留学 论文代写:康德义务论

留学 论文代写:康德义务论

康德义务论是另一种伦理学理论,它的基础是,如果一个人的行为被认为是合乎道德的,那么这个人的行为就被认为是合乎道德的(Tabb, 2004)。在这里,它表明规则支配着行为,如果一个人完全按照规则行事,并且不管出于什么原因避免任何偏差,那么这个行为就被认为是道德的,而实施这个行为的人就是一个道德的存在。考虑到义务论在大众汽车案例中的应用,我们可以看到,如果安装失败设备的行为属于公司的规则,那么这种行为就是道德行为。

留学 论文代写:康德义务论

留学 论文代写:康德义务论

Kantian Deontology is another ethical theory which is based on the foundation that any action of man is considered to be moral if the man is said to have enacted exactly as he was required by being aligned to the rules of action (Tabb, 2004). Here it indicates that rules dominate action and if one acts exactly as per the rules and avoids any deviation for whatsoever reason, then that act is said to be moral and the person enacting the act to be a moral being. Considering the application of deontology in the case of Volkswagen, it is seen that if the act of installing a defeat device is within the rule of the company, then the act is considered to be moral.

留学 论文代写:康德义务论
However, there is severe contradiction here when there is an attempt to identify the origin of the rule and what rules are really relevant in this case, be it the universal rule of morality, rules associated with benefits of Volkswagen, rules confined to the benefits of mankind, or rules confined to the benefits of the company’s customers. Since Kant basis his dependence on the rule of a universal morality; the action of installing a defeat device is considered to be immoral because it is arising from a will that takes pleasure in seeing other people suffer from bad health. Additionally, the company does not bother about the consequences of such a device on pollution and subsequent health issues of people, and only considers its own benefit as the basis of the act.



商业公司和工业作为一个部门,是城市规划变化过程中的另一个代理人。他们是经过多次讨论和谈判形成的计划的执行者。他们从政府机构和机构获得合同来执行城市规划的设计方案。企业需要在项目执行方面拥有最大的竞争优势,同时也要考虑到其行为对环境的影响(Ward, 2004)。城市规划的变化可能是由于环境的剧烈变化,但变化的执行也会带来新的环境损害,在执行时必须考虑到这一点。对城市变化的需求可能是通过市场压力和生活方式的变化而产生的。

因此,执行者必须小心他们的行动的后果,并控制执行,以产生最大的产出,以最小的浪费和风险和外部性的滚转。建筑业和变革顾问是下一个代理人。他们是思考者和计划者,并在计划形成过程中引入可执行和灵活的专业知识。他们研究变化的后果,并建议计划转移和厌恶。这些顾问与政府当局合作,对所需的改变进行广泛调查。他们还听取和咨询公民社会,并提出建议,以适用于改革计划(Hanson, 2003)。他们需要对计划过程、实施的可能性以及变更项目的成本限制有独家的了解。


Business corporations and industries as a sector are another agent in the change process of urban planning. They are the ones who are the executors of the plan that is formed after multiple discussions and negotiations. They take contracts from the government agencies and bodies to execute the designed plans of the urban planning. The corporations need to be have the best competitive advantage in terms of project execution and also take into account the environmental impact of their actions (Ward, 2004). The change in urban planning may be due to drastic environment change but the change execution can also bring in new environmental damages which must be considered while executing. The demand for urban change may have been generated through market pressures and changes in lifestyle.

