

代写-雕塑艺术家多丽丝·萨尔塞多的作品分析。被观察到的公共空间和3D雕塑位于芝加哥当代艺术博物馆。分析了著名雕塑艺术家多丽丝·萨尔塞多和波哥大的作品。公共空间注重后极简主义形式的雕塑手法。这些都涉及到社会政治问题。Plegaria Muda(2008-10)包含了一个广泛安装的折衷的表集合,这些表被发现是倒置的。除此之外,还有单独的草叶从它们表面的洞中生长出来(Moreno 95)。

The famous quotation of the painting is that
“Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it is not there.”
Ferdi Rizkiyanto is found to create digital art that showcases the strength of medium used. There is utilization of high-definition rendering. There is also focus on the texture, light and intricate details. These are specifically created to focus on the emotionally narrative scenes that are different from the ordinary elucidation. Riskiyanto is known to takes basic object and add intricate motion in order to create compelling narratives. There is a twist in the representation of the different elements (Bolognesi and Aina 7). There is focus on the lights and the ways in which these are mixed and presented. In this analysis, the artists have tried to explore the meaning of pollution in the ocean. The manner of representation of the painting is a little girl whose face is not shown. However, she lifts the sea and can see the pollution lying there. This is a powerful imagery to explain to the world that the rampant impacts of pollution are causing destruction to the world. There is also allusion to the fact that people must not make judgments based on the surface. There must be comprehensive analysis that the people must take before arriving at solutions. These two schools of thought are evident in the works of the artist. The artist had taken an effort to research on the issues and create an allusion with various references. There is also focus on the visual that would create a quick sketch. There is intricate detailing to show how the message is received by the audience.

Doris Salcedo and Ferdi Rizkiyanto were analyzed in this analysis. It can be deemed that these two artists focused on the geo political issues and tried to bring these issues into the foray using their versions of art. The focus of this analysis was the work done by Ferdi Rizkiyanto. The attempt taken by the artist to explore into a multitude of emotions and narrative have been discussed in this analysis.

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