标签存档: 加拿大代写论文



除此之外,这一理论有助于通过适应多样化来实现计划的变化,但是市场是不断变化的,因此,应该通过适当的培训和沟通技巧来适应变化。管理层实施这一理论的主要任务是构建一个有潜力创造出具有其独特特征的产品的组织,但这也是相当困难的。这需要在管理和组织方面进行适当的根本性变革,使其能够在没有任何重大困难的情况下适应变革。根据这一理论,所有的公司都需要分析竞争下降的原因。这是NEC能够成为更强大的全球玩家的主要原因,因为它意识到能力的重要性,这是重要的服务客户和满足他们的需求(Boyatzis, 2006)。
NEC的高层决定公司的主要核心产品可以是半导体,并通过定期对员工进行适当的培训,开始以低成本建立能力。这个场景证明,如果一个公司有足够的能力用有效的能力来识别其核心产品,那么它就可以达到成功的高度。这是能力被认为是竞争力的主要根源的主要原因。同样,随着时间的推移,有形资产的使用会减少,但核心能力不会随着使用的增加而终止,当它们在企业中得到实施和应用时,它们会得到扩展。另一方面,如果一个公司的管理和领导能力不强,即使在它使用核心能力之后,它也可能会失败(Boyatzis, 2006)。


Apart from this, this theory help to implement planned changed by adapting diversification but the market is changing very constantly and hence, changes should be adopted with proper training and communication techniques. The major task of the management to implement this theory is to frame an organization which is potential of inventing products with its unique features but this is quite difficult as well. This needs a proper radical change in the management and organization’s readiness to adapt change without any kind of major difficulty. According to this theory, all the companies need to analyze the cause of competitive decline. This is the main reason that NEC was able to become stronger player globally as it realized the importance of competencies which are important to serve the customer and satisfy their needs (Boyatzis, 2006).
The top management of NEC determined that the major core product of company can be semi conductors and started building competencies at low cost by providing proper training to its employees regularly. This scenario proves that a company can touches the heights of success if it is capable enough to recognize its core product with effective competencies. This is the main reason that competencies are contemplated as the major root of competitiveness. It is also true that physical assets diminish as one use them with the passage of time but core competencies do not end with its use as they expand when they are implemented and applied in a firm. On the other hand, a company may fail even after it is making the use of core competencies if its management and leadership skills are not strong (Boyatzis, 2006).
















essay 怎么写:英语语言的适应性

essay 怎么写:英语语言的适应性


essay 怎么写:英语语言的适应性

One of the adaptability features of English language is to allow the change of meaning over time. This is a very good feature of the language. The shifts in meanings give us a sense of the culture shifts which is undertaken by the society. In the past, the word “Friend” was a noun describing “a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection”. However, now people can use it as a verb meaning “add (someone) to a list of contacts associated with a social networking website”. Similarly in the past, “Timeline” used to mean a graphic representation of the passage of time in the form of a line. At present, it may refer to the posts which are there in the social networking websites. A hundred years from now when historians look at words like “friend” and“timeline”, they would be able to tell the change in the social trends in the world. A counter argument to the inclusion of new words in English Language is that new words don’t create new meanings — they’re just a fancier way of saying the same thing — and these new idioms and expression only lead to increase in the confusion to the less adaptive people. Although this claim may sometimes be true, it fails to address the benefit of having these words and expressions. One of the benefits of the same is to ensure simplified communication. One of the most common words in the present times is “Wi-Fi”. It may be shocking for many people that the word Wi-Fi is not an acronym for “Wireless Fidelity” or anything else, but a word coined by the Wi-Fi Alliance at the beginning of 21st century.



除此之外,性格还表现在她在不同场合的举止上。她说话时的自信和自信使人们基本上喜欢她。这让人们注意到她的着装是为了引起人们的共鸣(本克4)。女性的这种智慧表现在自信中,自信增加了服装的价值。她穿的衣服既有她的个性又有她的美丽。这些使人们对她的衣服更感兴趣。因此,她的美丽与她的个性相结合,为她所穿的任何服装增添了价值,使人们欣赏她的服装,喜欢服装的整体设计。米歇尔·奥巴马是一个聪明的女人知道如何适应第一夫人的范式的独特性在于,她穿着独特的正式方法引起人们的共鸣(本克先生7)。这些选择在服装减弱她的美貌和关注她的先天优势。由于她独特的风格,人们根本找不到她的穿着有什么问题。第一夫人对自己的发型给予了很多关注。人们发现,第一夫人的发型与她所穿衣服的整体主题产生了共鸣,因此受到赞赏。这些都得到了人民的特别重视。她有一头乌黑的直发,和普通的非洲裔美国女性发型很不一样。她有一种微妙的方式,既能超越主流发型,又能保持头发的正式造型(Behnke 9)。


