


除此之外,性格还表现在她在不同场合的举止上。她说话时的自信和自信使人们基本上喜欢她。这让人们注意到她的着装是为了引起人们的共鸣(本克4)。女性的这种智慧表现在自信中,自信增加了服装的价值。她穿的衣服既有她的个性又有她的美丽。这些使人们对她的衣服更感兴趣。因此,她的美丽与她的个性相结合,为她所穿的任何服装增添了价值,使人们欣赏她的服装,喜欢服装的整体设计。米歇尔·奥巴马是一个聪明的女人知道如何适应第一夫人的范式的独特性在于,她穿着独特的正式方法引起人们的共鸣(本克先生7)。这些选择在服装减弱她的美貌和关注她的先天优势。由于她独特的风格,人们根本找不到她的穿着有什么问题。第一夫人对自己的发型给予了很多关注。人们发现,第一夫人的发型与她所穿衣服的整体主题产生了共鸣,因此受到赞赏。这些都得到了人民的特别重视。她有一头乌黑的直发,和普通的非洲裔美国女性发型很不一样。她有一种微妙的方式,既能超越主流发型,又能保持头发的正式造型(Behnke 9)。


Apart from this, the personality is shown by the way she carries herself in the different occasions. The self-confidence and the assurance with which she speaks cause the people to basically like her. These lead to people to notice the attire she wears to resonate with the people (Behnke 4). There is a likability factor that Obama uses which adds to the beauty of her clothes. This intelligence of the women is shown in the assured confidence that adds to the value of the clothing. There is a mixture of her personality and beauty in the attire that she wears. These make the people more interested in her clothes. Hence, her beauty combined with her personality adds value to any attire that she wears leading the people to appreciate her clothing and like the overall design of the clothes. Michelle Obama is a smart woman who understands how to fit into the paradigm of being First lady her uniqueness lies in the fact that she dresses in unique formal ways which resonate with the people (Behnke 7). These choices in clothing attenuate her beauty and focus on her innate strengths. The people simply cannot find anything wrong with the way she dresses owing to the unique style. There are a lot of attentions that the first lady gives to her hair style. The hair styling of the First Lady is found to resonate with the overall theme of the dresses that she wears and hence is appreciated. These have been given special mention by the people. She has straight black hair that is quite different from the regular African American women hairstyles. There is a nuanced way in which she is able to edge past the mainstream hairs style and also maintain the formalized styling of her hair (Behnke 9). There is a lot of importance that is given to how she portrays herself in terms of hair style.