Hence, the executor must be careful of the consequences of their actions, and control the execution to produce the maximum output against the minimum wastage and roll-over of risks and externalities. The building industry and change consultants are the next agents. They are the thinkers and planners, and bring in implementable and flexible expertise in the plan formation. They study the change consequences and suggest planning diversions and aversions. The consultants work with the government authorities and make extensive survey of the required change. They also listen and consult the civil society, and make recommendations to be applied to the change plan (Hanson, 2003). They need to have an exclusive knowledge of the plan process, the possibility of implementation, and the cost restrictions for the project of change.

swot analysis 代写:劳动的定义

swot analysis 代写:劳动的定义


swot analysis 代写:劳动的定义

swot analysis 代写:劳动的定义

Again, this comes down to the kind of services that has been rendered by the worker to the employers. There is a need to understand the kinds of labor and investigate the roots of production including the driving forces that makes people lead to more productivity.The definition of labor from a broad perspective can be defined as the measure of the work that has been done by the human being. It is dependent on the nature of production, geographical location. It depends on the land and the capital costs included. There have been a number of theories that define the notion of human capital. One theorist who had tried to probe into the nuances of labor and wages was Karl Marx. Marx was more than an economist.

swot analysis 代写:劳动的定义
He tried to explain the social nuances of the different phrases. His system of wages and payment was centered around the realms of human production ideology. There is a total autonomous species notion that has been explained. In this, Marx tries to explain the ideas of man and the notions of labor, production and the different kinds of production methods that have been adopted. There is a rational argument that has been put forward by Marx to explain about the nuances of labor, wages and the social dynamics. Concepts of the kinds of labor and the labor division in the society have been explained in detail by Marx.

essay 評判:數據信息服務

essay 評判:數據信息服務
對信息的訪問通常僅限於政府、網絡單元等授權人員。不幸的是,服務提供者也可以訪問相同的數據,這通常是鏈中的薄弱環節。未經授權的人可能會訪問這些數據,之後可能會將這些數據用於犯罪或欺詐。使用確保數據傳輸加密的設備和軟件將對防止此事件的發生大有幫助(Madden, 2014)。數據捕獲的不幸不良影響是,任何人只要訪問數據,就可以輕易地侵犯個人隱私。

essay 評判:數據信息服務
雖然互聯網使購物、獲取信息以及與朋友和家人保持聯繫等活動變得可能(McFarland, 2012);未經授權的人員訪問數據是一個重大缺陷,需要優先解決(隱私權利信息交換中心,2016)。雖然非常方便和容易的連接是主要的優勢,甚至基本的隱私權也受到這種侵犯。沒有什麼是私人的,正如雇主們所知道的那樣,他們甚至會查看社交媒體(在工作之前和工作期間)來更好地了解個人。

essay 評判:數據信息服務

Access to information is generally restricted to authorized personnel like governments, cyber cell, and so on. Unfortunately, service providers also have access to the same data and this is usually the weak link in the chain. The data may be accessed by an unauthorized person, who may later use the data for committing a crime or fraud. Using devices and software that ensure the data transmitted is encrypted would go a long way in preventing the occurence of this event (Madden, 2014).The unfortunate ill effect of data capture is the ease with which personal privacy can be invaded by anyone who has access to the data.

essay 評判:數據信息服務
While the internet has made it possible to simplify several activities like purchases, access to information, and also to stay in touch with friends and family (McFarland, 2012); access to the data by unauthorized personnel is a major drawback that needs to be addressed on priority (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, 2016). Although highly convenient and easily connectivity is major advantages, even the basic right to privacy is affected by this invasion. Nothing is private and as on date employers are known to even check out social media (prior to and during the course of employment) to understand the individual better.


Devlin(2016)的文章與Ensor(2016)的文章相似,因為這兩篇文章都來自同一個網站,而且圖片與Ensor(2016)中使用的圖片幾乎相同。然而,相似之處到此為止。與建築行業和行業的人一樣,新聞的價值是為相同的受眾所持有的,但現在關注的焦點是如何在協議層面挑戰對他們提供幫助的形式。關於誰是這裡的負責人有一個疑問。這個故事中出現的問題的一個主要框架是,隨著越來越多的人被騙,內政部、警察和當局不得不更加重視手頭的問題(Devlin, 2016)。



The article of Devlin (2016) appears similar to one of Ensor (2016) because they both are from the same website and also has a picture that appears to be nearly as same as the one used in Ensor (2016). However, here the similarities end. The news values held are for the same audience, as in the people in the construction industry, and trades, but the focus now presents how the form of help available to them is challenged at protocol level. There is a confusion on who is in charge here. A dominant framing of the issue emerging in this story is that, with more people being scammed, the Department of Internal Affairs, the police and authorities have to give more importance to the issue at hand (Devlin, 2016).

