazurra, & Genc, 2008). In the competitive global market, these assets enable EMNCs to taking into account both domestic market and foreign market. To be specific, EMNCs go global not so much for relocating activities as for improving and expanding local market. They set factories and produce goods at home market, in the meanwhile, establishing marketing subsidiaries and transfer goods abroad (Cuervo-Cazurra, 2007). From the view of Mathews (2006), advanced multinationals, which is so called incumbents, delay the entry to competitor in order to sustain their market advantages, while access to cheap resources build a bridge linking EMNCs with those incumbents. By alliance and joint venture, EMNCs finish its first step of internationalization, providing AMNCs with low cost semi-finished goods, at the same time, their low labour cost advantages can be leveraged (Mathews 2002).

論文范文代寫論文-新興市場跨國公司的優勢就為留學生分析到這裏。留學生論文寫作提升,可以找加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,此論文代寫平台擅長寫作科目廣泛,有碩士論文代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和信譽、豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!



Literature gap refers to the limitations of the research paper or any topic, not addressed in the paper. Sometimes, the researcher cannot get proper information about a topic.This wrong information is going to affect and they are unable to address the topic on the research paper. The researcher generally gather information from different sources such as different journals, books and research papers to complete a project, in spite of that it remains different gaps and limitations in the research paper regarding the cashless payment system. The researcher cannot explain the process by which the online transactions are made. The researcher cannot explain the problems regarding the internet related problems during the online transaction. Sometimes, the computer shows that the transaction failed but the certain amount of money gets already debited from the bank account. This is one more major problem of online transaction process. The researcher cannot identify the preventive measures regarding the problem. Hence, due to the focus on the advantages of cashless methods, this section lacks the discussion on the preventive methods of the disadvantages presented by cashless payment.、

China is one of the biggest and most developed countries in the world and the population of China is very high. This country’s economic and financial system of this country is very developed and upgraded. The government of China wants to move the transaction system from manual to cashless. There are different shopping malls and restaurants present in China, so the people of the country use different transaction modes in their daily lives. The majority of the people are using the cashless payment method for different purposes. Various types of tools are used in the Chinese market for meeting the purpose of the cashless transaction such as the electronic data capture machine, net banking, mobile wallet, RTGS and NEFT etc. While the inexperienced and the aged generation of people are facing troubles to use the cashless payment system but on the other hand, the younger age group seems to be more comfortable with the cashless system. There are some risk related problems for the online transaction but the problems are negligible. Because of that, the cashless payment system makes a huge response in the Chinese market. However, a generation perception of the Chinese public towards cashless payment has tried to be traced in this research. Moreover, the efforts of this research have been paid to divulge in this literature review the advantages as well as the barriers of cashless payment in alignment with the objectives of this research.

论文范文essay代写-中国无现金支付系统的研究就为留学生们分析到这里。加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供论文代写、essay代写、report代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!


essay代写-案例研究法。案例研究法被认为是非常有益的,因为它可以通过收集数据和存储数据为研究人员的分析提供定量和定性的支持(Eisenhardt和Graebner, 2007)。需要将纵向研究对象的各个方面理解为对定性数据分析很重要。分析的重要性不如为研究者提供帮助的各种案例研究的形式。案例研究法为各种证据提供了支持,可以通过讨论找出研究的目的。论文范文essay代写-案例研究法分享给留学生阅读。

