

部門所有的跨境服務和投資如下。(1)處理Blueland關鍵是選擇服務供應商必須是新加坡國家,必須是新加坡永久居民或必須是新加坡就業通行證持有人,必須沒有法律負擔證明登記業務。這個人必須被允許在不需要任命當地經理的情況下註冊營業。(2)獲委任的本地經理須為新加坡國民或新加坡永久居民,或可能持有在委任時仍有效而未過期的新加坡就業證。 (3)不會給予新加坡國民或被視為持有就業證的非永久性居民的當地管理人員不應有的優惠。這裡也不接受任何形式的外部偏見。


For sector All, the cross border services and investment are listed as follows.(1) For working with Blueland it is critical that the selected service suppliers must be a Singapore National, or must be a permanent resident of Singapore, or must be a Singapore Employment Pass Holder and must not have legal burden to show proof for registering business. The person in question must be allowed to register for business without the need for appointing a local manager as well. (2) Local managers who are appointed will be a Singapore national, or a permanent resident of Singapore or might hold a Singapore Employment Pass that at the time of appointment is still valid and not expired. (3) No undue preference would be given to local managers who are Singapore nationals or who are non-permanent residents that are seen to hold an employment pass. No form of external bias would be entertained here as well.
(4) In the case of companies that are locally incorporated then the companies will follow the necessary legal requirements and would comply with the following rules as well.At least one of the director of the company should be a resident in Singapore as per the required time stipulated at the time of appointment of the Director. The branches of the foreign company must be registered in Singapore as well. Foreign company branches must at the last have 2 agents who are resident in Singapore at the time of the consideration of measures.In order to understand residency in Singapore as a status, the legal rules that a person should either be a Singapore national or must be a Singapore permanent resident or must hold the Employment pass, and this is applicable to the two agents that are to be attached to the two or more foreign branches.