

事务性销售,也被称为传统销售,更侧重于短期销售,其中营销人员的主要关注点是产品的推广和提高销售。通过大众营销促进销售,事务性销售是一种以产品为导向的方法,将产品的特性作为销售工具(Zoltners, Sinha & Lorimar, 2004)。Gronroos(1994)的结论是,营销人员需要超越使用营销组合来增加公司产品的销售。信任的概念是关系营销的核心,它是通过参与高质量的互动而产生的。在以信任为基础的销售中,主要的重点是与客户建立长期的关系,因此在决策过程中需要消费者的大量参与。相反,以交易为中心的销售侧重于产品的销售,很少强调在决策过程中获得客户的投入。基于信任的销售甚至可以导致客户愿意支付更多(Business Blueprint, 2012)。市场营销领域的突破与Galper(2015)的工作有关,他提出了不同的方法来处理销售过程。

传统的直销使销售人员感到不舒服。与可能对卖家没有积极态度的客户交谈的想法可能成为焦虑的来源,因为对拒绝的恐惧接管了卖家(Verbeke & Bagozzi, 2000)。当卖家不具备管理与客户互动的技巧时,会导致负面评价。此外,试图排除非正式的沟通和创造性使得传统的直接销售是一种有缺陷的方法(Galper, n.d.a)。Galper(2015)提供了一些有用的见解,让直销超越了结束销售的行为,变得更有意义。Galper (n.d.b)分享了他的个人经验,以确定信任如何是成功的销售关系的基础。正如Galper (n.d.b)指出的那样,这不是为了在目标市场或买家之间建立信任,双方都需要在互动过程中体验舒适感。作为一个卖家,作者提出的想法可以帮助我克服在直销环境下可能会感到的不适和犹豫。


Transactional selling, also termed as traditional selling, is more focused on short term sales, where the primary focus of a marketer is on the promotion of the product and enhancing the sales. Sales are enhanced through mass marketing, and transactional selling is a product-oriented approach, where the features of a product are used as tools to sell (Zoltners, Sinha & Lorimar, 2004). Grönroos (1994) has concluded that marketing officials need to move beyond the use of marketing mix for increasing the sales of the company products. The concept of trust is at the core of relationship marketing, which is created through being engaged in quality interaction. In trust based selling the main focus is on creation of long term relationship with the customer, thus necessitating significant level of consumer involvement during decision making process. Conversely, the transaction focused selling focuses on sale of the product, with little emphasis on gaining input from the customer during the decision making process. Trust based selling can even result in the customers willing to pay more (Business Blueprint, 2012).A breakthrough in the field of marketing is associated with the work of Galper (2015), who has offered different approaches to handling the sales process.

Traditional direct selling induces feelings of discomfort among the sales personnel (Galper, n.d.a). The idea of talking to customers who may not show a positive attitude towards the seller can become a source of anxiety, as the fear of rejection takes over the seller (Verbeke & Bagozzi, 2000). When a seller is not equipped with the technique to manage his interaction with the customers, it results in negative evaluation. Furthermore, trying to exclude informal communication and creativity makes the traditional direct sales a flawed approach (Galper, n.d.a).Galper (2015) has provided some useful insight into the way direct selling can be made more meaningful, moving beyond the act of closing sales. Galper (n.d.b) has shared his personal experience to identify how trust is the foundation of successful sales relationship. It is not about creating trust among the target market, or buyers, as Galper (n.d.b) has pointed out that both parties need to experience comfortduring the interaction. As a seller, the ideas presented by the author can help in overcoming the discomfort and hesitation I am likely to feel in the context of direct sales.


