

代写essay-游客对国家公园可能产生的影响。其中,世界上一些著名的旅游景点是位于黄金海岸的国家公园。它受到了来自不同国家人民的喜爱。许多来自世界各地的游客参观这些地方。这个公园因萤火虫而闻名于世。为了保护国家公园不受游客的影响,政府规定每天只允许300人进入国家公园进行夜间旅游。在本报告中,将讨论国家公园对旅游业的影响(Baker & Merritt, 2003)。游客的视角将被分析和理解。讨论将主要集中在游客对国家公园可能产生的影响。将对游客如何影响国家公园进行评估。会议还将讨论政府为保护该旅游公园所采取的措施。

In order to do the research, the qualitative analysis has been done. In order to do the same, a survey has been conducted and the responses of the tourists have been obtained. Other than this, there has been an analysis of the literature which has been analysed on the research. This would give the analysis of the impact which the tourists are having on the National Park.
As a result of the rise in the tourists, there is a negative impact on the plants and animals. During the time of night, it is difficult to analyse if someone is spoiling any plant. Many times the tourists affect the plants in a negative manner. At times, it is also observed that the people also leave the rubbish in the park. This leads to the increase in pollution in the marks and can make the environment unfit for living. The animals may also eat the plastic and other products which may be harmful for them. Leaving the rubbish in the park is a problem and can have a severe impact on the environment. Other than this, it also impacts the landscape and the soil.
The people also feed the native animals of the place. As a result of the same, the animals can become more and more reliant on the different food sources and can suffer from some disease. These animals may also sometimes get frightened or be aggressive to the humans. The visitors also bring the food along with them, eat it in the park and wash the dishes with soaps and other greasy items (Parkin & Morris, 2005). This can lead to the increase in the pollution in the waterways. Moreover, it can also promote the algal growth in an unnatural manner. The park is the host to the large number of frogs which are the endangered species in the world. When the pollutants such as soap, shampoo, sun screen, insect repellent etc. are discharged into the waterways, it can lead to the death of the frogs.

The tourism which is related to the insect had mainly been observed to cater the niche market, though the popularity of the same has been growing during the recent years. Because of its popularity, it has attracted the tourist locations from different parts of the world. One of the most popular insect based tours in the world has gained its popularity in the recent times in the Spring book national park. It is important to do the study of the impact of the tourism which may be there on these locations.

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