


Digital games have always attracted players and practically every person that owns a smart phone today will have a game installed on their device which they turn to when bored. But this has also brought along serious social and physical complication since many of the games have isolated players from interacting with the society, friends, and family by limiting them to their personal gadgets (Dr Aboujaoude & Dr Starcevic, 2015). This has been long a serious concern for many parents and health care workers but there little which can be done for the affected individuals if they are not willing to make the lifestyle changes themselves. With this concern looming, developers of the famous cartoon Pokémon has developed a game “Pokémon Go” which promises to help address the problem. This research proposal aims at analyzing the game and answering important points associated with it so as to deliver a clearer understanding related to the Pros and Cons and how they can be utilized to benefit existing players.

Smartphone apps are already considerably addictive and several social media and communication application have been linked to an increasing number of road accidents, accidents in general and rash driving. This brings to light some serious concerns linked to the Pokémon Go Game which may also result in bringing players out of the safety of their homes and offices to the street to play the game which will result in further compromising safety. There is also the factor linked to the game simply not gaining success beyond a certain level due to the requirement for people to move considerably in search of the Pokémon. It’s important to keep in mind many people do have games on their device but many will want a game which they can access and play for a few minutes at the office during a team break. Many people and especially working adults and parents will not have the time to spare to play the game which results in limiting the game to a certain group of players (Harvey, 2015). There is no doubt that Pokémon Go will do wonders for many young children and teenagers who find themselves cooped up at home behind their smart phones but once again it’s their attitude and temperament towards playing the game which really counts. So the question still remains in many analysis minds, will Pokémon Go be able to truly develop into being a globally inspirational and developmental game or not? This we shall attempt to identify in the following discussions
Present player features and their critics regarding the game
To gain a better understanding related to the game and its future trends, it’s critical to evaluate the feature, pros, and cons and also evaluate the critiques related to the game (Becker, 2016). This requires for one to maintain a level mindset which does not favour one aspect or feature of the game so as to gain the realistic review of the game.

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