标签存档: 加拿大代写论文


代寫論文-YouTube用戶生成內容。用戶生成內容定義為平臺用戶在線生成的任何形式的內容(Fan et al., 2013)。它通常不是單獨為營銷而產生的,盡管它被廣泛視為購買決策的一個組成部分,因為營銷人員可以向客戶講述他們的品牌和價值的故事(Shuqair et al., 2016)。這些結果都表明UGC對客戶的影響是巨大的。營銷者通過提供真實的客戶故事來吸引客戶是非常重要的,這與客戶的信任密切相關(Bughin, 2015)。這一發現說明了客戶參與的重要性。

The user engagement degree can be demonstrated by the quantity and quality of posts, views and reviews (Shuqair et al., 2016). However, it is always difficult to evaluate the quality of the UGC, while the quantity is easy to be measured (Hermida and Thurman, 2008). Thus, the quantity of posts, views and reviews can be used to evaluate customer engagement, which reflects the quality of UGC on YouTube. Accordingly, it can be assumed that:
H1: Quantity of posts, views and reviews have an influential effect on the perceived credibility of user generated YouTube product relates content (Anwar and Imran, 2013). Therefore, the consumer hence has an effect on attitude towards brand, product or process for which the UGC content is created when the consumer sees the quantity of posts are high (Akehurst, 2009; Smith et al., 2012; Tirunillai and Tellis, 2012). Similarly, when the views for a post are high, the user attitude towards the product is influenced (Daugherty et al., 2008). In addition, when the reviews for a

It was found that credibility and usefulness are two important factors influencing customers’ attitudes and behaviours (Mir and Zaheer, 2012). The basis of UGC marketing is that customers tend to develop more trust on content generated by other users than the marketers do (Fan et al., 2013). This suggests that customers’ attitudes about the UGC are based on their own judgment and evaluation. In this context, the perceived credibility and perceived usefulness are used as two variables to reflect how user engagement can influence their purchase intentions.
When it comes to consumer attitude, behaviour and intentions, the terminal goal is to evaluate whether customers have purchase intentions (Kim, 2012; Ashley and Tuten, 2015). As demonstrated in Figure 1, it is easy to see that there are five steps of purchase decision making, in each step of which the UGC might influence customers. Such influence might have direct influence on customer’s final purchase intentions. Thus, the evaluation of UCG’s impact on PI can be reflected in these five dimensions.
It can be assumed that: Influence on customers’ purchase intentions can be demonstrated in five dimensions of need recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, conference attendance and conference post-behaviours.
H2: Quantity of posts, views and reviews has a positive effect on the perceived usefulness of user generated YouTube product relates content (Anwar and Rehman, 2013).

中國留學生英語論文不會寫,可以找加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構,加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構有認真負責的寫手老師,可以解決中國留學生的論文寫作難題,保證論文原創,為留學生提供加拿大論文代寫、report代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,並使用權威的抄襲檢測系統,讓留學生們輕松應對論文寫作並創作出專屬個人的優秀論文!加拿大論文代寫Advanced Thesis網站平臺分享的所有論文範文,未經轉載,不得私自轉發或專用,如有發現,我們網站平臺將會追責一切法律責任,望留學生們諒解!



温哥华代写-道德规范理论与可口可乐的经历关系。道德规范理论也被称为道德伦理,这是本文所使用的,它有助于找出哪些活动是适当的,哪些是错误的。主要规范理论包括功利主义、亚里士多德德性伦理学、绝对命令论、存量德性等(Venkatadurai, Dhyani and Sharma, 2013)。它们可以用来解释这些与可口可乐经历的不同问题之间的关系。这家公司一直是环境和社会冲突的一部分。可口可乐在印度遭到抵制,因为当地社区也面临干旱。

