


Governments in majority of the developing nations tend to face the challenge for meeting the increasing demand for better and new services of infrastructure. As there is limited availability of funding from traditional capacity and sources within the public sector for the implementation of a number of projects at one point of time, governments have identified that partnering up with the private sector can be considered as an attractive alternate for increasing and improving the supply of services in infrastructure (Newton, 2015). This partnership, mostly initiating by a lawfully bound contract or any other mechanism, have an agreement for sharing responsibilities in relation with management, operation and implementation of project of infrastructure. There are studies, which suggest that the entrepreneur’s ability to develop and execute effective strategies primarily determines the success. In comparison to conservative firms, entrepreneurial firms possess high scores on variables representing innovative products and marketing, innovative operations, human resources, proactive behaviour and competitive orientation, industry awareness, service/support, and long-term financial orientation (Prabhakar, 2009).

Under strategic factors, it is the innovation that defines entrepreneurship, which refers to the art of creativity and experimentation in the introduction of new products and/or new services in the market. Moreover, leadership in technology via research and development is also important in new processes. Proactive attitude is a forward looking perspective of an entrepreneur, who is seeking opportunity and starts working towards it before the competition arises by introducing new products and services in anticipation of future demand (Ramadan and Tu, 2012). Through literature, it can be concluded that successful entrepreneurs have proactive attitude, they take initiatives and are creative in order to identify the opportunity and in responding towards the opportunity. Therefore, they are the first to introduce new products and services to the market because of their proactive behaviour and it suggests that forward looking perspective is accompanied by innovative and new-venturing activity.

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