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代写论文 股市泡沫


代写论文 股市泡沫报告分为三个不同的部分,本文的第一部分将探讨股票市场泡沫的起源和历史。第二部分将重点讨论股票市场泡沫的各种性质,第三部分将提供行为解释。

代写论文 股市泡沫是股市中出现的一种经济泡沫形式。这发生在股票价格由市场参与者与特定股票估值系统相关联的时候。通过文献发现,股票市场泡沫导致股票市场崩溃,这是股票市场快速下跌。股市泡沫的这种效应导致了大量的账面财富损失,而经济本质的外部事件与群众行为相结合,导致了积极反馈的循环。这表明,一些市场参与者的股票销售会促使更多的参与者从市场上卖出他们的股票。

代写论文 股市泡沫

The stock market bubbles will be further explained with the utilization of behavioural explanations. Hence, the major stock bubbles from will be understood in terms of their history, nature and origin. The stock market bubbles will be explained with the utilization of behavioural finance and related theories. In order to ensure that the concepts, stock market bubbles, theories and related elements are appropriately understood, there will be extensive use of the academic literature related to the topic. Latest books, journal articles, reports and reviews will be analysed and discussed to ensure that the findings and evidence are credible, reliable and valuable to this report.

The following report is divided into three different parts, the initial section of the paper will explore the manner in which the stock market bubbles are originated and their history. The second section will focus on the various natures of stock market bubbles and the third section will provide with the behavioural explanations.

代写论文 股市泡沫

Stock market bubble is one of the economic bubble forms which occur within the stock markets. This takes place when the stock prices are driven above the value by the participants of the market in association with certain stock valuation system. It is identified through the literature that the stock market bubbles cause the stock market to crash which is a rapid stock price decline across the stock market. This effect of the stock market bubbles result in considerable paper wealth loss and the external events of economic nature integrates with the crowd behaviour and result in the loop of positive feedback. This suggests that the sales of stock by some of the participants in market drive more participants to sell their stocks from the market.




这本杂志的编辑是Robyn C. Walker

IJBC审查并出版能够促进商务沟通知识的手稿,作为一种高度截然不同的专业和学术学科。除此之外,IJBC寻求评估和评估可评估商业交流关键领域的手稿。 IJBC鼓励各种交流方式在创造,维护和实现利润和非营利业务方面发挥作用。期刊接受所有与学术联谊有关的研究模式。


Information about the International Journal of Business Communication

Editorial Board
The Editorial Board of IJBC is comprised of the Editor, Associate Editors, Book Review Editor, and a few subject-matter experts which can examine and evaluate submitted manuscripts.
The editor of this Journal is Robyn C. Walker
Mission Statement/Purpose
The International Journal of Business Communication (IJBC) aims to publish peer-reviewed, highly valued and rigorous original research which is able to contribute for the information and knowledge related to business communication and management.

Peer review Process
The journal has portrayed Business communication as a highly distinct and multidimensional field which has been approached by several administrative disciplines which includes the liberal arts, management sciences and social sciences. The articles reviewed in IJBC review and address all areas which are related to business communication and management. They include content/technical writing, international business management, organizational behavior, Leadership and corporate communication. Along with that, the journal also allows submissions which are related to important contribution of written, verbal, nonverbal and electronic communication in the field of profit and non-profit business.
Guidelines for Submission
The IJBC reviews and publishes manuscripts which can contribute towards knowledge of business communication as a highly distinct professional and academic discipline. Apart from that, IJBC seeks to assess and evaluate manuscripts which can evaluate key areas of business communication. IJBC encourages the role of various modes of communication for creation, maintenance, and performance of profit and non-profit business. The journal accepts all modes of research which are relevant in the academic fraternity.
Publication of articles
The publication of IJBC includes scholarly studies which are on average 15-35 double-spaced pages, commentaries of 10-14 pages, forums which are consisted of 2-4 articles organized in a unifying theme and book reviews.



