标签存档: 加拿大代写






A favourable movement in the earnings of immigrants can be either immediate or gradual. An immigrant has the possibility of gaining immediate profits when he/she is into a job according to his/her skills. Immediate gains are more expected in metropolitan areas where productive and specialized firms exist. Productive firms have the capability to pay higher compensation to their employees and specialized firms require skilled workforce which provides opportunity to skilled immigrants to find jobs appropriate as per their skills. On the other hand, gains can also be gradual in case where the employer is not able to judge the real skills of the workers or the workers are not able to find a suitable job. This makes the workers getting engaged in certain unsuitable jobs before they find a right one. This generates a situation of gradual movement in the earnings of an employee.

The lack of integration of immigrants of Quebec to the culture of Quebec leads to lower earnings of the immigrants in comparison to the earnings of immigrants in Toronto. Moreover the immigration policy of Quebec is different from the ROC. Quebec is expected to be the province that provides the maximum economic benefit to the country on the contrary the province’s performance has been poor. Considering this factor, successful integration of immigrants is much more necessary in Quebec rather than in the rest of the Canada. A main reason for the lower earnings of immigrants in Quebec when compared to the immigrants earnings in Toronto is the difference in the numbers of immigrants settling down in both the regions. Montreal is not as effective as Toronto in attracting immigrants from different countries, the reason for which needs to be identified so that it can transform its policies as required.






In a vitriolic fashion, Freehling, W. (1972) argued that the founding fathers’ vision of a free nation was soon overshadowed by vested interests. In his view, The American Revolutionaries had, in the process of achieving independence from the British Empire, intended to achieve a political revolution, one in which power would not only be in the hands of the people, but also not concentrated in the interests of the lite. In this aspect, Freehling notes, they succeeded in a brilliant fashion, splitting the British Empire, which was by the end of the 18th century the mightiest of the world’s powers even before industrialization accelerated the growth of its empire (in fact, historians contend that the loss of American colonies were what convinced His Majesty’s Government to seek a new landmass across the sea to dump their convicts). In the process of the revolution, the Revolutionary War had culminated with the abolishment of the existing monarchical system of government in what would later become the United States of America. At a time when most democratic revolutions had subsequently descended into anarchy (and later returned to a monarchy, as in the curious case of Napoleon and the French Revolution), the founding fathers had recast the very nature of republican ideology and a democratic structure with the federal Constitution of 1787.

Freehling further contends that, over the next few decades, the ideal of republicanism had come to be regarded as more of an aristocratic conception than a government of the people. This, he argued, undermined their very own ideology, and several of the founding fathers, most prominent of them all being Andrew Jackson, broke away to establish a new political school centered on the concept of egalitarian republicanism.



因此,价值可以说是真实的,因为它们能够在一个继续经历多样性的社区内传达我们的人性水平,这个多样性反过来受到自身多样性的影响。因此,阿皮亚认为价值观并不是真实的,因为我们现在所处的世界只是我们的需要和欲望的结果。随着时间的推移,其中一些欲望和愿望发生了变化,而另一些则保持不变,这是由于这种变化价值观在当今如此全球化的社区中演变。因此,考虑这些价值是否值得被“如此全球化”(Skold 5-23)社区所接受,可能更为合理。无论如何,Appiah用对话作为探讨这些差异的工具的观点是有效的,应该接受文化冲突引起的任何冲突,以便理解我们的全球社区。

除此之外,Appiah在他的书中解释了“意见分歧”的意思。使用世界性的观点,预期在文化内部和文化间会产生分歧。他在文化解释上的差异和对​​词汇和价值条款的重视,对分歧的发生负责。考虑到上面的情况,对于在餐厅外面是否有孩子留下来是否可以(Skold 5-23)存在分歧。根据阿皮亚的说法,家庭可以选择养育自己想要的孩子,只有当社会提出的方法“有效”和“有意义”时,任何分歧都应该被视为一个问题。换言之,阿皮亚强调的是认为如果两个分歧的人不是不同意彼此的信念,而是争论他们对这些原则的重视,而这种价值的重要性取决于它所源自的文化(Skold 5-23)。


