标签存档: 代写留学生论文



生物降解聚合物是一类可以分解为天然化合物的特殊聚合物。这些被认为是一种可行的材料,可以替代石油基塑料(Anne, 2011)。由于其用途的增加和对环境的影响,越来越多的研究致力于生物可降解聚合物的开发。从研究分析来看,它具有最大的增长潜力。不像石油产品。这些产品可以被降解为环保产品(Anne, 2011)。近年来,由于石油基产品的有害影响,这些材料得到了开发。为了对这些化合物进行分类,了解它们的结构分析机理,需要了解基本的结构化学,发现它们主要由酯、酰胺或醚键组成(Ojeda, 2013)。

这些结构可以分解成对环境友好的化合物(Ojeda, 2013)。根据它们的用途、结构和生产方法,可以对这些生物降解聚合物进行分类。将生物聚合物分为两大类,分别对其可再生含量和生物降解程度进行了分类。在此基础上,将它们分为:由多糖和蛋白质组成的农业聚合物。从微生物中提取的聚合物,如聚羟基烷酸盐(PHA)。聚合物是从生物衍生的单体化合物如聚乳酸(聚乳酸)发展而来的。同样来自石油产品(Anne, 2011)。


Biodegradable polymers are particular categories of polymers that can break into natural compounds. These are considered to be a viable material that can replace petroleum-based plastics (Anne, 2011). Owing to their increased uses and their effects on the environment, more researches have been dedicated for the development of biodegradable polymers. From research analysis, it has proven to have the most potential for growth. Unlike petroleum based products. These products can be degraded into environmentally friendly products (Anne, 2011). In the recent times owing to the deleterious effects of petroleum based products, these materials are developed. There is a need to understand the basic structural chemistry in order to classify the compounds and understand their mechanism On structural analysis of these compounds, it has been found that they are primarily composed of ester, amide or ether bonds (Ojeda, 2013).

These structures can be broken down into compounds that are environmentally friendly (Ojeda, 2013). Based on their usage, structure and their method of production these biodegradable polymers can be classified. Biopolymers are classified into two main groups the classification is made on their renewability content and biodegradable level. Based on this, they are classified into :Agro polymers they are comprised of poly saccharides and proteins.Polymers that are extracted from microorganisms such as Poly-Hydroxy-Alkanoates (PHA).Polymers developed from Bio derived monomeric compounds like Poly Lactic acid (PLA).Also from oil products (Anne, 2011).

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

本报告以引言开始。它包含了基于比率和比例对公司的全面评估。方法部分描述了用于编写报告的技术,即比率和比例。报告中解释了不同比例的比例。然后在结果和发现一节中提供了比率的图表。在分析和讨论一节中,详细地用图形表示比率,并在图的每个分析部分中分别给出改进该比率的过程作为讨论。关于扩大业务的四种资金来源的建议载于备忘录格式的建议一节。在本作业中,根据公司提供的案例研究、损益表和财务报表,向Fairfield Ltd.提交一份报告。比率分析被用作分析数据的工具。对这些比率进行关键分析,并向公司提供改进的过程。

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

不仅如此,在对所有数据进行严格的评估后,还要向公司主管提出建议。Fairfort Ltd.推出了一种新的基于糖的能量饮料,目前市场主要面向苏格兰。但许多新订单来自希腊、德国和澳大利亚的市场。现在,该公司在苏格兰有业务扩展,数据仅基于此业务提供。因此,需要提供上述关键的评估和报告,以便公司获得其职位,并考虑在其他国家进行扩张。本作业采用上述比率分析方法,对结果进行了连续两年的计算。只有8个比率可以计算,因为在这种情况下没有关于债务人、债权人和存货的信息。如果有这方面的资料,可以将其他三个效率比率列入债务人的催收期、债权人的催收期和存货周转率。