定性研究試圖對這一問題進行敘事。它還試圖理解行為以及事物為何是這樣的。可以說,定量研究更科學,而定性研究更人類學或自然。也可以說,與定量研究相比,定性研究更加主觀。在定量研究方法中,臨床條件是必需的,而在定性研究中,變量是在自然環境中測量和觀察的(Curwin et al., 2007)。定性研究主要是一種探索性研究。通過定性研究,可以了解潛在的原因、觀點和動機。它提供了對問題的洞察力,並幫助獲得一個想法和發展一個強有力的定性研究的假設。它也被用來​​深入理解問題,揭示思想和觀點的趨勢。定性數據收集方法中存在非結構化或半結構化技術的變體。一些常用的方法包括焦點小組,也稱為小組討論,個人訪談和參與/訪談。

在這個案例中,樣本的大小非常小,為了滿足給定的配額,我們選擇了被調查者(Wisniewski, 2010)。定量分析是一種語用估計。它可以被定義為關注於可驗證的觀察的分析,而不是任何邏輯或理論。在大多數情況下,特定類型的研究是在nos中給出的。分析師會展示和操縱他們研究的特定觀察結果。他們試圖解釋他們的觀點和它對上下文的影響。如果你從事的是定量分析領域,你可能需要掌握統計學和數學來進行各種研究(Curwin et al., 2007)。在接下來的章節中,我們將通過不同的例子來說明進行定性研究的各種優勢。


A narrative about the issue is tried to be built by the qualitative research. It also tries to understand the behaviour and why something is the way it is. It can be said that quantitative research is more scientific whereas qualitative research is more anthropological or natural. Also it can be said that qualitative research is more subjective as compared to quantitative. In quantitative research methods, clinical conditions are required, whereas in qualitative research the variables are measured and observed in their natural setting (Curwin et al., 2007).Primarily, qualitative research is an exploratory research. An understanding of underlying reasons, opinions and motivations is gained by using qualitative research. It provides an insight view of the problems and helps to get an idea and develop hypotheses for a strong qualitative research. It is also used to understand the problem deeply and uncover the trends in thought and opinions. There is a variation of unstructured or semi-structured techniques in qualitative data collection methods. Some of the common methods include focus groups, also known as group discussions, individual interviews and participation/ interviews.

The size of sample in this case is very small and respondents are selected so as to fulfil a given quota (Wisniewski, 2010).Quantitative analysis is a kind of pragmatic estimation. It can be defined as the analysis focused on authenticable observation and not any logic or theory. At most times, the particular kind of research is given in nos. An analyst will show and manipulate specific observations of their study. They give an attempt to explain their views and the kind of impact it has on the context. If you are in the field of conducting quantitative analysis, you may want to have good hold on statistics and mathematics to carry out various researches (Curwin et al., 2007).The various advantages of carrying out qualitative researches with help of various examples are explained in the proceeding section.






The core goal in drafting a strategic plan includes the establishment of a blueprint with which the goals of the company can be achieved. The core goal must be to form such a strategic plan that can help in attaining a high growth and success rate for the company. The strategic plan must work for meeting all the guidelines and standards set for meeting excellence standards. The strategic plan must also work for customer management by executing and maintaining CRM process that can provide effective results. Strategic planning must work for developing and implementing promotional plans with an aim of increasing business. The goals of strategic planning must ensure that the standards set must not be too high to meet the level of relevance and they should not even be very detailed that make them overly operational. The two business analysis techniques include: SWOT Analysis: This technique helps in assessing the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the organization. This approach helps in the developing strategies related to organizational changes and improvements in the functioning of the organization. It helps in enhancing the position of the organization in the market place.

The SWOT technique can be applied as an Enterprise Level Analysis outside the project environment. MOST Analysis: This technique can be used for scanning the internal environment of the organization. The four factors assessed under this technique include: Mission: The long-term objective of the business.Objectives: The goals that will help in attaining the mission.Strategies: Planning of options for moving ahead.Tactics: The ways through which strategies are implemented. The process through which the various business activities are co-ordinated and inter-relationships among the business activities are maintained, is known as change management. The aim of managing change in the organizations is that they can survive for long-term. The major challenge in the change management process is of achieving right balance long-run goals of the organization and short-run forces for organizational change. It is a process through which organizational changes are continuously developed, managed and sustained for a long period of time. It helps in maximizing the collective benefits that are associated with the strategic and structural elements of the organization. These elements are related to the mission and market existence of the organization.




