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Evaluation: Periodic assessments of this cycle help in evaluating them. This enhances the chance of great team work. Better understanding is cultivated. Teacher-student relationship bond is appreciated and this gives proved results.
This way, Professional learning communities helps in intersection of the educational system of the students along with their interpersonal skills, strategic logical ideas, and organizational ability along with personal care (Lee et. Al 1995). This lets the students to learn well, support each other, engage in personal quality and measure it against the threshold.
Identifying the benefits for a teacher: PLC focuses more on the teacher benefits as this helps the students of the community improved. The pro-activeness of the teacher is enhanced. It improves the teacher’s vision about the future of the students and also explores the opportunities one has. Leadership skills also show obtuse increase. Thus PLC has mastered the art of being the road map for continuous learning and focus on responsibility.
Conditions and requirements:
Collaboration for school improvement:
The main focus of PLC system is collaborating together. It creates a structure of culture for the students, all the teachers work together in analyzing how to work together. Best classroom practices are shared, this promotes great learning experiences.