研究了在多元文化和多元城市中影响商务交易的商务谈判变量。发现了重要的多样性管理公司、移民身份确定的商业交易中发挥了重要的作用(弥敦和李,2013,pp. 367-394)。英国的许多城市现在都是多样化的,谈判者需要了解他们的语言。



Culture variables that affect communication and negotiation
A study was conducted to observe the business negotiation variables that affect business transactions in multicultural and diverse cities. It was found that the management companies that gave importance to diversity, migrant status played an important role in determining the business transactions (Nathan & Lee, 2013, pp. 367-394).  Many cities within UK are diversified now and the negotiators need to be aware of their language.
Countries that have similar cultural practices have easier modes of communication. Culture and topographical proximity plays an important role in determining the business pulse and the trade agreement of the country. For example, France and UK do a lot of trades solely because of proximity and nearness. It is has been found that within the European Union there is significantly distinctive cultural and business practices between eastern and western European countries. Eastern European countries are able to produce cheaper products than Western Europe. Western European countries like UK give more emphasis to sustainability, waste disposal, fair trade laws, ethical and social rules followed by the business enterprises wanting to conduct business. Hence, the Eastern European countries need to show their sustainable and ethical practices while conducting business in UK (Deresky, 2000). The individuals who are negotiation the business transactions need to give importance to the individualism, gender quality and the implications of the businesses in terms of economic prosperity (Hofstede, 2010). When negotiating trade agreements with the companies, the company needs to show the business enterprises the importance to the sustainability methods, waste disposal methods followed by the company as prescribed by the European Union.





The trait theory on leadership is perhaps the most simplest of theories. Using the trait theory of leadership one should be able to classify a successful leader versus a not so successful only based on only some of the traits. However a leader need not be successful just because they are an extrovert and similarly other traits such as affability or interpersonal communication styles cannot be used to state a leader is successful or not. The trait theory can at bets be used along with other theories to define leadership. The pros of the behavioral theories are that it helps in presenting different styles of conducting teams. The behavioral theories are also useful to understand classifications based on the level of participation that is extended to the teams. Participation acts as motivation and hence the behavioral theory can be useful to understand leadership efficiency. However the behavioral theory alone does not capture the strategic necessities of the work environment.
Sometimes an autocratic leadership might be necessary, especially if the work load is high and the work has a short turnaround time, on the other hand at the time of critical organizational change a more participatory democratic leadership might be necessary. In this context the contingency leadership that is based on the situation actually scores better, as it will ensure that the situational requirements of the organization are taken into consideration at the time of the conducting teams. Similarly the transformational leadership which attempts to present goals to the organization and then motivates the team to achieve them is again a better influence as it will enable the team to be more successfully aligned towards the goals for a longer term perspective.



将西班牙前殖民地文明化是吉卜林论点的基础。新帝国主义也被称为新帝国主义;这个时代的时期是19世纪末和20世纪初。新帝国主义是关于美国和欧洲国家殖民扩张的意识形态。美国已经像英国过去一样,走上了殖民化的原则。他们想扩大边界,殖民许多岛屿。世界各地发生了猖獗的殖民统治。欧美国家和美国已经开始猖獗地殖民周边地区。由于这种殖民化,殖民地国家内部也出现了一些骚动和骚动。像吉德林(Rudyard Kipling)这样的诗人希望美国承担起“白人的包袱”的重担。这与殖民地国家建设行为类似。这篇文章分析了吉卜林的诗歌如何反映新帝国主义和时代精神。



Civilizing the former Spanish colonies forms the basis for Kipling’s arguments. New Imperialism also known as neo imperialism; the time period of this era was late 19th century and the early 20th century. New imperialism is about the ideologies that existed in the United States and the European countries regarding colonial expansion. The United States had embarked on the principles of colonization like the United Kingdom had done so in the past. They wanted to expand its boundaries and colonized many islands. There was rampant colonization happening around the world. The European countries and America had started to colonize the surrounding areas in a rampant manner. As a result of this colonization, there were also a number of unrests and agitations happening internally in the colonized states. The poets like Rudyard Kipling wanted the United States to take up their burden, “the white man’s burden”. This was similar to the act of nation building in the colonies. This essay analyzes how far Kipling’s poem is a reflection of New Imperialism and the spirit of the age.

The manhood is, however, filled with problems. When the United States has to support a set of civilizing colonies, it will be forced to do so in ways where it will have to supply resources from its own countries, tax its people and more. At one end, it can be said that the United States would be supported in its work, but in another it can be said that the United States would not supported, people, politics and more would actually rise against their act. There were many people who objected to this imperialistic policy saying that it was acts of oppressions and dominance of some countries. They basically said the stronger countries were acting in acts of aggression and controlling over its weaker counterparts and said this principle was not right.