Apart from this, the personality is shown by the way she carries herself in the different occasions. The self-confidence and the assurance with which she speaks cause the people to basically like her. These lead to people to notice the attire she wears to resonate with the people (Behnke 4). There is a likability factor that Obama uses which adds to the beauty of her clothes. This intelligence of the women is shown in the assured confidence that adds to the value of the clothing. There is a mixture of her personality and beauty in the attire that she wears. These make the people more interested in her clothes. Hence, her beauty combined with her personality adds value to any attire that she wears leading the people to appreciate her clothing and like the overall design of the clothes. Michelle Obama is a smart woman who understands how to fit into the paradigm of being First lady her uniqueness lies in the fact that she dresses in unique formal ways which resonate with the people (Behnke 7). These choices in clothing attenuate her beauty and focus on her innate strengths. The people simply cannot find anything wrong with the way she dresses owing to the unique style. There are a lot of attentions that the first lady gives to her hair style. The hair styling of the First Lady is found to resonate with the overall theme of the dresses that she wears and hence is appreciated. These have been given special mention by the people. She has straight black hair that is quite different from the regular African American women hairstyles. There is a nuanced way in which she is able to edge past the mainstream hairs style and also maintain the formalized styling of her hair (Behnke 9). There is a lot of importance that is given to how she portrays herself in terms of hair style.



位于汉堡的Bernhard Nocht研究所的科学家发现,早在1982年,在塞拉利昂东部就有埃博拉病毒感染的迹象。然而,由于以往检测方法的不可靠性,这些见解并没有得到全面的研究。研究人员在一定时间内观察到非洲果类赤道蝙蝠可能是流行源(Davtyan et al., 2014)。通过改进准备工作和采用敏感性质的流行监测,本可以向非洲西部地区提供关于埃博拉病毒的警告。在赤道非洲热带雨林的偏远地区,埃博拉病毒在那里存在了很长一段时间,表现出罕见性质的发热症状的人,会被住在村外茅屋里的老年妇女治愈,但在那段时间内,人们避免去看望她。随着时间的推移,人们最终发展出了合适的隔离方法,从病毒学家的角度来看,这是合理的,因为老年人感染EVD并存活下来,从而产生免疫的可能性很高(Hira和Piot, 2016)。西非人民通过避免与陌生人、病人和死者接触,学会了预防类似EVD的疾病。当地社区成千上万的卫生工作者也将这种按摩传播到偏远的自然村落。因此,基本行为规则是2014年10月感染率下降的主要原因。


It is found by the Bernhard Nocht Institute’s scientists situated in Hamburg identified that signs of virus infections of Ebola as early as year of 1982 in the Eastern Sierra Leone. However, due to the unreliability of the detection methods in the previous times, such insights were not comprehensively investigated. The equatorial bats of African fruit are regarded as possible epidemic source by the researchers as observed over certain period of time (Davtyan et al., 2014). Through improved preparation and epidemic surveillance of sensitive nature employed, the warning in regards to Ebola virus could have been provided to Western part of Africa. In the remote parts of rainforest within Equatorial Africa where Ebola was existing for elongated time, individuals showcasing fever of uncommon nature are cured by older women located in the hut on outer side of the village but visiting her was avoided within that time. People ended up developing appropriate isolation method over the time that is justified from the viewpoint of virologist as older individuals have high likeliness of contracting and surviving EVD resulting in becoming immune (Hira and Piot, 2016). The people of western Africa have learnt protection from illnesses similar to EVD through avoidance of contact with strangers, sick and dead. Numerous thousands health workers within the local community have also spread this massage across villages of remote nature. Hence, the basic behavior rule is the primary reason behind drop in rate of infections as per October of 2014.



在这部电影中,艾尔斯这个角色通过不可信的老妇人形象和比尔叔叔的母亲形象,描述了移民生活中存在的压力和恐惧。然而,有必要承认的是,这部电影是建立在个人记忆的基础上的,当孩子的怀孕太少,承认他的母亲经历的压力。这位母亲不会说英语,为了坚持住在异国他乡的中国人的生活方式而努力工作(Annett et al. 2009)。然而,艾尔斯是在他的东道国长大的,对这种文化非常熟悉。这使得艾尔斯更加认同寄主自然的地方文化。从这个角度看,艾尔斯保持着澳大利亚的种族,而他的母亲则保持着移民的种族。这是艾尔斯和母亲之间产生局外人感觉的关键原因。