As there have been very less public rules for corporate best practices in the native countries, so sustainability reporting has gradually turned out to be an important subject. There hasn’t been any particular law for CSR. But, as per the modernisation rules 2003/51/EC huge businesses have to show the financial and non-financial major indicators of their performances in their yearly reporting. Yet in current days, big multinational companies make sustainability report on their own according to the global reporting initiative that is GRI guidelines.
Coca-Cola had been part of CSR, which are conflicts in different issues. This essay looks into how these conflicts have impacted CSR strategies of these MNCs and if these businesses can finally prepare great target. Taking an example of Coca-Cola, it has laid an aim to lessen the overall carbon footprints by 15% by year 2020 in comparison to what it was in 2007.
Normative theories of ethics
The normative theory for ethics are also called moral ethics that are utilised for this essay, which are useful for figuring out what activities are appropriate and what are wrong. The major normative theories involve utilitarianism, Aristotelian virtue ethics, categorical imperative, Stock virtue, etc. (Venkatadurai, Dhyani and Sharma, 2013). They can be used for explaining how these relate to different issues experienced by Coca-Cola. This firm has been part of environmental and social conflicting situations. Coca-Cola had been boycotted in India as the community also faced droughts.
Coca Cola’s conflicts
An Indian NGO, named as “National Centre for science is an environment” (NCSE) has issued a statement that there were dozens of samples taken for Coca-Cola which had stated that pesticides in the product exceeded the European laid standards of level. Based on these proofs, this centre asked the lawful enforcement of the water standards. This statement got lots of attention from media as well as public attention, which led to instant impact on business’ profits.
The NGO had got three charges:
Goods had excessive levels of pesticides which brought high media attention
The business extracted huge amounts of groundwater and
It has made sources contaminated (Palmer, 2011).
Existence of pesticides
The government had laid a joint committee to perform the tests on the beverages. These tests showed that the European standards were not met. Nevertheless, these had been safe w.r.t local benchmarks. It stated that no violation of the countrywide laws exited. Yet following the ethical considerations from the report of impacting the surroundings, Coca-Cola accepted that there can be negative and positive effects of these on the company. This report led to a drop in business supplies by 30%-40% with maximum fall of 75% for 5 years (Lu et al., 2016).

留学生论文写作提升,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的加拿大论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、加拿大代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



This research work is a detailed literature review on much of the current work on stress in the workplace. The literature review attempts to present how stress is perceived by researchers, and how primary research on stress allows for a model or framework based understanding to control it. It is necessary to understand the impact of stress based on context and general ways. This form of a literature review would be useful for all business structures as general and context specific understanding of the subject is promoted (Haas, 2008).

Given this background context, it is the aim of the proposed research to identify the effects of stress in organizations by means of a detailed literature review on the subject. The proposed research method to be used is a literature review. The research objectives are,
To identify the existing literature viewpoint on stress impact in the workplace.
To identify how stress can be perceived differently under different organizations, workplace situations, individual and workplace personality.
To identify what forms of newer stress impacts exist in contemporary organizations and the actions that are taken in order to control that stress.

The literature review methodology is made use of here. This is a method where available secondary research on the subject of investigation is summarized and critically analysed. The goal of the literature review methodology is to present to the reader the current literature evidence on the subject of investigation. It ensures that future research on the subject also benefits. A good literature review references from many sources and avoids any form of researcher bias. Search, selection and critical referencing are important here (Carnwell & Daly, 2001).
In the understanding of how stress will have an impact on the employees of any organization, it is critical to understand what the existing situation is (Garg & Dhar, 2014). A researcher cannot just jump into a hypothesis or make a claim without knowing the form of existing literature evidence on the subject and in this context, the literature review is important (Carnwell & Daly, 2001). This type of review is useful for the purpose of gathering existing evidence on the subject. A summary and synthesis of the subject is created here. The reader is presented a comprehensive background in inspired evidence. Future researchers will be able to identify research gaps and other inconsistencies for further critical research. From a literature review, they would be able to formulate newer research questions. It is considered that the argument proposed by researchers Beecroft et al. (2006), the author presents that the primary purpose behind a review work is to highlight both knowledge insights from current works and the knowledge gaps in the current works. This will then inspire newer researchers to focus on the knowledge gap in order to identify newer research dimensions. Therefore, it could even be argued that any research work will need to have the literature review as a part of it. This helps present a proper research question (Beecroft et al., 2006).
The literature review follows the norms of good structuring and has made use of traditional and narrative literature norms with respect to analysing the question of stress impact in organizations. The body of literature is not presented to draw conclusions but alternatively, the work is about showing existing research evidence on the subject (Beecroft et al, 2006)