如果情绪稳定性较低,可能会影响两名员工的工作效率,因为这可能会引发他们之间的纠纷。这将导致员工工作质量下降,从而阻碍他的职业成长。在大多数情况下,做一个特定的工作角色将需要来自其他部门或员工的帮助和信息。因此,只有在没有工作场所问题时才能保证工作流程(van Hooft,&Born,2012)。


The relationship between my own personality and its effect to others at work is a challenging and major concern for both me, the other employee and for the organization as a whole. The personality differences can create the work environment unpredictable. A work environment is a place with different kind of people and it seek a coordinated efforts and cooperation between the team members. This will ensure a better productivity and outcome and will lead to the fulfillment of the organizational goals as well. However, there are clashes of personality levels, it can bring more disturbances and differences in the view points and performance level of employees. Hence, there can be increasing conflicts among the team members. This can result in lack of efficiency in performance level. This will badly affect the productivity level of the employees.
If there is a lower emotional stability, it can hamper the work efficiency of both the employees as it can trigger the disputes among them. This will contribute to low work quality on the part of the employee, which will block him from the career growth. In most of the scenarios, doing a particular job role will require the assistance and information from other departments or employees. Hence, the work flow can be ensured only when there is no workplace issue (van Hooft, & Born 2012).
Sometimes personality differences in employees can result in more ego and attitude issues and this will prevent them from interacting in the teams and gather the required information to do the entrusted tasks. Moreover, bullying, gossips etc being the part of personality traits can ruin the employee performance levels as well as his colleague’s performance levels.



人类之后,最接近的物种是动物物种。它们具有与人类一样的感觉。自评估阶段以来,动物为人类提供了最有用的帮助。他们为人类提供了交通工具,帮助了我们服装,狗已经把我们的夜间卫士,一些饥饿者填满了,一些是我们的艺人,一些是我们的战友。尽管人类对人类物种的使用,重要性,忠诚和帮助,但是人类并没有证明他们对他们的忠诚,并且作为统治世界的最终权威。这就是为什么有些阶级现在非常有限,有些已经从地球上消失了。动物的暴力是非常普遍的,随着时间的推移,报道越来越重要。主观暴力有三大类。 (费因伯格和乔尔)


After humans, the closest specie to them is animal species. They possess same sense as possess by humans. Animals had provided the most useful assistance to humans since the evaluation phase. They had provided humans the means of transportation, helped us in clothing, dogs’ had secured us night guards, some had filled over hunger, some are our entertainers and some became our war companions. Despite of their use, importance, loyalty and help to humans’ species, humans had not proved their loyalty to them and behaved as the ultimate authority to rule the world. That is why, some of classes are now very limited and some have vanished from earth. Animal’s violence is very common and the reports are getting more critical with passage of time. The subjective violence has three major categories. (Feinberg and Joel)
The problem with the developing nation is the absence of proper legislation for the animals that are used for the amusement of human being. These animals are often subjected to degraded food and violent treatment in order to get amusing moves out of them. The use of mobile phones and the culture of video making have increased the cases of violence on these animals. people in an attempt to amuse people and to get hits on their video subject these animals to different tortures that damage the health of that animal. The psychological effects of these tortures are even further. There is a need to create awareness amongst the people in relation to different torture activities being done with these amusement animals. It is important that people must adherent a humane behaviour towards these animals.


此外,该国可能还选择将政府资产私有化,然后才将其作为接受救助援助的条件。所以,这个方案在一定程度上是可以执行的,这个执政党的政治意愿也是对经济有很大影响的。布兰查德和约翰逊(Blanchard and Johnson,2013)强调,稳定和低通胀是所有中央银行可以控制失业率和规范工资的目标。但是,从结果论国际关系的角度来看,所有这些申请都是不成果和合理的,并且维护每个公民和人类有权享有的公平和正义的平等分配。因此,克鲁格曼关于希腊作为所要求的变革的后期实施者的观察是绝对正确的,并且即使在较小的程度上,情况本可以比现在更健康。 Blanchard,Dell’Ariccia和Mauro(2010)表示,金融监管只关注个别金融机构,支持金融监管,并没有将中间金融措施作为中央宏观经济特征,因此也忽视了这些监管的宏观经济影响。
克鲁格曼认为由于多种原因实施所需的变革来恢复经济,希腊无能为力。相反,希腊同意了欧盟的两个不同的救助方案。方案A很难适用,由于可能带来的质量效应,无法预测其影响和影响。 B计划比较接近平均通货膨胀水平,可以通过采取更多的非必需措施进一步优化和完善,使基本商品和服务保持和谐的工作状态。