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估

This report starts with an introduction. It contains a total evaluation of the company based on ratios and proportions. The methods part describes the techniques used for writing the report which is ratio and proportions. The different ratio proportions are explained which are being used in the report. A chart is then provided of the ratios in the results and findings section. In the analysis and discussion section a detailed graphical representation of ratios is done one after the other and along with each analysis part of the graph the process to improve that particular ratio is given as a discussion. The recommendation for four sources of finance for the expansion of the business is given in the Recommendation section in the memo format. In this assignment, a report is to be given to Fairfield Ltd. based on a case study, the income statement and the financial statement provided by the company. Ratio analysis is used as a tool for the analysis of data. The critical analysis of these ratios is to be made and the process for improvement is also to be provided to the company.

留学 论文代写:公司的全面评估
Not only that but also a recommendation to the director of the company is to be sent after critically evaluating all the data. Fairfort Ltd. has launched a new sugar based energy drink for which the market is made in Scotland at present. But many new orders are coming from markets of Greek, Germany and Australia. Now it has its business expansions in Scotland and data are provided based on this business alone. Therefore, it is needed to provide the above mentioned critical evaluations and reports so that the company may access its position and consider for expansion in other countries as well. The results are calculated in this assignment for two successive years by the use of ratio analysis as is mentioned. Only eight ratios can be calculated as the information regarding the debtors, creditors and inventories are not available in this case. If this information were there, three other ratios of efficiency could have been included as the debtors’ collection period, the creditors’ collection period and the inventory turnover ratios.



第三个问题是缺乏事实信息(Bell 38)。作者试图用当地机构的直接摘录来支持这些论点,并且已经提到了商店的数量,但在未来的消费率、模式、原因和增长分析方面的事实是不充分的。这些都使争论变得软弱(Moller 111)。因为这是一个实时的主动性,需要高质量的证据。它可以通过图表、图表或视频来支持,可以立即引导人们了解情况。

最后一个问题是所有论点的广义观点。文章中介绍了非法大麻商店的常见事件或后果。如果有一个具体的案例研究(Puri 52-79),它就会更有效率。由于大约有44家大麻店,作者可能会让其中一个去了解顾客的功能,顾客的反应,以及他们未来的建议,以便更好地给读者提供一个更好的想法。这是一种比详细的通用信息列表(Vogt 12-15)更好的通信方式。这也是提高文章质量和可读性的有效方法。


The third issue is the lack of factual information (Bell 38). The author has attempted to support the arguments with the direct excerpts from the local bodies and the number of shops is already mentioned but there are inadequate facts on the consumption rate, patterns, causes and growth analysis in the future. These have rather made the arguments weak (Moller 111). As it is a real time initiative, there is a need for high quality evidences. It can be supported with charts, graphs or videos that instantly guide people about the situation.

The final issue is the generalized perspective of all the arguments. The common events or consequences due to the presence of illegal pot shops are presented in the article. It would have been more efficient if it had been supported with a specific case study (Puri 52-79). As there are about 44 pot shops, the author could have taken one of them to understand the functioning, responses from customers and their future proposals to give a better idea to the readers. This is a better way of communication than the detailed list of generalized information (Vogt 12-15). This is also an efficient way to improve the quality and readability of the article.







The design and build contract industry in Hong Kong is rising in numbers. The capital invested in this industry and total value of the industry itself has risen over the years indicating a high level of commitment and growth. From quality, high rise buildings to office towers and more, the design and build industry’s growth in 2015 has been immense. Media reports and industry reports are seen to portray Hong Kong as a world leader in adoption of specialized construction technicians. The industry as of 2015 had a value of around HK$223.9 billion (US$28.9 billion). In 2015, the value of the industry had risen to around 12.1%.

In 2016, the estimated growth was 1.5% with a value of around HK$54.2 billion (US$7.0 billion) (HKTDC, 2016). Most export markets in the construction industry are from the Chinese mainland, Asian countries and lesser so internationally. However, this gives the industry better control. With around ten more projects added to the list of HK contract and builds as of August 2016, and the 13th five-year plan progressing, this industry will expect more value rise through the building of including trans-regional railways and highways systems. Given the value of this industry, it becomes critical to analyze the factors that could be undermining the growth of the industry.




