
personal statement 怎么写:员工整体士气影响因素的调查

personal statement 怎么写:员工整体士气影响因素的调查

在英国获得学位的医生与亚洲特定地区的医生之间进行了一项研究(Oikelome, and Healy, 2007)。证明了员工奖励、工作量、自由度和员工整体士气的影响因素。在2004年对1715名工作人员和助理专科医生进行了一项定量研究。在缺乏自主权和士气低落的情况下,有资格的海外医生填补岗位空缺,以延长工作时间。尽管困难重重,他们还是继续工作。在英国工作的医生却不是这样。这项研究指出,不仅仅是钱的问题导致医生在特定的环境中工作。除了钱,当他们来自其他国家的时候,劳动力资源是次要的(Oikelome, and Healy, 2007)。在这些系统中也观察到了先天的种族主义和制度性的种族主义(Oikelome, and Healy, 2007)。尽管有这些不利因素,医生们还是继续在新制度下工作,而不顾他们明显不相称的方面。这种形式的系统只能表明,它最终会导致员工士气受到影响(Oikelome, and Healy, 2007)。
如果不解决系统中固有的差距,就会产生大规模的问题。全球化应该只对社会产生积极的影响。劳动力的灵活性和为不断增长的跨国公司工作的人数的增加都被认为是积极的因素(Bradley et al., 2000)。此外,还重视外国直接投资比率、经济地位、可支配收入和国内生产总值如何具有积极的属性。自由化意识形态受到了更高的重视,新自由化意识形态似乎已经表现为只允许社会中的人们发生积极的事情(Bradley et al., 2000)。技术进步、基础设施建设、产品交付体系不断完善,产品设计和质量全面提高。各个领域的人们一直只重视全球化的积极特性(Bradley et al., 2000)。他们没有考虑到一些明显的问题,而是选择把目光从全球化的问题上转移开。外包的重要性日益突出。在过去的几十年里,人们越来越重视外包的概念,关于这个概念的争论也越来越多(Taylor, and Bain, 2005)。

personal statement 怎么写:员工整体士气影响因素的调查

A research was undertaken between the doctors who had procured the degree in UK with the doctors in the Asia specific region (Oikelome, and Healy, 2007). The factors of employee rewards, workload, freedom and the overall morale of the employees were proved. A quantitative study of 1,715 Staff and Associate Specialist doctors was undertaken in the year 2004. Overseas qualified doctors were filling to work for more duration when they did not have much autonomy and a lower morale. They continued to work despite the odds. This was not the case with doctors who were working inside the UK. This study points out that it is not only the case of money that causes the doctors to work in a specific environment. Apart from money, the labor pool is subservient when they come from other countries across the spectrum (Oikelome, and Healy, 2007). There was also innate racism and institutional racism that has been observed in these systems (Oikelome, and Healy, 2007). In spite of these odds, the doctors continued to work in the new system irrespective of their obvious disproportionate aspect. This form of system can only suggest that it will eventually cause the worker morale to be affected (Oikelome, and Healy, 2007).
There would be large scale issue if the inherent gaps in the system are not addressed.Globalization is supposed to have caused only positive effect on the society. Flexibility of the labor and the increase in the number of people working for the rising MNC have all been contended as the positive factors (Bradley et al., 2000). There is also importance given to how the FDI rates, economic status, disposable income and the GDP have been positing positive attributes. There is higher importance given to the ideologies of liberalization and the Neo liberalization ideologies seem to have manifested as an aspect that allows only positive things to happen for the people in the society (Bradley et al., 2000). There has been technological growth, growth of infrastructure, better system of product delivery and overall improvement in the product design and quality has been attributed in the current times. People across the spectrum have been giving importance to only the positive attributes of the globalization (Bradley et al., 2000). They have not factored in some of the post apparent issues and have chosen to look away from the problems of globalization. There has been growing prominence of outsourcing. In the past few decades, people have been giving more and more importance to the notions of outsourcing and there has been more debate on this concept (Taylor, and Bain, 2005).