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代写论文-公司保留率和周转率。保留率是指保留公司员工的组织能力。它可以用一些统计公式来计算。提高员工保留率对每个公司来说都是至关重要的(Kasemsap, 2017)。思科采取了不同的措施来提高员工保留率,例如在工作场所创造合适的和合适的文化,雇佣专业的员工,提供各种技能提升培训,提供适当的指导,以工作和其他一些好处(Mullish et al., 2017)。员工流动率对每个公司来说都是另一个重要的激励变量。员工流动率是公司年初员工人数与年末员工人数之比。减少员工流失率完全取决于工作场所的工作环境,思科始终支持员工实现目标。

CISCO offered different compensation for their employees. This company provides employee stock purchase plans for that reason employees can contribute up to 10% of their basic salary for purchasing the task at a discounted price. For the retire employees, CISCO provides medical and health insurance. For that reason, retired employees fell proud to be a part of this company. Company also provides Pre-tax savings account for the employees that help to reduce the tax amount every year (Mills, 2017). Apart from that, company provides different benefits such as restricted stock units for employees (Rafferty and Restubog, 2017). Another important thing is that company provides birthday day off for the employees and it makes this company very unique. With the help of their employees, company always performs different social responsibility program that mainly helps to motivate their employees.
It is important for the company to prioritize the employee happiness because it will help employees to work freely in the workplace.
It is important for the companies to recognize the communicational problems and other issues in the work place and that helps to maintain a safe environment in office.
Organizational Culture
Schein’s Typology
As per the viewpoint of Edgar Schein, an organization cannot adopt the culture in a single day and the employees of the company go through a variety of changes to adopt in a particular environment. New employees of the company are motivated hard to adjust their culture and enjoy a stress free life. Schein said that there are three level structures that help to improve the organizational culture (Rafferty and Restubog, 2017).
An Artefact is the surface structure or architecture such as logos and symbol of a company that mainly indicates the internal characteristic of a company. CISCO maintains a proper dress code, furniture and various facilities for their employees to work freely. The main intention of the companies to maintain this culture is to maintain the professionalism in the work place. A strong culture and a strict rule always signify the quality of organization.
According to the viewpoint of Schein, constitute of a proper organizational culture is the value of the employee. Individual employees of the company play a major role to maintain the culture of the organization (Rafferty and Restubog, 2017). Behavioural, psychological and communicational factors of employees are more important to maintain the culture of the company. In CISCO, individual employees work hard and perform well to maintain a better culture in their offices.

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代写-第四次工业革命所需的技能。第四次工业革命的关键方面可以说是计算机能力演进的空前增长、对所有利益相关者的影响以及全球化。不断变化的技术和不断增加的依赖性要求未来的一代具有灵活性、直观性和创造性(Siepel, 2017)。在不同的工业革命时期,与科学、数学、技术和工程相关的技能已经得到了发展和磨练。技术的进步可能对经济增长贡献不大。然而,如何利用这些技能可以对可持续性产生巨大的影响。利用这些技能的创造性和灵活性是非常重要的(Bloem et al., 2014)。除此之外,注重领导和团队合作的其他管理技能也很重要。