Thus, values can be said to be real in the sense that they are capable of communicating our level of humanity within a community that continues to experience diversity which in turn is influenced by its own diversity. Hence, Appiah argues that values are not real since there are simply a result of our wants and desires for the world we currently live in. With time, some of these wants and desires change while others remain the same and it is due to this change that values evolve in community that is now so global. Therefore, it may be more logical to consider whether if these values are worthy of being accepted by the “oh so global” (Skold 5-23)community. Either way, Appiah’s notion of using conversation as a tool to explore these differences is effective and that any conflicts resulting from cultural clashes should be accepted so as to understand our global community.

Along with the above, Appiah explains what “having a difference in opinion” means, in his book. Using a cosmopolitan view, disagreements are expected within and across cultures. He holds the difference in cultural interpretation and the weight put on vocabulary and terms of value, responsible for the occurrence of disagreements. Considering the given situation above, there was a disagreement on whether if it is alright to leave a child attended outside a restaurant or not(Skold 5-23). According to Appiah, families can choose to nurture their children using which ever means they want to and any disagreement should be considered an issue only if the society’s proposed method “works” and “makes sense.” In other words, Appiah is emphasizes on the idea that if two people in an disagreement are not disagreeing with each other’s belief but are arguing over weight of value that they place over those principles and this weight of values is dependent on the culture it is derived from(Skold 5-23).




在这场革命中,女性在英美军队中扮演了积极的角色。这些妇女大多是士兵和军官的女儿。这些妇女为许多形式的军队服务,他们被命名为野营花。他们曾经做过烹饪,洗衣,修补,护理和儿童保育。革命期间强调的一些非凡的女士们将与他们在美国革命中的贡献一起讨论。黛博拉·桑普森(Deborah Sampson)是革命时最富有激情的军人,为了服兵役而离开了家庭。她在美国独立战争中进行了许多次战斗,并确定了她的服务。另一位名叫玛格丽特·柯克兰·科尔宾(Margaret Cochran Corbin)的女性贡献者在那个以莫莉船长的名字而闻名的革命时期。她是一个露营花,她和丈夫一起服务。她有装火炮和管理炮兵的知识。另一个阵营花是玛丽·路德维希·海斯(Mary Ludwig Hays),她也在战斗中陪同丈夫。她曾经为部队供水,这是她获得了莫莉·皮彻的名字的原因。除此之外,革命期间还有许多其他妇女的贡献。大多数妇女担任间谍,这是一个很大的贡献。妇女冒着生命危险为军队服务成为间谍。这些女人在英美军营当厨师和女佣,所以他们可以窃听所有的问题。他们被要求窃听军事计划,部队调动,供应短缺等。美国独立战争期间的另一个贡献者是菲利斯·惠特利(Phillis Wheatley),她以诗歌形式在美国殖民地作出贡献。


In this revolution women took an active role in British and American armies. Most of these women were daughters of soldiers and officers. These women for serving the army in many forms and they were given the name of Camp flowers. They used to do cooking, laundry, mending, nursing and childcare. Some of the remarkable ladies that were highlighted during the revolution will be discussed along with their contributions in American Revolution. Deborah Sampson was the most passionate soldier in the army during the revolution and she left her family just to serve the army. She fought many battles and was determined about her services during the American Revolution. Another women contributor with the name of Margaret Cochran Corbin was there during the revolution that was famous with the name of Captain Molly. She was a camp flower and she was serving with her husband. She had the knowledge of loading the fire cannons and administering the artilleryman in the company. Another camp flower was Mary Ludwig Hays and she was also accompanying her husband in the battle. She used to supply water to the troops and that was the reason she gained the name of Molly Pitcher. Along with this there were many other contributions that were presented by women during the revolution. Most of the women served as spies and that was a big contribution. Women risked their lives and property to serve in the army for becoming spies. These women were serving as cooks and maids in the British and American military camps so they can eavesdrop about all the issues. They were asked to eavesdrop about the military plans, troop movements, supply shortages etc. another contributor during the American Revolution was Phillis Wheatley and she contributed in the form of her poetry in colonial America.