Austerity is the intentional effort of executing reduced spending by the government to adjust its budget deficits. Krugman argues that Greece could have taken measures internally to reduce the labour wages without disturbing the rising unemployment numbers. He argues for two plans or options, one where the unemployment is higher and the economy is deflating, and the other in which the unemployment level is kept just high enough to contain the wages from rising further. Further, the author argues and comments that Greece should have reduced its extreme austerity measures with slower adjustment and if it had its own currency.
In addition, the country could have also opted for privatization of government assets before it was imposed as a condition for accepting the bailout aid. So, this plan is implementable to some extent subject to the political will of the governing party which also has a lot of impact on the economy. Blanchard and Johnson (2013) emphasize that having a stable and low inflation was and must be the target of all central banks that can control unemployment rates and standardise wages. However, all these applications will not be fruitful and justified if viewed from the perspectives of international relations of theory of consequentialism and upholding equal distribution of justice and rights that every citizen and human is entitled to. Thus, the observation of Krugman about Greece being a late implementer of the required changes is absolutely correct and that had it implemented even to a smaller extent the situation could have been healthier than it is at the present. Blanchard, Dell’Ariccia and Mauro (2010) inform that financial regulation only focussed on individual institutions, supported them and failed to intermediate financial measures as a central macroeconomic feature, thus also ignored the macroeconomic implications of such regulations.
Krugman is correct in identifying Greece’s inability due to multiple reasons to implement the required changes to revive the economy. Greece in contrast, agreed to two different bailout packages from the European Union. Plan A is much difficult to apply and its repercussions and impacts cannot be projected due to the mass effect it can bring about. Plan B is somewhat nearer to a balanced level of stale inflation which can be further optimised and improved by introducing more measures towards non-essentials so that the essential goods and services are maintained in a harmonious working state.





International Trade: It is trade between different countries of the world crossing national boundaries. It includes exchange of goods and services. It is that situation of trade which is free from government restrictions in the form of tariffs, quotas and excise duties etc.
Importance of free and open trade:
Free trade is beneficial for nations of the world. It promotes innovation and creativity in the goods produced by different countries. If trade will be free and open among all the nations of the world it would promote the spirit of completion among the companies of the world and the citizens would get a much better and innovative product for use (Cateora, 2007). It will foster the trade by followings the rules and regulations made by government for free trade and will promote democratic values all around the world. Cost of production of goods and services will be reduced and it will help in the growth of the companies with more returns in the form of revenue that will make companies economically stable. The most important effect of open trade will be that it will improve the standard of living of people all over the world and will also increase employment opportunities (Anderson, 2002). The environment is also protected by free trade as some goods are better produced in countries which are rich in raw material resources from nature, whereas if these goods will be produced by other nations, artificial substitutes will have to be used for the production of final product and that may harm ecological balance and increase environmental pollution.






Human resource definition of the earlier times
Human resource capital has had a large and variety of definition with the changing times, and to start with a useful definition by Adam Smith can be considered, who mentioned that human resource capital is the identification of the acquired and useful abilities of individuals as a source of revenue or profit (Ployhart and Moliterno, 2011). This definition indicates the methodical usage of employees and workers in an organisation in a way where there potential is being used enough to create revenue and profit for the organisation. This was the fundamental belief of the HRM function where recruitment was primarily targeted towards hiring talented workers who would help generate revenues for the organisation. Considering this statement, it indicates that the function is more focussed on the organisational goals and achievement, rather than the individual’s personal goals which are supposedly aligned with that of the organisation which makes the job much easier. The HRM function has continuously faced an issue in justifying itself in and its positions in different kinds of organisations (Stewart, 1996). This is legitimate because every organisation type is different and it has to adjust with the external trends and the organisational constraints. For example, when an organisation is not accustomed to the idea of assessing their employees’ performance, the gaps in the performance cannot be identified to be rectified, and when the assessment is difficult due to severe industrial working conditions, the performance management exercises cannot be carried out. Thus, the type of human resource function is different for a corporate level and an industrial organisation, and they carry and develop their own understanding of the approach and blend it within their organisation’s culture.