The case study method has been noted to be hugely beneficial in how it can provide both quantitative and qualitative support to the analyses that are made by the researcher by collecting the data and storing the same(Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007). The aspects of longitudinal subjects would be required to be understood as important to the qualitative data analysis. The analysis is not as important as the forms of various case studies which provide assistance to the researcher. The case study method as such provides support to various evidence can be discussed in order to find out the objective of the research.
The benefits of analysing the qualitative data provide an elaborative understanding of the various findings. Simultaneously, it supports the analysis of the literature review and relates the findings to what have been considered as important to the development of the case study. The details with which the findings of the case studies can be related to the information that is gathered from the case study is also said to be hugely important. Particular improvements can be made about the various developments within the understanding of the strategies that would be required to be considered as being important to the behaviours of the changes(Easton, 2010). The benefit of being able to analyse data at micro-level is considered as one of the main aspects of choosing case study over other forms of research methods. The implication can be noted in how the various data can be effectively scrutinised in order to be able to understand the various ways in which a set of data and findings can be analysed in the most effective way possible.
There are other advantages of conducting research by case study as well. The first is the availability of the data within the context of use of the research. The case study might be used by understanding the underlying processes of the subject and identifying the needs of the texts which would help the readers to relate to the strategies that can be used while interpreting the text and making observations about the findings(Lewis, 2015). In this context, a case study provides considerable amount of benefits in terms of how it can provide major support to the research to focus on the problem and issue at hand, rather than being distracted by the consideration of the variables that are important to be noted in other forms of research.
As such, the case study methodology has been chosen in the present research so as to gain a holistic and real-life understanding of how organisational changes are facilitated among global companies. The example of Google has been chosen for the present study in order to understand the same, the findings from which would be later discussed in order to gain an understanding of the problem.

论文范文essay代写-案例研究法就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此平台论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有毕业论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



Understanding the positioning of Mrs. Higgins in the target market will need to be conducted as a three step process. Firstly, a competitor profile of Mrs. Higgins is presented. The competitor profile is presented in order to understand how the position of Mrs. Higgins is threatened in the market. The competitor profile attempts to show what form of threat exists for the company, and why it is necessary for Mrs. Higgins to strategize by newer service offerings and have marketing to back it up. Secondly the positioning of Mrs. Higgins is understood directly from a concept test and finding that is conducted with customers of Mrs. Higgins. This concept test and finding will further help in understanding the form of demographic preference given to Mrs. Higgins, and also if people are satisfied with Mrs. Higgins in general. The questions are also so framed to understand whether consumer would be attracted towards a coffee/tea style setting where cookies would be served. Finally based on competitor profile, the concept test findings and also secondary data available on the company online a SWOT analysis is conducted and the current positioning and state of the company is reported.

The Roy Morgan research study conducted on the bakery, snack and café style restaurants indicate that an average of 52 percent of people would visit the place, of this overall percentage, a majority are women. Women participants in the age group of 52.6 percent, 45.6 percent and more are seen to be present in this demographics. Similarly, in terms of the percentage that consumed cake and bakery products once again the major percentage was women.

Now considering the marketing advocacy that is being made for Mrs. Higgins, according to Roy Morgan research, 64.3% female respondents whose age between 35 and 49, had been to cafe for a tea or coffee last three months. Similarly, the research also presents that individuals might have visited the café from 12pm to 4 pm (Roy Morgan,2014). However, the people, especially women who bought a cookie in a shop is seen to be less. Now in terms of market analysis, this is hence a threat for the businesses such as that of Mrs. Higgins. However, the information could also be used as a strategic advantage for Mrs. Higgins, if Mrs. Higgins considers combining serving tea with cookies as a way to offset the sales issues.

论文范文论文代写-希金斯夫人在市场上的定位就为留学生分享到这里。中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!




Now that the materials and the shape of the propeller have been explained, there is a need to explain about the configuration of the propeller. In the case of propeller technology, it has been found that they have two possible configurations. These are the X configuration and the + configuration. These are developed based on the primary objective of the propeller technology. From this, the motor of the propeller has been determined. It is found that the rotational movement of the propeller is driven by utilization of the motor. The motor is found to attach itself to the propeller. There have been many kinds of propeller that exist in the markets. The most commonly used is the quadcopter. It has a brushless DC motor. It has been found that they are chosen over the DC motor, owing to the fact that the brushless type has been found to have higher speeds and a much lower power consumption. This is found to be the same during the normal type usage. The efficiency of the brushless kind of motor is found to be higher owing to the fact that there are no power losses in the brush transition within the DC motor. When the DC motor has been analyzed from a cross sectional perspective, it can be understood that there is no brush on the share which take care of the switching the direct of the power in the coils. Added to this, most of the brushless motors have found to have three fixed coils that are mounted to the center of the motors. There are a number of magnets that have a cylindrical rod which is attached to the rotating shaft. There is no real need for the brush in these motors owing to their configuration. These are the fundamental principles of the motors in the propeller. In the following section, there will be discussion of the propeller torque effect in detail. The related variables in contention is also discussed in detail in the following.

