


第三个问题是缺乏事实信息(Bell 38)。作者试图用当地机构的直接摘录来支持这些论点,并且已经提到了商店的数量,但在未来的消费率、模式、原因和增长分析方面的事实是不充分的。这些都使争论变得软弱(Moller 111)。因为这是一个实时的主动性,需要高质量的证据。它可以通过图表、图表或视频来支持,可以立即引导人们了解情况。

最后一个问题是所有论点的广义观点。文章中介绍了非法大麻商店的常见事件或后果。如果有一个具体的案例研究(Puri 52-79),它就会更有效率。由于大约有44家大麻店,作者可能会让其中一个去了解顾客的功能,顾客的反应,以及他们未来的建议,以便更好地给读者提供一个更好的想法。这是一种比详细的通用信息列表(Vogt 12-15)更好的通信方式。这也是提高文章质量和可读性的有效方法。


The third issue is the lack of factual information (Bell 38). The author has attempted to support the arguments with the direct excerpts from the local bodies and the number of shops is already mentioned but there are inadequate facts on the consumption rate, patterns, causes and growth analysis in the future. These have rather made the arguments weak (Moller 111). As it is a real time initiative, there is a need for high quality evidences. It can be supported with charts, graphs or videos that instantly guide people about the situation.

The final issue is the generalized perspective of all the arguments. The common events or consequences due to the presence of illegal pot shops are presented in the article. It would have been more efficient if it had been supported with a specific case study (Puri 52-79). As there are about 44 pot shops, the author could have taken one of them to understand the functioning, responses from customers and their future proposals to give a better idea to the readers. This is a better way of communication than the detailed list of generalized information (Vogt 12-15). This is also an efficient way to improve the quality and readability of the article.