


社区的现代化是在他们获得主权之后出现的。在此之前,英国已经有了统治者。毛利人社区从未考虑过融合毛利人首领的想法。值得注意的是,人民指出,毛利人制度的首领只负责征地和政治讨论的任务,从未被邀请参与行政一体化。从官方来看,毛利酋长不再被邀请参加政府的结构制度。最后它也在几天后结束了。因此,毛利人的酋长被派去寻找他们自己在经济和社会地位方面的职位。其结果是,他们被发现是多元化的,从领导权力和人民(Hujala, 2013)。起初,人们看到,选择和支持毛利国王的完整程序的结果是由泰努伊部落完成的。社区的国王被用来象征政治阶层和神秘团体的领袖。传统社会对毛利族国王的概念是高高在上的,所以当他们第一次了解毛利族国王的时候,他们觉得很奇怪(Lewis-Smith, 2013)。

由于政治问题和紧张局势,这一概念是从大约一百年后的欧洲模式借鉴而来的。毛利人国王在有限的地区有相当大的影响力,但是他们的权威从未得到任何人的认可。酋长们在政府的任何一个地区都没有发挥非常重要的作用,但具有讽刺意味的是,他们在邻近省份发挥了至关重要的作用。国王和他们的人的出现被认为是怀卡托人民和他们的情感的一个优势。代表其他毛利人团体的人们开始参加在国王宫殿举行的相关庆祝活动(McNae & Vali, 2015)。根据一句古老的谚语,“怀卡托是河流,陶皮里是土豆山的人”,它表明了领土、人民和领袖之间的关系。


Modernity in the communities came after they achieved sovereignty. Prior to that Britain had got rulers for the community. The Maori Community never considered the idea of integrating Maori chiefs. Significantly, the people marked that the chiefs of the Maori system were only counted for the task of land acquisition and the political discussions and were never invited for the integration of administration. Officially, it was seen that Maori chiefs were no more invited to the structural system of the government. Finally it ended in a few days time too. As a result, the Maori chiefs were made to search for their own positions in the economic and social status. As a consequence, it was found that they were diversified from the leadership authority and the people, too (Hujala, 2013).Initially, it was seen that the result of a complete procedure of selecting and supporting a Maori King was done by the Tainui Tribe. The king of the community was used to symbolise a leader in the political level and mystical enrolment.The traditional society was aloft of the concept of Maori king and hence they found it real strange when they came to know about it at first (Lewis-Smith, 2013).

The concept was taken from a European model about a hundred years from now as a result of the political issues and tensions. Maori kings had a very considerable amount of influence in limited areas but the authority that it worked with was never approved by anyone.The chiefs do not play a very important role in any of the parts of the government but ironically they played a vital role in the neighbourhood provinces. The presence of kings and their men was considered as an advantage to the Waikato people and their sentiments. People representing other Maori groups started attending relevant celebrations at the palace of the king (McNae & Vali, 2015). According to an old proverb, “Waikato is the River, Taupiri the Mountain Potatau the man”, it shows the relation of territory, the people and the leader.