研究发现,罗伯特·鲍勃·弗雷德里克·克利福德·奥博士出生在澳大利亚的塔斯马尼亚岛(Carland and Carland, 2015)。鲍勃有三个儿子,分别是克雷格、金和罗汉。在最初的几年里,鲍勃是一名专门的游艇爱好者,喜欢在学校、周末和学校假期(Carland et al., 2015)中航行。当鲍勃开始工作的时候,他觉得他的帆船运动很痛苦。在上学期间,鲍勃在几个科目上都失败了,这让他很惊讶,因为他甚至在木工方面都失败了。他的父亲是屠夫,在很大程度上没有帮助鲍勃。当他在起居室里(Fisher et al., 2014)制作了一艘14英尺长的木船时,这位木工老师大吃一惊。在他退休后,大部分童年时光都是和他父亲一起度过的。


在这之后,他说服自己继续留在水里,因为他已经钓了十年了。正是这种对水和航行的热情不仅激发了鲍勃,也创造了他的创业激情(Kozubikova et al., 2015)。鲍勃已经开始在他的房子的后院建造渡船在它被商业化之前。他从事渡轮业务大约八年,并专门花时间设计和建造渔船和帆船或渡轮(Carland et al., 2015)。因此,人们可以认为,正是由于对水运的强烈热情,才使鲍勃获得了他所取得的成功。当塔斯曼大桥于1975年坍塌时,鲍勃最终运营了两个轮渡业务,提升到五艘渡轮。


It has been identified from the research that Dr. Robert Bob Frederick Clifford AO was born in Tasmania, Australia (Carland and Carland, 2015). Bob has three sons namely Craig, Kim and Rohan. In the initial years, Bob was a dedicated yachtsman that enjoyed sailing after the school, during weekends, and school holidays (Carland et al., 2015). When Bob started to work, he felt that his sailing activities are suffering. During the schooling, Bob had failed in several subjects and this was surprising as he even failed in woodwork. His father was a butcher and did not assist Bob in much of the efforts. The woodwork teacher was taken by a surprise when he delivered a 14 foot long wooden boat that he developed in the living room (Fisher et al., 2014). Much of the childhood was spent with his father after his retirement on fishing.


After this, he convinced himself to remain on the water due to which he was fishing for over a decade. It is the passion for being on water and sailing that has not only motivated Bob but also created his entrepreneurial passion (Kozubíková et al., 2015). Bob has initiated to build the ferries in the backyard of his house before it was commercialized. He entered in the business of ferries for about eight years and dedicated the time to design and build boats for fishing and sailing or ferries (Carland et al., 2015). Therefore, it can be considered that it was the strong passion for the water transport that provided with the pathway to Bob for the success that he has attained. Bob eventually operated two ferry operations that enhanced to five ferries as the Tasman Bridge collapsed in 1975.






The book had been written in a typical style of provocativeness with a research related to subject matter and rich reference with respect to data. References and notes seem to be covering the entire book. The arguments of the author revolves around the issue of inequality but seems to be touching a number of different issues involved in competitiveness, accountability, justice, discrimination, democracy, social mobility and politics with the main view that each and every one of them are effective factors and are also impacted by the inequality.
A number of economists have been wrestling with the concept of inequality for a longer duration of time and proposed measures of public policy that would be mitigating the issue in a significant manner (Perry, 6). The problem related to inequality and distribution of income has been utilized by both aisles of right and left side related to the ideological division as a significant weapon of option. This is done for rejecting or supporting the role played by government in the affairs of economy. The right, according to the author, seems to be considering inequality as an unintended result of the system of market that rewards the agents of economy. In addition to this, the most significant argument placed is the one stated previously. This is that extreme comprehensive counterargument to both the theories, Republican laissez- faire and Democratic neoliberalism.
So long as the inequality of income is the reflective point of inequality within the capability, and nothing wrong can be considered regarding it except the encouragement of economic agents for improving the capabilities by their investment and effort. On the other hand, it has been identified by the author, there is rejection to this notion. In addition to this, it has been argued that failure in market is concentration of income and pervasiveness at the top most level.




