


Lisa does not have any past psychiatric history. However, she had a short term treatment for depression. She had suffered from depression, when she was15 years old. She was not able to see that her father is living a happy life with his new family and her mother is living in depression and trauma. She suffered from withdrawal symptoms and a teacher at her school recognized her symptoms. She was referred to the mental health care service from school counsellor. The symptoms of the depression were mild and for a year, she was on depression medication and talk therapy for 2 months. Since then Lisa does not have any of such problem or had not received any such treatment.
Past Relevant Medial History
Except depression, she does not have any past relevant medical history. She had been found under the drug abuse at the age of 17 years. She had undergone the cocaine treatment for 2 years. She received psychological therapy treatment and medication for this treatment.
Current Medication and Dosage
Currently, she is not using any kind of medication.
Alcohol and Drug History
Lisa has the history of alcohol and drug abuse. She has been taking cocaine since she was 17 years old. She was sent to rehabilitation and received treatment for 2 years. However, she again started taking cocaine (in small amount and occasionally) and using alcohol every day. She felt the high demand of perfectionism in her life. She loves getting admiration from other, but always emotionally distant herself from other, when they try to come close to her. She started using alcohol and drugs to fill her inner emptiness. The people suffering with Narcissistic Personality Disorder are often vulnerable and addicted to drugs and alcohol. According to the study of Karakoula and Triliva (2016), narcissists are often considered as the substance-dependent populations. The patient suffers from vulnerability to grandiosity, which often leads to alcohol and drug abuse.
Family history
Family history of the patient suggests that she lived alone with her mother after her father left them. Her mother suffered depression and trauma of separation and was not able to give much attention to Lisa. Her mother had become an alcoholic. She died three years back due to cardiac arrest. Since then Lisa is living alone and does not have any extended family to support her. Her father and his family lives interstate and she has not seen them since years. She lives in a one bedroom house alone.
Personal History
Lisa was always a very shy child and she found difficulty in making friends. At school, she was diagnosed with depression for which she received the brief treatment. She completed her schooling and then completed her graduation from distant learning. She completed her collage studies in management. She never had any intimate relationships, though she liked a boy when she was in college. She currently works in a big corporation at the position of a manager and she is very good at her work. She is unmarried and does not have any plans to get married. Her favourite pass time is to sit at home watching television and “getting high”.

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