标签存档: 加拿大作业代写


加拿大会计学论文代写-区域经济协定。区域经济协定也可以是关税同盟的形式。关税同盟类型是经济合作较好的地区。关税同盟与区域一体化的自由贸易形式的区别在于,在关税同盟中,各国也将同意以商定的方式对待与非成员国的贸易(Ravenhill, 2011)。这些国家创造的利益不仅是为了他们自己,也是为了他们与之进行贸易的每一个国家。这有助于使政策均衡,从而使所有成员国联合起来获得更大的竞争优势。

Now while there is a costs and benefits angle, consider the element of quality and global standards when it comes to quality. A regional agreement that is signed between two countries would likely not contribute too much standardization. It can logically be inferred that two countries that trade within themselves would be less likely to work competitively on their products and produce quality. Since tariffs are cancelled between them anyways, it could so happen that the emphasis on quality as it happens in the context of international competition would be missing. Cost based advantage already exists for product and the companies within the countries might not want to focus on the quality based advantage.
More states would be interested in joining such a gathering. The form of costs reduction that can be achieved for buyers is hence greater here, as it is not just one country but all countries that trade with the local country that is included in this agreement. This form of a custom union can have long term benefits, or alternatively it could have some hazards. Consider for instance, how this could lead to a highly exploitive state. Countries that have signed for free trade and other countries end up paying no barrier tax and this means that the local country loses out in terms of some form of an income. Additionally, since the barrier to entry is low, competitive companies from these countries would end up having better bases in the local countries, and local companies might get wiped out of existence. This form of a custom union form of arrangement works better when the local country does not have any industries or high profile trade that is competing with the countries with which it signs the agreement. It could work with countries that are economically lesser when compared to the countries with which it trades under the custom union.
The common market style of regional economic agreement is formulated based on the free trade model, but greater cost savings are planned for. Here, in addition to the removal of the trade barrier, the member states also avail themselves of benefits in unrestricted movement of capital and labour between themselves. A common trade policy also exists with other non-member nations (Cohn, 2012). The unrestricted movement in capital and labour gives the companies either of many opportunities for taking advantage of within their member nations. Much long-term planning in regional trade and surplus could be arranged. In terms of costs and benefits, this arrangement has more of a vision. With increasing global participation, the competitive advantages for a nation lie in how its industries are able to control costs. Where there are no regional trade agreements, the workers will be forced to seek a work visa or a permit in order to work within another country. There would be much more costs incurred in setting up the work zones and more. However, the regional agreements help cut short these costs. The common market in eastern and southern Africa COMESA is an example here. This is a form of agreement where it is defined among peers. All countries here are more or less on the same economical rating. This is a form of agreement that ensures better labour costs reduction and there is more mutual goodwill between such nations. The economic union is yet another form of integration where countries enter into specific economic agreements.
States join to form regional economic agreements in order to avail of the benefits of working together. Where competitive landscapes are created in the global economy, local regions have to come together to solve their mutual problems and help create opportunities for better trade and improved economy. Regional integration in helping them control costs assists in achieving this benefit in economy.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的加拿大论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


代写-特易购公司的文化及伦理层面。伦理的特征通过组织的价值观、使命和利益相关者的维护体现在组织的服务中。特易购公司不能认为他们唯一的利益相关者是员工、股东和所有者。有必要了解客户的需求,看看他们是否能够从产品中获得满足。乐购的文化融合了结构、奖励、领导(Janda、Trocchia和Gwinner 2002)。乐购需要作为一个非常负责任的组织,致力于客户服务、环境、员工、社区和社会。当企业能够以道德的方式在外部和内部运作时,就能实现这一点。