在另一个图表中,1 + 2强度与女性董事的比例相比较。计算一个全面的图表范围1 + 2强度的百分比计算,因为它们的价值远高于船上的妇女的百分比。从图表中可以看出,这个图表没有提供太多的重要数据,即使在取得百分比后,范围1 + 2强度的一些值在变量内显示出巨大的偏差,而在船上的女性百分比仍然在一个有限的范围内。这里相关系数R平方值也表明两个被考虑的变量之间有很多相似之处。



In the first chart of comparison of Cranfield and EIO rankings, however, the companies do not achieve similar rank in both the rankings, but their trend can be observed to complement each other. The companies which achieve Cranfield ranking higher than other its EIO ranking is also higher. If we place the ranking in two groups, higher and lower, 52% companies seem to lie in the same group, i.e. either higher or lower, while others lie in different groups with minor difference. The R squared value of trend line appears to be 0.9 that is near to 1, which means the correlation is much higher. There is also a major difference in few of the companies’ rankings. This may be due to the fact that the data of ghg emissions provided by several companies is not up to the mark in concern of transparency.

In the other chart scope 1+2 intensities are compared with percentage of women directors on board. To plot a comprehensive chart scope 1+2 intensities’ percentages were calculated, because their values were much higher to be compared with the percentages of women on board. This chart does not provide much significant data as it can be observed from the chart that even after taking the percentages, some values of scope 1+2 intensities show huge deviations within the variable, while percentages of women on board remains in a well bounded range. Here also the correlation coefficient, R squared value, shows that there is much similarity between the two considered variables.

The data presented in both the reports is utilized in study of this report. It is found that there is a need of more implication of transparency in their records. Be it more precise and transparent, stronger relationship can attained between the two concerned variables, that are, gender equality and performance related to climatic matters of a company






It can be stated that the power culture that Apple was able to develop in the previous leadership era had a number of disadvantages. These included creativity and initiatives of employees being under-utilized, high degree of risk related to decision making process and no criticism from lower management risk being faced by decisions of the leader. Organizational change takes place as a response to a changing environment or as a reaction towards a current situation of crisis. The factors that influence effectiveness of organization are widespread. Other key elements include incentive systems and structure.

Apple has been recognized for its innovation and path-breaking products. This is due to its organizational culture which is driven by the passion of employees facing challenges and grabbing opportunities. Before initiating cultural change, it is important to assess current organizational culture of the organization. There are two main problems that an organization might face in initiating cultural change. This involves pushing the organization towards a different direction, and preventing the organizational culture from being changed. Cultural change has also been stated as development and transformation of organization. Irrespective of the kind of change that has to be adopted by an organization, several problems are faced by the management in bringing the change. In order to make the change in an effective manner, Lewin’s “Force Theory of Change” can be adopted. New rules must be formed, regulation of new behavior of member directly, and reinforcement of adequate responses must be done. These are all possible ways for internalizing new behavior or value within the organizational culture.




为了公司的培训和教育,互联网可以提供合理的解决方案。大约80%的专业人员在工作场所使用计算机。几年以来,标准,访问,带宽和基础设施等技术问题不会成为问题。通过高容量的企业网络,互联网和高速桌面电脑,每天24小时向人们学习是可能的(Jack 1998)。这将使公司有机会将关键信息和培训轻松便捷地分发到多个地点。培训可以在办公室或家里方便的时候进行。


From the perspective of an individual business, the benefits from the technology are several. People in the 21st century have to learn more as compared to earlier times. Live classroom based training for the global organization is becoming too cumbersome and costly. Employees are expected to remain up-to-date even though they attend all the seminars and courses and read all the reports and books and in this case the cost for such learning would be too expensive. Thus, there is a need to make changes in how the firms learn in an efficient, modern and flexible alternative: eLearning. Corporate eLearning has a mission to render the workforce with cost effective and up-to-date program which gives skilled, motivated and loyal knowledge to employees.