(1) 参与其中——世界由能够展现自我的人主导。多去参加信息分享会,与校园里表现活跃的朋友交流,同时别忘记上网查找你有可能在未来加入的社团信息。在日程表上记录下所有会面的时间安排,再拉上一位密友作陪。这样一来,过程不但会因此变得更有趣,而且你们两个人相对来说也会更加分工明确、能对彼此负责。

(2) 学会适应——发掘自己真正的兴趣与热情所在的关键,是勇于尝试不同的活动。只要坚持头脑风暴、集思广益,随着时间的推移,你的理想和目标会变得越来越清晰。在这个过程中,你的时间非但不会因此被浪费,从活动里积累的知识、培养的能力和赢取的人脉反而会为你在日后打开一扇门(与此同时,你也在步步为营打造一份背景过硬的简历)。



(3) 寻找导师——他们是你前行的领路人。导师们也曾面临与你相似的挑战,因此他们能在为你指出光明前途的同时让你少走弯路。Elsa和Josh分别是芝加哥大学投资俱乐部的主席和副主席,他们两人常常指导我如何分析经济、选择股票或者怎么组建证券投资组合。后来,尽管他们毕业离校,又双双进入顶级咨询公司,我们之间的友谊仍未褪色。这两位良师益友如今仍在为我的Moneythink和ChaseFuture这两个项目提供力所能及的援助。

(4) 如领袖般行事——意味着承担责任,也意味着和善友好。一个花哨的名头并不能对你的团队发展做出任何贡献。当你竞争成为领导角色时,要学会尊敬他人并具有前瞻性;与现任负责人讲明你的愿望,让他们从你的精力与热情中看到你作为成功领袖的潜质,主动为自己创造机会——当初我就是因此而进入芝加哥大学学生会。几次喝咖啡时的聊天成为我竞选学生会主席的导火索,进而改变了我整个大学生涯的发展方向,因为组织学生会工作绝对是一种培养领导技能的显著手段。我本人,亲身经历了所有四个过程——参与其中、安排改变、寻找导师和如领袖般行事——也深知它们重要性!











PS的全称为Personal Statement,或者Statement of Purpose/Objectives。我更倾向于后一种,因为,留学文书的价值在于向学校展示你的研究水平,或者更全面地说,就是说服学校你就是他们需要招收的人才。也可以这么说,PS其实就是个人简历的展开。






























会计进一步外部现实视图与个人问题。这些问题包括现实的经济学可以提出和外部自然的现实主义。这些矛盾问题,被认为是必不可少的方式。关键的问题是,系统处理对象的物理性质和对象的会计在类似的方式(Kakkuri-Knuuttila et al ., 2008)。潜在的假设的方式,可以减少一切一个物理性质的过程,但这种假设需要被删除。许多对象的会计等优点被社会建构和没有一个独立的存在与物理对象。会计对象的存在已经相当依赖会计规则以及流程。这些类型的规则获得通过设置过滤和体力劳动,这就是为什么他们是社会建构的对象(李,2006)。社会建设的对象存在,但它们并不是独立账户的人类。

应用程序的规则以及会计的过程,其中包括主观性质的因素塑造经济现实的图像。采用这种观点建构主义的主要范式解释的支持者。根据迈耶(1983),描绘,组织并发症。这种并发症包括机构与几个原因和技术不断扩张的断开连接的性质(Mouck 2004)。然而,会计本质,它迫使边界的概念性质是一样的。描述使用定义解决问题,获得这样的界限,这意味着要考虑现实收购的公司。据海恩斯(2002),描绘了,账户内金融性质的公司并不是唯一的数据通信公司,但他们也描述如何通过边界描述组织建设中扮演着重要的角色(Ahrens et al .,2006)。