The service blue print is the map or the picture that helps in showing the process of service in the service domain. This would help in understanding the way that the Tesco consumers would judge the services of Tesco. To build the service blueprint, there are most importantly five different steps followed. The different steps are as follows:
Action by the Customer: This involves the identification of the actions and the choices of performance of customers in the consumption, purchases and evaluation of service.
Onstage Contact: The face contact by the frontline employees with the customers
Backstage Contact: The activities that are invisible are looked into by the Back stage staff
Support Processes: The internal interaction and services that take place for supporting the workers in the service delivery
Physical Evidence: The exposure to the tangibles by the customers or through interaction
The following are the steps that are taken by the customers for buying the product Greek yoghurt:
The steps are followed for the purchase of the Greek Yoghurt. The customers primarily evaluate any type of problem regarding the product then it searches for the relevant information with respect to it. They also look for the alternative. After the consideration of the alternative of Greek yoghurt, they consider on making purchase decisions. After that, they are seen to purchase the product Greek Yoghurt. A post evaluation is done to look whether they are getting the maximum level of satisfaction from the product.
A practical approach has been undertaken for service blue printing by buying the Tesco labelled Greek Style Yoghurt from Tesco Egham. This would help in getting qualitative evidence of the approach and help in providing the feedback on the way the service blueprint looks for the Greek Style Yoghurt. Evidences are likely to furnish about what the customer is going to see and receive the step for customer experience (Kallweit, Spreer and Toporowski, 2014).
The service blueprint in this particular case involves a number of stakeholders. Among all the stakeholders, the most important one is the customers. The use of the SERVQUAL model will help in qualitative measurement of the quality of service. There are five categories in the model, which includes courtesy, reliability, competence, responsiveness and tangibles (Lee and Lin, 2005).
Application of the SERVQUAL Model
In order to apply the SERVQUAL Analysis, the questionnaires are directed to the customers, which would be highlighting on the five factors as it has been mentioned in the above section. The analysis would be focused on the customers and this will help in highlighting the differences in the perception and the expectation level of the customers. The customer’s judgment with respect to quality is what is considered in the model (Fernie and Sparks, 2014). The customers they are said to rate the answers for the different criteria relating to their perception and experience. The questions are generally answered on likert scale where there is range of options from ‘Strongly Agreeing’ to ‘Strongly Disagreeing’. The methodology will be applied for the service quality analysis, which is assessed through the five gaps in between the expected and perceived experiences by the customers. Gap 1 will show the diversion in the expectation by the customers and the idea of the management about the customer perception. Gap 2 will help in finding the mismatch in the management expectation. The service performance related gap which is Gap 3 could be the training, communication and the employee preparation for interacting with the customers. Gap 4 is the diversion in the delivery of the service and communication with the customers. Gap 5 will help indicate the different in the expectation and the perception of the services by the customers (Dabholkar, Thorpe and Rentz, 2013).

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Lisa does not have any past psychiatric history. However, she had a short term treatment for depression. She had suffered from depression, when she was15 years old. She was not able to see that her father is living a happy life with his new family and her mother is living in depression and trauma. She suffered from withdrawal symptoms and a teacher at her school recognized her symptoms. She was referred to the mental health care service from school counsellor. The symptoms of the depression were mild and for a year, she was on depression medication and talk therapy for 2 months. Since then Lisa does not have any of such problem or had not received any such treatment.
Past Relevant Medial History
Except depression, she does not have any past relevant medical history. She had been found under the drug abuse at the age of 17 years. She had undergone the cocaine treatment for 2 years. She received psychological therapy treatment and medication for this treatment.
Current Medication and Dosage
Currently, she is not using any kind of medication.
Alcohol and Drug History
Lisa has the history of alcohol and drug abuse. She has been taking cocaine since she was 17 years old. She was sent to rehabilitation and received treatment for 2 years. However, she again started taking cocaine (in small amount and occasionally) and using alcohol every day. She felt the high demand of perfectionism in her life. She loves getting admiration from other, but always emotionally distant herself from other, when they try to come close to her. She started using alcohol and drugs to fill her inner emptiness. The people suffering with Narcissistic Personality Disorder are often vulnerable and addicted to drugs and alcohol. According to the study of Karakoula and Triliva (2016), narcissists are often considered as the substance-dependent populations. The patient suffers from vulnerability to grandiosity, which often leads to alcohol and drug abuse.
Family history
Family history of the patient suggests that she lived alone with her mother after her father left them. Her mother suffered depression and trauma of separation and was not able to give much attention to Lisa. Her mother had become an alcoholic. She died three years back due to cardiac arrest. Since then Lisa is living alone and does not have any extended family to support her. Her father and his family lives interstate and she has not seen them since years. She lives in a one bedroom house alone.
Personal History
Lisa was always a very shy child and she found difficulty in making friends. At school, she was diagnosed with depression for which she received the brief treatment. She completed her schooling and then completed her graduation from distant learning. She completed her collage studies in management. She never had any intimate relationships, though she liked a boy when she was in college. She currently works in a big corporation at the position of a manager and she is very good at her work. She is unmarried and does not have any plans to get married. Her favourite pass time is to sit at home watching television and “getting high”.