For the purpose of firm’s training and education the Internet could offer logical solution. The use of computer at the workplace is used by about 80% of the professional workers. In few years technical issues like standards, access, bandwidth and infrastructure won’t be a problem. Learning to people 24 hours a day would be possible with high capacity corporate networks, Internet and high speed desktop computers (Jack 1998). This would render the firms with an opportunity to distribute critical information and training conveniently and easily to multiple locations. The training could be accessed by the employees at office or at home at a time convenient for them.









ü所有FIT政策的主要目的是为了稳定投资,从安大略省的情况可以看出,在政府发现新信息的时候政策发生变化。但如果政府和政策制定者决定突然增加能源使用的限制,那么对政府尤其是客户的主要依赖就会被冲走,导致不安全的规定(Stokes 490-500)。




The ways however by which FIT policy regimes of Ontario prove to effective in nature are as follow:

üQuick deployment of important capacities because the policy regimes helps in removing challenges present in the project of renewable energy.

üFrom the perspective of innovation, FITs are justifiable because they are very crucial over the expensive technologies that remain to be same without changing

üStability and certainty for investor is also provided by the FIT in order to reduce the premium risks and energy prices volatility

üDiverse participation is allowed across societies and communities letting all work together towards the same goal of de-carbonization.


üThe main aim of all policies of FIT for providing stability in investment, it has been evident from the case of Ontario that policy changes at the time of implementation takes place as the government finds new information. But if the government and the policy makers decide to abruptly increase the limit of energy usage then the prime dependency on the government for especially the customer’s washes away leading towards insecure provisions (Stokes 490-500).

üOn the other hand, Feed in Tariff policies need to be accepted in a political manner and their acceptance at a political level is possible only when intervals of adjusting the price are consistent as well as shorter in duration. When prices are set, the government has to seek actively various information sources. From accessing several newly formulated informational databases, the government and the policy makers understand which RIT policy is rigid and which requires stability. Therefore, it can be further said that the government should be able to refine their policies in accordance to coalition of renewable energy for addressing the concerns of the opposing groups. For example, community support should be funded by the government and priority should be given to them.

üCollaborative efforts have to be pursued by the government throughout jurisdictions for bringing the costs of the components at lower levels in ideal manner before they are deployed. Trade disagreements should also be avoided.




该组织于1975成立。在开始阶段,该集团用来撰写和直接斯伯丁灰色和Elizabeth LeCompte的作品。后来想起在这些人的思想开始组建自己的乐队,后来形成为伍斯特集团。该集团的创始人是伊丽莎白 勒孔特,Spalding Gray(1941-2004),Jim Clayburgh,Ron Vawter(1948-1994), 威廉达福、Kate Valk和Peyton Smith
美国戏剧艺术的历史起源于西方传统。从美国西部来的人们,传统上倾向于戏剧和戏剧的艺术形式。在纽约城之外,有一些剧院公司曾经创造过属于他们自己的四季。这些区域的剧场和居民剧院。这些仅限于美国的一些地区和居民。然而,它还没有城市化,搬到了许多城市。然而,在美国的专业剧场起源于1752由Lewis Hallam团从Virginia(Baumol,W. J.,博文,W. G,1993)。美国戏剧艺术的真正出现是在第二次世界大战之后。正是在这一时期,世界看到许多剧作家如阿瑟·米勒、Tennessee Williams和更多。有戏剧艺术的曝光,许多艺术家在这个时期表现了他们的卓越。这是越来越多的人来看戏的时候了。事实上,它是在1960年代,戏剧艺术的产生和全面繁荣。那个时期最受欢迎的戏剧是头发和毒品文化。然而,音乐的普及也在这一时期出现了。在此之前,戏剧艺术是以传统文学或小说为基础的。然而,第二次世界大战后,美国剧院采取了下一步采取从电影和歌剧的根源艺术形式。第一次世界大战之前,在20世纪早期,有更多出现的戏剧。然而,在1900左右的时间里,美国的诗歌被视为新的维度。这一趋势在戏剧领域表现出了最显著的变化和复兴,这就是William Vaughn Moody的《圣经三部曲》。