Within this Movie, the character, Ayers depicts pressure and fear present within life of an immigrant by the distrusted old ladies landscape and portrayal who is mother of Uncle Bill. It is essential to acknowledge however that this film has a basis over individual memory when the child has too less to conceive and acknowledge the stress experienced by his mother. The mother did not speak English and worked hard for clinging to the lifestyle of a Chinese within a different land (Annett et al. 2009). However, Ayers on the other hand, was brought up within his host nation and was well acquainted with this culture. This made Ayers to identify more with the localized culture of the host nature. From this perspective, while Ayers has maintained Australian ethnicity, his mother had maintained a diasporic ethnicity. This was the key cause that led towards feelings of an outsider between Ayers and his mother.
His mother was new to this culture and completely denied to accept such a culture which had taken away his son from her. Ayers on the other hand was grown up in this host culture and considered it to be his native culture (Silva 2009). This created a distance between the two people and they could not share their experiences considerably. This made the mother feel like an outsider not only in the host nation but also within her own home. In addition, Ayers was well acquainted with the external environment, but felt that his home did not give him any sense of belonging and so did not his mother. Moreover, as a young child, Ayers bothered himself with the strategy behaviour of self-absorbed nature of his mother as he could not understand the struggle of an immigrant for etching a livelihood in a newer land.



在青春期的边缘,Wadjda发现,在家庭和伊斯兰教都尊重的习俗概念背后,所有女性都受到了严格的限制。这样的发现以及包容和反抗的混合激发了这个被描述为聪明和固执的女孩(Suner 2006)。这是这部被精确观察到的电影的主要主题,同时也具有欺骗性的温柔。据报道,这部电影是由沙特女性海法亚·曼苏尔(Haifaa al-Mansour)执导的第一部故事片。Wadjda对任何与国家或清真寺有关的公开批评都持谨慎态度。相反,女演员的真实生活是在电影中呈现的。与此同时,她把注意力放在了她的老师、同学和母亲的生活上,具有毁灭性的效力和坚定的权威。


This focus of this section will be on exploring the ways in which relationships among women shape the female characters lives within the two films chosen for the discussion on Gender. In this section, two movies will be discussed with the central focus on the issues related to gender, and the movies selected are Wadjda and Caramel. It is evident through looking at the feet of the character that Wadjda is perceived as a rebel (Stockdale 2015). The other students within the movie at Saudi Arabian madrassa accessorize their gray dresses that are long and shapeless along with their black Mary Janes socks. However, Wadjda is a ten year old with natural smile and big eyes favoring to the high top shoes from Converse. It is considered to be a minor gesture of individual that is spirited within the world organized for suppression of expressions such as these. It is clear through the analysis that her determination to own a bicycle is something that is recognized as not forbidden but not allowed as well, as it is highly discouraged in the society of Saudi.
At the adolescence edge, Wadjda discovers the scrutinizing limitations that are placed upon all the women behind the concept of customs that are honored by both family and Islam. Such a discovery and the mix of accommodation and resistance provokes within this girl who is depicted to be smart and stubborn (Suner 2006). This is the primary subject of the concisely observed movie that is also deceptively gentle. It is reported that this movie is the initial feature that is directed by a Saudi woman, Haifaa al-Mansour. Wadjda is cautious in regards to placing forth any state or mosque related overt criticism. Instead, the factual life of the actress is presented within the movie. Along with which, the focus is placed on the lives of her teachers, classmates and mother with devastating effectiveness and assertive authority.

research paper 代写:公司的运作程序

research paper 代写:公司的运作程序


research paper 代写:公司的运作程序

There is a fundamental and primary need for change within the operational procedures of the company. This can be achieved by convincing the employees to perform according to their optimal levels. While the strategy is drawn it is imperative to consider the internal, external and the intermediary factors of the company. There should be the creation of a shared vision that would enable all the stakeholders to be primarily passionate changes.The general audience i.e. the active and the passive recipients are not the audience for this media presentation. Granular segmentation is followed for this media presentation. The key audience is the people working in IBM. The employees are working in customer relations and development department. Audience for this content are expected to have lower morale about the operational procedures of the company. Hence they are targeted to boost the morale and to drive them towards growth. The development of the video is primarily catered towards the people working in the company. Hence internal communication tools are used to deliver the media content. Employees are instrumental in bringing in the changes for the company.
They are considered to be the primary audience for this analysis. It is expected that they would be the change agents that are required to bring in relevant measures into the operational processes of the company. The content that will be delivered to the audience will be about improving the operational process of the company, explaining the nature of the crisis to the people and requesting the people to join in on the shared vision of path by the company. The audience analysis has been done to meet the demands of the ongoing crisis. The crisis that IBM is currently facing is discussed in the following. Crisis can be classified into immediate crisis, emerging crisis and sustained crisis. The immediate crisis is usually an imminent threat to the people. The emerging crisis is the crisis that is anticipated and solutions can be proposed to minimize the damages. Sustained crisis are found to linger on for many years with no real solution. Currently the company is facing 1% profit fall and 5% revenue fall.