中國留學生英語論文不會寫,可以找加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構,加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構有認真負責的寫手老師,可以解決中國留學生的論文寫作難題,保證論文原創,為留學生提供加拿大論文代寫、report代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,並使用權威的抄襲檢測系統,讓留學生們輕松應對論文寫作並創作出專屬個人的優秀論文!加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis網站平臺分享的所有論文範文,未經轉載,不得私自轉發或專用,如有發現,我們網站平臺將會追責一切法律責任,望留學生們諒解!


多伦多论文代写-创新在市场经济中的作用。创新是一个最被21世纪的组织和企业所认可的术语。创新是对变化的更新,从而创造价值。从这个角度来看,创新是在组织中实施新的或本质上即兴的产品流程、营销技术或重大变革。全球旅游业经历了根本性的变化(Rubalcaba, 2010)。新的旅游目的地成功地与传统的旅游国家竞争,这在若干情况下导致耗尽现有资源和使其合理化的能力。在这种情况下,更多的资本投入和劳动力是昂贵的,而且总是不能达到预期的增长水平。因此,旅游政策越来越重视创新促进。其目的在于以尽可能低的成本实现激励条件下的新一轮增长。因此,创新有望为客户增加盈余,并为旅游产品供应商及其服务增加利润。

ndeed there is something which reveals innovation has magic. They are the important growth motor within the economics of markets (Sipe et al., 2009). The capability of innovation is essential not only for individual companies to survive, but also for the whole modern nation economy. Innovation nonetheless can perform the function to provide growth in economy in the favourable state presence with regard to the systems of state incentive. However, it is not the state which leads towards creating innovativeness. Instead, they are the consequence of processes that have consistently been subjected with analysis extensively, which are properly known today and have become routine quietly apparent (Sundbo et al., 2015). This is also true for innovation within the tourism field as in any sector apart from tourism.
There is no doubt that the industry of tourism has various specific features that can impact the process of innovation. This is done in manners that are positive and that also can be negative. Tourism is defined best on the side of demand. It consists of ephemeral industrial structures and heterogeneous ones. Tourism is essential to various economic sectors with an inherent dimension geographically present in it. It is also an industry wherein an essential role is played by the state as co-producer. Innovation can be such that it thrives within tourism but on in situations with maximum competition possible that makes the existing structures renewal a probability (Sipe et al., 2009). Such structures require either being developed further or being replaced completely. Newer structures are requirement of a type that will enhance growth and productivity. Governments should not make attempt at devising laws and regulations counter-productive for hindering the restructuring based inevitable process. Therefore, this research paper has been developed with focus over tourism policy and innovation in tourism.
Oligopolistic competition as an innovation driver
The framework for favourable state and its conditions are not the only ways by which innovation can be promoted. Structures in innovation which are the consequence of process of economic development result in a major impact (Rubalcaba, 2010). However, neither monopolistic competition nor perfect competition is friendly of innovation. It does not exist any reason for monopolists to initiate innovation. Innovation is successfully driven through competition of oligopolistic nature that leads towards industrialization, concentration and standardization. Tourism is such a sector, has dual structures wherein competition is neither monopolist in nature nor does it have oligopolistic nature (Sipe et al, 2009). The destination uniqueness within tourism as an economic section specific on location in turn leads towards competition of monopolistic nature. Tourism has the ability of taking benefit from such uniqueness in brand renting form and a higher will correspondingly for paying over the visitor’s part. This leads towards quality based strategies as well as differentiations to come forward. Following figure depicts competition of oligopolistic nature as an innovation driver.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的加拿大论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!




