





In addition to these four stages, there are different other cognitive modeling stages that are possible in understanding of AR. The flexible processing model for instance is one where the control processes are understood based on context. Another model called the survey interaction model exists which combines two aspects. In addition to the cognitive processing based on thinking, this model will also be understood based on other psychological processes and aspects. Some of the psychological processes are emotions, personality etc. The survey interaction model also accounts for the shifts in thinking that occurs out of mental process changes. The strong point of artificial intelligence application towards understanding these cognitive models for cognitive psychology is that AI is able to model each of these stages separately. For instance, in the four states, the question is an input to the AI model, the retrieval of information necessary for responding to the question is the memory or paradigm or domain mapping.

Many of these domain clusters would be created on an understanding of the form of questions, the AI model (developed as a cognitive model) would need to handle. Heuristics are prewritten into the program logic and answers based on thinking are created here. In AI the answers are derived as a series of preprogrammed steps and this results in action or behavior generation or output in AI. Therefore, AI modeling would definitely be useful for understanding cognitive psychology. How preprogrammed behavior and inputs can be used to assess what serves as triggers and what form of learning in behavioral patterns trend over time are some of the aspect associated with AI modeling.