The skills related to management will ensure that the challenges are handled effectively and opportunities are grabbled which will ensure that the changes that are taking place are aligned and contribute more towards the growth of economy. There will be focus on different perspective of management. These include self management, organizational management, context management, relationship management and Change management (Gosling and Mintzberg, 2003). All these perspective have a different role for success in the fourth industrial revolution. Self management focuses on how to enhance the tasks that are performed. Organizational management refers to the analysis at the organizational level and enhancing the efficiency in utilization of different resources. In context management, the focus is on the changes that are taking place in the world and developing understanding of the market. This will enable the managers to exploit the market conditions and employ technology and other aspect that suits the business. Relationship management focus on maintaining balance in the team wherein team is developed comprising of different skills that are required contributing to the improvement in the efficiency in the business.
Lastly, change management ensures acceptability and brings in the changes in the organization whenever necessary in order to achieve the desired level of growth. Thus, all the aspects that have been discussed above are related to management, particularly financial viability wherein the different aspects related to business operations are considered rather than focusing on one aspect.

Master of Commerce acts as the base for developing such skills. These provide insight into the trends that are shaping the different industries and the innovative ways in which the things are managed. This provides the perspectives and impact of steps taken by the industrialists and enables applications of these aspects into other industries as well. This adds to the flexibility and creativity, which according to one of the articles, will be quite important for the success in the fourth industrial revolution. The resources are depleting and the frequent changes in the technology that are taking place. Thus economic viability is the key area of concern in fourth industrial revolution. Considering this aspect it can be said that studies in MCom contribute to understanding the financial viability and understanding how technology can be used in enhancing the value.

Overall, it can be said that key aspects of the fourth industrial revolution are unprecedented growth in the evolvement of the computer power, impact on the all the stakeholders and globalization. The changing technology and increased dependency require the future generation to be flexible, intuitive and creative (Siepel, 2017). Over the period of time with different industrial revolutions, the skills related to science, mathematics, technology and engineering have already been developed and honed. The improvement in technology may not contribute much to the growth. However it is how these skills are exploited can have huge impact on sustainability. The creativity and flexibility in utilizing these skills are quite important (Bloem et al., 2014). Apart from this, the other managerial skills focusing on leadership and team work will also be important.

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However, on a brighter side, progressive groundwork is being laid so that this problem is fixed for the near future generations to come. Numerous regulators and government schemes have been implemented at all levels of an organizational hierarchy to minimise this gender bias. These schemes and government regulations encourage the hiring and promotion of more female employees in the system. In the Canadian history, the first such effort was undertaken by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who appointed the gender-balanced cabinet. This was a smart move by the Prime Minister and was appreciated at large by the corporate world. CEO and President of Catalyst, Deborah Gillis started that this start will only grow over time and will bear fruitful results to remove gender-bias in the future. Furthermore, Gillis mentioned in a recent interview that this has started influencing the corporate world of Canada already. She also cited that an increased growth of the “30 per cent club” in Canada , where companies are stressing on the importance of women leaders and aim to achieve at least 30 per cent females as their board members by 2019. Since the launch of the club in 2015, as many as 110 biggest companies of Canada have committed to meet this target and take a step against gender hostility (Zellner, 1972).
Besides this, various proactive measures have been undertaken by big companies who realize this potential concern and take the issue seriously. An instrumental increase in the attempt of reducing gender bias has taken place. This is because companies are shifting their focus from being mere spectators to actually realizing this issue and taking measures to resolve this issue. The biggest challenge is to remove the false prejudice among companies that maintaining diversity would increase their cost in the long run. This is important because the reality is quite the opposite. Various studies have been conducted and it has been proved that more the diversity in the leadership board, the better the business results has been. It is not a moral issue, but a big business issue that needs to be addressed makes the corporate world a better place to work in (Sawhill, 1973).