The mobile gaming industry has seen significant and rapid increase in its use since the use of Smartphone’s. The introduction of Smartphone’s has made the access to games even easier. The widespread appeal of games that are simple to play and help people kill spare time has helped in paving way for the success of mobile gaming industry. The social games, which are found on social media platforms such as Facebook, have established the stage for mobile gaming. As a result, these factors have contributed to the development of nearly 35 per cent of the total market share in the gaming industry by the year 2017.More and more mobile games are being launched now and then. They offer in-game reward points and bonuses to the player for their recruiting new members or players of the mobile game. Because of such baits in disguise of reward points, mobile gamers have now turned to social media websites for the purpose of recruiting or referring their family and friends. There are some mobile games that even provide social media support so that the players can be enticed and offered with in-game friends or chats features to communicate as well as virtually compete with other players in the game. The games have improved drastically in terms of graphics and mechanics. These target a very wide audience and not children anymore. According to Elson et al. (2010), the mobile games developed today are for every age group and support every technology. The mobile gaming is advancing and bringing new trends to the marketplace. The factors such as accessibility, low cost and innovative have helped mobile gaming excel in the market and put behind other forms of gaming. The increasing number of mobile game players has resulted in the creation of more and more devoted blogs, forums as well as tip sites to nail a mobile game. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the impact of mobile games on the market place. To achieve this, the key focus should be on explaining the impact of mobile gaming, target audience and the possibility of H5 to develop mobile games.
Early Mobility
ESA or The Entertainment Software Association, the video game industry’s governing body, had stated that Snake was the first mobile game. It was introduced in 1990s and it was only there in the Texas Instruments Graphing Calculators. According to Bogost (2011), there were changes in the cell phone gaming in early 1990s. During this period, there was massive improvement in cell phone technology. The mobile devices were developed to handle games well. Bogost (2011) explains that models including Blackberries and PDAs were used more as business tools in spite of toys. Therefore, these models had limited the potential of the gaming companies and developers. In 2007, this perception was, however, changed by the introduction of iPhone (Böhmer et al., 2011). It was marketed as an easy-to-use tool for every age group. The rapid spread of iPhone and development of its competitors have helped in providing huge possibility for the mobile game development. A new range of potential players was made available through phones, which outnumbered traditional gaming. As per the US market statistics as of 2013, there were over 200 million active iOS and Android devices (Band et al., 2016). As a result, the mobile games have increased over market size. The games have enabled the people of every age group to pass their time. The huge accessibility and portability has enticed the gamers to consider mobile gaming instead of other forms of gaming. This has, ultimately, widened the potential audience for mobile gaming.

留學生論文寫作提升,可以找加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構,加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構經過多年的經營與磨礪,已經發展成為一家專業的加拿大論文代寫平臺機構,而且論文代寫價格公平合理,擅長寫作科目廣泛,有論文代寫、加拿大代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,良好的口碑和信譽、豐富的論文代寫經驗值得留學生選擇和信賴!

assignment 代写-朝鲜在日本海试射导弹的辩论

朝鲜想要统治世界,想要向世界展示它的军事力量。基于此,我担心朝鲜正在寻求与其他国家作战。主权国家有权自卫,每个国家都试图发展自己的军火库来保护自己。然而,这些国家不能用他们的军火库来控制其他国家。从历史事件和个人分析来看,朝鲜想要控制邻国韩国和日本。因此,我反对朝鲜在日本海试射导弹。接下来有关assignment 代写-朝鲜在日本海试射导弹的辩论如下:

North Korean citizens do not have the freedom of speech and the news media are highly controlled. They have converted the communist ideology into authoritarian regime. The people in North Korea are not given the civil liberties like the other nations. This is evidence of the totalitarian policy that exists within the nation. The other nations are not aware of the living condition of the people and they have essentially not allowed their citizens to interact with the world.
A nation develops military arsenal to safeguard against enemy nations. However, this must only be for defense purpose. North Korea is aggressively expanding its military and developing nuclear weapons. It is evident from their actions that they want to expand their territorial control. This is not for self-defense against neighbouring nations. Rather it is for controlling neighbouring nations. This reckless testing of the ballistic missiles is perceived as a warning from the nation to the rest of the world. Being a nuclear power, it is alluded that the nation wants to enter into a nuclear war. This would cause large scale destruction to the world.
Based on these reasons, I do not want North Korea to test their ballistic missiles in Sea of Japan.
The allusions and inference are based from reading news from various sources. This opinion is formed from analysis of the historical events, personal analysis of the events and media opinion. Civilized democratic nations are against totalitarian or authoritarian government. Based on this, it feels like common knowledge to make these assumptions.
I personally think that this assumption is valid. People need to have freedom to have a quality of life. North Korea denies the people and acts like an aggressor. This argument has been made and there cannot be any statement stronger than this to make a decision. However, there is always room for improvement. Adding real historical events and data from the events would bolster the argument even more. This would increase the clarity.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供硕士论文代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!