The article in OneNews (2016), ‘Police warn of email invoice scams duping homeowners’ story’s focuses on the news values of financial issues such as the economic loss for the individual and organization. However, compared to the previous article by Ensor (2016), it also focuses on the stresses incurred by people as the battle to ensure that it is not sent into the wrong stream. A dominant framing of the issues as such presented here is to construct more than awareness. The article specifically highlights that Christchurch and the building industry of Christchurch are the victims. Aucklanders are portrayed to be the next victims of this scam.



对来自17个国家的7万名全球经理人进行了实证研究,以测试他们的管理能力。研究发现,与来自不同国家的管理者相比,中国管理者在员工管理方面得分较低。之所以会有这样的联想,是因为中国仍然是一个处于员工转型期的国家(Wang, and Ruona, 2004)。然而,在当前形势下,中国经理人面临着越来越大的压力,要求他们改变自己的行为,让自己变得更加西方化。

对3000名中国中层管理者进行了调查。研究发现,86%的管理者认为他们的方法需要改变,需要更多的职场学习(Wang, and Ruona, 2004)。在这一定量研究分析中,发现中国经理人需要制定自己的职业行为准则。本研究的局限性在于,本研究没有考虑文化背景因素,分析管理者的指标是基于西方的管理范式。然而,这项研究指出了中国管理者在工作场所层面的能力。


An empirical research among 70000 global managers from 17 countries was conducted to test their managerial capacities. It was found that the Chinese mangers in the research study scored very less in terms of the management of the employees when compared to the other managers from different countries. The reason for this allusion is that China is still a country that is under transition of the employees (Wang, and Ruona, 2004). In the current context, however, Chinese managers are facing increasing pressure to change their conduct to become more westernized.

A survey of 3000 middle level managers of China was conducted. It was found that 86% of the managers agreed that there is a need to change and have more workplace learning in their approach (Wang, and Ruona, 2004). In this quantitative research analysis, it has been found that there the Chinese managers need to develop their professional code of conduct. The limitations of this study was that the cultural context was not factored in this study and the metrics used to analyze the managers were based on the western style of management paradigm. However, this study points to the competence of the Chinese Managers at the work place level.




此外,还需要进行适当的计算,以确保挥发性有机化合物的排放是最小的(Schuitema et al, 2012)。另一方面,消费者需要确保汽车排放的污染在规定的水平之内。他/她应该定期为他的汽车做污染测试。除此之外,他应该确保汽车定期保养,这样污染排放就会降到最低水平。汽车的电池必须定期由顾客更换。此外,轮胎应该定期更换,以避免有害颗粒的排放。他们应确保以适当的方式履行准则。


The dealers need to ensure that the amount of pollutants which are emitted at their service centres is the minimum. The spray booth systems used for painting the cars should have an efficiency of 98 % and should have high volume and low pressure. In addition to this, they need to ensure that there is no contamination in the environment from the wastes which are being released during the maintenance. The containers consisting of the spent solvents and hazardous wastes should be in a good condition so that they aren’t causing harm to the environment. The solvent which is being used for washing should be clean. The oil which is used in the cars should be generally stored in the drums and the used oil should be labelled.

In addition to this, suitable calculations should be performed so as to ensure that the emission of the Volatile Organic Compounds is the minimum (Schuitema et al, 2012). The customer on the other hand needs to ensure that the pollution emitted by the car is within the prescribed levels. He/ she should do the pollution test for his car on regular basis. In addition to this, he should ensure that the car is regularly serviced so that the pollution emission should be there at minimum level. The battery of the car must be replaced by the customers regularly. Also, the tires should be changed regularly so as to avoid discharge of the harmful particles. They should make sure that the norms should be fulfilled in a proper manner.