天然健康產品CoQ-10 100 mg Q-Sorb軟膠囊具有天然的抗氧化作用。這種現成的補充劑可以方便地為改善心臟健康提供支持,而且對身體內的能量生產很重要(Carrier,Miller and Ahmed,2007)。這是推薦給個人誰正在使用他汀類藥物,因為它降低了人體CoQ-10的水平。建議在繼續服用其他處方藥物的同時,服用天然保健品CoQ-10 100 mg.CoQ- 10 100 mg Q-Sorb Softgels膠囊有助於將食物轉化為能量,它支持更好的心臟健康,並幫助維持良好的心血管系統。每日攝入200毫克這種天然健康產品有助於保持血壓在正常範圍內,這已被食品和藥物管理局批准(Hargraves,Lane and Sleiman,2008)。

人們已經發現,人體內幾乎所有的細胞中都含有天然輔酶Q10。機體產生CoQ-10,消耗CoQ-10產生細胞生長和維持所需的能量(Bhagavan和Chopra,2007)。這種天然物質在醫學上廣為人知,因為它具有抗氧化的特性,有助於保護人體免受自由基的形成。它在體內的消耗和存在也被認為可以保護心臟健康和維持心血管系統(Carrier,Miller和Ahmed,2007 ).CoQ-10在許多通常少量食用的食物中都是天然存在的。像鯖魚,豆油,花生醬等食物和牛肉中都含有大量的這種物質。然而,對於那些不每天食用這些食物的人來說,他/她可以嘗試CoQ-10 100毫克Q-Sorb軟膠囊,它可以很容易地提供人體所需的輔酶-10(Carrier,Miller和Ahmed,2007)。


The natural health product CoQ-10 100 mg Q-Sorb Softgels by Nature’s Bounty acts as an anti-oxidant in different systems within the human body. This readily available supplement can conveniently provide support for improving heart health and it is important for energy production within the body (Carrier, Miller and Ahmed, 2007). It is recommended to individuals who are consuming statin medicines as it reduces the level of CoQ-10 within the human body. It is recommended that the natural health product CoQ-10 100 mg can be taken while continuing other prescribed medicine consumptions. CoQ-10 100 mg Q-Sorb Softgels capsules help to convert food into energy, it supports better heart health and assists to maintain good cardiovascular system. Daily consumption of 200 mg of this natural health product helps to keep blood pressure within normal range which has been approved by Food and Drug Administration (Hargraves, Lane and Sleiman, 2008).

It has been seen that naturally Co-enzyme Q10 is found in almost all the cells of the human body. Body makes CoQ-10 and it is consumed in order to generate energy that is required for growth of the cells and its maintenance (Bhagavan and Chopra, 2007). This natural substance is well known in the medical science because of its antioxidant property that helps to protect human body from the formation of free radicals. Its consumption and presence in the body is also known to protect heart health and maintains cardiovascular system (Carrier, Miller and Ahmed, 2007). CoQ-10 is naturally available in many of the foods commonly available in very small quantities. Food like mackerel fish, soya oil, and peanut butter and in beef, it is present in notable quantity. However, for anyone who does not consume these foods on a daily basis, then he/she can try CoQ-10 100 mg Q-Sorb softgel capsules which will readily provide the required amount of co-enzyme-10 that a human body needs (Carrier, Miller and Ahmed, 2007).





Economic growth in cities invite the peripheral rural towns and village population to come and settle in urban cities to taste the pie of economic growth that is not available in rural regions. A hope for better life and financial growth makes the rural population come and settle in urban cities creating new challenges for city councils for accommodating them all. The access to finance being prominent in urban cities makes rural population to frequent urban cities to gain access to finance and support their personal needs (McDonald, David A). Increasing population is an important unstoppable factor affecting global cities in terms of wanting more relocation spaces, more land reforms, and a rising stress on agriculture and other resources. Free movement of capital and manpower is a great force behind the way in which city moulds itself and finds new needs to grow sustainably, especially in ways which is conducive to the new immigrants, and to accommodate their concerns (“Ten Factors Affecting Canada’s Economic Performance In 2015”).
Recent influx of refugees in European countries, UK, Canada, US, and Australia are affecting the rise and conduct of global cities. The demand of economic growth with equitable distribution of resources is becoming more difficult as there never arises a halt in the movement of people from countries to another. For example, China and India have been facing challenges in their metro cities Beijing and Mumbai to accommodate migrants and also deliver justice to existing and new citizens (Zhao, Pengjun). The city council faces growth issues because the affecting factors never remain static to conclude a single framework of model development. Distribution of basic necessities, namely education, healthcare, senior care, and insurance for the poor becomes increasingly difficult to offer, more so for the countries like India who does not have adequate social security products and services. This causes inequality to rise and thus, the income distribution goes wrong giving rise to urban slums and excessive rich communities.