The effect of labor union of US is to identify the expertise level of the human resources department of the organizations. In the words of Becker, Jorg (25), it can be stated that the small businesses of the country would be benefitted with the functioning of the labor union, in order to mitigate the problems of the organizational staffs by step by step approach. As a result, the labor union would be able to address their problems and would be able to mitigate these. Hence, in this connection, the labor union of the organizations requires to prepare a contract negotiation, which involves the labor management and the agreed concessions. On the other hand, the lab our union develops the complex contracts in order to evaluate the wage rate along with the benefitted scenarios for the collective bargaining sessions.
As opined by Ohler, Adrienne, and Ian Fetters (127), the staffs of the organizations used to communicate with the organizational authority through the leader of the labor union. In this connection, the management rights clause of the US organizations would highlight the organizational management in order to operate the business and also for making the best decision for the organizations. The labor union environment of US also takes away the collective bargaining agreement to the management discretion for the purpose of decisions concerning performance and also for rewarding the union employees. On the contrary, Rahma, Elsiddig, Noel Perera, and Kian Tan (210) argued that labor union makes the distinction among the internal staffs of the organizations, and also lead to differentiate the wage rate of the employees. It is known that higher wage rate reflects the lower rate of investment. As a result, it can be inferred that this decimation would create an adverse impact among the employees and the lower paid labors would not like to work. In addition, it can be mentioned that this unequal biasness also affects the organizational economy of the country.
Wage rate distinction would lead to the voluntary unemployment. According to Oishi, Shigehiro, and SelinKesebir (1632), it can be mentioned that the lower wages paid employees are unwilling to work. More specifically, it can be stated that the jobs are available for them, but they are not willing to work. Therefore, it can be inferred that voluntary unemployment would negatively affect the country’s economy.

From the above figure, it can be observed that the unemployment rate of US has been decreasing with the passage of time. In this connection, it can be mentioned that lower unemployment rate would influence the higher GDP rate of the economy. Nevertheless, Wang, Chia-Nan, and Van-ThanhPhan (254) questioned that very lower rate of unemployment would lead to the hyperinflation. The country will suffer from the problem of reallocation of wealth. As a consequence, it can be interpreted that this would convert the wealth from the residents to the account of the government. In addition, hyperinflation would reduce the purchasing power of the private and the public savings. More specifically, the economy would suffer from the economic instability condition. Hence, it can be mentioned that though the biasness of labor union would lead voluntary unemployment, however, the trend of the unemployment rate of the country would lead to the economy US to suffer from the situation of hyperinflation.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供加拿大论文代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!


代写-雕塑艺术家多丽丝·萨尔塞多的作品分析。被观察到的公共空间和3D雕塑位于芝加哥当代艺术博物馆。分析了著名雕塑艺术家多丽丝·萨尔塞多和波哥大的作品。公共空间注重后极简主义形式的雕塑手法。这些都涉及到社会政治问题。Plegaria Muda(2008-10)包含了一个广泛安装的折衷的表集合,这些表被发现是倒置的。除此之外,还有单独的草叶从它们表面的洞中生长出来(Moreno 95)。

The famous quotation of the painting is that
“Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it is not there.”
Ferdi Rizkiyanto is found to create digital art that showcases the strength of medium used. There is utilization of high-definition rendering. There is also focus on the texture, light and intricate details. These are specifically created to focus on the emotionally narrative scenes that are different from the ordinary elucidation. Riskiyanto is known to takes basic object and add intricate motion in order to create compelling narratives. There is a twist in the representation of the different elements (Bolognesi and Aina 7). There is focus on the lights and the ways in which these are mixed and presented. In this analysis, the artists have tried to explore the meaning of pollution in the ocean. The manner of representation of the painting is a little girl whose face is not shown. However, she lifts the sea and can see the pollution lying there. This is a powerful imagery to explain to the world that the rampant impacts of pollution are causing destruction to the world. There is also allusion to the fact that people must not make judgments based on the surface. There must be comprehensive analysis that the people must take before arriving at solutions. These two schools of thought are evident in the works of the artist. The artist had taken an effort to research on the issues and create an allusion with various references. There is also focus on the visual that would create a quick sketch. There is intricate detailing to show how the message is received by the audience.