这种治疗的效果取决于癌症的类型,以及在疾病的哪个阶段开始治疗。Flygare, Pillow & Aristoff(2013)认为,如果能及早开始治疗,化疗会非常有效。白血病,一种发生在骨髓中的引起白细胞增加的癌症,可以通过化疗治疗,效果很好。然而,另一方面,在治疗脑肿瘤方面,化疗并没有给出有效的结果(Wildiers et al. 2013)。对于皮肤癌,这种治疗根本没有效果。



The effectives of this treatment depend on the type of cancer and also at which stage of the disease the treatment is started. Flygare, Pillow & Aristoff (2013), believe that if the treatment is started from an early stage, chemotherapy can be very effective. Leukemia, a type of cancer occurring in the bone marrow that cause a rise in the number of white blood cells can be treated with chemotherapy with good result. However, on the other hand in treating brain tumours, chemotherapy has not been reported to give effective result (Wildiers et al. 2013). In skin cancer, this treatment has no effect at all.

It is essential to have the perfect dosage of the drugs that are incorporated for chemotherapy. As these drugs are very sensitive over dosage can be very harmful to other body parts of a cancer suffering patient. While on the other hand low dosage may not have any effect on the cancerous cell. The dosage also depends on the stage of the cancer, in which a patient belongs. Body surface area of an individual is a main criterion to determine the dosage of the drug. Body mass, height and age is taken into account to calculate mathematically the dosage required for a particular individual.


語言技能和技術技能一樣重要。英語是許多西方國家如英國的官方語言和交流媒介。在說英語的國家裡,這種語言在生活的各個方面都被使用。想要進入這個國家的外國學生需要了解這個國家的當地語言。這是外國留學生在英語國家學習的基本前提。大學有統一的考試,如雅思(國際英語語言測試系統)來評估學生的語言能力(Feast, 2002)。這是錄取過程中要考慮的因素之一。



Linguistic skills are as important of the technical skills. English is the medium of communication and the official language in many western countries such as United Kingdom. In the English speaking nations, this language is used in every facet of life. Foreign students wishing to come into this nation need to have an understanding of the local languages in the country. This is a basic prerequisite for the foreign students to sustain in an English speaking country. Universities have a uniform tests such as IELTS (International English Language Testing System) to estimate the language proficiency of the students (Feast, 2002). This is one of the factors that are considered during the admission process.

In the modern times, a lot of importance is given by the universities to give the students admission into their programs. Based on this tests, students career path is chosen. When a particular aspect is a game changer for the student’s life and if life decision is made from a particular test, there should be analysis done to see if the tests is really accurate. There has been mixed opinions in the societies regarding the veracity of the tests. Many people allude that in real life of people, students from foreign nations continue to struggle while some state that this tests is very useful for the students to sustain.






Talk about the cast of the movie, it was the first time that Chow Yun fat and Gong li were casted together in a move and the pair of these two finest actors of their era was no doubt a treat to watch for their fans. In the movie other than colors, the only other thing which was really eye catching were the electric sparks between the empress and the emperor, because the chemistry and the passion between these two actors was absolutely gripping and this made at least some of the audience to wish for more scenes in the movie in which the emperor and the empress could be shown together. Moreover, it won’t be wrong to say that the director had been quite successful in bringing out the best in his actors, which could be seen from the respective performances of Gong Li and Chow Yun Fat (Hughes-Warrington, 2009).

The character of the emperor was all conceit, astuteness and mercilessness and his character made one of the scenes of the movie an iconic scene which was when the emperor was about to punish someone who cheated him (Hughes-Warrington, 2007). Even though, it seemed like the director’s intention was to make the whole scene as chilling as possible through aggression and severity. However, it becomes spine chilling when the emperor suddenly laughs loudly while punishing that person.Another Chinese film that is in similar context to the Curse of the Golden Flower is Ang Lee’s Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2000). The film illustrates various critical points of Chinese History and recreates the past in a narrative manner. Similar to Curse of the Golden Flower, the idea of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon does illustrate few critical points that emphasize on the crucial points of Chinese history.