温室效应是直接的结果。太阳能往往会产生大量的能量。可以看出,10千瓦的太阳能系统可能会产生57.5万千瓦时的电力。相比之下,类似数量的能源是由583000磅煤(Thompson 1981)产生的。






Some of the limitations associated with solar energy are that the whole procedure od setting up the plant of solar power is not very cheap; this is because of the kind of element used in the same.

Greenhouse effect is the immediate result. Solar energy tends to generate a lot of energy. It is seen that a 10-KW system of solar power might result in the generation of 575000 KW hours of electricity. In comparison, energy of similar quantity is produced by 583000 pounds of coal (Thompson 1981).

But, there have been companies which have started to produce solar panels which doesn’t require the expensive elements in the production. This has been possible because of the advancement in the technology and it is as effective as the previous technology.

A lot of money could be saved by using solar power. Using renewable source of energy would result in saving money as with the help of solar energy or other form of renewable energy, heating water would be very cheap as compared to other form of fuels like natural gas, propane or kerosene.

There are yet other forms of energy like wind energy, thermal energy and hydro energy which could be utilized on a large scale by firms and organizations to reduce their dependence on the traditional form of energy (Kawasaki 2004). This would result in saving the earth from the harmful impacts of pollution which is caused by using fossil fuels.

Hence, it might be very thoughtful to consider the fact that if we could save money by using renewable source of energy like solar energy then it is not efficient to use fossil fuels.





 Globalization is an unavoidable trend in modern society, it is regarded as a sign of the civilization of the modern world. This paper is an attempt to argue that there are both advantages and disadvantages associated with globalization, and hence the spread of globalization will not threaten local cultures.  Rather, the relationship between globalization and local culture is symbiotic. In this essay, there are five sources were used to as evidences. The first argument that will be discussed, is mentioned by Ritzer and it states that the development of McDonaldization is currently threaten by the local culture, languages and economy. At the same time counter arguments have been made by other scholars, which states that it will somehow stimulate nationalism to preserve local culture so as to prevent the growth of foreign culture in local culture. In conclusion, together with the benefits brought by globalization, there are also some limitations associated with globalization. However, although there are disadvantages that come with globalization, there is a lack of evidence in these five sources to support the argument that globalization has serious negative impact on local culture.Globalization is an unavoidable trend in modern society, it is regarded as a sign of the civilization of the modern world. This paper is an attempt to argue that there are both advantages and disadvantages associated with globalization, and hence the spread of globalization will not threaten local cultures.  Rather, the relationship between globalization and local culture is symbiotic. In this essay, there are five sources were used to as evidences. The first argument that will be discussed, is mentioned by Ritzer and it states that the development of McDonaldization is currently threaten by the local culture, languages and economy. At the same time counter arguments have been made by other scholars, which states that it will somehow stimulate nationalism to preserve local culture so as to prevent the growth of foreign culture in local culture. In conclusion, together with the benefits brought by globalization, there are also some limitations associated with globalization. However, although there are disadvantages that come with globalization, there is a lack of evidence in these five sources to support the argument that globalization has serious negative impact on local culture. According to Ritzer, when people talk about globalization, besides from the economic benefit and convenience that come with globalization; there are some important aspects which cannot be neglected. There are: environmental damage, the low-paid labour who work in MNC (Multinational -Corporation) and the fact that MNCs overpower the government. Due to the influential power that MNCs have, the entire market is actually control by the MNCs, including employment rate and giant demand from MNCs to the market, and thus the local economy and government are both under the impact of the MNC’s.