Doris Salcedo and Ferdi Rizkiyanto were analyzed in this analysis. It can be deemed that these two artists focused on the geo political issues and tried to bring these issues into the foray using their versions of art. The focus of this analysis was the work done by Ferdi Rizkiyanto. The attempt taken by the artist to explore into a multitude of emotions and narrative have been discussed in this analysis.

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Monmouth has acquired three companies that have helped the company to become the leader in the market, and the acquisition of Robertson Tool Company will also lead to the increase in profitability. Robertson tool organization is one of the largest domestic producers of edge and cutting hand tools and the leader in the two product areas. The acquisition of Robertson Tool Company will increase the profitability and decrease in the cost expenses. The managers should take decisions on the future estimates, and it will be a great opportunity for the company. The Robertson Tool Company holds 50 per cent of the shares of $76 million market and has 9% share of the $210 million shears and scissors market. The distribution centre of the company is its greatest assets. The company can use the distribution network of the company. The company also uses the workforce of Robertson Tool Company. The Robertson Tool Company has 49 sales people, 29 engineers and 16000 retail outlets. The Monmouth can use the resources of the company as well as can also increase its sales revenue. The organizational structure will change and will increase the efficiency of the company. The products can be promoted in the market and an increase of the sales revenue will benefit both the company. The financial performance of both the companies will increase, and it will be a great opportunity for the companies.
The Robertson Tool company can fully share all its resources as well as an increase in the annual sale which is expected to increase in future. The maximum acquisition amount that should be paid by the Monmouth should be around $47 per share. The customers in the market can be increased with the increase in the quality of products and services. The customer base will increase, and the brand name of Monmouth will also increase in the market. The income statement and balance sheet of Robertson Tool Company show that the support of Monmouth can increase the profitability of both the company. The Simmons wants to sell its position to the company Monmouth at an amount of $50 per share because of a bad situation that the company Robertson Tools Company has decreased over the period. The share price of Robertson Tool Company is low, but the acquisition by the Monmouth Company will increase the market shares of both the companies. The resources and the distribution network systems will also be used by the company.
The income statement of Robertson Tool Company shows that the performance is decreasing over the period but it will increase in the acquisition process. The board of directors and employees will work for the benefit of the company. It would be a good decision for Monmouth to acquire and carry out their activities with the Robertson Tool Company.

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Growing globalization prominence, increase in productivity, importance of capitalism and free trade are pervading throughout the societies. It can be contended that there is an increase in competitiveness in the economies. There are a number of positive attributes and negative aspects that are formed owing to these ideologies in the society. Marxist ideology seems to address some of the key issues in competitive spirit. This theory of supply and demand seems to control the market economies. There is also growing unemployment, financial uncertainties and crashing of the markets, poverty that has been seen in the societies. These are repercussions that were predicted in the Marxist economic ideals. Even the Marxist ideals seem to bring a halt in productivity. People in the societies are often in a conundrum as to which ideal they should choose.

Unlike classical economies, more intricate variables are considered in the case of Marxism and in Neo classical economies. The importance of the individual and their impacts in the society has been factored in these newer theories. Classical theories operate on the platform of supply and demand. Basic similarities of these two theories are that they both state that individual acts are influenced in the pricing process. Smith and Marx allude that self-interest leads to more production the society. The interpretation of self-interest, however, is different between these two theories. They both state that the individual needs lead to more production and the individuals in the society are the driving force that causes increases in production.
Both these theories factor in the notions of class in the societies. The treatment of the classes in the society is the differing variable between these two theories.

Neo classical economy gives importance to production and individual growth. It considers production essential for its sustenance. It celebrates production. There are many levels of growth and increase in production that has been developed owing to these economic policies. Principles of marginal utility are used in this theory. Theory of supply and demand is the most important facet. Importance is given to individualism and the issue of the labor is not factored in this economic theory. On the other hand Marxism factors in the labor theory of value and contends that the pricing of the product should be based on the labor utilized for the production. In the current times, there is increase in competition owing to the globalization and free trade principles. In this notion the factor of competitiveness was probed in this analysis. It was analyzed if this level of competition was desirable using these economic theories. It was concluded that certain gaps in each theory has been addressed in the other theory. Each proponent has their own set of values regarding the same. In this situation, the notion of truth and the representation of truth and rationalist viewpoint of each theory cannot be dismissed. There is a need for a new system that addresses the situation from a holistic angle. In retrospection the competitive aspect needs to be fostered while considering other variables such as labor.

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