Many organizations have been working for the underlying cause of women and their empowerment since centuries. Although these organizations seem to appear to have a feminist approach at first, these are the ones that had realized the problems and issues which were to rise in the future. They had realized the root cause and the problems earlier than any study revealed the facts. Hence, these organizations have been working with full commitment since ages with the sole purpose of bringing a change to the society and the corporate world. Removing the gender bias of the society is not the responsibility of only a few organizations or government schemes. It is the responsibility of every individual living in the society and it has to start at each and every home where women should be treated with respect and dignity and treated no less than women, where sisters are not discriminated from their brothers and girls enjoy the same level of freedom and education as the boys in the society. Until a clear change is undertaken by every responsible parent and every family in the society, this hostility will always be prevalent in all walks of life, including the corporate world. Thus, to make a change to a bigger picture, one has to start from the grass root level and bring about a change at every rung of the societal ladder. To bring a revolutionary change to the discrimination and hostility against women in the corporate world, efforts have to be made that the seeds of discrimination are not planted right from the beginning (Cook, 1989).

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代写论文-蒸汽弯曲工艺能。作为产品原料的当地木材来自可持续管理的林地。这些林地的特点是造林率高于毁林率。Tom Raffield使用空气干燥或未经干燥的木材来获得蒸汽弯曲件,而不是对原材料进行能源密集型的干燥过程。蒸汽弯曲工艺能耗低,释放的废物有限,而且由于只消耗水,不含化学物质。然后,所有的木材废料被用作燃料的木材燃烧器目前在陈列室。

The choice of wood is cost effective and supports community economically and culturally.
He also adds pride to his business by claiming that the culture is being at the disposal stage due to the entry of fashionable products and that his product range appears to add longevity and sustainability to the culture. The distinction in the products of Tom Raffield also lies in the handmade artistry with a thought of saving the culture and community and delivering the product that lasts for generations (Waterlow, 2016). Such sustainable furniture also have the potential to be customized and remain trendy wherever they are being used.
Learning outcomes from analysis
The analysis of other works and of Tom Raffield has reminded several important style statements that also lead to sound business practices. Aesthetics is about the exploration of various aspects such as art, taste and beauty. The sensory values of the end users are studied and analyzed through this movement. Furniture is an important object that evokes virtuosity, style, focus and no utilitarian pleasure. The outcomes from the analysis are as follows:
– Designing an object is not a work but a duty to evoke the minds of others in appreciating the art and taking it forward to the generations to come
– Every designer is liable to promote sustainable practices and products for the wellbeing of the planet and the designs need to be environmental friendly. This is a way by which the manufacturing becomes easier and the designer also is virtuous towards the job.
– Sustainability is not just a business statement but a style statement meant to introduce modern practices that conserve the environment and also promote art (Raffield, 2016).
Analysis of sustainable credentials
In the product designs made by Tom Raffield, several sustainable credentials are noted.
He makes use of chunks of wood that have low impact towards the environment and conserves energy. It also leaves very minimal waste.
The designs of Tom Raffield appear to be stylish but are durable and sustainable. They attract the consumers instantly.
The product designer is specific about the reuse of materials and limits the waste. This is a way by which he was able to replace the conventional practices of manufacturing furniture.
Local suppliers are involved to deliver these wood products and this shows that the raw materials are completely renewable.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供加拿大代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!加拿大论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台分享的所有论文范文,未经转载,不得私自转发或专用,如有发现,我们网站平台将会追责一切法律责任,望留学生们谅解!