论文范文essay代写-螺旋桨配置及电机就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台机构擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



The English Art and Craft movement is one the famous movement in England in 19th century. This movement was composed of several guilds of artists based on various purposes. Some guilds were based on the purpose of teaching and learning art and craft techniques from each other, whereas others revolved around commercial purposes to market and sell artistic work of furniture designing. The artist of these guilds were also associated with political matters and held varying opinions. The most famous guild of the English Art and Craft Movement was Morris & Co. formed by Morris, Dante Gabriele Rossetti and Edward Burne Jones in 1860. Morris and company aimed at enhancing the working abilities of workers and motivating middle age people to work as craftsmen. They terminated machines and automated tools and pursued for handmade art. Their target was well achieved and the working conditions were improved in the era. The limitation of Morris and Co. lied in the pricing of their handmade furniture. They used to sell furniture at very expensive rates, which could be afforded by only elite class. Their pricing was contrary to their aim of betterment of workers’ life. This made their guild economically unstable.

Another major guild of the English Art and Craft Movement was Art Workers Guild. This guild was formed by Ashbee. Ashbee did not use to oppose machine work unlike Morris. He aimed at working at economic grounds. For this purpose, he established his guild at countryside, where he associated his crafts with farming and agriculture. He wanted to make his guild auto sufficient, but only craft work at economic pricing could not achieve sufficient income for the guild. In spite of his efforts, his project failed initially and he took financial assistance from an American millionaire, though he managed to keep the life quality of his craftsmen at a very good condition. The reason of his failure was the historic style of art, which was old-fashioned at that time and availability of copy of their products in market made by art students.

论文范文加拿大论文代写-英国工艺美术运动就为留学生分享到这里。中国留学生论文不会写怎么办?在此可以咨询加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台为留学生提供essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!




These factors have certain relationships. For example, technical support, administration rewards and program training enhance a teacher’s confidence in integration ICT into their literacy teaching. Specifically, technical support releases teachers’ concerns that if computer/ipad is suddenly broken in the classroom and no one can fix it, the lesson cannot continue. Thus, technical support lets teacher feel confident to using them in classroom practice (see Lynn’s answer from appendix1). Administration rewards show the positive view towards educators’ achievements. Thus, administration rewards heighten teachers’ confidence. Last but not least, program training is essential part that raises teachers’ confidence in using ICT in classroom teaching. Teacher knows how to more effectively use computers or ipads in literacy learning. At the same time, it helps teachers save time during limited lessons. In addition, program training that significantly influences teachers’ attitude towards ICT and their pedagogy regarding literacy teaching. After an appropriate program training, teachers will have a more positive attitude towards technical integration into classroom practice. They are no longer afraid that technique will destroy natural relationship with students. Moreover, program training teaches teachers how to integrate ICT into classroom (see Sue’s experience, she is lack of confidence due to no program training for her. See appendix 3). It will fundamentally change their pedagogy from traditional one to technical one. However, an appropriate program teaching cannot change anything that teacher still uses traditional teaching methods and focus on print-based text rather than new technical methods with student-centered pedagogy. This can be proven by Corine’s answers and her experience.

The factors of discussion are specifically divided as external factors and internal factors. The external factors are those factors that the individual would not have any control over. They can attempt to be a part of the control of these external factors by giving feedback etc. The internal factors on the other hand are those that the individual would have more control over. The discussion attempts to assess the form of external and internal factors that impinge on the teachers ability to incorporate ICT practices in the workplace.

论文范文essay代写-教师在ICT实践能力的外部和内部因素就为留学生分享到这里。留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,写作科目广泛,有essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!