The group took its origin in 1975. At the beginning stage, the group used to compose and direct the works of Spalding Gray and Elizabeth LeCompte. Later the thought came in to the minds of these people to start a group of their own, which later formed as Wooster Group. The founders of the group were Elizabeth LeCompte, Spalding Gray (1941-2004), Jim Clayburgh, Ron Vawter (1948-1994), Willem Dafoe, Kate Valk and Peyton Smith
The History of theatre arts in United States originated from Western tradition. People hailing from the western part of America traditionally were inclined to the art form of theatre plays and dramas. Outside the city of New York, there were theatre companies who used to create seasons of their own. These were regional theatres and resident theatres. These were limited to some of the regions and residents of United States. However, it was not yet urbanized and moved to the much of the cities. However, in America professional theatres originated in 1752 by Lewis Hallam troupe from Virginia (Baumol, W. J., & Bowen, W. G, 1993). The real emergence of America theatre art happens after the World War II. It is at this time period, the world saw many playwrights like Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams and many more. There was an exposure of theatre art and many artists showed their excellence after this time period. This was the time period when more and more people came to try their talent in theatre plays. In fact, it was in 1960’s, the theatre art emerged and flourish in full fledge. Some of the most popular plays at that period were Hair and drug culture. However, the popularity of music was also seen during this period. Till this period, the theatre art was based n the traditional literature or novels. However, after World War II, the American theater took its next step to take the art forms from cinematic and opera roots. Before the World War I, in the early period of 20thcentury, there was more emergence of drama. However, around 1900’s the poetic drama was seen new dimensions in United States. This trend showed a most notable change and revival in the field of drama, which was the “Biblical trilogy” of William Vaughn Moody.







这家美国公司的角色非常个性化。个人的贡献对于公司的目标来说是非常重要的。因此,当事人是非常重要的。如果非美国商人能说服他的个人,交易几乎就完成了(Adkins & Caldwell,2004)。


The errors that Warren Oats and his wife Carol did were because of their naiveté towards Japanese culture and their way of doing business. Warren did not know that decision making in Japanese companies takes place in stages, slowly along the hierarchy of the corporation. Warren’s presentation in one of the automobile companies and expecting a result immediately was because of his naiveté towards Japanese corporate culture. The Japanese talk politely and indirectly. Neither of those behavioral properties was known by Carol Oats, when she directly asked for a job in their first meeting. This could have been taken as a rude behavior and a sense of insult to the listener.

The meetings are very regular in large Japanese companies. The purpose of the meetings in Japanese companies is for valuing the processes in relation to agreeing with everyone relevant to a project.  They usually have a large number of meetings and they spend long hours in the meetings. Thus, the process of responding to the Oats’ proposals were slow, which Oats did not realize. He was restless and became skeptical about the turnout of his presentation far too quickly.

The advise for a non-US business man making his first contact with the an American company would be the following points.

The decisions are quick for the American companies. Thus, he will not have to wait and assume what’s going on. United States believes in individualism. That means the roles played for the company are individualized.  The individual contribution assumes great importance in relation to the company goals.

The U.S. Company’s roles are very individualized. Contribution of individual is very important as linked to company goals. Thus, the concerned person is very important. If the non-US businessman can convince the individual he is dealing with, the deal is almost done (Adkins & Caldwell, 2004).