The above is a simplified gap model of the SERVQUAL. Gap 1 and Gap 2 are the two main gaps perceived here. The first gap is the gap between customer expectations on Amazon services and the service delivery and the second gap is the gap between customer perception of service and service delivery. Firstly, the Gap 1 would exist because of many reasons such as the follows. The service could have been designed in an inappropriate way (Bolton, 1991). A customer could have ordered for a product thinking it would be delivered within the promised 2-3 days. However, the service delivery could have been delayed because of lack of staff, or bad weather. The customer could also have heightened expectations on the service. These expectations are created by promises made on the site or by their experience with other similar websites, such as eBay. Where customer expectations are not understood well by the managers of the service, then it means they are putting in little effort towards delivering service with quality. They should attempt to collect feedback on services and more in order to cater to their needs (Chi et al., 2003). Alternatively, in big organizations, sometimes even the existence of a feedback system is not a promise made towards quality (Wyckoff, 2001). Quality could still suffer if the organization does not have an efficient feedback and grievance addressing system (Jiang et al., 2000). Despite these, there could also be the issue of some customers who have very unrealistic expectations of the services.
The second gap is the Gap 2 that happens because of either a delivery being incorrect for the consumer or the consumer perceiving the service quality in an inappropriate manner. Service operations are quite complex. Customers will expect to see what they get, but service operations and their perceptions are usually different. Customers would tend to filter and perceive their experience.
Selective filtering is a filtering perspective where a customer would only notice what is relevant to their current requirements. For instance, a customer would have selected a lamp. Details of the lamp on the website would state “actual colours might vary”. However, customer would not have read into this properly and might have expected the same colour (Lewis, 1993). Now based on their current requirement, they might face a predicament and hence would not perceive the order as being satisfactory to them; hence they would not state the service to be satisfactory either.
Selective distortion is where the customer would elect to seek only information that is supportive of their personal bias, beliefs or prejudices. Now this customer would be satisfied only if the service caters to their bias or prejudiced, and this is a difficult thing. Similar to selective distortion, there could also be selective retention. Selective retention is where the consumer would only elect to remember those promises made on service quality that identifies with their philosophy or beliefs (Bahia and Nantel, 2000). Even if any other promise made on service quality was not satisfactory, the customer would not resent it, only those factors that directly connect with their own ideals will be perceived as important.
Now based on this, customers could perceive service as being good or bad even if it lives up to the expectations that were created. A customer might believe a certain service was bad even if the service was adequate if it is not in sync with their preferences. Similarly, coherence and consistent performance is expected and could play an issue, too. A customer who receives a continuous stream of perfect services might be more satisfied than a customer who does not have his expectations met.

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代写-特易购公司的文化及伦理层面。伦理的特征通过组织的价值观、使命和利益相关者的维护体现在组织的服务中。特易购公司不能认为他们唯一的利益相关者是员工、股东和所有者。有必要了解客户的需求,看看他们是否能够从产品中获得满足。乐购的文化融合了结构、奖励、领导(Janda、Trocchia和Gwinner 2002)。乐购需要作为一个非常负责任的组织,致力于客户服务、环境、员工、社区和社会。当企业能够以道德的方式在外部和内部运作时,就能实现这一点。