通过政府的大规模支出是因为政治原因而不是爱国的原因。[段2 ]根据Steven Chase邮报环球的一篇文章,加拿大就在2014的成员国试图增加国防开支对年度经济产出的2%北约盟国的协议;其他以硬目标的军事增加支出(追逐),加拿大和北约成员国政府已经在从美国和英国不断的压力,在强硬的声明说,联盟的标志可以应对危机情况二十八成员同意增加国防开支约占GDP的2%,当他们遇到在9月4日和5, 2014靠近加的夫。对于一个只在军费预算上花费1%美元的加拿大国家来说,这个提议是不可能的,因为加拿大纳税人开始认为这一举动是武断的。美国和英国是国家已投入2%或更多的预算,军队的一些成员。在加拿大的军事预算的增加,因此是仲裁和力量而不是自己的计划和实施,需要有政治动机的盟友(Campion Smith)。

如果没有适当的计划和实施,军费预算增加是浪费金钱和税收。如果按照盟国的承诺增加预算,它只会使加拿大成为盟友的妥协语言。现在加拿大不能也不应该承诺它不能坚持的东西。[ 1 ]引用“我们同意我们的北约盟友,重要的是要继续 增加国防开支,我们致力于这样做,”首相的发言人杰森麦克唐纳德在一封电子邮件中说,在2014年9月3日 。


The massive spending by Government is because of political reasons rather than patriotic reasons.[Para 2] According to an article in The Globe and Mail by Steven Chase, Canada came up with an agreement with NATO allies in 2014 where the member states try to increase the spending on defence to about 2 percent of the yearly economic output; other than taking a hard target for increasing the expenditures on military (Chase).The Government of Canada and other members of NATO have been in constant pressure from United States and Britain to sign on a stronger statement stating that alliance can reply to crisis situation as twenty eight members agreed to increase defence spending to about 2 percent of GDP when they all met on September 4 and 5, 2014 near Cardiff. For a country like Canada who only spends 1 % on military budgets, this proposal was out of the question as Canadian taxpayers began to see this move as arbitrary. United States and Britain are the few members of NATIO which have devote 2% or more budgets to military. The increase in Canadian military budget was thus a case of arbitration and force rather than its own planning and implementation and entails political motives with the allies (Campion-Smith).

Without proper planning and implementation, budget increases on military are a waste of money and taxes. If budget was to be increased as per the allies’ commitment, it will only lead Canada into a compromise language with the allies. Now Canada cannot and should not commit to something it cannot hold on to. [Quote 1] “We agree with our NATO allies that it is important to continue increasing our defence spending, and we have committed to doing so,” Prime minister’s spokesman Jason MacDonald said in an email on September 3, 2014.





Every organisation needs to have a leader as an individual leading a team or a leadership team to steer the company to new heights and take the company to a new level of success. When the leader is enthusiastic and willing to take the company ahead to a new path breaking position, he or she tries to impart the same in the team that is following (Giuliani and Kurson, 2002). The very decision of the leader to transform the company to a new level of growth enables the leader to choose a different strategy and varied activities which is completely different from the ones done earlier. This very change is what the leader is excited about and wills to instil the same feeling in the team to have a supernatural force of action from each of the member (Tracy, 2014).
The theory to be discussed here is the Transformational leadership style and how it is being observed and used in organisations. A transformational leader is the one who is interested to build long lasting, dependable, and strong relationships with the employees and inspire them with the charismatic and inherent personality to excite them about their own scope of work to bring about a massive change in the organisation. A leader is always with a purpose, especially the transformational kind because when the leader thinks and desires to transform the organisation into even greater valuable one it all starts with a strong purpose and the outcomes of the accomplished purpose are crystal clear in the leaders mind (Covey, 1991). When the outcomes are absolutely clear, it becomes easier to define the strategy and the action plan for achieving the outcomes thought about. However, it is to be seen of the transformational leaders are always aware of the uncontrollable factors that govern the conduct of any business and has the power to dismantle the built structure or resources in no time.