Accounting further has an external reality view with its individual issues. These issues are inclusive of the way in which reality of economics can be presented and realism of external nature. These are ambivalent issues and considered as essential ways. The key issue is that the system deals with objects of physical nature and objects of accounting in similar fashion (Kakkuri-Knuuttila et al., 2008). The assumption of latent manner is that it is possible to diminish everything to a process of physical nature, but this assumption needs to be removed. Many objects of accounting such as advantages have been socially constructed and do not have an independent existence unlike physical objects. The existence of accounting objects has a considerable dependence over rules of accounting as well as processes. These types of rules obtain filter and are set through physical labor, and this is the reason why they are objects of social construction (Lee, 2006). Objects of social construction are present, but they are not independent of their accounts of humans.

Application of rules as well as processes of accounting are such that they include factors of subjective nature shaping the economic reality image. This view of constructionism is adopted majorly though paradigm of interpretive supporters. According to Meyer (1983), it has been depicted that an organization has complication. This complication consists of institutions that continuously sprawl with several reasons and technologies of disconnected nature (Mouck 2004). However, accounting has such a nature that it forces boundaries of conceptual nature over the same. The accounts depict the use of definitions for settling matters and to obtain such boundaries, it implies to consider reality acquisition for firms. According to Hines (2002), it has been depicted that accounts of financial nature within firms are not the only ones to communicate data of a company, but they also depict how organization construction plays an essential role through boundaries description (Ahrens et al., 2006).






Yet another aspect identified in leadership is how Mayer lacked a strategy completely. There were no strategies in her way of work. Mayer just attempted to ideate and present many of her notions and by the approval which she anticipated and received within Yahoo she wanted to go on and make a successful business. Now the problem of ideation without understanding is that these are just ideas. There are no implementation level aspects identified clearly and nor was she able to strategically plan for the support she would receive for her implementations. There were hence very much flawed expectations seen in this context too.“Perhaps Mayer’s biggest failure is the ability to unlearn. Many leaders are very skilled at challenging the thoughts and opinions of others, but are woefully inept when it comes to challenging their own thinking.

The reality is that it takes no effort to cling to your current thinking; however to change your mind requires you to challenge your mind. I’ve believed for quite sometime the most profound and commonly overlooked aspect of learning is recognizing the necessity of unlearning” (Myatt, 2015, para. 7). This is yet another of her bigger flaws, as this made her more closed minded in how she could handle things. She was not open to newer arguments, and as research studies note when the person feels saturated with information, they tend to end up working based on conviction rather than attempting to understand newer language. The focus at this point is on how to make arguments fit some pre-existing belief (Doz and Kosonen, 2010). Leadership agility is about thinking innovatively, thinking outside the box to find solutions for the problems of companies.



















In addition to these four stages, there are different other cognitive modeling stages that are possible in understanding of AR. The flexible processing model for instance is one where the control processes are understood based on context. Another model called the survey interaction model exists which combines two aspects. In addition to the cognitive processing based on thinking, this model will also be understood based on other psychological processes and aspects. Some of the psychological processes are emotions, personality etc. The survey interaction model also accounts for the shifts in thinking that occurs out of mental process changes. The strong point of artificial intelligence application towards understanding these cognitive models for cognitive psychology is that AI is able to model each of these stages separately. For instance, in the four states, the question is an input to the AI model, the retrieval of information necessary for responding to the question is the memory or paradigm or domain mapping.

Many of these domain clusters would be created on an understanding of the form of questions, the AI model (developed as a cognitive model) would need to handle. Heuristics are prewritten into the program logic and answers based on thinking are created here. In AI the answers are derived as a series of preprogrammed steps and this results in action or behavior generation or output in AI. Therefore, AI modeling would definitely be useful for understanding cognitive psychology. How preprogrammed behavior and inputs can be used to assess what serves as triggers and what form of learning in behavioral patterns trend over time are some of the aspect associated with AI modeling.