The service blue print is the map or the picture that helps in showing the process of service in the service domain. This would help in understanding the way that the Tesco consumers would judge the services of Tesco. To build the service blueprint, there are most importantly five different steps followed. The different steps are as follows:
Action by the Customer: This involves the identification of the actions and the choices of performance of customers in the consumption, purchases and evaluation of service.
Onstage Contact: The face contact by the frontline employees with the customers
Backstage Contact: The activities that are invisible are looked into by the Back stage staff
Support Processes: The internal interaction and services that take place for supporting the workers in the service delivery
Physical Evidence: The exposure to the tangibles by the customers or through interaction
The following are the steps that are taken by the customers for buying the product Greek yoghurt:
The steps are followed for the purchase of the Greek Yoghurt. The customers primarily evaluate any type of problem regarding the product then it searches for the relevant information with respect to it. They also look for the alternative. After the consideration of the alternative of Greek yoghurt, they consider on making purchase decisions. After that, they are seen to purchase the product Greek Yoghurt. A post evaluation is done to look whether they are getting the maximum level of satisfaction from the product.
A practical approach has been undertaken for service blue printing by buying the Tesco labelled Greek Style Yoghurt from Tesco Egham. This would help in getting qualitative evidence of the approach and help in providing the feedback on the way the service blueprint looks for the Greek Style Yoghurt. Evidences are likely to furnish about what the customer is going to see and receive the step for customer experience (Kallweit, Spreer and Toporowski, 2014).
The service blueprint in this particular case involves a number of stakeholders. Among all the stakeholders, the most important one is the customers. The use of the SERVQUAL model will help in qualitative measurement of the quality of service. There are five categories in the model, which includes courtesy, reliability, competence, responsiveness and tangibles (Lee and Lin, 2005).
Application of the SERVQUAL Model
In order to apply the SERVQUAL Analysis, the questionnaires are directed to the customers, which would be highlighting on the five factors as it has been mentioned in the above section. The analysis would be focused on the customers and this will help in highlighting the differences in the perception and the expectation level of the customers. The customer’s judgment with respect to quality is what is considered in the model (Fernie and Sparks, 2014). The customers they are said to rate the answers for the different criteria relating to their perception and experience. The questions are generally answered on likert scale where there is range of options from ‘Strongly Agreeing’ to ‘Strongly Disagreeing’. The methodology will be applied for the service quality analysis, which is assessed through the five gaps in between the expected and perceived experiences by the customers. Gap 1 will show the diversion in the expectation by the customers and the idea of the management about the customer perception. Gap 2 will help in finding the mismatch in the management expectation. The service performance related gap which is Gap 3 could be the training, communication and the employee preparation for interacting with the customers. Gap 4 is the diversion in the delivery of the service and communication with the customers. Gap 5 will help indicate the different in the expectation and the perception of the services by the customers (Dabholkar, Thorpe and Rentz, 2013).

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Lisa does not have any past psychiatric history. However, she had a short term treatment for depression. She had suffered from depression, when she was15 years old. She was not able to see that her father is living a happy life with his new family and her mother is living in depression and trauma. She suffered from withdrawal symptoms and a teacher at her school recognized her symptoms. She was referred to the mental health care service from school counsellor. The symptoms of the depression were mild and for a year, she was on depression medication and talk therapy for 2 months. Since then Lisa does not have any of such problem or had not received any such treatment.
Past Relevant Medial History
Except depression, she does not have any past relevant medical history. She had been found under the drug abuse at the age of 17 years. She had undergone the cocaine treatment for 2 years. She received psychological therapy treatment and medication for this treatment.
Current Medication and Dosage
Currently, she is not using any kind of medication.
Alcohol and Drug History
Lisa has the history of alcohol and drug abuse. She has been taking cocaine since she was 17 years old. She was sent to rehabilitation and received treatment for 2 years. However, she again started taking cocaine (in small amount and occasionally) and using alcohol every day. She felt the high demand of perfectionism in her life. She loves getting admiration from other, but always emotionally distant herself from other, when they try to come close to her. She started using alcohol and drugs to fill her inner emptiness. The people suffering with Narcissistic Personality Disorder are often vulnerable and addicted to drugs and alcohol. According to the study of Karakoula and Triliva (2016), narcissists are often considered as the substance-dependent populations. The patient suffers from vulnerability to grandiosity, which often leads to alcohol and drug abuse.
Family history
Family history of the patient suggests that she lived alone with her mother after her father left them. Her mother suffered depression and trauma of separation and was not able to give much attention to Lisa. Her mother had become an alcoholic. She died three years back due to cardiac arrest. Since then Lisa is living alone and does not have any extended family to support her. Her father and his family lives interstate and she has not seen them since years. She lives in a one bedroom house alone.
Personal History
Lisa was always a very shy child and she found difficulty in making friends. At school, she was diagnosed with depression for which she received the brief treatment. She completed her schooling and then completed her graduation from distant learning. She completed her collage studies in management. She never had any intimate relationships, though she liked a boy when she was in college. She currently works in a big corporation at the position of a manager and she is very good at her work. She is unmarried and does not have any plans to get married. Her favourite pass time is to sit at home watching television and “getting high”.

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